ProBlot Hybridization Oven
User manual
Lit M00505
Rev 3 July 2019

Operating Features Rocking
Platform/Installation Care
page 4
page 5
and Maintenance
Troubleshooting Guide
Technical Support/Service
page 6
page 6
page 6
page 7
Your Labnet Problot hybridization oven uses internationally accepted graphic symbols to
help convey informat ion to the user and to call the users attention to important safety
precautions and guides for using this eq uipment. Use of this p roduct in any manner
not specified by the manufacturer may impair the safety protection provided by
the equipment and may result in physical damage and/or personal injury. Please
read all operating instructions in this manual prior to use of this equipment.
Indicates that user should consult manual further description or disc ussion.
Indicates AC “Power On” Indicates “Heating”
Indicates “Degrees C entigrade” Indicates “Tempe rature
”Indicates Potent ial “Shock Haz ard” Indicates Protective “Earth ground”
1. Although the Problot Hybridization system has been designed to minimize user
exposure to radioactive materials, proper precautions must be taken when using
radioactive material.
2. Always inspect the hybridization bottles, caps and seals before use. Do not use
bottles, caps or seals that are cracked or chipped. Ca p seals should be replaced if
they are severely deformed or discolored. Special attention should be paid to
inspecting bottle r ims / threads.
3. DO NOT take bottles to temperatures higher than 70ºC without opening and
the cap to relieve pressure build-up. Temperatures above 70ºC can cause
breakage of hybridization bottles. If chamber temperatures rise above 70ºC when
bottles ar e in use , DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN DOOR. Red uce the temperature
setting to below 70ºC or turn the power off and allow sufficient time for the bottles to
cool below 70ºC before opening the door.

This manual covers the specifications, operation and use of the Labnet series of
Problot Hybridization Ovens including Problot 6A and Problot 12A. Please pay special
attention to the Safety Precautions section in this manual.
Problot Hybridization Ovens from Labnet International provide extremely stable
temperature environments and smooth variable speed rotation that are ideal for blot
hybridiz ation and blot washing activit ies.
Labnet’s Problot Hybridization Ovens use microprocessor controls and mechanical
convection to maintain a stable temperature environment and to achieve fast chamber
temperat ure recovery after a door opening. The oven interior is c onstructed from
stainless steel for corrosion resistance. Problot rotisseries are easily removed from the
oven and are adjustable fo r either horizontal or more vigorous angled blot washing. All
oven doors have an integral glass window to allow observation of samples without
opening the door and each door is fully thermal gasketed.
The Problot 6 and 12 include a drip pan for easy clean-up of accidental spills.
Hybridization Bottles made of high quality borosilicate glass, which provides a high
level of protection from the 32P beta emissions are recommended for optimum
Problot Oven performance.
Chamber tem per atur e r ange
Accuracy / Uniformity
Rotisserie Speed
Optional rocker speed
Interior electrical outlet
Electric al R atings a nd Unit Siz e, Ext er ior Di m s ( WxDx H) Cham b er D im s (WxDxH)
Problot 6A &12A
120V, 50/60Hz, 6 amps 483x445x495mm 368x279x343mm
220V, 50/60Hz, 3 amps
Ambient +5ºC to 80ºC
+/-0.1ºC / +/-0.5ºC
4 to 20 rpm
8 to 40 rocks per minute
1 amp (on 120V Problot 6A, 12A models only)