Kuppersbusch CBP6550.0, BP6550.0, B6550.0 User Manual

and fi tting
Please read the users instructions carefully before installation of the appliance and before starting to use it. Please, store these instructions carefully.
Service and Customer Service
Phone: 0209;401/ 631 Email: kundendienst@kueppersbusch.de
Explanation for symbols and indications
2. Safety Instructions and Warnings ..........8
2.1. For connection and operation ....................................8
2.2. Switching On and Operating ......................................8
2.3. Oven ..........................................................................9
2.4. For persons .............................................................10
2.5. Before using the fi rst time ........................................10
2.6. Environmental Protection ........................................11
2.7. Energy information ..................................................11
2.8. Intended purpose. ....................................................12
3. Safety Instructions Microwaves ...........13
3.1. For all surfaces ........................................................13
3.2. Cleaning the oven door ...........................................15
3.3. Pyrolytic self-cleaning of the oven .................16
4. Before using the fi rst time ....................17
4.1. Important instructions ..............................................17
5. Accessories ............................................18
5.1. Glide-out shelves with folding clip ...........................19
5.2. Glide-out shelves with direct clip .............................19
5.3. Cleaning the oven accessories ................................20
6. Maintenance work ..................................20
6.1. Replacing the oven lamp .........................................20
6.2. Removing the oven door ........................................22
6.3. Dismantling/assembling the interior
glass of the door ......................................................24
6.4. Dismantling/assembling the shelf runners ...............26
6.5. Dismantling the rear wall .........................................27
7. Overview of your oven ..........................28
7.1. Control panel - sensor keys and displays ................29
7.2. Setting the clock ......................................................30
8. Roasting and baking charts ..................32
8.1. Guidelines for baking ...............................................32
8.2. Guidelines for roasting .............................................34
8.3. Guidelines for grilling ...............................................36
8.4. Recommended food probe temperatures ................38
8.5. Low-temperature cooking guidelines .......................40
9. Oven functions .......................................41
9.1. Cooking functions ....................................................41
9.2. Special functions .....................................................43
10. Operating the oven ................................45
10.1. Turning the oven on and off ...................................45
10.2. Sleep Mode ...........................................................45
10.3. Putting the appliance into operation
for the fi rst time ......................................................45
10.4. Selecting a cooking function ..................................47
10.5. Selecting a special function ...................................48
10.6. Changing a setting during the cooking process .....48
10.7. Automatic programme ...........................................49
10.8. Changing weight and temperature ........................50
10.9. Time settings .........................................................52
10.10. Rapid heating ......................................................57
11. Favourites ..............................................58
11.1. Calling up a favourite .............................................58
11.2. Saving favourites ...................................................58
11.3. Deleting favourites .................................................59
12. Other functions ......................................59
12.1. Setting the demo mode .........................................59
12.2. Childproof lock .......................................................59
12.3. Factory settings .....................................................60
12.4. Automatic confi rmation ..........................................60
12.5. ECO mode .............................................................61
12.6. Start-up tone settings ............................................61
12.7. Unit settings ...........................................................62
13. Roasting thermometer ...........................62
13.1. Roast thermometer for cooking functions ..............63
13.2. Roast thermometer for automatic programmes .....64
14. Model-specifi c special settings and
additional settings and functions ............... 65
14.1. Pyrolytic function ...................................................65
15. What to do if … .......................................66
User's guide
Küppersbusch Customer Service
Küppersbusch Hausgeräte GmbH Küppersbuschstraße 16 45883 Gelsenkirchen
Phone: +49-209401-631 Fax: (02 09) 401-714 / -715 Internet: www.kueppersbusch.de
We are available as follows: Monday to Thursday from 8.30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Friday from 8.30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Please inform us by fax or internet of your requirements outside of these offi - cial hours at www.kueppersbusch.de.
Teka Austria GmbH Eitnergasse 13 1230 Vienna
1. Please note: We require the following details for your re­quest for customer service so that our cus­tomer service technicians can be well-pre­pared for carrying out any repairs and have the required spare parts available:
2. Your exact address
3. Your telephone number and, if available, your fax number
4. When can customer service call?
5. An exact appliance designation: Model num­ber and production number (F-No.) (refer to the nameplate and/or the receipt)
6. The date of purchase or delivery
7. An exact description of the problem or what kind of service you require. Please have your receipt available. This will help us to avoid wasting time as well as cutting down on expenses and we will be able to work more effi ciently for you.
Phone: +43 1 8 66 80-15 Fax: +43 1 8 66 80-50 Internet: www.küppersbusch.at
We are available as follows: Monday to Thursday from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Please inform us by fax or internet of your requirements outside of these offi cial hours at www.kueppersbusch.at
User's guide
This documentation is protected by copyright. Any rights duly derived, in particular those concerning its translation or reproduction, the extraction of images, radio broadcasts, photomechanical or similar repro­duction and its storage in data processing systems, shall be reserved even in the event of being only par­tially used.
KÜPPERSBUSCH makes no representations or war­ranties with respect to the contents of these operating instructions and explicitly declines to assume respon­sibility for any implicit claims for defects.
KÜPPERSBUSCH furthermore reserves the right to update this publication and make amendments with­out entering into a commitment to inform each person of these amendments.
Texts, images and data comply with the technical standard of the oven at the time of these operating instructions going to press. We reserve the right to make amendments in line with its further develop­ment.
Please note that these instructions apply for vari­ous series of equipment. Details that possibly do not apply for your appliance may be described.
Availability of the instructions
The operating instructions must be permanently at the disposal of the user in order to ensure reliable use. The instructions are to be stored in an easily accessible place at which they can be viewed at any time.
This document has altogether 74 pages. Your document is complete if all the pages you have are numbered consecutively.
User's guide
Dear new Küpperbusch appliance user...
Don't worry, it's not going to be that complicated. We have made every effort structure this information briefl y and succinctly, clearly and explicitly, and above all, logically.
In addition to the instructions given by our Customer Service, these instructions aim at enabling you to be able to operate this appliance quickly.
The individual sections classify the instructions in individual topics to give you a better overview and faster access. Please read the information in these instructions carefully before you use your oven for the rst time. You will fi nd important guidelines about safety and information about the use, care and mainte- nance of your appliance to ensure that it provides you with many years of service.
The purpose of these operation instructions
When you use the appliance for the fi rst time, the instructions will take you step-by-step through the indi- vidual functions, applications and operation stages. The section on "Safety Instructions and Warnings" gives you important information on your safety and on the use, care and maintenance of your appliance and its attachments, and it informs you about potential danger.
The section on "Operation Instructions" introduces you to the appliance, tells you what it's for, what it can do and how it works, shows you how to set it up and shows you the menu guide.
The section on "What to do if..?" is for fi nding faults - just in case. You will fi nd useful information on faults and errors.
Once you have had some time to become familiar with the appliance, you can look up specifi c sections or topics if you are in any doubt. Please keep this manual in a safe place. Hand these instructions for use over to any new owner for the purpose of their information and safety.
User's guide
Explanation for symbols and indications
1. Explanation for symbols and indications
The appliance was produced according to state of the art technology. Machines nevertheless give rise to risks which cannot be constructively avoided.
In order to guarantee suffi cient safety for the use, safety instructions are also given. These instructions are marked by way of the highlighted texts which follow.
Suffi cient safety in operation will only be guaranteed when these instructions are observed. The designated text passages have different meanings:
The following danger symbols are used at some points:
DANGER Note indicating an imminent threat which may result in death or very serious injury.
WARNING Note indicating an imminent threat which may result in death or very serious injury.
CAUTION Note indicating a dangerous situation which may result in minor injury or damage to the appliance.
Note to be observed in order to make handling the appliance easier.
The following danger symbols are used at some points:
Live components have been installed near this symbol. Covers bearing this sign may only be removed by a certifi ed skilled electrician.
User's guide
Explanation for symbols and indications
Electrostatically endangered components and modules are located behind covers bearing the adjacent symbol. Never touch plug connections, strip conductors or component pins. Only qualifi ed staff members who are familiar with ESDs are authorised to carry out any technical intervention work.
This symbol has been applied to surfaces which get hot. There is a risk of serious burning or scalding. The surfaces may also be hot after the appliance has been switched off. This symbol warns of a risk of burning.
Check consignment
Transport the oven to a suitable place and remove it from its packaging there. The oven may only be assembled and installed by an electrician who complies with the respective specifi cations.
Check to ensure that the consignment is complete.
Check the oven for any transport damage.
Contact our Customer Service if the consignment is incomplete or if the oven shows any transport
User's guide
CAUTION! Never put a damaged appliance into operation!
Safety Instructions and Warnings
2. Safety Instructions and Warnings
2.1. For connection and operation
Only KÜPPERSBUSCH ovens have been manufactured and tested for use under a
KÜPPERSBUSCH hob. Do not use other hobs.
Any handling or repair to the appliance, including replacement of the power cable,
should be carried out by authorised Technical Service Personnel using original spare parts. Repairs or handling by others may damage the appliance or cause malfunctioning that could be hazardous to your safety.
Statutory regulations and the connection specifications issued by the local power
supply company must be strictly observed.
The power supply to the appliance must be disconnected when the oven lamp is
connected, repaired or replaced. Disconnect the fuse or pull out the power plug.
Installation must guarantee full safety against any potential contact. Changing the installation location of a plug and replacing the mains cable may only
be carried out by an electrician who complies with the respective specications.
It is essential for the connection data (frequency and voltage) of the oven to comply
with that of the mains electricity supply in order for the oven not to be damaged. Compare this data when connecting the oven. If in any doubt, ask a qualified electrician.
Multiple sockets and extension cables do not sufciently guarantee safety (risk of
re). Do not use them to connect the oven to the mains electricity supply.
Only use the oven when it has been installed in order to guarantee that it functions
Make sure that no electric cable from a free-standing or built-in appliance makes
contact with the oven.
2.2. Switching On and Operating
Do not allow children to come near the oven while in use as it can reach very high
Children should be supervised in order to ensure that they do not play with the
User's guide
Safety Instructions and Warnings
This appliance is not for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical,
sensorial or mental capacity, or those lacking experience and knowledge, except if they have been supervised and instructed regarding use of the device by a person responsible for their safety.
Touching live connections and modifying the electrical and mechanical construction
of the oven will put you at risk and may lead to malfunctioning of the oven. Never open the oven casing.
The oven must be completely disconnected from the mains electricity supply when
installation and maintenance work or repairs are being carried out, e.g. when the lighting inside the oven is defect (see the section on "What to do if…?") Make sure of this by – switching off the electrical installation fuses or – completely screwing out the electrical installation screw fuses or – pulling the power plug (if in place) out of the socket. When doing so, do not pull on the mains supply cable, but on the power plug.
2.3. Oven
Unplug your oven if it malfunctions. If the glass is broken, split or cracked: switch the hob off immediately, disconnect
it from the power supply and contact our Customer Service or your specialised dealer.
Do NOT open the appliance yourself. Repairs to appliances must be carried out by qualied technicians. The oven must always be operated with the door closed. The manufacturer takes no responsibility for any use of the oven other than for the
home preparation of food.
Only use the oven after it has been installed inside the kitchen unit. Do not store oil, fats or inammable materials inside the oven. This may be
dangerous if the oven is turned on.
Do not lean or sit on the open oven door. You could damage it, as well as
endangering your safety.
In order to cook food in the oven, place the tray or grid shelf supplied with it over the
shelf runners inside the oven cavity. The tray and grid shelf have a system to make their partial outward movement easy for food handling.
User's guide
Safety Instructions and Warnings
• Do not place containers or food on the bottom surface of the oven. Always use the trays and grid.
• Do not pour water on the bottom surface of the oven when in use; this may damage the enamel.
• Open the oven door as little as possible during cooking. This will reduce power consumption.
• Use protective oven gloves when performing operations inside the oven.
• It is normal for condensation to occur on the oven door when cooking dishes with a high liquid content.
When the oven is in use, it becomes hot. When the casing heats up, the cooling fan will switch on to
cool the casing down. The cooling fan will operate until the casing has cooled down, i.e. also when the appliance has been switched off. The noise made by the fan when it is in operation is normal; it does not indicate any malfunctioning.
2.4. For persons
These appliances may be used by children aged 8 years and over and by persons
with physical, sensory or mental impairments or by persons who lack experience and/or know-how, provided they are supervised or have been instructed in the safe used of the appliance and have understood the risks relating to the appliance. Chil­dren may not play with the appliance. Cleaning and maintenance by the user may only be carried out by children when they are supervised.
The surfaces of the heating and cooking zones become hot during use. Keep small
children away at all times.
2.5. Before using the first time
Remove packaging. Be certain your appliance is properly installed and grounded by qualied technician.
The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for damages caused by improper in­stallation and electrical connection of this oven. The oven should not be operated until it has been properly installed within cabinetry.
This appliance may only used for the standard baking and roasting of food in a
household; it is not intended for commercial use.
The appliance may not be modied.
User's guide
Safety Instructions and Warnings
Safety is only guaranteed if the appliance is connected to a protective conductor
which complies with currently valid regulations.
The appliance may not be connected to the power supply with an extension cable. The appliance may not be installed above a dishwasher or a tumble dryer: the
steam released by these appliances may damage the electronic unit.
Also take note of the instructions on cleaning and care before using your appliance
for the rst time.
2.6. Environmental Protection
Remove packaging and the old appliance Remove packaging and recycle in an environmentally-friendly
In Germany, the transport packaging is returned to the store
where the appliance has been purchased. By returning the packaging material, raw materials are saved and also fewer waste products are generated. Old appliances still contain valuable material. Leave your old appliance at a collection point for valuable materials. Old appliances must be rendered inoperative before disposing of them in order to prevent improper use.
2.7. Energy information
Tested to comply with the requirements of the 66/2014 (Eco-Design) and 65/2014 (Energy Labelling) regulations in accordance with Regulation EN 60350-1.
Energy consumption measurements taken under different conditions may give different values from those indicated for your oven. Consult the User’s guide accompanying this manual to learn about the energy consumption of your oven.
User's guide
Safety Instructions and Warnings
2.8. Intended purpose.
This oven is intended for household use and in household-like installation
This oven is not suitable for outdoor use. This oven is only to be used as a domestic household appliance for roasting, baking,
grilling, cooking, defrosting, preserving and drying foods. No other type of application is permissible.
This appliance is not for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical,
sensorial or mental capacity, or those lacking experience and knowledge, except if they have been supervised and instructed regarding use of the device by a person responsible for their safety. These persons may only operate the oven unattended if it has been explained to them in such a manner that they are able to operate it safely. They need to recognise and understand the potential risks that operation entails.
The oven may only be used if it has been installed in a suitable unit. Only use the
oven as described in these instructions for use. Any other use is not considered to be intended and may result in damage to material or even injury to persons. The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for damages caused by improper use of this oven.
The oven is only intended for use in private households. It may not be used for
commercial purposes.
The oven is not suitable for heating a room. The lamp in the oven has only been provided for lighting up the interior of the oven; it
does not serve as room lighting.
The oven door may not be used as a support, seat or step.
The appliance may only be used for its intended purpose!
User's guide
Safety Instructions Microwaves
3. Safety Instructions Microwaves
You should carefully read this chapter before you use your appliance the fi rst time. If cleaned correctly and looked after regularly the appliance will remain beautiful and clean for many years. The following tips will help you to clean and care for your oven's various surfaces gently but thoroughly.
3.1. For all surfaces
Do not use steam and/or pressure cleaning devices on the oven! The appliance could become damaged and may create a situation where there is danger of death.
Leave the appliance to cool until you can touch it with your hand before cleaning it.
Clean the oven each time you use it. Stains or baked-on food that have not been removed may burn
the next time the appliance heats up. Often, these types of stains or dirt cannot be removed without leaving marks.
To clean an oven that is not very dirty, use a damp cloth, a soft brush or a soft sponge and a weak
solution of detergent and warm water. Rinse with cold water so that there is no detergent left which might decolour the surface or cause more stains. Dry with a cloth immediately after. Here are some instructions for more dif cult-to-remove stains concerning the different surfaces and elements. VSR 0-FIX-C is ideal for cleaning glass-ceramic, enamel and the surface of the inside of the door. This cleaning powder can be purchased from the Küppersbusch Customer service.
The shelf runners may be removed for cleaning. Reinstall them correctly and never use the oven
without the shelf runners installed.
Clean the outside surfaces of the oven and its accessories with lukewarm soapy water or a mild
detergent. Take care with rust-free and varnished surfaces and only use sponges or cloths that do not scratch.
User's guide
Safety Instructions Microwaves
□ aggressive or bleach-based cleaning agents that contain active oxygen,
chlorine or other caustic substances.
□ abrasive cleaning or scouring agents, such as steel wool, soap-impregnated
steel wool, stiff brushes, metal or plastic sponges or any similar cleaners with an abrasive surface.
3.1.1 Removing dried deposits
Thick deposits must be soaked to soften them beforehand. This is best done with a wet cloth. It will then be easier to remove the deposits.
Over time, certain types of food such as tomatoes, vinegar and salt-baked dishes may cause the enamel to change colour. This is normal and does not affect the functioning of the oven. using aggressive methods such as those described, as this could cause permanent damage to the surface.
Using a cleaning scraper
The blade of the cleaning scraper is very sharp!
Always hold the cleaning scraper fl at to the surface and push the grease away from you.
Do not try to remove these
Do not scrape with the corners of the cleaning scraper; handle it carefully to ensure that no sealing is damaged.
3.1.2 Suggestions on the use of oven sprays
The manufacturer's instructions must always be observed.
Do not spray into the fan opening on the back. The ökotherm® catalyst will be destroyed if oven spray is used.
Oven sprays will damage aluminium and varnished and plastic surfaces. For environmental reasons you should not use oven spray at all. If you nevertheless want to use it, only spray
it in the oven interior and on enamel baking trays.
Chromium-plated oven trimmings
Door front and handle with chromium-plated, black trimming
Limescaling, grease and starch deposits must be removed immediately; stains will result if they are not.
User's guide
Safety Instructions Microwaves
These models are very sensitive to scratches and oven spray will damage them. Do not using cleaning
scrapers, pot scourers or hard-bre sponges.
Use a cloth or a soft sponge and rinse only with warm water and a little detergent.
Stainless steel
Stainless steel door front and control panel
Use a cloth or a soft sponge and rinse only with warm water and a little detergent.
Stainless steel scratches very easily! Do not use a scraper!
Limescaling, grease and starch deposits must be removed immediately; stains will result if they are not.
We recommend that you clean stainless steel surfaces with a standard cleaning agent for stainless steel once a week. This will create a protective fi lm, protecting the stainless steel from becoming discoloured.
Oven interior, front, baking sheets
It is possible to use plastic sponges with a pot scouring part. How­ever, some products have grit in the pot scouring part and this causes scratching. It is recommended that you test your product at a point that is not clearly visible.
A cleaning scraper is ideal for removing stubborn dirt. We recommend VSR 0-FIX-C for a thorough clean. Oven spray can also be used.
3.2. Cleaning the oven door
Do not use any metal pot scourers, wire brushes, scouring powder or abrasives to clean the oven door, since this may result in the surface becoming scratched or the glass breaking. Clean the outside of the door and its accessories with lukewarm soapy water or a mild detergent. Corrosion-resistant surfaces must be treated with care. Use only sponges or cloths that do not cause scratching.
User's guide
(*not possible for ovens with a microwave function)
Safety Instructions Microwaves
3.2.1 Door glass
Door interior – coated glass
CAUTION! If possible do not use any oven spray, since its regular use can
destroy the coating on the glass.
A cleaning scraper is ideal for removing stubborn dirt. We recommend VSR 0-FIX-C for a thorough clean.
Remove residual dirt from the oven sealing.
Door front, control panel
Use a cloth or a soft sponge and warm water and a little detergent to clean the door front. Glass cleaner may also be used.
3.2.2 Door sealing
Clean the sealing regularly to eliminate all traces of fat or food. This will prevent the seal from becoming damaged and breaking during subsequent cooking operations. It is advisable to clean this sealing without removing it.
3.3. Pyrolytic self-cleaning of the oven
This function involves a pyrolytic cleaning process which applies high temperatures in the oven interior to trigger a process of oxidation and carbonisation process on the grease contamination.
After the pyrolytic cleaning process has been completed, all you need to do is remove the ash generated during the process with a damp cloth. Places in the interior that are diffi cult to access are cleaned with a non-metallic pot scourer in order not to damage the enamel coating. The oven has 3 pyrolytic programs which run for 60, 90 and 120 minutes respectively. Choose the running time depending on how dirty the in­terior of the oven is. The dirtier the oven, the longer the program should take. It is not necessary to run the pyrolytic cleaning process every time you use the oven for baking or roasting. We recommend running the pyrolytic program every 4.5 times the oven is used for baking or roasting, depending on how dirty the interi­or of the oven is. The interior lighting in the oven will remain switched off during a cleaning cycle.
(depending on the model)
User's guide
Before using the fi rst time
Remove all the accessories and dishes from the oven, including the guide rails for the baking trays and/or the glide-out shelves for the pyrolytic self-cleaning function.
Remove food rests and excessive dirt since they may ignite, giving rise to danger during the self-cleaning process.
4. Before using the first time
There may be traces of fat and other substances in the oven as a result of the manufacturing process. Proceed as follows to remove them:
Remove all the packaging including any protective plastic lm that may have been used.
Connect the oven and allow it to operate using function
/ or / at 200 ºC for an
Allow the oven to cool down and open the door. This will ventilate the oven and no smells will remain
in the inside.
Clean the oven and its accessories after it has cooled down.
Smoke and odours will be generated during initial operation, so make sure that the kitchen is well ventilated.
4.1. Important instructions
Do not cover the bottom of the oven with aluminium foil as this may affect cooking performance and
damage the enamel inside the oven and the interior of your kitchen unit. Do not pour water on the bottom surface when in use; this may damage the enamel.
It is normal for condensation to occur on the oven door when cooking dishes with a high liquid content.
When closing the oven door during cooking, the sound of the air inside it can be heard. This effect
is normal due to the pressure exerted by the door when it is closed, guaranteeing the sealing of the cavity
Do not place containers or food on the bottom surface of the oven. Always use the trays and racks
supplied with the oven.
To prepare yoghurt, place the jars on the oven oor.
To cook any other food, insert the tray or rack into the runners inside the oven.
User's guide
Between the two rails of the side supports or on any of the extractable runners, if the oven has them.
Switch off the electrical installation fuses or
The rack and some of the trays have retention grooves to prevent
them from accidentally being removed Place these grooves to­wards the back of the oven, facing downwards.
The surface of the rack on which the container will rest must be
below the side rails; This prevents the container from accidentally sliding.
The trays have a tab at the front to facilitate their removal. Place
the tray with the tab facing towards the outside of the oven.
5. Accessories
Some oven models have a glide-out shelves kit accessory.
The glide-out shelves must be placed at height 2, starting from below.
To assemble the glide-out shelves on the chrome-plated supports, proceed as follows:
User's guide
5.1. Glide-out shelves with folding clip
Remove the protective lm.
Hook the large clips on the upper rail and extend the run-
ner until it hooks on the small clips on the lower rail.
You will hear a "click" when the glide-out shelf is correctly
The notch to fix the tray/support must remain at the front
part of the oven.
5.2. Glide-out shelves with direct clip
The single extraction shelf must be placed at heights 1, 2, 3 and 5 starting from below. The double extraction shelves must be placed at heights 1, 2, 3 and 3 starting from
below. In 45 cm ovens, the glide-out shelves are positioned at height 1.
User's guide
Maintenance work
Hook the clip on the top rail at the desired level.
You will hear a "click" when the glide-out shelf is
correctly secured.
The notch to fix the tray/support must remain at
the front part of the oven.
Disconnect the appliance from the mains power supply before any operation.
5.3. Cleaning the oven accessories
Clean the outside of the oven and accessories with warm soapy water or with a mild detergent. Take care with rust-free and varnished surfaces and only use sponges or cloths that do not scratch.
The telescopic glide-out shelves must not be placed in the dishwasher. This will remove the fat that enables them to slide and the runners will become blocked, making them useless.
6. Maintenance work
6.1. Replacing the oven lamp
Before you replace the lamp, make sure that the oven has been disconnected from the mains.
The replacement bulb must withstand temperatures up to 300 ºC. They can be ordered from our technical Customer Service.
User's guide
6.1.1 Changing the side bulb
Remove the chrome-plated runners and/or glide-out shelves
by removing the screw nuts (A).
Use a tool to take out the glass cover of the lamp mpunting.
Replace the lamp.
Attach the glass cover again, making sure it is properly
The replacement lamp must be resistant to temperatures of up to 300°C. They can be ordered from our technical Customer Service.
Maintenance work
6.1.2 Changing the upper bulb
Unscrew the glass cover of the bulb-holder.
Replace the bulb and reassemble the glass cover.
6.1.3 Changing the LED lamp
Call the Technical Assistance Service Department
User's guide
Maintenance work
6.2. Removing the oven door
(not possible for ovens with a microwave function)
For easy cleaning, the door can be dismantled. To do this, follow the instructions for the type of door your oven has.
6.2.1 Door with hinge on body
Dismantling the door
Open the oven door as far as it will go.
Block the hinge by turning the latches.
Swing the hinge locks down towards you.
Close the door to the locked position.
Hold the door with both hands holding on to both sides,
Assembling the door
Hold the door with both hands at the lower part of the sides,
insert the hinge arms into their housings and let the door fall as far as it will go.
Open the oven door fully.
Turn the latches back to their original position.
User's guide
+ 50 hidden pages