Software Structure : Start up procedure 1.1
Software Structure : Service Menu 1.3
Software Structure : Utilities Menu 1.7
2 Description of sub menus
Service Mode
Service-Mode What for? 2.1
Access to the service mode 2.3
Optic-test 2.4
Mixer-test 2.5
Stirrer-motor-test 2.6
Heating-test 2.7
Port A-test 2.8
Port B-test 2.9
Keyboard-test 2.10
Display-test 2.11
Paper-empty-test 2.12
Chip-card-test 2.13
SD-card-test 2.14
Calib. temperature 2.15
Init sd-card 2.16
Param. im/export 2.17
default parameters 2.18
Quit service mode 2.19
2.Utilities menuUtilities menu What for? 2.21
Functions (overview) 2.23
The UTILITIES Menu 2.25
Printer 2.26
Port A 2.28
Port B 2.30
Beeper 2.32
Language 2.33
Date / Time 2.34
Reagent stirrer 2.35
PIN Code 2.36
cuvette test 2.37
Quit Utilities menu 2.38
Security code forgotten, what now? 2.40
Vers. 2 - Rev. 00.1
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
3.Demounting / Mounting the instrument
General Informations 3.3
Mounting CoaDATA 2001 3.4
Mounting CoaDATA 4001 3.5
Mounting the housing bottom of CoaDATA
Mounting the housing bottom of CoaDATA
Mounting the thermal block of CoaDATA 2001 3.8
Mounting the thermal block of CoaDATA 4001 3.9
Mounting the main board of CoaDATA 2001 3.10
Mounting the main board of CoaDATA 4001 3.11
Mounting the housing top 3.12
How to mount the membrane keyboard 3.13
Hints how to assemble the instrument 3.14
6.Software versionSoftware status CoaDATA 2001/4001 6.1
Software release notes 6.3
0.4Vers. 2 - Rev. 0
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
8.Spare parts
Manuals 8.3
Printed Circuit boards (PCB) 8.2
Keyboard Overlays 8.3
Housing 8.4
Cables 8.5
Thermal block for Micro cuvettes 8.7
Thermal block for FL cuvettes 8.7
Small parts 8.8
Consumable Material 8.9
ChipCARDs 8.10
9.Service AssistanceGuidelines for getting service assistance 9.3
Contact 9.4
10.Document release notes
Vers. 2 - Rev. 00.5
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
0.6Vers. 2 - Rev. 0
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
Document Status
1. Instrument version
Serial production
Hardware Version 2
Serial number
K 08 7 3014 upto running no.
2. Software version
Program version V 2.00.00 Feb. 14
Bootloader CD24-Bootloader V 1.00
3. Version of service
Rev. 0
Release October, 31
4. Author
Author F. Konetzka LABiTec
LAbor BioMedical Technologies GmbH
Vers. 2 - Rev. 00.7
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
This service manual is based on the Hardwareversion 2 of CoaDATA 2001/4001.
This version is the basis for all written documentation and drawings.
Program version V 2.00.01 Release Feb. 14
2008 is the basis for the software.
Modifications due to further development of this product might be possible.
This technical documentation has been developed for skilled technicians only.
It shall enable the technician to service the analyzer.
It cannot replace a thorough service training.
Ahrensburg, October 2008
0.8Vers. 2 - Rev. 0
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
CoaDATA 2001/4001 HW Vers. 2 is a further development of CoaDATA 2001/4001 HW Vers. 1.
This instrument is an opto-mechanical coagulation analyzer based on the turbodensitometrical
measuring principle. All routine coagulation tests can be run on this analyzer.
Instrument description
CoaDATA 2001/4001 is high integrated.
The user communicates via display and enters all settings by the membrane keyboard.
The measuring channels are selected by the keys CH1 to CH2 / CH1 to CH4.
Cuvettes are detected automatically.
The menu is selected by the < and > keys as well as the mode, Esc and Enter key.
Parameters are entered by the number keys.
The measuring channels are heated to 37,4°C in a thermal block.
In this block there are 4 additional positions for reagent bottles and 4 cuvette wells per channel.
In order to print the results a thermal printer is integrated into the instrument.
On the back side of the instrument is the socket for 115/230 V, 60/50 Hz power supply. Above the
socket is the switch for the power supply. I is switched on, O is switched off.
It is mounted in one module together with the voltage selector and the fuse holder.
On the back side of the instrument there is also one/two RS232 port for data communication with a
check box or an external PC.
Vers. 2 - Rev. 00.9
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
Security directions
Check whether the voltage selector is in correct position
before connecting the instrument to the mains.
Use only power cables with ground connection to connect the instrument
to the mains.
Use only power sockets with ground connection.
Never interrupt the ground connection!
Make sure the instrument is not exposed to humidity, explosive gases and
magnetic interferences.
Pull the power socket before opening the instrument.
0.10Vers. 2 - Rev. 0
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
Vers. 2 - Rev. 00.11
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
0.12Vers. 2 - Rev. 0
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
Software Structure: Start up procedure
Vers. 2 - Rev. 01.1
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
1.2Vers. 2 - Rev. 0
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
Software Structure: Service Menu
Vers. 2 - Rev. 01.3
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
Software Structure: Service Menu Contd.
1.4Vers. 2 - Rev. 0
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
Software Structure: Service Menu Contd.
Vers. 2 - Rev. 01.5
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
1.6Vers. 2 - Rev. 0
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
Software Structure: UTILITIES Menu
Vers. 2 - Rev. 01.7
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
1.8Vers. 2 - Rev. 0
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
Service Mode What for?
The service mode in the CD2001 / CD4001 gives you the possibility to check the individual modules
and funtions.
It can be accessed by authorized staff like the service technicians only.
The service routine is part of the operating software installed in the analyzer. According to the drivers
used in the installed software the individual functions can be tested.
The service mode has several test and calibration functions.
Test Functions
1. optic test
2. mixer test
3. stirrer motor test
4. heating test
5. Port A test
6. Port B test
7. keyboard test
8. display test
9. paper-empty-test
10. chip-card-test
11. sd-card-test
Calibration functions
1. calib. temperature
2. init sd-card
3. param. Im/export
3.1 Export -> SD-Card
3.2 Import <- SD-Card
4. default parameters
Vers. 2 - Rev. 02.1
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
2.2Vers. 2 - Rev. 0
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
Access to the service mode
The service mode is part of the installed software. A special number code grants access for the
technician. This code can be entered only after the instrument has been switched on.
1. Switch on the analyzer
reading parameters from internal
Coa DATA 4001 LABiTec GmbH
While the upper line is displayed it is possible to enter the number code.
Coa DATA 4001 V2.00.00 (c) Feb 14 2008
- Each key stroke is confirmed by a beep tone.
- It is not possible to correct the entry.
- To repeat the number code the analyzer has to be switched off and on again.
If the number code was entered successfully the service mode will be opened.
It will be displayed as follows:
The number code 2 2 9 2 6
The number code is secret and shall not be made accessible to unauthorized personnel.
LABiTec GmbH
SERVICE select:
< optic-test >
opens the service menu.
Vers. 2 - Rev. 02.3
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
SERVICE select: < optic-test >
By pressing the Enter key the following function will open.
1: 0 LED 2: 0 128 photo 151
Enter the reference value for the LED and confirm with the Enter key. The LED will have the
necessary brightness. The receiving signal of the photo transistor will be displayed.
1:4095 LED 2:4095 65535 photo 65535
By pressing the Enter key the parameters for the next channel can be entered.
Pressing the CH3 or CH4 key the display will show the channels 3 and 4
1:4095 LED 2:4095 65535 photo 65535
Pressing the CH1 or CH2 key the display will show the channels 1 and 2
In this function the reference value for the LED is not a fixed lamp voltage.
It is rather a PWM
The lamp intensity canNOT be regulated with this test.
The photo transistor signal depends on the instrument. There may be deviations between all
Minimum Maximum Unit
0 4095 Digit 0 = off
100 65535 Digit
Minimum Maximum Unit Photosensor
0 100 Digit > / = 1000
400 1300 Digit > / = 65535
Exit this function
By pressing the ESC-key once this function can be exited.
The LEDs remain switched on.
PWM-Signal= pulse width modulated signal
Option only available in CoaDATA 4001
2.4Vers. 2 - Rev. 0
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
SERVICE select: < mixer-test >
By pressing the Enter key this function will open.
Moto 0 0 0 0 rpm 0 0 0 0
Enter the reference motor revolution value and confirm with Enter. The motor will turn accordingly.
The receiving signal of the IR reflecting light barrier will display the revolutions.
Moto 500 500 500 500 rpm 500 500 500 500
By pressing the Enter key you can change to the next channel.
Minimum Maximum Unit
0 0 = off
190 999 Rpm
Minimum Maximum Unit Tolerance
200 500 Rpm + / - 50
Exit this function
You can leave this function by pressing the ESC key once.
The motors continue functioning.
Vers. 2 - Rev. 02.5
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
SERVICE select:
By pressing the Enter key this function will open.
1=on 0=off 0 rpm
Here you can check the reagent stirrer motor. You will need a GW15 bottle filled with 5ml AquaBidest and a 3x13 mm teflon stirrer.
Put the bottle into the left reagent well of the thermal block.
By pressing the keys 0 or 1 the display shows the actual stirrer motor speed.
1=on 0=off 250 rpm
After being switched on the teflon stirrer must turn in the reagent bottle.
Target speed Unit
0 0 Rpm 0 = off
1 250 Rpm + / - 50
Exit this function
You can leave this function by pressing the ESC key once.
The motor will stay switched on or off.
2.6Vers. 2 - Rev. 0
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
SERVICE select: < heating-test >
By pressing the Enter key this function will open..
Heating: 0 % NTC: 27600
Here you can check the heating and the temperature sensor.
When you start the test the heating is turned off which means 0% performance.
Enter a value between 1 and 100% and the heating will be switched on by checking the pulse-pause
If you want to check whether the temperature sensor and the heating work read the NTC value. If this
value falls while the thermal block temperature rises the heating is switched on.
In this mode it is possible to heat the thermal block up to 70°C.
Minimum Maximum Unit
0 100 % 0 = off
Exit this function
Before leaving this function put the heating back to 0% that means switch it off.
You can leave this function by pressing the ESC key.
Vers. 2 - Rev. 02.7
Service Manual CoaDATA 2001
Service Manual CoaDATA 4001
Port A-test
SERVICE select: < Port A-test >
By pressing the Enter-key you will open this function.
Port A-test 9600 baud
Here you can check the serial port. You will need a special test plug which can be ordered as „service
tool“ .
The functions TxD => RxD will be checked
After plugging in the test plug the keys of the membrane keyboard can be pressed and will be
confirmed by a beeping signal.
If the serial port functions the key code will be displayed and another beep can be heard.
The key codes:
Key Code Key Code
0 0 CH1 A
1 1 CH2 B
2 2 CH3 C
3 3 CH4 D
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
< <0d><0a>
> >
Mode Mode<0d><0a>
Enter Mode<0d><0a> Starts Repeat-mode
ESC ESC Test End
With the Enter key you will get into the Repeat mode which will continuously transmit the code for the
last pressed key to the serial port.
Exit this function
You can leave this function by pressing the ESC key.
2.8Vers. 2 - Rev. 0
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