KEW Smart for KEW3552BT
Instruction manual
How to connect with KEW3552BT
Connection and Disconnection
Connect KEW 3552 BT with your PC: P.2
How to save the measured data
Items shown in the Saved data list P.10
To show another file P.18
Add/ alter file descriptions P.19
Edit comments on records P.20
Select and delete multiple records P.24
Download all data from KEW 3552 BT P.28
Delete all the KEW 3552 BT internal data P.29
Open a map based on the location info. P.32
Display layout change P.33
Link with other apps P.35
Management of KEW 3552 BT internal memory

Connection and Disconnection
・ Required functions/ authorizations:
Android is a trademark or registered trademark of Google Inc.
iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries.
The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by
Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0
Attribution License.

Connection and Disconnection
Connect KEW 3552 BT with your PC:
Turn the Function switch and select any desired range.
* Please refer to the instruction manual for KEW 3552 BT for details.
Open “Settings” on your device.
CAUTION: Setting application depends on the device you’re using.
For details, please refer to the manual of the device you’re using.
Turn on the Bluetooth function.
Turn on the location services.
Privacy > Location Services
Start “KEW Smart for KEW 3552 BT”.
Tap the icon and get the application started.
← App icon for “KEW Smart for KEW 3552 BT”
Turn on the necessary functions on your device. (If those have been turned
Follow the procedures below and turn on the required functions mentioned above; if any of them
are off.You can proceed to STEP 3 if all the functions are “On”.

Connection and Disconnection
Verify that the access is authorized. (required only for the first time)
This authorization check is required when:
- the settings or data of the application is restored to default, or
- the app is re-installed.
If the access right has been already confirmed, you can proceed to STEP 5.
Several authorization checks are performed when the app gets started. Select Allow for all.
Access to device location:
* This confirmation message appears just once before shifting to the setting screen.
Access authorization required to use Bluetooth LE
function and to add and save data with location info.
Authorization required to use Bluetooth LE function and
to add location info. to the saved data.
Access authorization required to save/ read measured

Connection and Disconnection
Search KEW 3552 BT you want to connect:
Tap the Search button to search KEW 3552 BT in close proximity.
Select the target KEW 3552 BT from the list shown in the app.
* Serial no. is marked on the rear side of the product.
Tap the Serial No. to cancel the
Founded KEW 3552 BT is/ are
listed and shown in the app.

Connection and Disconnection
Tap the button to establish connection.
Confirm that the connection has been successfully established.
Disconnect button appears. Connect button appears.
Displayed message: Displayed message:
Connected to "KEW3552BT-xxxxxxxx"

Connection and Disconnection
Disconnect your KEW 3552 BT from the app.
Tap button to disconnect.
Now the selected KEW 3552 BT is disconnected.
The button switches to Connect button.
Message - Disconnected - appears.
Bluetooth is automatically disconnected when the
connected KEW 3552 BT is powered off. On an Android
device, connection process automatically resumes
when powering on the previously connected KEW 3552

How to save the measured data
Connect KEW 3552 BT with your PC.
Refer to the "Connection and Disconnection" pages to see how to connect the device.
Press the Test button on KEW 3552 BT (or Remote switch) and start a measurement.
Measured result is shown in the app screen.

Measured data is
saved and displayed.
After tapping [SAVE]

Items shown in the Saved data list
Value Results obtained from KEW 3552 BT
Any texts can be entered.
Tap the field to enter texts.
Serial No. of the connected KEW
DC/AC of measured voltage, 1-min
value of insulation resistance, and
PI/DAR value
Data no. is assigned to the saved data.
(starting with no.1)
"VOLT": Voltage measurement
"50V" - "1000V": Insulation resistance
"CONT": Low-resistance measurement
"ON": saved with location info. "OFF":
saved without location info.
Date and time when the data was saved.

Turn on the Auto-save function.
Long press of [SAVE] button turns on this function.

Save the measured result automatically.
Press the Test button on KEW 3552 BT and start a measurement.
Measured results are shown in the list.