9. Case and strap assembly ………………………………………………………………… 25
1. Safe testing
Electricity is dangerous and can cause injury and death. Always treat it with
the greatest of respect and care. If you are not quite sure how to proceed,
stop a measurement and take advice from a qualified person.
This instruction manual contains warning and safety rules which must be
observed by the user to ensure safe operation of the instrument and retain it
in safe condition.
using the instrument.
This instrument must only be used by a competent and trained person and
operated in strict accordance with the instructions.
KYORITSU will not accept liability for any damage or injury caused by misuse
or non-compliance with the instructions or with the safety procedures.
It is essential to read and to underst
instructions or with the safety procedures.
The symbol # indicated on the instrument means that the user must refer to
the related sections in the manual for safe operation of the instrument.
Be sure to carefully read instructions following each symbol # in this manual.
DANGER is reserved for conditions and actions that are likely to
cause serious or fatal in
WARNING is reserved for conditi ons and actions that can cause
serious or fatal injury.
CAUTION is reserved for conditions and actions that cancause minor
injury or instrument damage.
Therefore, read through these operating instructions before
and the safety rules contained in the
• This instrument can be connected only to the commercial power of
240V+10%-10%, 50Hz.
• For safety reasons, only use the Test Leads designed to be used with
this instrument and recommended by KYORITSU.
• Use only grounded mains outlets to supply the instrument.
Do not touch the device under test while testing is in progress.
Since a high voltage of 500V is outputting continuously, especially while
measuring insulation resistance, user may get electrical shock. Also not to
touch the capacitor of the device under test as hazardous voltage may exist.
• When testing, always be sure to keep your fingers behind the safety
barriers on the test leads.
• Disconnect the instrument from the power supply when measurement
is finished.
• Do not leave the instrument with connected to th
• Be sure to use the instrument only in its intended applications and to
follow measurement procedures described in the manual.
• The instrument should be used only in its intended applications or
conditions. Otherwise, safety functions equipped with the instrument
do not work, and instrument damage or serious personal injury may
be caused.
• Verify proper operation on a known sour
as a result indication of the instrument.
• It is essential that the above instructions are adhered to. Failure to
follow the above instructions may cause injury, instrument damage
and/or damage to equipment under test. Kyoritsu is by no means
liable for any damage resulting from the instrument in contradiction
to these cautionary notes.
• Never open the ins
present. Only fully trained and competent electrical engineers should
open the case.
If abnormal conditions of any sort are noted (such as a faulty display,
unexpected readings, broken case, cracked test leads, etc) do not use
the instrument and return it to your distributor for inspection and repair.
Never attempt to use the instrument if the instrument or your hand is wet.
• This instrument isn't dust & water proofed. Keep away from dust and
• Do not i ns ta ll s ub st itute parts or make a ny mod if ic ation to the
instrument. Return the instrument to Kyoritsu or your distributor for
repair or re-calibration.
• Never attempt to make any measurements if the test lead or the
instrument has any structural abnormality, such as a crack, or if th
cover is not securely attached.
e power supply.
ce before use or taking action
trument case – because dangerous voltages are
When using Test Leads with alligator clip, be sure to check the alligator
clip is firmly connected to the metal part of the device under test.
Otherwise, inaccurate measurement or arc at the contacts may occurs.
• The rated measuring voltage for insulation test is 500V.DC.
For electrical devices to be tested, if this test voltage seems not
proper to apply, contact your distributor a
• When testing faulty device, it may trip the circuit breaker of main
power supply during test and may cause interruption of service. Be
careful when the same main power supply is used for PCs.
• We are not liabl e f or loss of data on P C d ur ing testing wit h t hi s
instrument. The device under test (DUT) is powered on during most
tests, but please turn it to OFF position after use.
• Use a cloth dipped in water or neutral detergent for cleaning the
instrument. Do not use abrasives or solvents.
nd ask for advices.
2. Procedure of removing cover
KEW 6201A have a dedicated cover to protect against an impact from the
outside and prevent the operation part, the LCD, and the connector socket
from becoming dirty. The cover can be detached and put on the back side of
the main body during measurement.
.1 Method of removing the cover
Fig. 1
2.2 Method of storing the cover
Fig. 2
3. Product summary and explanation
3.1 Product summary
The KEW 6201A is a hand-held portable appliance tester, performing four
functions to ensure the Safety of Class I and Class II appliances. And also can
measure the mains voltage. Readings are displayed on a large liquid crystal
display (LCD) below which are three LEDs, light up in 2 color, 2 color LEDs
which unambiguously display a pass or fa
international standards.
This instrument is suitable for performing tests as required by the following
AS/NZS 3760 In-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment.
This instrument is designed to check the electrical safety of appliances of
Class I and Class II categories.
As a guide IEC standard define these two categories as follows:
ass I : Applianc es which have a functional insulatio n t hr oughout and
an earth connected case. These are often described as earthed
Class II: Appli ances which have both functional and additional insulation
where any metal parts cannot become Live under fault conditions.
3.2 Test Function
KEW6201A have following features.
Class I Test•Protective conductor resistance
SELECT Switch + Class I Test
SELECT Switch + Class II Test
Extension Leads test•Protective conductor resistance
SELECT Switch +
Leakage Current Test•Leakage current measurement
FunctionTests of contents
•Insulation (250V or 500V)
•Protective conductor resistance
Test•Insulation (250V or 500V)
Extension Leads test
•Leakage Current test
•Leakage Current test
•Insulation P/N-PE
•Protective conducto
•Leakage Current test
il indication for results dictated by
r resistance
3.3 Features
• Warning for the appliance to be ON.
• Selection for 250V or 500V on the insulation resistance test.
• Null function for the protective conductor resistance test.
• Warning for the over range value in the LCD.
• Capable of judging pass/fail of tests by LED on the panel and by buzzer.
⑴ Test socket ⑵ Terminal block ⑹ LCD
Fig. 3
⑺ LED for test result
⑻ Start/Stop switch
⑼ Null/250V-500V
⑽ Function switch
Terminal Block
⑿ ⑶ ⑷ ⑸
⑴ Test socket
Insert the mains plug of
conductor resistance, insulation resistance and Leakage current test.
⑾ SELECT switch
DUT to this socket for the polarity test of protective
⑵ Terminal block Connect the attached mains cord and Test Leads to this terminal block.
⑶ Terminal for mains cord This terminal is connected to a mains supply via M7123.
⑷ Terminal for Extension leads adaptor It corresponds to L, N, E of test socket, and the extension leads adaptor
(M-7140) connected with the cord reel to be plugged to it.
⑸ PE-probe terminal Connect the Test Lead with all
the measurement of protective conductor resistance, and clip the metal
parts of DUT with the alligator clip.
⑹ LCD Measured value is displayed
⑺ LED for test result When the value of prot ect ive con du cto r resis tan ce a nd in su lat ion
resistance exceeds the limit dictated by applicable standards, LED lights up
in red. When it is within the limit, LED lig
⑻ Start/Stop switch A measurement starts by pressing this switch. Pressing the Start/Stop Switch again during Leakage Current Test stops
⑼ Null/250V-500V switch
• Class I test measurement
It is used in o rder to push the Nul l button before protection earth
resistance measurement and to cancel the resistance of a test leads.
• Class II test measurement
The test voltage of insulation resistance is changed to 500V and 250V.
⑽ Function switch Select a function with this switch.
⑾ SELECT switch When the function is set under
will b e ac tu all y op er at ed t o measu re a le aka ge c urren t inst ead of
measuring insulation.
igator clip (M-7129A)(13) to this terminal for
hts up in green.
switch is pressed, the appliance
⑿ Fuse Protected by a fuse of 600V/10A ceramic fuse (F type Φ6.3x32mm). User can replace this fuse. Please refer to Section 7 for information on replacement fuse.
⒀ Mains cord (AU) M-7123 Thi s m ains cord c an be connect ed to the mains s up pl y so that the
instrument can derive power from it. To measure contact current, the
socket of the main power supply is to be equipped with an earth ter
Fig. 4
⒁ Test Lead with safety alligator clip(M-7129A) and Probe with Blade type
Prod(M-7161A).The adapter of a tip part is exchangeable for an alligator
clip and a test stick type.
Please use it according to a measurement use.
Fig. 5
Probe with Blade Type Prod
Safety Alligator Clip
⒂ Extension leads adaptor(M-7140) This is for connecting the instrument and a cord reel.
Fig. 6
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