Ky o rit s u rese rves th e r i ght s t o c h ang e
specifications or designs described in this manual
without notice and without obligations.
Press the MIN/MAX Key to select MAX or MIN. The
max or min value within measuring range is being
held until this function is disabled. "MIN" or "MAX" is
indicated on the display while this function is being
activated. To disable this function, press down the
MIN/MAX Key at least 2 sec or change functions.
(2) AC/DC Voltage Range
Pressing the MIN/MAX Key without applying voltage
di sable s the Aut o-r anging fun
ct ion and fix es th e
Range to 6V. Connect the test leads to the circuit
un der tes t and p re ss th e MIN/M AX Ke y aft er an
appropriate range is selected by Auto-ranging function.
Pres sing th e MIN /MAX Ke y ena bles mi n or ma x
value measuremen t. P re ss th e MIN/M AX K ey t o
select MAX or MIN. The max or min valu e within
measuring range is being held until this function is
disabled. "MIN" or "MAX" is indicated on
the display
while this function is being activated. To disable this
function, press down the MIN/MAX Key at least 2
sec or change functions.
6-5. ZERO Function
MI N /MAX , PEAK key s are dis a ble d w h ile ZER O
Function is being activated.
Ze ro A djus tme nt Fu ncti on at C urrent R ang e "
mark is to be indicated at the upper r ight on th e
display while ZERO function is being operated.
In dica tion o f rela tive v alue a t cur
rent, v o lta g e,
Pr essi n g the ZERO Key in d icat e s REL (re l ativ e
value) Press the ZERO Key to save the initial value
at the start of measurement as a reference value.
Then the diffe renc e betw een the la ter measured
values and the reference value is indicated on the
display. The Auto-ranging function is disabled, while
this function is being activated, and the Range is
fi x e d to t h e Ra n g e se l e
ct e d at th e st a r t of
me asu re men t. R ela tiv e val ue is indica ted w ith in
following ranges.
(Measuring range) =
(Full-scale value at the fixed Range) - (Initial value)
To disable this function, press down the MIN/MAX
Key at least 2 sec or change functions.
6-6. PEAK Function (600A only on KEW2046R)
(1) Set the Function Switch to "AC Current" position
and clamp onto a conductor under test.
(2) Pressing the PEAK Key indicate
s " P MAX" on the
display and initiates measurement.
(3) Re adi ngs i ndic ate s the P EAK of c urrent cre st
va lue. W hen me a sur ing sin e wave , rea ding i s
about √
2 times of RMS value.
5. Measurement
5-1. AC Current Measurement
Never make measu rement on a circuit in which
vo l tage o v er AC600V exist s to avoid g e ttin g
electrical shock.
Transformer jaw tips are designed not to short the
circu it under test. I f equipment u nd er test has
sed conductive parts, however, extra precaution should be taken to minimize the possibility
of shorting.
Do not make measurement with the Battery Cover
Disconnect the test leads from the instrument for
current measurement.
(1) Se t the Fun ctio n Swit ch to "600A" or "1000A "
(on KEW2046R, only "600A" is available) AC has
been selected by default; press the SELECT key,
en DC has been selected, to change it to AC.
AC mark is displayed at the upper left on the display.
(2) Press the trigger to open the transformer jaws and
clamp them onto the one conductor under test,
then take the reading on the display. Pressing the
"Hz/DUTY" Key switches the indication in following
AC Current ⇨ Hz ⇨ DUTY
Hz/DUTY Function requires 50A or more at AC600A
Range and 350A or more at AC1000A range.
Max conductor size for KEW2046R is approx dia.
33mm and for KEW2056R is approx dia. 40mm.
D u ri ng c u r r e n t m e as ur e m e nt , k e ep t h e
transformer jaws fully closed. Other wise, accurate
measurements cannot be taken.
5-2. DC Current Measurement
Never make measu rement on a circuit in which
vo l tag e over DC600V exis ts to avo
id ge ttin g
electrical shock.
Do not make measurement with the Battery Cover
(1) Set th e Funct ion Swi tch to "600A" or "1000A"
position. AC has been selected by default; press
the SELECT key, when AC has been selected, to
change it to DC . (only 600A is av a ilable on
KEW2046R) DC mark is displayed at the upper left
on the display.
(2) Wi th the transfo rme r jaw s clo sed a nd withou t
cl amp ing t
he m ont o the co ndu ctor, p res s the
"ZERO" key to zero adjust the display. (
mark is
displayed at the upper right on the display.)
(3) Press the trigger to open the transformer jaws and
clamp them onto the one conductor under test, the
conductor should be at the center of the jaws, then
take the reading on the display.
(4) Set t h e Fu n c t io n Sw i t c h to an approp r i a t e
position according to current un
der test.
(5) Pressing the "ZERO" key again releases "ZERO"
function. (△mark at the upper right on the display
Wh e n the cur ren t flows f rom th e upsid e (the
display side) to the underside of the instrument,
the polarity o f the reading is po si tive and vice
5-3. AC Voltage Measurement
Never make measu rement on a circuit in which
vo l tage o v er AC600V exist s to avoid g e ttin g
electrical shock.
Do not make measurement with the Battery Cover
Ke e p yo ur finge r s be hind the bar r ier on the
instrument during measurement.
(1) Set the Function Switch to "ACV" position.
(2) Connect the red test lead to V/ Ω terminal and the
black test lead to COM terminal.
Connect the test leads to the circuit under test. Take
the reading on the display. Pressing the "Hz/DUTY"
ke y w hile re adin g is indic a ted on the di s play
switches the indication in following sequence.
AC Voltage ⇨ Hz ⇨ DUTY
Hz/DUTY Function requires AC40V or higher.
To measure a frequency, measure the voltage on
the electrical circuit in advance. Then press the
Hz/DUTY key to enter into frequency measurement.
Read i n g s of fr equency ma y fl u c t u a t e or be
influenced under noisy environment.
5-4. DC Voltage Measurement
Never make measu rement on a circuit in which
vo l tag e over DC600V exis ts to avo id gett ing
electrical shock.
Do not make measurement with the Battery Cover
Ke e p yo ur finge r s be hind the bar r ier on the
instrument during measurement.
(1) Set the Function Switch to "DCV" position.
(2) Connect the red test lead to V/ Ω terminal and the
black test lead to COM terminal.
(3) Co n n ect the red and blac k tes t lea d s to the
positive ( +) and negativ e (-) sides of the circuit
under test respectively. Take the reading on the
display. If the connection is reversed, the display
indicates the "-" mark.
Resistance/ Diode/ Cont/ Capacity Measurement
Never use the instrument on an energized circuit.
Do not make measurement with the Battery Cover
Set the Function Switch to "Ω/Diode/Cont/Capacity"
(2) Connect the red test lead to V/ Ω terminal and the
black test lead to COM terminal. Confirm "OL" is
indicated on the display, and then short-circuit the
tips of test leads to make the indication zero.
(3) Connect the test leads to the both ends of the
resistor under test.
(4) Take the reading on the display.
Even if short the test lead tips, indicated value
ma y not be zero . B u t t h i s is b e c ause of the
resistance of test leads and not a failure.
When test leads are open, "OL" is indicated on the
Set the Function Switch to "Ω/Diode/Cont/Capacity"
position. "Ω" has been selected by default; press the
SELECT key to change it to "Continuity"
Resistance ⇨ Diode ⇨ Cont ⇨ Capacity
(2) Connect the red test lead to V/ Ω terminal and the
black test lead to COM terminal. Confirm "OL" is
indicated on the display and short circuit the tips of
test leads . Indicatio n should beco me zero and
buzzer sounds.
(3) Connect the test leads to the both ends of the
conductor under test. The buzzer sounds, if the
resistance under test is 100Ω or less.
Set the Function Switch to "Ω/Diode/Cont/Capacity"
position. "
" has been selected by default; press the
SELECT key to change it to "Diode"
Diode ⇨ Cont ⇨ Capacity
(2) Connect the red test lead to V/Ω terminal and the
black test lead to COM terminal.
(3) Connect the red and black test leads to the Anode
and Cathode of the diode under test respectively.
Take the reading on the display. If the connection
is reversed, the display indicates "OL".
Some of diodes cannot be tested. Indication on
the display will be "OL".
(Zener diode, LED and so on)
Set the Function Switch to "Ω/Diode/Cont/Capacity"
position. "
" has been selected by default; press the
SELECT key to change it to "Capacity"
Diode ⇨ Cont ⇨ Capacity
(2) Connect the red test lead to V/Ω terminal and the
black test lead to COM terminal.
(3) Connect the test leads to the both ends of the
capacitor under test.
(4) Take the reading on the display.
5-6 Temperature Measurement
(1) Set the Function Switch to "℃/℉" position.
(2) Connect the K-type Temperature Probe (Optional
Accessories) to the input terminal. Positive (+) side
of Probe should be connected to V/Ω.
(3) Co n t a c t th
e Se n s o r (me t a l pa r t ) of K- t y p e
Temperature Probe to the object under test. Take
the reading on the display. Positive ( +) side o f
Probe should be connected to V/Ω.
Ne v er conn e ct the Tem pera t ure P robe t o a n
energized circuit.
Room temperature is indicated on the LCD when
setting the Function Switch to "℃ /℉" position. In
cas e that "OL" or an ythin g othe r than roo m
is indicated, something may wrong
with the instrument. Stop the use of instrument
There may be a break in Probe when indication
isn' t chang ed i f Senso r (meta l part) o f K- typ e
Temperature Probe is contacted with the object
under test.
6. Other functions
6-1. Sleep Function
(1) Thi s is a func t i o n to pre v e n t th e inst r u m e nt
from being left powered on in order to conserve
battery life. This function causes
the instrument
to enter Sleep mode about 15 minutes after the
last key operation. To exit the Sleep mode, turn
the Function switch to "OFF", then to any other
(2) Sleep Function is disabled when;
M I N / M A X o r P E A K F u n c t i on i s s e le c t ed .
Continuous measurement is made with the Sleep
Fun c t i o n be i n g disa b l e d . To activ a t e Slee p
Fu nctio n again, dis able th e MIN /MAX or P EAK
The instrument consumes small amount of battery
power in the Sleep mode. Set the Function Switch
to the OFF position after use.
6-2. HOLD Key
(1) Data Hold Function
This is a function to freeze the measured value on
the display. Press the "HOLD" key to freeze the
The reading will be held regardless of subsequent
variation in input. "H" is indicated on the upper left
corner of the display while the ins
trument is in the
Data Hold mode. To exit Data Hold mode, press
the "HOLD" key again.
Held readings are released when Sleep Function
is activated while the instrument is in the Data Hold
(2) Backlight ON/OFF
Pressing the HOLD key 2 sec or more lights up the
Backlight. Pressing the HOLD key 2 sec or more
again turns off the Backlight.
6-3. NCV Function
Red LED on the upper area on the Panel lights up at
Al l fun ctio ns ex cept for OF F when elec tri c fiel d
exceeding 100V is detected by t
he sensor installed
in the Jaws.
It indicat es a p resence of vo ltage in an electrical
ci rc u i t or equi p m e n t wi t h o u t
touching them.
NCV Sensor can detect electrical
fi e l d on ly fr o m th e direc t i o n
indicated in the right figure.
Put the fixed element ( le ft side)
closer to the conductor under test.
Detection against in-wall outlet is
Th e LED may no t l ight u p d ue to ins t all a tio n
ion of electrical circuit or equipment. Never
touch the circu it under test to avoid po ssibl e
danger even if the LED for NCV doesn't light up.
Check th e functionalit y of LED on a well-known
power supply prior to measurement. When the
LED doesn't light up, do not make measurement.
NCV indicati on is affected by external voltage,
how to hold or place the instrument.
6-4. MIN/MAX Function
Held readings are released when Sleep Function
is activated while the instrument i s in the Data
Hold mode.
SEL E C T, ZE R O , H z / D U TY ke y s ar e di s a b led
while MIN/MAX Function is being activated.
(1) AC/DC Current Range (600A only on KEW2046R)
Pr essi n g the MIN/M A X Key at 600A & 1000A
Function enables min or max value measurement.
(4) Press the PEAK Ke y at least 2 sec to res et the
indication or release PEAK Function.
Bu z z e r so u n d s t w i c e , a n d th e Fu n c t i o n is
PEAK indication for Crest value is up to 1500A.
Er ro r ind ication is g ive n when excee din g thi s
range value.
Sleep Function is disabled when PEAK Function is
selected. Care should be taken when performing
continuous measurement.
6-7. Over-flow indication
When the input
exc eeds the meas ur ing range at
eac h Functi o n other than Voltag e ,1000A and
Temperature Range "OL" or "-OL" is indicated on the
7. Battery Replacement
To avoid electrical hazard, set the Function Switch
to " OFF" a nd re mov e the tes t lea ds from the
instrument before trying to replace batteries.
Do not mix old and new batteries.
Install batteries in correct polarity as indicated in
the Battery Compartment.
Replace the batteries when a Low Battery Vol tage
warn ing "BAT T" m ark is in dicat ed o n the displ ay.
Note that when the battery is completely exhausted,
the display blanks without "BATT" mark shown.
(1) Set the Function Switch to "OFF" position.
(2) Unscrew and remove the Battery Comp ar tment
Cover on the bottom of the instrument.
(3) Replace the batteries observing correct polarity.
Use new R03 (AAA)
or LR03 / 1.5V batteries.
(4) Install the Battery Compartment and tighten the
8. Maintenance
Use a cloth dipped in water or neutral detergent for
cleaning the instrument.
Do not use ab r asiv e s or s o lven t s. Other w ise,
instrument get damaged, deformed or discolored.
6-10 92-1803B