LABCONCO CORPORATION 8811 Prospect Ave, Kansas City, MO 64132
(816) 333-8811, Fax (816) 363-0130, (800) 821-5525
Labconco Clear Drying Chamber 7442900
Labconco Clear Drying chambers are designed for laboratory lyophilization procedures. They
provide a means to freeze dry large samples and observe them throughout the lyophilization
process. Their operation requires that they attach to a freeze dry system. The small chamber
(Labconco part number 7442900) attaches to any FreeZone 1, 2.5, 4.5, 6, 12, or 18 Liter Freeze
Dry system. The large chamber (Labconco part number 7867000) attaches to any FreeZone 6,
12, or 18 Liter Freeze Dry system.
Installation on FreeZone 1, 2.5, and 4.5 Liter Freeze Dry systems
Top & Gasket Assembl
Clear Chamber
Base & Gasket Assembl
1. Remove the collector chamber lid and gasket that was received with the Freeze Dryer and
replace it with the base and gasket assembly supplied with the chamber.
2. Place the clear chamber on top of the base and gasket assembly.
3. Place the top with gasket assembly on top of the chamber.
Labconco Instruction Sheet 7417100, Rev A, ECO D164, 7/05 1 of 5
Installation on FreeZone 6, 12, and 18 Liter Freeze Dry Systems
Top & Gasket Assembl
Clear Chambe
Base & Gasket Assembl
1. Place the rubber gasket over the 3inch port on top of the base unit.
2. Position the base and gasket assembly on top of the gasket. When installing the large
chamber, make sure the lip of the gasket is facing upward.
3. Place the clear chamber on top of the base and gasket assembly.
4. Place the top with gasket assembly on the top of the chamber.
Labconco Instruction Sheet 7417100, Rev A, ECO D164, 7/05 2 of 5