Lab Companion OF-01E, OF-11E, OF-21E Instruction Manual

Model : OF-01E/11E/21E
Manual No : 00HAA0001164 ( Version : 5.0 )
This operation manual describes the important subjects to maintain the product¡s functions and to use it safely. Especially, be sure to read <Safety Precaution> carefully before you use this equipment. Please keep this manual close to the equipment to use it after reading through it once. Please place it where the new user can find it easily for the safety use when you hand over or lend the equipment to others.
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Thank you for purchasing Jeio Tech¡s product. This operation manual forms a definition of warning marks according to the level of importance and danger in order to use the product safely and correctly and prevent the users from accidents or injuries. Hence, please use the product in accordance with the instructions.
Safety Notice
1) Caution This product can cause a big accident in case of improper use of inflammable and combustible solvents in the chamber. Also, operation in the high temperature might cause a mechanical trouble and quality deterioration due to the function and the characteristic of the product.
Safety Precautions
¡Danger¡ means that the user may have serious damage and even die by improper handling on this unit. ¡Warning¡ means that the user may have serious damage by improper handling on this unit.
¡Caution¡ means that the user may have minor damage and unit may have physical damage by improper handling on this unit.
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Although Jeio Tech thoroughly investigates the possibilities of dangerous situations from using the product, it is not possible to know every single danger. Hence, precautions described in this manual do not cover all the dangerous conditions. However, you can operate this product safer when you follow the directions in this manual. Please, be sure to pay attention to the directions and be cautious so that a mechanical trouble or an accident would not be occurred.
2) Warning mark of product The most important thing of the warning is a warning label attached to the product. It is located in front of the door. Be fully aware of the warning contents during operation.
※ Please change to the new warning label when it is unreadable from wearing out.
Please request the new label to us.
Copyright 2004 Jeiotech Co,. LTD. ALL RIGHT RESERVED.
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1. For Safe operation ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ .. 5
2. Purpose and peculiar of this unit............................................ 5
3. Installation............................................................................ 6
4. Notice.................................................................................. 8
5. Name of each parts............................................................... 9
6. Controller ............................................................................. 11
7. Maintenance of the unit.......................................................... 18
8. Action for malfunction ........................................................... 19
9. Warranty criterion.................................................................. 20
10. Disposal.............................................................. 20
11. Specifications ........................................................................ 21
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1. For safe operation
This equipment is not explosion-proof construction. Be safe while operation.
Don¡t put inflammable substances like organic solvents. In case of operation for the high temperature, the samples might ignite and explode from vaporization
in the chamber. Explosive materials are acetic acid ester, nitro compound, and etc. Inflammable
materials are inorganic peroxides, acetates, organic solvents, and etc.
This equipment does not have a hydrostat.
Naver put the sample on the bo Hom of chamber(heater blmd-patch) It can be danger of overheat or
a fire.
2. Purpose and peculiar of this unit
1) Purpose
(1) Forced convection oven is used for rapid dry for glass ware test of thermal hardness and
thermal variation.
(2) Forced convection oven is used for preheating before heating test and test of dry for
architecture component and electric component and thermal durability.
(3) Forced convection oven is used for self life test of food in harshness condition, humidity
remove, harden and soften test of food and chemical by heating, moisture removal in the sample and etc.
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Do not rebuild the equipment.
Do not use it for other purposes.
An electric shock or a mechanical trouble might be occurred from rebuilding or using it for other
2) Characteristics
(1) Forced convection oven is multi purpose instruments for Biotechnology, pharmacy, medical,
chemical, and biology. This has firstly developed CLS (Custom Logical Safe)-Control system for convinces in use and safety to user.
(2) CLS-Control System means ¡Control system which has logical safety device specialized for
individual model¡. Laboratory must have Thermal safety secure because there are a lot of inflammable reagent. This system is highest safety secure control device (patent no.
0397583 and 0328729) and makes the unit suitable for this kind of environment.
(3) This unit is designed to stop the Heater and Blower in order to protect the user from heat
when its door opened while it works.
(4) This unit has insulation for high temperature in the outside of the inner chamber and inside
of the door and also has Chamber Silicone door for high temperature therefore insulation is
perfect and heat lose is very low. (5) Triple observing window is good for insulation and observe. This is Optional. (6) Uniform temperature in the chamber is made by special design. (7) Easy to lock door opening system is used. (8) Safety circuit is used to protect the instrument from over charge and over temperature of the
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3. Installation
(1) Please check the following contents after opening the package.
Main body, Operation manual(1EA), Fuse(2EA), Shelf(2EA), Shelf guide(4EA)
(2) This unit is quite heavy. Please carry it with a proper moving tool or 2 people together.
Be aware of carrying since this unit is heavy. OF-01E : 36kg, OF-11E : 47kg, OF-21E : 59kg
(3) This unit will work correctly on proper power supply. Please check power supply and ID
Plate information are the same. User must use power supply connected earth and power
cord must be connected to wall outlet supplying ground point.
Connect the power properly with correct voltage, phase, and capacity.
Improper connection causes a fire or an electric shock.
Use the grounded power supply. Ungrounded power can give a serious damage to the equipment and the user. For the safety, do not
connect a grounding conductor to the gas and water pipes.
(4) Outlet should be located near the unit and shall be easily accessible.
Do not use an ejected socket or a double tap.
Cable damages or a fire can occur by an excess current.
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