KYORITSU 6310 Instruction Manual

KEW 6310

Contents KEW6310

Contents ········································································································································1 Unpacki ng·······································································································································5 Safety warnings······························································································································7
Section 1 Instrument Overvie w···································································································· 1.1
1.1 Functional Overview······························································································· 1.1
1.2 Features·················································································································· 1.3
1.3 Connection Diagram······························································································ 1.5
1.4 Measuring Procedure····························································································· 1.6
1.5 Outline of max demand me asurem ent con cept··················································· 1.7
Section 2 Instrument Layout········································································································· 2.1
2.1 Front View··············································································································· 2.1
2.2 Connector················································································································ 2.3
2.3 Side Face················································································································2.4
2.4 Battery Case··········································································································· 2.5
2.5 Marks di splayed on the L CD··················································································2.6
Section 3 Getting st arted···············································································································3.1
3.1 Preparation·············································································································· 3.1
3.1.1 Putting Input terminal plate on the Input terminal··································································3.1
3.1.2 Attaching Markers to Voltage test leads and Clamp sensors··············································
3.2 Power Supply··········································································································3.3
3.2.1 Battery········································································································································3.3
3.2.2 AC Power Supply·····················································································································
3.3 Vol tage test leads and Clamp sensor connection···············································3.10
3.4 Start KEW6310······································································································3.11
3.4.1 S t art-up Screen··························································································3.1 1
3.4.2 Erro r messa ge··························································································3.13
Section 4 Setting···························································································································4.1
4.1 List of Setting ite ms································································································· 4.1
4.2 Settings··················································································································· ·4.3
4.2.1 Basic Setting······························································································································4.3
4.2.2 Measurement Setting············································································································
4.2.3 Save Setting···························································································································4.59
4.2.4 Other Setting··························································································································
Section 5 W iring C onfigur ations···································································································5.1
5.1 Important preliminary ch ecks··················································································5.1
5.2 Basic Wiring Confi guratio n····················································································· 5.2
5.3 Wiring check············································································································5.7
5.3.1 Checking procedure·················································································································5.7
5.3.2 Criteria of Judgment·················································································································
5.4 Using supplementary VT/CT’s ··············································································· 5.9
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Section 6 Instantaneous value measurement············································································· 6.1
6.1 Indications on LCD·································································································· 6.1
6.1.1 Display screen..........................................................................................................................6.1
6.1.2 Switching displays....................................................................................................................
6.1.3 Zoom..........................................................................................................................................
6.2 Measuring Procedure ····························································································6.1 1
6.3 Data saving············································································································6.12
6.3.1 Saving Inst measurement data····························································································6.12
6.3.2 Limitations of saving··············································································································
6.3.3 Saved data·····························································································································
6.4 Ranges and Over-range indications····································································6.18
6.4.1 Ranges···································································································································6.18
6.4.2 Over-range / Bar indication···································································································
Section 7 In tegrat ion mea sureme nt·····························································································7.1
7.1 Indications on LCD··································································································7.1
7.1.1 Display screen··························································································································7.1
7.1.2 Switching displays····················································································································
7.1.3 W Range display······················································································································
7.2 Measuring Procedure······························································································ 7.4
7.3 Data saving··············································································································7.5
7.3.1 Saving Integration measurement dat a···················································································7.5
7.3.2 Limitations of saving·················································································································
7.3.3 Saved data································································································································
7.4 Ranges and Over-range indications ······································································ 7.9
7.4.1 Ranges······································································································································7.9
7.4.2 Over-range / Bar indication······································································································
Section 8 D emand me asure ment································································································8.1
8.1 Indications on LCD·································································································· 8.1
8.1.1 Display screen··························································································································8.1
8.1.2 Switching displays····················································································································
8.1.3 W Range / Wh Range display ································································································
8.2 Measuring Procedure ····························································································· 8.6
8.3 Data saving·············································································································· 8.7
8.3.1 Saving Demand measurement data······················································································8.8
8.3.2 Limitations of saving··············································································································
8.3.3 Saved data·····························································································································
8.4 Ranges and Over-range indications····································································8.12
8.4.1 Ranges···································································································································8.12
8.4.2 Over-range / Bar indication···································································································
Section 9 WA VE R ange················································································································9.1
9.1 Indications on LCD·································································································· 9.1
9.1.1 Display screen··························································································································9.1
9.1.2 Switching displays····················································································································
9.1.3 Zooming/ downsizing ·············································································································
9.2 Measuring Procedure ····························································································· 9.6
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9.3 Data saving·············································································································· 9.7
9.3.1 Saving Procedure·····················································································································9.7
9.3.2 Limitations of saving·················································································································
9.3.3 Saved data································································································································
9.4 Ranges and Over-range indications····································································9.12
9.4.1 Ranges···································································································································9.12
9.4.2 Over-range / Bar indication···································································································
Section 10 Ha rmonic Analy sis···································································································· 10.1
10.1 Indications on LCD····························································································· 10.1
10.1.1 Display screen·······················································································································10.1
10.1.2 Switching displays·················································································································
10.1.3 Logarithm display··················································································································
10.2 Measuring Procedure·························································································10.6
10.3 Data saving·········································································································10.7
10.3.1 Saving Procedure··················································································································10.7
10.3.2 Limitations of saving··············································································································
10.3.3 Saved data·····························································································································
Section 1 1 P ower Qual ity·············································································································1 1.1
11.1 Display screen·····································································································1 1.2
11.2 Swell / Dip / Int mea sureme nt·············································································1 1.3
11.2.1 Display screen··················································································································11.3
11.2.2 Measuring Procedure······································································································
11.2.3 Data saving·······················································································································
11.2.4 Limitations of saving·········································································································
11.2.5 Saved data························································································································
11.3 Transient measureme nt····················································································11.1 1
11.3.1 Display screen················································································································11.11
11.3.2 Measuring Procedure····································································································
11.3.3 Data saving·····················································································································
11.3.4 Limitations of saving·······································································································
11.3.5 Saved data·····················································································································
11.4 Inrush current measurement············································································11.1 9
11.4.1 Display screen················································································································11.19
11.4.2 Measuring Procedure····································································································
11.4.3 Data saving·····················································································································
11.4.4 Limitations of saving·······································································································
11.4.5 Saved data·····················································································································
11.5 Unbalance rate measurement·········································································11.27
11.5.1 Display screen······················································································· 1 1.27
11.5.2 Measuring Procedure···································································································
11.5.3 Data saving····················································································································
11.5.4 Limitations of saving······································································································11.31
11.5.5 Saved data·····················································································································
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KEW6310 Contents
11.6 Flicker······················································································································1 1.33
11.6.1 Display screen·····················································································································11.33
11.6.2 Measuring Procedure·········································································································
11.6.3 Data saving··························································································································
11.6.4 Limitations of saving············································································································
11.6.5 Saved data···························································································································
11.7 Capacitance Calculation- Sizing of capacitor banks for Power factor correction
(PFC) ·································································································································1 1.43
11.7.1 Display screen·····················································································································11.43
11.7.2 Measuring Procedure·········································································································
11.7.3 Data saving··························································································································
11.7.4 Limitations of saving············································································································
11.7.5 Saved data···························································································································
Section 12 CF card/ Internal memory····························································································· 12.1
12.1 Instrument and CF card / Internal memory·························································· 12.1
12.2 Placing / removing the CF card············································································· 12.4
12.3 CF card and Internal memory················································································ 12.6
12.4 Backup memory······································································································12.9
Section 13 Communication function/ Interface software······························································ 13.1
13.1 Software Installation (KEW PQA MA STER)························································ 13.2
13.2 USB driver installation····························································································· 13.4
13.3 Starting “KEW PQA MASTER”·············································································· 13.6
13.4 USB driver un-installation······················································································· 13.7
Section 14 Other functions··············································································································· 14.1
14.1 Input/ Output terminals···························································································· 14.1
14.2 Getting power from measured lines······································································ 14.2
14.3 Auto-ranging············································································································ 14.4
14.4 Operation at AC power interruption·······································································14.4
Section 15 Troubleshooting·············································································································15.1
15.1 General troubleshooting························································································· 15.1
15.2 Error messages and actions··················································································15.2
Section 16 Specification··················································································································· 16.1
16.1 General specification······························································································ 16.1
16.2 Inst measurement··································································································· 16.2
16.3 Integration measurement······················································································· 16.4
16.4 Demand measurement·························································································· 16.6
16.5 Waveform measurement ······················································································· 16.6
16.6 Harmonic measurement························································································ 16.6
16.7 Power quality··········································································································· 16.7
16.7.1 Swell/ Dip/ Int measurement································································································16.7
16.7.2 Transient measurement········································································································
16.7.3 Inrush current measurement································································································
16.7.4 Unbalance rate measurement·····························································································
16.7.5 Capacitance calculation········································································································
16.8 Other specifications································································································· 16.8
16.9 Specification of Clamp sensor ·············································································16.11
KEW6310 4

Unpacking Procedure KEW6310

Unpacking Procedure
We thank you for purchasing the instrument before use.
Items listed below are included with the standard set: Main unit
Voltage test lead
Power cord
USB cord
Quick manual
7 8 Compact flash card 1 pce 9 Carrying case MODEL9125 : 1 pce
10 Input terminal plate 1 pce 11 Cable marker 12 Card Reader MODEL8319
Optional parts
Clamp sensor
Instruction manual for
clamp sensor
15 Compact fla sh ca rd 64M/ 128M/ 256M/ 1GB
Carrying case for Main unit
(with magnet)
17 Power supply adap te r MODEL8312
1. Main unit 2. Voltage test lead 3. Power cord 5. Quick manual 6. CD-ROM
Power Quality Analyzer KEW6310”. Please check the contents and
KEW6310 : 1 unit MODEL7141 : 1 set
(red, black, green, blue: 1pce for each) MODEL7170 : 1 pce MODEL7148 : 1 pce 1 pce 1 pce Alkaline size AA battery LR6: 6pcs
8-color x 4pcs each (red, blue, yellow, green, brown, gray, black, white)
Depending on model pu rch ased 1 pce
4. USB cord
7. Battery 8. Compact flash card 9. Carrying case 11. Cable marker
10. Input terminal plate 12. Card Reader : M-8319
5 KEW6310
KEW6310 Unpacking Procedure
13. Clamp sensor 14. Instruction manual for clamp sensor
(depending on model purchased )
50A T ype(φ24mm) M-8128 100A T y pe(φ24mm) M-8127 200A T y pe(φ40mm) M-8126 500A T y pe(φ40mm) M-8125
1000A T y pe(φ68mm) M-8124
3000A T y pe(φ150mm) M-8129
10A T ype(φ24mm) M-8146
10A T ype(φ40mm) M-8147
10A T ype(φ68mm) M-8148
1A T ype (φ24mm) M-8141 1A T ype (φ40mm) M-8142 1A T ype (φ68mm) M-8143
15. Compact flash card 32MB M-8305 64MB M-8306 128MB M-8307 256MB M-8322 1GB M-8323
Store the items as shown below after use. 16. Carrying case for Main unit 17. Power supply adapte r (with magnet)
In case any of the items listed above are found to be damaged or missing or if the printing is unclear, please contact your local KYORITSU distributor from where the instrument was purchased.
KEW6310 6
Safety warnings KEW6310

Safety warnings

This instrument has been designed, manufactured and tested according to IEC 61010: Safety requirements for Electronic Measuring apparatus, and delivered in the best condition after passing quality control tests.
This instruction manual contains warnings and safety rules which have to be observ ed by the user to ensure safe operation of the instrument and to maintain it in sa fe con dition. Therefo re, rea d through these operating instructions before using the instrument.
Read through and understand the instructions contained in this manual before using the instrument.
Keep the manual at hand to enable qui ck referen ce w heneve r ne cessa ry.
The instrument is to be used only in its intended applications.
Understand and follow all the safety instructions contained in the manual.
Read the enclosed Quick manual after reading this instruction manual.
As to the Clamp sensor use, refer to the instruction manual supplied with the sensor.
It is essential that the above instructions are adhered to. Failure to follow the above instructions may cause injury, instrument damage and/or damage to equipment under test.
The symbol indicated on the instrument, means that the user must refer to the related parts in the manual for safe operation of the instrument. It is essential to read the instructions wherever the symbol appears in the manual.
is reserved for conditions and actions that are likely to cause
This instrument meets CAT. III 600V. To ensure safe operation of measuring instruments, IEC 61010 establishes safety standards for various electrical environments, categorized as CAT.I to CAT.IV, and called measurement categories. Higher-numbered catego ries correspon d to el ec tric al en vi ron men ts with grea ter mo mentary en ergy , so a measuring instrument designed for CAT.III environments can endure greater momentary energy than one designed for CAT.II. CAT.I: Secondary electrical circuits connected to an AC electrical outlet through a transformer or similar device. CAT.II: Primary electrical circuits of equipment connected to an AC electrical outlet by a power cord. CAT.III: Primary electrical circuits of the equipment connected directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from
the distribution panel to outlets. CAT.IV: The circuit from the service drop to the service entrance, and to the power meter and primary overcurrent protection device (distribution panel).
serious or fatal injury. is reserved for conditions and actions that can cause serious or
fatal injury. is reserved for conditions and actions that can cause injury or
instrument damage.
7 KEW6310
KEW6310 Safety warnings
Ve rify prop er opera tio n on a kn ow n source be fore use.
Verify proper operation on a known source before use or taking action as a result of the indication of the
Never make measurement on a circuit in which the electrical potential exceeds AC600V.
Do not attempt to make measurement in the presence of flammable gasses. Otherwise, the use of the
instrument may cause sparking, which can lead to an explosion.
Never attempt to use the instrument if its surface or your hand are wet.
- Measurement -
Do not exceed the maximum allowable input of any measuring range.
Never open the Battery cover and CF card connector cover during a measurement.
- Battery -
Never open the Battery Cover during a measurement.
Brand and type of the batteries to be used should be harmonized.
- Power cord -
Connect the Power cord mains plug to a mains socket outlet
Use only the Power cord supplied with this instrument.
- Power supply connector -
Never touch the Power su pply conne ctor al thou gh it is insu l ated w hile the instrumen t is opera ti ng w ith batteries.
- Volt age te st lead s -
Use only the ones supplied with this instrument.
Confirm that the measured voltage rating of the test lead is not exceeded.
Do not connect a Voltage test lead unless required for measuring the parameters desired.
Connect V oltage test leads to the instrument first, and only then connect them to the circuit under
Never disconnect Voltage test leads while the instrument is in use.
Connect to the downstream side of a circuit breaker since a current capacity at the upstream side is large.
Do not touch two lines under test with the metal tips of the test leads.
Never touch the metal tips of the test leads.
- Clamp sensor -
Use only the ones dedicated for this instrument.
Confirm that the measured voltage rating of the test lead is not exceeded.
Do not connect a Camp sensor unless required for measuring the parameters desired.
Connect sensors to the instrument first, and only then connect them to the circuit under test.
Never disconnect sensors while the instrument is in use.
Connect to the downstream side of a circuit breaker since a current capacity at the upstream side is large.
Do not touch two lines under test with the metal tips of the test leads.
KEW6310 8
Safety warnings KEW6310
- Connection -
Confirm that the instrument is off, and then connect the Power cord.
Connect the Voltage test leads and clamp sensors to the instrument first. Cord to be firmly inserted.
Never attempt to make any measurement if any abnormal conditions, such as a broken cover or
exposed metal parts are present on the Instrument, Voltage test leads, Power cord and Clamp sensor.
- Measurement –
Ensure that the Current input terminal cover, USB connector cover and C F card c onne c tor cove r are
closed when not in use during a measuremen t.
- Not in use for a long period -
Remove the Power co rd fro m the ou tl et if the in strume n t w ill no t be in use fo r a long pe riod .
- Repair -
Do not install substitute parts or make any modification to the instrument. Return the instrument to your local KYORITSU distributor for repair or re-calibration in case of suspected faulty operation.
- Battery -
Do not try to replace the batteries if the surface of the instrument is wet.
Ensure that the Power cord, Voltage test leads and Clamp sensor are removed from the instrument,
and that the instrument is switched off when opening the Battery cover for battery replacement.
Do not use dry-cell batteries with the Selector Switch set to “RECHARGEABLE BA TTERY” position. It may cause electrical shock accident.
Never mix new and o ld batteries.
Install batteries in correct polarity as marked inside.
- Power cord -
Do not use the damaged cord.
Don’t put heavy things on, step on or pin ch the cord , m oreo ver, not to touch any heating material.
When unplugging the cord from the mains socket outlet, do so by removing the plug first and not by
pulling the Power cord .
- Measures against abnormal symptoms -
If the instrument begins to emit smoke, becomes too hot, or gives off an unusual smell, immediately power it off and disconne ct the pow er cord from the ou tle t. Also pow er off th e power to the object under test. If any anomalies as noted, contact your local KYORITSU distributor.
- Use of protective gears -
Use insulated gloves, boots or head gears at measurements to ensure user’s safety.
9 KEW6310
KEW6310 Safety warnings
Caution should be taken since conductors under test may be hot.
Never apply currents or voltages exceeding the maximum allowable input for the instrument for a long time.
Don’t apply currents or voltages to Voltage test leads or Clamp sensors while the instrument is in off status.
Don’t use the instrument at dusty places or to be spattered.
Don’t use the instrument under a strong electric storm or in the vicinity of energized object.
Never give strong vibrations or drop shocks.
Do not place or remove a CF card while CF card is being accessed. ( flashes while CF card is being
accessed.) Otherwise saved data in the card or the instrument may be damaged.
- Clamp sensor -
Do not bend or pull the cable of the Cl amp se nso r.
- Treatment after use -
Power off the instrument and disconnect the Power cord, Voltage test leads and Clamp sensors from the instrument.
Remove the batteries i f th e instrumen t i s to be store d and w ill no t be in use fo r a long pe riod .
Remove the CF card w hen ca rry ing the in strumen t.
Never give strong vibrations or drop shocks when carrying the instrument.
Do not expose the instrument to direct sunlight, high temperatures, humidity or dew.
Use a damp cloth with neutral detergent for cleaning the instrument. Do not use abrasives or solvents.
Do not store the instrument if it is wet.
Carefully read and follow the instructions: DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE ( ) described in each section.
The following symbols are used in this manual:
User must refer to the explanations in the instruction manual. Instrument with double or reinforced insulation, Class II insulation
~ AC
(Functional) Earth terminal
KEW6310 10
1.1 Functional Overview KEW6310

1. Instrument Overview

1. 1 Functional Overview

Instantaneous value measurement
Measures average/max/min values of instantaneous values of current, voltage and electric power.
See Section 6 “Instantaneous value measureme nt” for further details.
Integration value measurement
Measures active/ apparent/ reactive powers on each CH.
See Section 7 “Integration value measurement” for further details.
Demand measurement
Measures demand values based on the preset target values. Digital output signals alert the user that the predicted value may exceed a target value.
See Section 8DEMAND Measurement” for further details.
Setting of KEW6310 or for measurements
See “Setting (Section 4)” for further details.
1.1 KEW6310
KEW6310 1.1 Functional Overview
Measurement at WAVE Range
Displays vector / wave for m of vo l t age s and c u rrents per CH
See “WAVE Range (Section 9)” for further details.
Harmonic measurement
Measures / analyzes harmonic compon en t s o f cu rren t & voltages
See “Harmonic Analysis (Section 10)” for further
Power quality analysis
Measures swell, dip, int, transient, inrush current, unbalance ratio and flicker, and also simulates power factor correction with capacitor banks.
* Flicker measurement function is only available with ver .2.00 or later.
See “Power Quality (Section 11)” for further details.
KEW6310 1.2
1.2 Features KEW6310

1.2 Features

This is a Power Quality Analyzer that can be used for various wiring systems. It can be used for simple measurements of instantaneous/ integration/ demand values, and also for monitoring waveforms and vectors, analyzing harmonics and measuring the fluctuations in supply voltages and can perform Capacitance Calculation. Data can be saved either in the internal memory or a CF card, and can be transferred to a PC either via a USB lead or a CF Card reader.
Safety Construction
Designed to meet the international safety standard IEC 61010-1 CAT.III 600V/ CATII. 1000V
Wiring configuration
KEW6310 supports : Single-phase 2-wire, Sin gle-pha se 3-w ire, Three-phase 3-wire, Three-phase 4-wire .
Measurement and caluclation
KEW6310 measures voltage (RMS), current (RMS), and calculates active/reactive/apparent power , power factor, phase angle, frequency, neutral current and active/ reactive/ apparent electric energy. (RMS)
Demand measurment
Electricity consumption can be easily monitored so as not to exceed the target maximum demand values.
Waveform / Vector display
Voltage and current can be displayed by waveform or vector.
Harmonic analysis
Harmonic components of voltage and current can be measured and analyzed.
Power quality analysis
Measuring Swell/ Dip/ Int, Transient, Inrush current, Unbalance ratio and flicker*, moreover , simulating power factor correction with capacitor banks. * Flicker measurement function is only available with ver.2.00 or later.
1.3 KEW6310
KEW6310 1.2 Features
Saving data
KEW6310 is endowed with a logging function with a preset recording interval. Data can be saved by manual operation or at pre-set time & date. Screen data can be saved by using Print Screen function.
Dual power supply system
KEW6310 operates either with AC power supply or with batteri es. Bo th d ry -cel l batte rie s (al kal ine ) and rechargeable batteries (Ni-MH) can be used. In the event of interruption, while operating with AC power supply, power to the instrument is automatically restored by the batteries in the instrument.
Large display
Color display with large screen
Light & compact design
Clamp sensor type, compact and light weight design
Data in the internal memory or CF card can be transferred to a PC via a USB lead or a CF Card reader. As well supplied software fa ci litates setting, optional analysis sof tw are fa cili t a te s data analysis.
Input/output function
Analogue signals from thermometers or light sensors can be measured simultaneously with electrical power data via 2 analogue inputs (DC voltage); signals exceeding preset threshold values at each range can be transmitted to alarm devices via 1 digital output (DC voltage)
KEW6310 1.4
1.3 Connection Dia gram KEW6310

1.3 Connection Diagram

Volt age Inp ut
Current Input
Power Cord
Alkaline dry-cell / Ni-MH rechargeable batteries
Digital Output (1ch)
Analogue Input (2ch)
Recorder / Alarm device
Thermometer/Light sensor
CF Card
1.5 KEW6310
KEW6310 1.4 Measuring Procedure

1.4 Measuring Procedure

Step s for measurement
Ensuring your safety
See “Safety Warnings”.
See “Section 3: Getting started”.
Basic / Measurement / Save Settings
See “Section 4: Setting”.
See “Section 5: Wiring”.
* Measuring instantaneou s values :
“Section 6: Instantaneous value Measurement”
* Measuring integration values:
“Section 7: Integration value Measurement”
* Measuring demand valu es:
“Section 8: Demand Measurement”
* Measuring vectors and waveforms:
“Section 9: W AVE Range”
* Analyzing Harmonics:
“Section 10: Harmonic Analysis”
* Measuring Power Quality:
“Section 11: Power Quality”
KEW6310 1.6
1.5 Outline of max demand measurement concept KEW6310

1.5 Outline of max demand measurement concept

In some countries, large consumers of e le ctri city w ill usua lly have a max i mu m deman d co n tra ct w ith th e pow er company. Such contract varies from country to coun try . The following is an explanation of a typical Japanese maximum demand contract.
Maximum Demand co nt ra ct In such a contract the electricity tariff rates (i.e. for kWhr units) are based upon the consumer’s maximum power demand. The maximum demand is the maximum of average powers recorded over a 30min intervals. This is measured by the maximum demand mete r belo ngin g to the pow er comp any . Le t’s assu me th a t a pow er company has the following appli cabl e ra te s. $2 per KWhr unit for a recorded max demand 300KW during a year $4 per KWhr unit for a recorded max demand 500KW during a year $5 per KWhr unit for a recorded max demand 600KW during a year Assuming that the consumer is on the 500kW/year rate (ie. $4), and the recorded max demand during a particular day(say 15th January) is 600 kW . Then th e new applicable rate from 1st February onwards will be the 600kW/year rate (ie. $5) for the next 365 day s. If a y ear late r, on Feb ruary 1st the recorde d max imu m demand is 300kW, then the new applicable rates w ill be ch anged to 300kW/y ear ra te (i.e . $2) for the subseq uen t 365 days. However if during this period , the max demand g oes up aga in, and say 600 kW is re corded on 15th Ma rch, the applicable rates change again to the 600kW/year rate (i.e.$5) for the subsequent 365 days.
Benefits of maximum demand control It is thus important for consumers with such contracts to monitor closely fluctuations in their power demand to ensure that their max demand limits are not exceeded and thus incur higher tariffs. Maximum Demand control is more effective in countries with higher electricity tariffs.
Status of maximum demand contract In the past, in Japan, only consumers whose electricity supply was rated at 600kW or more used to enter into a demand contract. However, now adays pow er co mp anie s install maximu m d emand me ters a t all co nsu mers whose supply is rated 70kW or more.
Maximum Demand measurement limitations N.B. The readings from power comp any max i mu m dema nd me te r and fro m the 6300 w ill no t match compl etely due to an obvious time-lag difference in the start of the integration period (eg.30mins) over which the max demand is taken.
1.7 KEW6310
KEW6310 1.5 Outline of max demand measurement concept
KEW6310 1.8
2.1 Front View KEW6310

2. Instrument Layout

2.1 Front View

Display (LCD) / Keys
Display (LCD)
LED status indicator Green lights up : Recording & measuring Green flashes : Stand-by (lights up when preset time comes) Red flashes : Charging batteries
2.1 KEW6310
KEW6310 2.1 Front View
Key Operations
Keys Details
Power Key
Cursor Key
Menu Key
Power on / off the instrument
Display / hide the indications on the LCD
Select the setting items, switches screens
Confirm entries
Cancel setting changes, clear integration / demand data selected by Cursor Keys.
Save the displayed screen as a BMP (bi tmap) file.
Hold the readings. (can view the item an d system with Cursor Keys)
* Measurement continues even if screen is frozen.
Key Lock Pressing 2 sec or more disables all Keys to prevent operational error. Another long press (2
sec or more) is required to restore the disabled Keys.
W : Measure instantaneous values Wh : Measure integration values
DEMAND : Measure demand values
: Waveform measurement : Harmonic measurement
QUALITY: Select any Ch and set threshold values to record swell/ di p/ int/ transient with time information.
SET UP : Basic, Measurement, Save and Other settings
Function Key
KEW6310 2.2
Execute the displayed function
F1, F2, F3, F4 Key (from left to right)
2.2 Connector KEW6310


Single-phase 2-wire (1c h ) “1P2W×1” VN, 1 A1 Single-phase 2-wire (2c h) “1P2W×2” VN, 1 A1, 2 Single-phase 2-wire (3c h ) “1P2W×3” VN, 1 A1, 2, 3 Single-phase 2-wire (4c h) “1P2W×4” VN, 1 A1, 2, 3, 4 Single-phase 3-wire (1c h) “1P3W×1” VN, 1, 2 A1, 2 Single-phase 3-wire (2c h) “1P3W×2” VN, 1, 2 A1, 2, 3, 4 Single-phase 3-wire (1 ch )
Three-phase 3-wire (1ch) “3P3W×1” VN, 1, 2 A1, 2 Three-phase 3-wire (2ch) “3P3W×2” VN, 1, 2 A1, 2, 3, 4 Three-phase 3-wire (1ch)
Three-phase 3-wire 3A “3P3W3A” V1, 2, 3 A1, 2, 3 Three-phase 4-wire (1ch) “3P4W×1” VN, 1, 2, 3 A1, 2, 3 Three-phase 4-wire (1ch)
Power Connector
Wiring configuration Voltage Input Terminal Current Input Terminal
+ 2 Current
+ 2 Current
+ 1 Current
1P3W×1+2A VN, 1, 2 A1, 2, 3, 4
3P3W×1+2A VN, 1, 2 A1, 2, 3, 4
“3P4W×1+1A” VN, 1, 2, 3 A1, 2, 3, 4
Volt age Inp ut Termina l
(VN, V1, V2, V3)
Current Input Terminal
(A1, A2, A3, A4)
Terminal Cover
2.3 KEW6310
KEW6310 2.3 Side Face

2.3 Side Face

<when the Connector Cover is closed >
CF Card Cover
USB Port
<when the Connector Cover is closed >
Eject Button
Analogue Input/ Digital ou tput
CF Card Slot
USB Connector
Analogue Input/ Digital output T e rminal
KEW6310 2.4
2.4 Battery Case KEW6310

2.4 Battery Case

Selector Switch Cover
Battery Cover
Selector switch cover
* Set the Selector Switch to either “DRY BATTERY” (alkaline) or “RECHAR GEABLE BATTERY” (Ni-MH) position depending on the battery you use.
Selector switch
2.5 KEW6310
KEW6310 2.5 Marks displayed o n the LCD

2.5 Marks displayed on the LCD

Flash while saving data
Flash in stand-by mode
Flash while saving data to a CF Card
Flash while saving data to the internal memo ry Displayed when the capacity of C F Card or the internal
memory is full Displayed when KEW6310 is operating with AC power supply
Displayed when KEW6310 is operating with ba tteries
Displayed while Data hold functi on is activa ted
Displayed when measured voltage exceeds a certain condi tion
Displayed when measured current exceeds a cert ain condition
Displayed on the screen for Instantaneous value measurement
Displayed on the screen for Integra tion value me asurement
Displayed on the screen for Demand measure ment
KEW6310 2.6
Displayed on the WAVE Range screen
Displayed on the screen for Harmonic analysis
Displayed on the screen for Pow er quality measurement
Displayed on the screen for Capaci tance calculat ion
Displayed on the Setting screen
Displayed while Keys are locked
Displayed when swell occurs at Pow er quality measurement
Displayed when dip occurs at Pow er quality measure ment Displayed when short-interruption (int) occurs a t Power quali ty
measurement Displayed with sum of values measured at ea ch CH
2.5 Marks displaye d on the LCD KEW6310
Marks for Function Keys
Switch to the screen for Instantaneous va lue measurement
Switch to the screen for Integration value measuremen t
Switch to the screen for Demand measurement
Switch to the screen for Wave form measurement
Switch to the V ecory display screen Change scale of voltage at th e screen for Waveform
measurement Change scale of current at the screen for Wave form measurement
Switch to W/ Wh/ DEMAND Setting screen
Switch to WAVE Range Setting screen
Switch to Harmonic analysis Setting screen
Switch to Power quality Setting screen
2.7 KEW6310
KEW6310 2.5 Marks displayed on the LCD
3.1.1 Putting a Connector plate on the Input terminal KEW6310

3. Getting started

3.1 Preparation

3.1.1 Putting Input terminal plate on the Input terminal

Six Input terminal plates are supplied with this instrument. Choose one Plate which matches the standard cord colors where the instrument is used. Put the Plate to the Input terminal observing the orientation. * Clean the Input terminal before putting the Plate and confirm it isn’t wet.
Put a proper Input terminal plate.
Input terminal plate.
VN V1/A1 V2/A2 V3/A3 A4 TYPE 1 Blue Red Green Black Yellow TYPE 2 Blue Brown Black Gray Yellow TYPE 3 Black Yellow Green Red White TYPE 4 Blue Black Red White Y ellow TYPE 5 White Black Red Blue Yellow TYPE 6 Black Red Yellow Blue White
3.1 KEW6310
KEW6310 3.1.2 Attaching Markers to Voltage test leads and Clamp sensors

3.1.2 Att aching Markers to Voltage test leads and Clamp sensors

Attach Markers to the both ends of the Voltage test leads and Clamp sensors harmonized with the Input terminals. * Supplied Markers are 32 pcs in total : 4pcs each color (red, blue, yellow, green, brown, gray, black, white).
Attach Markers to the both ends of a Sensor .
Marker (32 pcs in total)
Attach Markers to the both ends of the Voltage test lead.
KEW6310 3.2
3.2.1 Battery KEW6310

3.2 Power Supply

3.2.1 Battery

KEW6310 operates with either an AC power supply or batteries. Capable o f pe rformi ng measure ment s in the event of AC po w er in terru ption , power to the instrument is automatically restored by the batteries inst all ed i n the instrument. Dry-cell batteries (alkaline) and rechargeable batteries (Ni-MH) can be both used. It is also possible to charge rechargeable batte ries in the instrument. * Dry-cell batteries (alkaline) are supplied as accessories.
Never open the Battery Cover during a measurement.
Brand and type of the batteries to be used should be harmonized.
Never touch the Power su pply conne ctor al thou gh it is insu l ated w hile the instrumen t is opera ti ng w ith
Remove Power Cord, Voltage test leads and Clamp sensors from the instrument and power off the instrument before replacing the batteries.
Remove the Selector Switch Cover, and slide the Selector Switch to left or right depending on the batteri es to be used. Do not use dry-cell batteries with the Selector Switch set to “RECHARGEABLE BA TTERY” position. It may cause electrical shock accident.
Position of Selector Switch Battery can be used RECHARGEABLE BATTER Y size AA Ni-MH rechargeab le ba ttery (HR- 15/5 1) DRY BATTERY size AA dry-cell alkaline battery (LR6)
Do not mix new and old batteries.
Install batteries in correct polarity as marked inside.
Batteries are not in the instrument at the time of purchase. Please insert the supplied batteries in the instrument. Battery power is consumed even if the instrument is being off. Remove all the batteries if the instrument is to be stored and w ill no t be in use fo r a long peri od . When the instrumen t i s po w ered by an AC power supply, it doesn’t operate with batteries.
If an AC supply is interrupted and the batteries hav e not been inserte d, the instrument goes off and a ll data may lost.
3.3 KEW6310
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