LaChapell Audio 503, 500 User Manual

500 Series
User Guide
PRODUCT SUMMARY (583E, 583S): The LaChapell Audio 583 series modules feature single-ended vacuum tube
preamplifiers designed for use in the “500 series” format. The microphone input configuration is based on the 992EG and consists of an input transformer with a turns ratio of 1:10 and one ECC83/12AX7 vacuum tube. The instrument input stage is transformer-less with the signal essentially going strait to the grid of the tube. The output stage utilizes premium Burr-Brown and THAT Corporation line drivers along with an 80% nickel alloy core transformer to generate a balanced line-level output signal. The model 583E features an ultra-clean transformer-less three-band EQ section with fully sweeping frequency controls and cut/boost settings of +/- 8dB... the EQ can run as an integrated EQ
(serving the preamplifier) or separate as its own autonomous module apart from the preamplifier.
PRODUCT SUMMARY (503): The LaChapell Audio 503 is a 3-band transformer-less EQ based on the EQ section of
the 583E pre/EQ. The 503 feature additional cut/boost range of +/12dB, 2-position high-pass and 2-position low-pass filters along with a gain trim stage of +/- 6dB.
Stated below are a few areas that you must take the time to read before you install and use your 583. You as the owner/user are responsible for completely understanding how to operate this device safely and properly.
UNPACKING: Inspect thoroughly. Although we take extreme care at final assembly and packing, things can
happen during transit. It is very important that you contact LaChapell Audio if there is anything broken or damaged upon receipt of package. Shipping is always insured and we will do our absolute best to satisfy any legitimate claim as long as it is made within 7 days of receipt. Included in every package should be: (1) prelimi­nary operating manual, (1) packet of mounting screws, (1) registration card. It is a good idea for you to retain the packaging (box & foam case) in case there is a need to return the unit for service or repair at a later date.
SERVICE/REPAIR: With the exception of tube replacement (see below) the user should NOT
attempt to service this unit in any way, due to the risk of electrical shock and the presents of lethal voltages inside the 583 while powered. Only LaChapell Audio personnel are to perform maintenance and service activities. The user should also take note that excessive ‘swapping’ of tubes will Introduce undue wear on the tube socket. It is therefore recommended that tube replacement be performed only when necessary and by technically competent individuals.
Tube replacement: Turn power supply off and remove 583 from the chassis, wait five minutes to allow the vacuum tube to cool before attempting to remove it. Using your fingers, apply a slight circular/rotating motion as you pull it away from the socket. It is important to replace the tube with the same type. When a replacement tube is installed double check that you’ve inserted the correct tubes into the 583’s tube socket BEFORE powering up.
NOTE: The 583’s standard tube is the EH 12AX7. However, there are many different ECC83/12AX7
variants that are virtually identical and can be used in either 583 module. These include: ECC803, E83CC, CV4004, 6057, M8137, C492, 7025 and the 5751 (you will notice a slight drop in gain when using the
WARNING: Warrantee may be void if tubes other than those listed above have been used at any time.
583E Controls:
Input Gain Control
Phantom Power
20dB Input Pad
Output Gain Control
High Frequency EQ Band
Polarity Reverse
Mic/Hi-Z Input Select
Hi-Z Input
Input Gain Control: Provides variable control over how much input source signal is driven onto the vacuum tube. Specifically, this control is posi­tioned after the Jensen input transformer and just before the 12AX7 tube. Think of this control as your “throttle” for tube coloration/harmonics (distortion).
Phantom Power (48v): This toggle provides a 48 volt supply of DC current for all condenser micro­phones. Each 983S is calibrated to exactly 48V during final assembly.
20dB Input Pad (-20): When engaged, micro­phone input source signal is reduced by 20dB. Specifically, this action occurs before the Jensen input transformer. CREATIVE TIP: For near
transformer-less sound, consider engaging this pad function and compensate for the loss of gain by increasing the input gain control. This ap­proach effectively minimizes the gain coming from the Jensen input transformer while drasti­cally increasing the character of the vacuum tube (this is only possible with the microphone path).
Polarity Reverse: Reverses the polarity of the output line level signal.
Input Select: Alternates between rear panel mi­crophone XLR input or front panel ¼ Hi-Z input. Each position defeats the other.
Hi-Z Input: The Hi-Z input stage is transformer­less and operates with an input impendence of 100Kohm. It cannot make use of the -20dB pad.
Mid Frequency EQ Band
Low Frequency EQ Band
EQ Assignment Select (Auto Patching)
Output Gain Control: Provides variable con­trol over line level signal strength. Think of this control as your source for clean gain. Typically, this control is used to establish the desired line level after the input gain has been set.
High Frequency Band: Fully variable sweep range; 2.5kHz to 20kHz. Q value of 1 at +8dB
Mid. Frequency Band: Fully variable sweep range; 325Hz to 5kHz. Q value of 1 at +8dB
Low Frequency Band: Fully variable sweep range; 30Hz to 400Hz
EQ Assignment Select: Auto-patches the EQ to run independent or as part of the preamp output path.
Pre + EQ: In this mode, the EQ section is internally routed to serve the preamp’s output signal; effected signal is sent out the left bay output jack.
Independent EQ: In this mode, the EQ section is available as a completely independent module. The corresponding rear/right side XLR connectors are now active allowing you to use the EQ on any exter­nal souse while the preamp remains available on the left bay. In this mode, think of the 583E as two mod­ules.
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