1.1Precautions and hazards .............................................................................. 4 E
1.2Description .................................................................................................... 5 E
1.3Safety standards ........................................................................................... 5 E
1.4Technical data Z 300 .................................................................................... 6 E
Technical data Z 400 .................................................................................... 7 E
1.5Accessories supplied with each centrifuge unit ............................................ 8 E
1.6Warranty........................................................................................................ 8 E
2.1Unpacking the centrifuge .............................................................................. 8 E
2.2Transport ....................................................................................................... 8 E
2.2Required space ............................................................................................. 8 E
2.3Installation ..................................................................................................... 9 E
How to install and load a rotorHow to install and load a rotor
How to install and load a rotor
How to install and load a rotorHow to install and load a rotor
3.1Mounting and securing a swing out rotor...................................................... 9 E
3.2Mounting and securing an angle rotor .......................................................... 10 E
3.3Mounting and securing a hematocrit rotor .................................................... 10 E
3.4Overloading of rotors ..................................................................................... 11 E
3.5Removing of the rotor .................................................................................... 11 E
4.1Power switch ................................................................................................. 12 E
4.2Lid release..................................................................................................... 12 E
4.3Lid lock .......................................................................................................... 12 E
4.4Preselection of speed ................................................................................... 13 E
4.5Preselection of operating time ...................................................................... 14 E
4.6Keyboard - Starting the centrifuge - "quick"-key........................................... 14 E
4.7Key "stop"...................................................................................................... 14 E
5.1Temperature.................................................................................................. 15 E
Safety facilitiesSafety facilities
Safety facilities
Safety facilitiesSafety facilities
6.1Imbalance...................................................................................................... 15 E
Service and MaintenanceService and Maintenance
Service and Maintenance
Service and MaintenanceService and Maintenance
7.1Service and inspection of the centrifuge ....................................................... 16 E
7.2Cleaning the centrifuge ................................................................................. 16 E
7.3Cleaning the centrifuge after breakage of glass tubes/bottles ..................... 17 E
7.4Disinfection.................................................................................................... 17 E
8.1Emergency lid release ................................................................................... 17 E
8.2Check list / Trouble shooting......................................................................... 18 E
9.1Chart for determining g-values...................................................................... 22 E
General InformationGeneral Information
General Information
General InformationGeneral Information
1.1Precautions and hazards
Before putting the centrifuge into operation, please read this instructionBefore putting the centrifuge into operation, please read this instruction
Before putting the centrifuge into operation, please read this instruction
Before putting the centrifuge into operation, please read this instructionBefore putting the centrifuge into operation, please read this instruction
manual carefully.manual carefully.
manual carefully.
manual carefully.manual carefully.
The centrifuge must not be operated by unqualified persons not familar with the
correct use and intended purpose of the machine. Please use only the original
spare parts.
For personal and enviromental safety, special attention has to be paid to the
following precautions:
The Hermle Centrifuges are neither explosion proof nor intert gas shielded and
should therefore never be operated in explosion-hazardais locations.
Never stay in the safety zone of 30 cm around the centrifuge or deposite
dangerous goods inside this zone during centrifugation.
The centrifugation of the flammable or explosive or radioactive samples is not
Further more do not spin samples reacting chemically with each other with high
energy when explosed to air.
Never spin toxical or phatological material without adequate safety precautions i.e.
centrifuging of buckets/tubes without or with defective hermetic sealing is not
The enduser is engaged to performe appropriate disinfection procedures in case
dangerous goods have contaminated the centrifuge or its accessories.
The general universal laboratory precautions should be observed in case infection
materials are centrifuged. If necessary, please contact your local security officer!
It is prohibited to run the centrifuge with rotors not suited for this centrifuge model.
Under no circumstances, the lid at the centrifuge should be opened while the rotor
is still turning respectively running with a speed of more than 2 meter per second.
The following rules must be strictly adhered to:The following rules must be strictly adhered to:
The following rules must be strictly adhered to:
The following rules must be strictly adhered to:The following rules must be strictly adhered to:
Do not operate the centrifuge in case it is not installed correctly.
Never operate the centrifuge in a dismounted state ( e.g. without covering sheet
Do not run the centrifuge when electrical or mechanical assembly groups have
been tampered with by unauthorized persons.
Never use accessories such as rotors and buckets which are not exclusively
approved by
centrifuge tubes of glas or plastic.
Do not spin corrosive samples which may cause damages in material and impair
the mechanic resistance.
never operate the centrifuge with rotors or buckets which show any signs of
corrosion or mechanical damage
The manufacturer is only responsible for the security and reliability of theThe manufacturer is only responsible for the security and reliability of the
The manufacturer is only responsible for the security and reliability of the
The manufacturer is only responsible for the security and reliability of theThe manufacturer is only responsible for the security and reliability of the
centrifuge if:centrifuge if:
centrifuge if:
centrifuge if:centrifuge if:
The unit is operated according to the instruction manual.
Modifications, repairs and new adjustments are performed by HERMLE authorized
persons and the electrical installation of the location where the centrifuge is
operated corresponds to the IEC-regulations.
Hermle Labortechnik GmbHHermle Labortechnik GmbH
Hermle Labortechnik GmbH, except commercially available
Hermle Labortechnik GmbHHermle Labortechnik GmbH
The model Z 300 and Z 400 are a universal centrifuge which covers many fields of
applications by offering a wide range of accessories.
The centrifuges are equipped with the Hermle Standart-Control panel.
Speed and running time are set with easy to use control knobs.
The precise parameters selected are shown on the large digital LED display.
1.3Safety standards
The centrifuge corresponds to the general requirements set by German law for
medical apparatus, "MedGV" group 3.
The following standards have been considered for the production of our
- Accident prevention rules for centrifuges, UVV-VBG 7z.