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•SteamScrubber® & FlaskScrubber® Glassware Washers carry a two-year warranty from date
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Part #7392907, Rev. B
ECO H435
Freeze Dry Process 1
Freeze Dry Rates 2
Freeze Dry Capacity 3
Samples Containing Volatile Substances 4
About This Manual 4
Typographical Conventions 6
Congratulations on your purchase of a Labconco FreeZone® Clear
Stoppering Chamber, which is designed for laboratory
lyophilization procedures. The unit is easy to install and maintain.
Proper care and maintenance of this product will result in many
years of dependable service.
Freeze Dry Process
Freeze drying is an important process in sample preparation and
for the preservation and storage of biologicals, pharmaceuticals
and foods. Of the various methods of dehydration, freeze drying
(lyophilization) is especially suited for substances that are heat
sensitive. Other than food processing (e.g., coffee, whole dinners),
freeze drying has been extensively used in the development of
pharmaceuticals (e.g., antibiotics) and preservation of biologicals
(e.g., proteins, plasma, viruses and cell lines). The nondestructive
nature of this process has been demonstrated by the retention of
viability in freeze dried viruses and microorganisms.
Freeze drying is a process whereby water or other solvent is
removed from frozen material by converting the frozen water
directly into vapor without the intermediate formation of liquid
water. The basis for this sublimation process involves the
absorption of heat by the frozen sample in order to vaporize the
ice; the use of a vacuum pump to enhance the removal of water
vapor from the surface of the sample; the transfer of water vapor to
a collector; and the removal of heat by the collector in order to
condense the water vapor. In essence, the freeze dry process is a
balance between the heat absorbed by the sample to vaporize the
ice and the heat removed from the collector to convert the water
vapor into ice.
Product Service: Domestic 1-800-522-7658, International 816-333-8811
Chapter 1: Introduction
Freeze Dry Rates
The efficiency of the freeze drying process is dependent upon the
surface area and the thickness of the sample, the collector
temperature and vacuum obtained, the eutectic point and solute
concentration of the sample. It is important to remember these
factors when trying to obtain efficient utilization of your freeze dry
system. A listing of selected materials and their approximate
drying times are shown in Table 1 for your reference.
*Total sample quantities are contingent on various freeze dryer capacities.
Up to the point of overloading the system, the greater the surface
area of the sample, the faster the rate of freeze drying. By contrast,
for a given surface area, the thicker the sample the slower the rate
of freeze drying. This is based on the fact that the heat of
sublimation is usually absorbed on one side of the frozen sample
and must travel through the frozen layer to vaporize water at the
other surface. In addition, as the sample is freeze dried, the water
vapor must travel through the layer of dried material. The thicker
the sample, the greater the chance that the dried layer may collapse
which would cause an additional decrease in the rate of freeze
The surface area and thickness of the sample can usually be
ignored when each sample contains only a few milliliters.
However, for larger volumes, the samples should be shell frozen to
maximize the surface area and minimize the thickness of the
sample. The volume of the freeze dry flask should be two to three
times the volume of the sample.
Table 1
Product Service: Domestic 1-800-522-7658, International 816-333-8811
Chapter 1: Introduction
In order for lyophilization to occur, ice must be removed from the
frozen sample via sublimation. This is accomplished by the
collector and the vacuum pump. The collector, which should be at
least 15 to 20°C colder than the eutectic temperature (melting
temperature) of the sample, traps vapor as ice. Since the vapor
pressure at the collector is lower than that of the sample, the flow
of water vapor is from the sample to the collector. Since this vapor
diffusion process occurs very slowly under normal atmospheric
conditions, a good vacuum is essential to maintain an efficient rate.
In many applications, the maintenance of a vacuum of 0.133 mBar
or less is recommended.
The rate of freeze drying is directly proportional to the vapor
pressure and the vapor pressure is dependent upon both eutectic
temperature and solute concentration of the sample. For example,
a solution of sodium chloride and water would freeze dry at a
slower rate than pure water. The eutectic temperature of a sodium
chloride solution is about –21°C and at this temperature the vapor
pressure is about 1/16 that of water at 0°C. Although the eutectic
temperature is not dependent upon the concentration of sodium
chloride, the vapor pressure of the water would decrease as the
concentration of sodium chloride increased. This is due to the fact
that as the solute concentration increases, less of the surface area of
the frozen sample is occupied by water. In general, most solutions
or biological samples will have a eutectic temperature of –10° to
–25°C. However, if the sample contains a simple sugar such as
glucose or if the sample is animal or plant tissue, the eutectic
temperature may be as low as –30° to –50°C.
Freeze Dry Capacity
The volume of a sample that can be freeze dried at one time is
related to factors discussed previously and the size and design of
the freeze dry system. With any given instrument, the capacity is
based on the surface area of the sample, the eutectic temperature
and concentration of the sample and the rate and amount of heat
transferred to the frozen sample. Of these factors, the eutectic
temperature is the most important factor in determining the amount
of sample that can be freeze dried at one time, particularly when
flasks are used. This is because as the eutectic temperature
decreases, the vapor pressure decreases but the rate of heat
absorption by the sample does not change. This tends to promote
melting of the sample, which leads to a marked increase in vapor
pressure and ultimately overloads the collector and vacuum pump.
Product Service: Domestic 1-800-522-7658, International 816-333-8811
Chapter 1: Introduction
If there is a problem with a particular type of sample melting when
placed on the freeze dry system, dilution of the sample with more
water or providing some insulation around the flask to decrease the
rate of heat absorption by the sample may help. If the eutectic
temperature of the sample is –40 to –60°C, the freeze dry system
selected for use must be equipped with cascade type refrigeration
so that the collector temperature can be cooled to below –75°C, or
a dry ice/solvent trap may be used between the collector and the
vacuum pump.
Samples Containing Volatile
In certain cases the solvent in a sample to be freeze dried may
contain volatile components such as acetonitrile, methanol, acetic
acid, formic acid or pyridine. In addition to these substances
having an effect on the eutectic temperature, they may increase the
vapor pressure at the surface of the sample. Also, compared to
water, they will require the absorption of less heat for sublimation
to occur. Hence, samples that contain volatile substances will have
a greater tendency to melt, particularly when placed in flasks or
exposed to room temperature. If a sample containing a volatile
substance tends to melt when placed on a freeze dry system,
dilution of the sample with more water will help keep the sample
frozen. For example, a 0.2M solution of acetic acid is much easier
to freeze dry than a 0.5M solution.
About This Manual
This manual is designed to help you learn how to install, use, and
maintain your Clear Stoppering Chamber.
Chapter 1: Introduction provides a brief overview of the freeze dry
process, explains the organization of the manual, and defines the
typographical conventions used in the manual.
Chapter 2: Prerequisites explains what you need to do to prepare
your site before you install your Clear Stoppering Chamber.
Electrical requirements are discussed.
Chapter 3: Getting Started contains the information you need to
properly unpack, inspect and install your Clear Stoppering
Product Service: Domestic 1-800-522-7658, International 816-333-8811
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 4: Using Your Clear Stoppering Chamber discusses the
basic operation of your Clear Stoppering Chamber. Information on
how to load samples and run the Clear Stoppering Chamber is
Chapter 5: Maintaining Your Clear Stoppering Chamber explains
how to perform routine maintenance on your Clear Stoppering
Appendix A: Clear Stoppering Chamber Components contains
labeled diagrams of the components of the Clear Stoppering
Appendix B: Clear Stoppering Chamber Dimensions contains
comprehensive diagrams showing the dimensions for the Clear
Stoppering Chamber.
Appendix D: Clear Stoppering Chamber Accessories lists the part
numbers and descriptions of all of the accessories available for
your Clear Stoppering Chamber.
Product Service: Domestic 1-800-522-7658, International 816-333-8811
Chapter 1: Introduction
Typographical Conventions
Recognizing the following typographical conventions will help
you understand and use this manual:
• Book, chapter, and section titles are shown in italic type (e.g.,
Chapter 3: Getting Started).
• Steps required to perform a task are presented in a numbered
• Comments located in the margins provide suggestions,
reminders, and references.
• Critical information is presented in boldface type in paragraphs
that are preceded by the exclamation icon. Failure to comply
with the information following an exclamation icon may result
in injury to the user or permanent damage to your Freeze
• Important information is presented in capitalized type in
paragraphs that are preceded by the pointer icon. It is
imperative that the information contained in these paragraphs
be thoroughly read and understood by the user.
Product Service: Domestic 1-800-522-7658, International 816-333-8811
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