Labconco 3410020, 3410021, 3410000, 3410001 Instruction Manual

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Protector Station
3410000 3410001
3420020 3420021 3420022 3420023 3420024 3420025 3420026 3420027
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Copyright © 2010 Labconco Corporation. Al l right s reser ved .
The information contained in this manual and the accompanying products are copyrighted and all rights reserved by Labconco Corporation. Labconco Corporation reserves the right to make periodic design changes without obligation to notify any person or entity of such change.
Labconco provides a warranty on all parts and factory workmanship. The warranty includes areas of defective material and workmanship, provided such defect results from normal and proper use of the equipment.
The warranty for all Labconco products will expire one year from date of installation or two years from date of shipment from Labconco, whichever is sooner, except the following;
Purifier® Logic® Biological Safety carry a three-year warranty from date of installation or
four years from date of shipment from Labconco, whichever is sooner.
SteamScrubber® & FlaskScrubber® Glassware Washers carry a two-year warranty from date
of installation or three years from date of shipment from Labconco, whichever is sooner.
Blood Drawing Chairs carry a ten year warranty.
Carts carry a lifetime warranty.
Glassware is not warranted from breakage when dropped or mi shan dl ed.
This limited warranty covers parts and labor, but not transportation and insurance charges. In the event of a warranty claim, contact Labconco Corporation or the dealer who sold you the product. If the cause is determined to be a manufacturing fault, the dealer or Labconco Corporation will repair or replace all defective parts to restore the unit to operation. Under no circumstances shall Labconco Corporation be liable for indirect, consequential, or special damages of any kind. This statement may be altered by a specific published amendment. No individual has authorization to alter the provisions of this warranty policy or its amendments. Lamps and filters are not covered by this warranty. Damage due to corrosion or accidental breakage is not covered.
Returned or Damaged Goods
Do not return goods without the prior authorization from Labconco. Unauthorized return s will not be accepted. If your shipment was damaged in transit, you must file a claim directly with the freight carrier. Labconco Corporation and its dealers are not responsible for shipping damages.
The United States Interstate Commerce Commission rules require that claims be filed with the delivery carrier within fifteen (15) days of delivery.
Limitation of Liability
The disposal and/or emission of substances used in connection with this equipment may be governed by various federal, state, or local regulations. All users of this equipment are required to become familiar with any regulations that apply in the user’s area concerning the dumping of waste materials in or upon water, land, or air and to comply with such regulations. Labconco Corporation is held harmless with respect to user’s compliance with such regulations.
Contacting Labconco Corporation
If you have questions that are not addressed in this manual, or if you need technical assistance, contact Labconco’s Customer Service Department or Labconco’s Product Service Department at 1-800-821­5525 or 1-816-333-8811, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Central Standard Time.
Part #3412800, Rev. -
ECO F833
Space Requirements 2 Clearance 2 Location Requirements 3 Exhaust Requirements 3 Electrical Requirements 3
CHAPTER 3: GETTING STARTED 4 Unpacking the Station 4-5 Initial Operation 6
Directional Airflow 8 Prefilter 8 HEPA Filter 8-9 Blower 9 Station Air Intake and Exhaust 9 Safety Precautions 10
CHAPTER 5: USING THE STATION 11 Fan Switch 11 Filter System Light 11 Dusting in the Station 12
CHAPTER 6: MAINTAINING THE STATION 13 Routine Maintenance Schedule 13 Service Operations 14-16 Prefilter Replacement 14 HEPA Filter Replacement 15 Resetting a Circuit Breaker 16 Setting the Speed Control 16
CChhaapptteerr 11:: IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
Congratulations on the purchase of a Labconco Protector Downdraft Powder Station. The Station is designed to capture and collect fingerprint powder to prevent its spread in the room environment and on you while dusting for prints. The Protector Station is the result of years of experience in manufacturing laboratory equipment, and users like you suggested many of its features to us.
The Downdraft Powder Station offers many unique features to enhance performance and flexibility. To take full advantage of them, please acquaint yourself with this manual and keep it handy for future reference. If you are unfamiliar with how downdraft stations operate, please review Chapter 4: Performance Features and Safety Precautions before you begin using the station. Even if you are an experienced station user, please review Chapter 5: Using the Station; it describes the station’s features so that you can use it efficiently.
This manual and other technical information is available in PDF format at our website:
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
CChhaapptteerr 22:: PPrreerreeqquuiissiitteess
Before you install the downdraft station, you need to plan the site for installation. Examine the location where you intend to install the station. You must be certain that the area is level and of solid construction. In addition, a source of electrical power must be located near the installation site.
Carefully read this chapter to learn:
Space requirements.
Location requirements.
Electrical power requirements.
Exhaust requirements.
Refer to Appendix C: Specifications, for complete station electrical and environmental conditions, specifications and requirements.
Space Requirements
The dimensions for the downdraft station are shown in Appendix B: Dimensions.
A minimum clearance of at least 6 inches (150 mm) is suggested on the top of the station to allow for the unobstructed discharge of filtered air.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
Chapter 2: Prerequisites
Location Requirements
Note: The station should be located on a flat, level bench or work surface for proper operation.
Exhaust Requirements
As stated earlier, the exhaust discharge of the station, located on the upper left side on the back of the station should never be obstructed. The station is designed to have its back surface pushed against a wall, but the top of the station should have no obstructions within 6 inches of the exhaust discharge.
Electrical Requirements
The Downdraft Station models have the following electrical requirements:
Model # Requirements
3410000 -01 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 1 Amp
3410020-27 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 0.5 Amp
Table 2-1
Note: An outlet with a circuit breaker rated at 10 amps for 115 volt models (5 amps for 230 volt models) should be located as close as possible to the right rear side of the station. Power cords supplied with the station are 3 meters (10 feet) long.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
CChhaapptteerr 33:: GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd
Now that the installation site is properly planned, you are ready to inspect and install the Protector Downdraft Powder Station. This chapter covers how to:
Unpack the station.
Install the station.
Connect the electrical supply source.
Tools required for installation the station include a flat-blade screwdriver, scissors, or a box knife.
Note: The station can weigh up to 75 lbs. (34 kg). Always follow safe-lifting guidelines when unpacking or moving the station.
Unpacking the Station
Carefully remove the outer carton and inspect the station for damage that may have occurred in transit. If the station is damaged, notify the delivery carrier immediately and retain the entire shipment intact for inspection by the carrier.
Note: United States Interstate Commerce Commission rules require that claims be filed with the delivery carrier within fifteen (15) days of delivery.
Do not return goods without the prior authorization of Labconco. Unauthorized returns will not be accepted.
If the station was damaged in transit, you must file a claim directly with the freight carrier. Labconco Corporation and its dealers are not responsible for shipping damages.
Do not discard the carton or packing material for the station until all of the components have been checked, installed and tested.
Product Service 1-800-522-7658
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