Lake Shore 234, 234D User Manual

Rev. 1.7 P/N 119-026 1 March 2016
User’s Manual
Model 234
Temperature Transmitter
Temperature Transmitt er/Monitor
Includes Coverage for:
Model 2308-01 Benchtop Enclosure
Model 2308-12 VMEbus Rackmount Case
For Use with the Following Lake Shore Sensors:
Series CGR Carbon-Glass Resistance Temperature Sensors
Series CX Cernox™ Resistance Temperature Sensors
Series GR-200 Germanium Resistance Temperature Sensors
Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc . 575 McCorkle Boulevard Westerville, Ohio 43082-88 88 USA
E-Mail Addresses:
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Fax: (614) 891-1392 Telephone: (614) 891-2243
Methods and apparatus disclosed and described herein have been developed solely on company funds of Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. No government or other contractual support or relationship whatsoever has existed which in any way affects or mitigates proprietary rights of Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. in these developments. Methods and apparatus disclosed herein may be subject to U.S. Patents existing or applied for. Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. reserves the right to add, impr ove, modify, or w ithdraw functions, de sign modifications, or products at any time w ithout notice. Lake Shore shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
Lake Shore Model 234/234D Us er’s Manual
1. Lake Shore warran ts tha t t h is L a ke S hor e pr od uc t (t he “Product”) will be fre e fr om defects in materia ls
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2. Lake Shore warrants the Product only if it has been sold by an authorized Lake Shore employee, sales
representative, dealer or original equipment manufa cturer (OEM).
3. The Product may contain remanufactured parts equivalent to new in performance or may have been
subject to incide ntal use.
4. The Warranty Peri od begins on the date the Product ships from Lake Shore’s plant.
5. This limited warr anty does n ot app ly to defect s in th e Prod uct re sulti ng from (a) imprope r or in adeq uate
maintenance, repair or calibration, (b) fuses, software and non-rechargeable batteries, (c) software, interfacing, parts or other supplies not furnished by Lake Shore, (d) unauthorized modification or misuse, (e) operation outside of the published specifications or (f) improper site preparation or maintenance.
6. To the extent allowed by applicable law, the above warranties are exclusive and no other warranty or
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Lake Shore certifies that this product has been inspected and tested in accordance with its published specifications an d tha t th is pro d uct met its published spec if ic a ti ons a t the time of shipment. The accuracy and calibration of this product at the time of shipment are traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); formerly known as the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), or to a recognized natural st andard.
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CalCurve™, Carbon-Glass™, Cernox™, Duo-Twist™, High-Temperature Cernox™, Quad-Lead™,
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is a trademark of DuPont De Nemours.
Copyright © 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2003-04, 2009, and 2016 by Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission of Lake Shore.
Lake Shore Model 234/234D Us er’s Manual
Table of Contents i
Chapter/Paragraph Title Page
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 1-1
1.0 General .......................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Model 234 General Descript ion ...................................... 1-1
1.2 Model 234D General Description ................................... 1-3
1.3 Model 2308-1 Enclosure Description.............................. 1-8
1.4 Model 2308-12 Case Descript ion ................................... 1-8
2 INSTALLATION ............................................................................... 2-1
2.0 General .......................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Inspection and Unpacking .............................................. 2-1
2.2 Repackaging For Shipment ............................................ 2-1
2.3 Sensor Installation Recom m endations ........................... 2-2
2.3.1 Sensor Mounting......................................................... 2-2
2.3.2 Connecting Leads To The Sensor .............................. 2-3
2.3.3 Four-Lead Measurements .......................................... 2-3
2.3.4 Proper Shielding Techniq ues ...................................... 2-4
2.4 Sensor Measurement ..................................................... 2-4
2.4.1 CalCurve ..................................................................... 2-5
2.5 Power Connections ........................................................ 2-5
3 OPERATION .................................................................................... 3-1
3.0 General .......................................................................... 3-1
3.1 PCB DIP Switch Settings ............................................... 3-1
3.2 Output to Temperature Conversion ................................ 3-2
3.3 Output to Log(R) Conversio n ......................................... 3-3
4 REMOTE OPERATION ................................................................... 4-1
4.0 General .......................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Serial Interface ............................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 Serial Interface Connect i ons ....................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Serial Interface Operati on ........................................... 4-2
4.1.3 QuickBasic Programming Considerations .................. 4-3
4.1.4 QuickBasic Sample Program ...................................... 4-4
4.2 Serial Interface Comman d S ummary ............................. 4-5
5 SERVICE ......................................................................................... 5-1
5.0 General .......................................................................... 5-1
5.1 General Troubleshooting ................................................ 5-1
5.1.1 No Output (On-Board LED Off) ................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Output Stops Before Reaching Upper Limit ................ 5-1
5.1.3 Resistance Readings Are Incorrect ............................ 5-1
5.1.4 Open Condition ........................................................... 5-1
5.2 Model 234 Connectors ................................................... 5-2
5.3 CalCurve Field Installation ............................................. 5-3
Lake Shore Model 234/234D Us er’s Manual
ii Table of Contents
Chapter/Paragraph Title Page
5.4 Calibration ..................................................................... 5-5
5.4.1 Required Equipment .................................................. 5-6
5.4.2 Preparation and General Test .................................... 5-6
5.4.3 Calibration With Range Switches ............................... 5-7
5.4.4 Calibration With Serial I nterface Commands ............. 5-9
5.4.5 Calibration Verification ..............................................5-11
6 OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES .................................................... 6-1
6.0 General.......................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Enclosures ..................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Options .......................................................................... 6-1
6.3 Accessories ................................................................... 6-2
6.4 Wires ............................................................................. 6-2
6.5 Sensors ......................................................................... 6-3
6.6 Special Equipment ........................................................ 6-3
Figure No. Title Page
1-1 Typical Model 234 Front Panel ................................................ 1-3
1-2 Model 234D Dimensions & Front Panel ................................... 1-4
1-3 Model 2308-1 Enclosure Physical Dimensions ........................ 1-9
1-4 Model 2308-12 Case Physical Dimensions .............................1-10
2-1 Typical Model 234 to Sensor Con nec tio ns ............................... 2-3
2-2 Typical Wall Plug-In Power Supply .......................................... 2-6
3-1 Model 234 DIP Switch (S1) Settings ........................................ 3-1
4-1 Serial I/O (RJ11) Connector Pin Definitions ............................. 4-1
4-2 Serial Interface Connect i ons .................................................... 4-2
5-1 Front Panel Connector Detail s ................................................. 5-2
5-2 VMEbus Connector Details ...................................................... 5-3
5-3 Model 234 PCB Layout ............................................................ 5-4
Table No. Title Page
1-1 Model 234 Specifications ......................................................... 1-5
1-2 Model 2308-12 Case Specifications ......................................... 1-8
3-1 Conversion Parameters f or Temperature in K .......................... 3-2
4-1 Serial Interface Specific ations .................................................. 4-1
Lake Shore Model 234/234D Us er’s Manual
Introduction 1-1
The Model 234 is designed an d manufactured in the USA by Lake S hore Cryotronics, Inc. In general, references to the Model 234 applies to both the Model 234 Transmitter and 234D Transmitter/Monitor. Specific references are made where appropriate. This chapter provides a General Des cription of the Model 234 in Paragraph 1.1, Model 234D General Description in Paragraph 1.2, Model 2308-1 Enclosure Description in Paragraph 1.3, and Model 2308-12 Case Descript ion in Paragraph 1.4.
We welcome comments on this m anual. Although we try to keep it error-free, some may occur. To report an err or , describe it briefly and i nclude the appropriate paragraph, figure, table, and page number. Send comments to Lake Shore Cryotronics, At tn: Technical Publications, 575 McCorkle Blvd., Westerville, Ohio 43082-8888. This manual is subject to change without notice.
The Model 234 Temperature Transmitter sends temperature data from its position near a sensor to a data acquisition channel or strip chart recorder. A Model 234D also displays the temperature (or resistance).
The Model 234 operates with Cernox™, Carbon-Glass, Germanium, or other resistance temperature sensors. The Lake Shore CGR Series Carbon-Glass resistance temperature sensors are the best choice for a highly reproducible sensor from 1.4 K to 325 K and above in magnetic fields up to 19 tesla or higher. The Lake Shore GR Series Germanium resistance t emperature sensors are recognized “secondary standard therm ometers” used in temperature measurement u p to about 100 K for over 30 years. S ensitivity for both devices increases rapidly with decreasing temperature (both devices are classified according to their 4.2 K resistance value) .
Cernox, Carbon-Glass, and Germanium sensing elements are suspended in a strain-free mounting which causes the thermal path through the connecting leads, making measurement method and mounting critic al to accurate temperature measurements.
The Model 234 excites the sensor with a constant voltag e of 10 mV or less to minimize the effects of sensor self-heating at low temperatures.
Lake Shore Model 234/234D Us er’s Manual
1-2 Introduction
The Model 234 employs an analog control circuit to maintain a constant voltage signal across the sensor. A series of reference resistors convert the resulting sensor current to a voltage. A microcontroller reads the voltage with an A/D converter, calculates sensor resistance, and converts t he resistance to temperature by table interpolation (requires a CalCurve
for temperature conversion). The sensor excitation voltage is reversed each rea ding to compensate for thermal voltages and offsets.
A current of 4 to 20 milliamps representing either sensor resistance temperat ure or log transmits. The transmitted current changes linearly with resist anc e temperature or log. Output s cale depends on the selected temperature range. Several switch selected ranges are available. Hi ghest accuracy and sensitivity are achieved when the output is set for a narrow temperature band. A 0 to 20 mA output is also available to convert output to a voltage scaled from zero. A 500 ohm, ±0.02% output load resistor produces the maximum full scale output of 10 volts.
A serial interface (operating at 9600 baud) can be used for service purposes to read sensor resistance, temperature, and configuration, install and review the CalCurve, and calibrate the t r ansmitter.
A single +5 VDC supply power s Model 234 circuitry. The outputs are isolated so s ev eral Model 234s can run off the same supply without interference. +5 VDC can also be supplied from the pins on the VME bus connector.
The Model 234 is built on a standard A-Size VME Card. It fits directly into a s i ngle height (3U) VME card holder. The transmitter does not use the electrical bus format, only its physical shape and power supply.
The Model 234 Temperature Transmitter is available as a stand-alone unit or with one of two enclosures: a Model 2308-1 single space enc l osure (included with the Model 234D), or Model 2308-12 rackmount case that holds 12 units. See Figure 1-1, and Tables 1-1 and 1-2.
Figure 1-1. Typical
Model 234 Front Panel
(and Model 234D Rear Panel)
Lake Shore Model 234/234D Us er’s Manual
Introduction 1-3
In addition to Model 234 feat ures, the Model 234D also pro vides local display of the temperature or resistance of a single sensor via a 6-digit LED Display. It maintains full transmitter capabilities, serial interface commands, and curve format of the stand ar d Model 234. The display is upd ated at one half the rate of the transmitter output.
Choose to display temperature in kelvin (K) or resistance in ohms () by placing DIP switch S1 (see Figure 5-3), switch 7, to T (open) for temperature or R (closed) for resistance. The temperature display is capable of 1 mK resolution, but actual res ol ution is no better than the measurement resolution listed in Table 1-1.
Place S1 Switch 7 to R (closed) to cause the display to read in ohms (Ω). Note the display shows R, not log(R), present at the t r ansmitter output in this configuration. The maximum resistance resolution is shown below. The resistance display is capable of these resolutions, but t he actual resolution is not better than the measurem ent resolution listed in T able 1-1.
Display Resolution
0 – 1 1 – 10 10 – 100 100 – 1 k 1k – 10 k 10k – 100 k 100k – 300 k >400 k
0.01 m
0.1 m 1 m 10 m
0.1 1
1.00000 to 9.99999
10.0000 to 99.9999
100.000 to 999.999
1000.00 to 9999.99
10000.0 to 99999.9 100000 to 399999 Open
Model 234D front panel and dim ensions appear in Figure 1-2.
Lake Shore Model 234/234D Us er’s Manual
1-4 Introduction
Figure 1-2. Model 234D Front Panel and Dimensio ns
Lake Shore Model 234/234D Us er’s Manual
Introduction 1-5
Table 1-1. Model 234 Specificat ions
Number of Inputs: One Measurement Type: Four-lead Differential Sensor Type: Cernox, Carbon-Glass, or Germanium Resistance
Temperature Sensor
Sensor Units: Ohms () Input Range: 1 to 300 k Sensor Excitation: Constant voltage pinned at 5 mV or 10 mV
dependent on resistance range.
Update Rate: 4 readings / second (2 readings / second on Scale 0 only). CalCurve Storage: 1 curve, factory or field loaded into EEPROM via
serial interface.
Example Lake Shore Sensor: CGR-1-1000 with 1.4L calibration Temperature Range: 1.4 K – 325 K with CGR-1-1000 Standard Sensor Curve: Requires Calibrated Sensor and CalCurve Typical Sensor Sensitivity: –700 /K at 4.2 K –0.15 /K at 77 K
–24 /K at 10 K –0.02 /K at 300 K
Measurement Scales, Excitation, Resolution, and Accuracy:
Sensor Excitation Accuracy
Scale Resistance (Ω) Voltage (mV) Resolution (Ω) +(% Rdg + Ω)
0 1 - 6 5 0.0003 0.5 + 0.0006 1 4.5 - 12.5 5 0.0001 0.1 + 0.0013 2 9 - 60 10 0.001 0.1 + 0.006 3 45 - 125 5 0.001 0.1 + 0.013 4 90 - 360 10 0.003 0.1 + 0.036 5 290 - 1.25 K 10 0.01 0.1 + 0.13 6 900 - 3.6 K 10 0.03 0.1 + 0.36 7 2.9 K - 12.5 K 10 0.1 0.1 + 1.3 8 9 K - 36 K 10 0.3 0.1 + 3.6 9 29 K - 300 K 10 6.8 0.5 + 30
Measurement Resolution Temperature Equivalence:
±0.04 mK at 4.2 K ±6.6 mK at 77 K ±0.12 mK at 30 K ±67 mK at 300 K
Electronic Measurement Equivalence Temperature Accuracy:
±2 mK at 4.2 K ±18 mK at 77 K ±8 mK at 10 K ±1.2 K at 300 K
Measurement Temperature Coefficient:
Measurement Units: 0.0125% of resistance reading per °C Temperature Equivalence:
±0.18 mK/°C at 4.2 K - (0.126 ) ±18 mK/°C at 77.35 K - (0.0027 )
±0.8 mK/°C at 10 K - (0.0185 ) ±100 mK/°C at 300 K - (0.0015 ) Typical Sensor Calibration Accuracy: ±4 mK at 4.2 K ±45 mK at 77.35 K
±4 mK at 10 K ±250 mK at 300 K
Lake Shore Model 234/234D Us er’s Manual
1-6 Introduction
Table 1-1. Model 234 Specifications (Continued)
Typical CalCurve Target Accuracy:
±1 mK below 10 K ±100 mK 40 K - 100 K ±5 mK 10 K - 20 K ±1 K above 100 K ±25 mK 20 K - 40 K
Magnetic Field Use: Carbon-Glass: T 2 K and B 19 T. Cernox: Recommended. Germanium: Not Recommended.
Number of Outputs: One Output Type: Current source, isolated from power source.
Output or sensor can be grounded, but not both.
Output Range: 4 - 20 mA or 0 - 20 mA
(for 0 - 10 V with 500 , 0.02%, 25 PPM Resistor).
Output Compliance: 10 V (500 maximum load). Output Temperature Ranges:
0 - 10 K (Range 1) 0 - 100 K (Range 3) 0 - 300 K (Range 5) 0 - 20 K (Range 2) 0 - 200 K (Range 4) 75 - 325 K (Range 6)
4 – 20 mA Output (I/V OUT Switch in I Position):
Output Resolution:
Current: 1.22 µA (0.006% of full scale) Temperature Equivalence:
0 - 10 K 0.8 mK 0 - 200 K 15.3 mK 0 - 20 K 1.5 mK 0 - 300 K 22.9 mK 0 - 100 K 7.6 mK 75 - 325 K 19.1 mK
Output Electronic Accuracy:
Current: ±5 µA (±0.025% of full scale) Temperature Equivalence:
0 - 10 K 3.1 mK 0 - 200 K 62.5 mK 0 - 20 K 6.2 mK 0 - 300 K 93.7 mK 0 - 100 K 31.2 mK 75 - 325 K 78.1 mK
Output Temperature Coefficient:
Current: ±2 µA/°C (±0.01%/°C) Temperature Equivalence:
0 - 10 K ±1 mK/°C 0 - 200 K ±20 mK/°C 0 - 20 K ±2 mK/°C 0 - 300 K ±30 mK/°C 0 - 100 K ±10 mK/°C 75 - 325 K ±25 mK/°C
0 – 20 mA Output (I/V OUT Switch in V Position, 0 – 10 V Out with 500 Ω, 0.02%, 25 PPM Load Resistor): Output Resolution:
Voltage: 0.61 mV Temperature Equivalence:
0 - 10 K 0.6 mK 0 - 200 K 12.2 mK 0 - 20 K 1.2 mK 0 - 300 K 18.3 mK
0 - 100 K 6.1 mK 75 - 325 K 15.2 mK
Lake Shore Model 234/234D Us er’s Manual
Introduction 1-7
Table 1-1. Model 234 Specificat ions (Continued)
Output Electronic Accuracy:
Voltage: ±4.5 mV (±0.025% of full scale ±0.02% resistor accuracy) Temperature Equivalence:
0 - 10 K 4.5 mK 0 - 200 K 90.0 mK 0 - 20 K 9.0 mK 0 - 300 K 135.0 mK
0 - 100 K 45.0 mK 75 - 325 K 112.5 mK
Output Temperature Coefficient:
Voltage: ±1.25 mV/°C (±0.01%/°C + ±0.0025%/°C of load resistor) Temperature Equivalence:
0 - 10 K ±1.2 mK/°C 0 - 200 K ±25 mK/°C 0 - 20 K ±2.5 mK/°C 0 - 300 K ±36 mK/°C 0 - 100 K ±12 mK/°C 75 - 325 K ±30 mK/°C
(For full serial interface specifications, see Table 4-1.)
Type: RS-232C Electrical Format, Serial Three-Wire Connector: RJ11 telephone type jack
Ambient temperature range: 15 °C to 35 °C (59 °F to 95 °F) Power requirement: +5 (±0.25) VDC, 500 mA (234) / 750 mA (234D) 234 Size: 12.8 cm (5 in.) high, 18.5 cm (7.3 in.) deep, 3 cm (1.2 in.) wide 234D Size: 4.4 cm (1.7 in.) high, 23 cm (9 in.) deep, 14 cm (5.5 in.) wide 234 Mounting: Euroboard end panel and back plane. Transmitter
does not use electrical bus format, only its physical shape and power supply.
1. Product Specifications are subject to change without notice.
2. Total system temperature accuracy in a given temperature range is
the sum of the specifications given for input, calibration, and output.
Lake Shore Model 234/234D Us er’s Manual
1-8 Introduction
The Model 2308-1 Single Enclosure Case holds one Model 234 (see Figure 1-4). It is the same enclos ure that houses the Model 234D.
The Model 2308-12 VMEbus Rackm ount Case holds up to twelve Model 234 Temperature Transmitters. A +5 VDC power supply with universal input comes with the case. See Table 1-2 and Figure 1-5. See Paragr aph 2.5 for further information on the built-in power supply.
CAUTION: The Model 2308-12 bus is designed to power mul tiple Model 234s and may not be used with standard VME cards.
Table 1-2. Model 2308-12 Case Specifications
No. of Card Slots: 12 Size: 45 cm (17.7 in.) wide × 18 cm (7 in.) high × 26 cm (10.3 in.) deep Weight: 5.5 kilograms (12 pounds) Output Voltage: +5 VDC, 100 mV Peak to Peak Ripple Output Current: 6 amperes (maximum) Input Power: Universal 85 to 265 VAC, 47 to 440 Hz, 60 Watts Ambient Temp. Range: 15 to 35 °C (59 to 95 °F)
Lake Shore Model 234/234D Us er’s Manual
Introduction 1-9
Figure 1-3. Model 2308-1 Enclosure Physical Dimen sions
Lake Shore Model 234/234D Us er’s Manual
1-10 Introduction
Figure 1-4. Model 2308-12 Case Physical Dimensio ns
Lake Shore Model 234/234D Us er’s Manual
Installation 2-1
This chapter covers Inspection and Unpacking in Paragraph 2.1, Repackaging for Shipment in Paragraph 2.2, Sensor Installation Recom mendations in Paragraph 2.3, Sensor Measurement in Paragraph 2.4, and Power Connections in Paragraph 2.5.
Inspect shipping containers for external damage. Mak e all claims for damage (apparent or concealed) or partial loss of shipment in writing to Lake Shore within five (5) days from receipt of goods. If damage or loss is apparent, please notify th e s hipping agent immediatel y.
Open the shipping containers . Use the packing list include d with the system to verify receipt of the inst rument, sensor, accessories , and manual. Inspect for damage. Inventory all components supplied before discarding any shipping materials. If there is freight damage to the instrument, file proper claims promptly with the car rier and insurance company and notify Lake Shore. Notify Lake Shore immediately of any missing parts. Lake Shore cannot be responsible for any missing parts unless notif i ed within 60 days of shipment. See the standard Lake Shore Warranty on the A Page (immediately behind the tit le page).
To return the Model 120CS or acc es sories for repair or replacement, obtain a Return Goods Authorizati on (RGA) number from Technical Service in the United States, or from the authorized sales/service repr esentative from which the product was purchased. Instruments ma y not be accepted without a RGA number. When returning an instrument for service, Lake S hore must have the following information before attempting any repair.
1. Instrument model and serial number .
2. User name, company, address, and ph one number.
3. Malfunction symptoms.
4. Descr i ption of system.
5. Returned Goods Authorization (RGA) number. Repack the system in its origi nal c ontainer (if available). A ffix shipping labels
and FRAGILE warnings. Write R GA number on the outside of the container or on the packing slip. If not available, consult Lake Shore for shipping and packing instructions.
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