Unauthorized reproduction of all or part of this guide is prohibited.
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
We cannot be held liable for any problems arising from the use of this product, regardless of the information herein.
Regarding Trademarks
Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
All other brand and product names herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
Examples of the operations given in this guide support the Windows 7 printing environment. Essentially the same
operations are used for Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008
Many features are available to help you organize and monitor
network device information.
These features are available for starting the application,
discovering devices, and getting familiar with the user interface.
Starting and Logging in
1. Open the application.
2. If you have administrator rights, your last saved
workspace appears and you can proceed with your tasks.
If you have administrator rights, and you are starting the
application for the first time, proceed to step 4.
3. If you do not have administrator rights, the network
administrator must set up a user login password for you.
If no password has been set up, the application does not
start, and an access error message appears.
Type your password in the login text box, and click
Submit. A password is a maximum of 32 characters. A
blank password is allowed.
If your submitted password is accepted, your last saved
workspace appears, unless it is your first time starting the
application. If it is the first time, proceed to step 4.
If the password is not correct, the application displays the
dialog box and asks you to enter the password again. If
you incorrectly enter the password three times, an error
message appears, and the application does not start. If
this happens, see the network administrator about your
4. If you just installed the application, and it is the first time
you are starting it, a dialog box appears after you have
started and successfully logged in. You are asked to
specify a workspace file. After you specify your
workspace file, the application opens and displays the
Add Device wizard to help you search for network
devices and create the device list.
Editing Authentication Options
If a user does not have administrator rights on the computer with
the application installed, the network administrator can set up a
KMnet Viewer 5.2 1
user login password. If no password has been set up for a user
without administrator rights, the application does not start, and an
access error message appears.
1. In the menu bar at the top left of the screen, click Edit >
Options. In the Options dialog box, click
2. Select Enable local password.
3. In the New password text box, type a password for a
local user. A password is a maximum of 32 characters. A
blank password is allowed.
4. In Confirm password, type the password again.
5. Click OK to save the password.
Device Discovery
Discovery is a process that checks networks for printing devices.
If new devices are found, then the application updates its
database with information about the device. This process can be
performed manually for single or multiple devices, or it can be
scheduled to run automatically according to a set schedule. It is
also possible to exclude devices from being discovered.
When the application is launched for the first time, or when a new
workspace is opened, the Add Device wizard automatically
Adding Devices
You can use the Add Device wizard to add devices to the view
1. Click Device > Discovery > Add Devices.
2. In the Add Device wizard, select a method for adding
Uses predefined communication settings to find
devices in the local network.
Lets you select settings to find devices on any
3. For the selected method, complete the wizard and click
Finish to begin discovery.
KMnet Viewer 5.2 2
Custom Options for Adding Devices
Custom options are available when Custom is selected in the
Add Device wizard. You can select the discovery process to run
on your local network, a specific IP address, or a range of IP
addresses. Continue through the wizard to select the following
Type specific IPv4 or IPv6 addresses or host names and click
Add to add them to the Selected targets list. You can also
click Import to search for a valid IP address list (.CSV or
.TXT). An entry can be removed from the Selected targets
list by selecting it and clicking Remove. Click Next to
continue through the wizard and select TCP/IP port, SNMP
options, SSL options, and discovery start time.
By IP address range
Type valid starting and ending IPv4 addresses and click Add
to add them to the Selected network segments list. An entry
can be removed from the Selected network segments list by
selecting it and clicking Remove. Click Next to continue
through the wizard and select TCP/IP port, SNMP options,
SSL options, and discovery start time.
Automatic Device Discovery
You can set up a regular schedule for performing the discovery
process. If devices are frequently added to or removed from the
network, performing discovery on a regular basis will keep the
device database up to date.
2. If there is an existing discovery mode you would
like to edit, select it and click Properties, make
your selections in each window to set up a
recurring schedule and click Apply changes.
3. Click Add to create a new discovery mode. In the
Add Device wizard, make your selections in
each window to set up a recurring schedule. On
the Confirm Discovery page, click Finish to
KMnet Viewer 5.2 3
save your changes.
4. The new discovery mode is added to the list.
Click Close to save your changes and close the
Scheduled Discovery dialog box.
Excluded Devices
A printing device can be deleted, which excludes the device from
the discovery process. This may be done if the device is not
managed by the IT department, or if the device is to be made not
visible for security reasons.
Devices can be restored to the device list from the Excluded
Devices window.
Excluding a Device from Discovery
This option removes the device from the device list, and displays
it in the Excluded Devices window. Information about the device
is not deleted from the application.
Including a Device
A printing device that was deleted can be included again. When a
device is included, it is available to be found the next time
Discovery is performed.
1. Click Device > Discovery > Excluded Devices.
2. In the list, select an excluded device to include.
3. Click Include device.
User Interface
The user interface is designed to help you quickly get the
information you need about your network devices.
The screen is divided between left and right panes. On the left
pane, you can select which view appears in the device list in the
right pane. A view is a specified organization of columns and rows
(list), or a layout (map) of the device data.
1. In the device list, select the device to exclude.
2. Right-click on the selected device, and click Delete Device.
The application offers two types of views: custom views that are
listed under the My Views heading, and standard views defined
by the application that are listed under Default Views.
The device list in the right pane displays all devices found during
network discovery. There is one row of information per device.
KMnet Viewer 5.2 4
There is one row of information per Account when Accounts
View is selected in the left pane.
Main Menu
The main menu is located in the upper left corner of the screen.
Basic operations that affect the application are in this menu. The
main menu operates like a standard Microsoft Windows main
My Views Pane
My Views are located in the left pane of the screen. My Views
are lists or maps you can create from Default Views or other My
Views. This lets you customize the type of information you want
to see. My Views are organized in a tree structure that displays
folders and My Views nodes. When you select a My Views node,
the application displays the view (list or map) in the right pane.
You can create folders to organize and manage My Views. Add
information to My Views by clicking View > Add Dynamic View,
or View > Add Manual View Using Selection.
Default Views Pane
Default Views are located in the left pane of the screen. Default
Views are standard list or map views shipped with the application.
Under Default Views, six standard Device views and two
standard Account views are available that cannot be removed.
When you select a particular default view, the application displays
the view (list or map) in the right pane.
Device List Pane
The device list is located in the right pane of the screen. It
provides device information in a customizable list or in a map
format. Information can be organized and sorted to the user’s
preference. Each row represents a device and columns represent
categories. Each device row can be expanded to display more
Identifying Status Icons
In the device list, status icons provide quick information about the
condition of each device. Click the triangle icon to expand the row
and see a description of the condition. For further information,
refer to the Operation Guide.
Green icon with a white check mark. This icon indicates that
the device is ready to print, or is in the process of printing.
Red icon with white ―X‖. This icon means the device is
unable to print and needs immediate attention.
KMnet Viewer 5.2 5
Yellow icon with a white exclamation mark. This icon
indicates that the device can print, but is approaching error
Orange icon with a white broken circuit. This icon means
the application is unable to communicate with the device.
Gray clock icon. This icon indicates that the device is
operational, but occupied with a task.
Customizing the Device List
The application provides the ability to arrange the information in
the device list to suit your needs. Changes made to My Views are
saved with the view. You can update changes to My Views by
clicking Update View in the toolbar. Changes made to Default
Views are not saved after you leave the view.
Showing or Hiding Columns
Find the column to the right of where you want a new column to
appear. Right-click on the column heading to open the selection
list of columns. A column that appears in the view has a check
mark next to it in the selection list. Select a new column for the
view by clicking on the desired column name. The column will
now appear in the view.
To hide a column from the view, click any column heading to open
the selection list of columns. Click on a column name that has a
check mark next to it that you want to hide. The column will no
longer appear in the view.
Changing the Width of a Column
To adjust the width of a column, position the cursor over the
column divider until you see the double-headed arrow. Left-click,
and then drag the arrow left or right until you have the desired
column size. Release the mouse button.
Changing the Position of a Column
To move a column to another position in the view, left-click on the
desired column heading, and then drag the cursor to a column
heading name that is to the left or right of where you want the
moved column to appear. Release the mouse button.
Sorting Rows in the Device List
You can sort the information in the device list. Click the column
heading to change the sort order of the rows in the view, using the
data in that column as the sort criteria. An upward triangle
KMnet Viewer 5.2 6
indicates rows sorted in ascending order; a downward triangle
indicates rows sorted in a descending order.
Expanding a Row in the Device List
You can expand a row in the device list to reveal more information
about a device. Click the right-pointing triangle icon in the row of
the device for which you want to see additional information. The
row expands to display a 3–D picture of the device with all
installed options. Other information about the device is also
displayed, such as model, status, IP address, and print speed.
To collapse the row back to regular device list size, click the
triangle icon again.
Closing the Application Window
You can close just the application window so that the device list is
no longer visible on the screen, but the application continues to
run in the system tray. This is useful if you want to reduce the
number of open windows on your desktop, or if you are running a
task that does not need visual monitoring. In the menu bar at the
top left of the screen, click File > Close Window. To reopen the
window, double-click the icon in the system tray; or right-click the
icon, and then click Restore.
To exit the application, click File > Exit. The application saves the
currently displayed workspace before exiting. This saved
workspace appears the next time the same user opens the
KMnet Viewer 5.2 7
2 View Management
The application offers two types of views: custom views that are
listed under the My Views heading, and eight standard views defined
by the application that are listed under Default Views. The default
views are:
You can create, change, or delete views in My Views. In the Default
Views, you can customize the appearance of the lists, but the
changes are not saved after you leave the view. You cannot make
permanent changes to the views in Default Views.
View As
You can switch to a different view by using the View As feature in
the View menu. Select the view you want to change, click View > View As, and click the new view from the list.
This feature is not available for Accounting Devices View,
Accounts View, or custom account views under My Views.
Default Views
If the original view is under Default Views, the view switches to
the selected default view.
If the original view is under My Views, the view itself changes to
the selected view. To save the view, click Update View.
The application provides eight standard views under Default Views
that cannot be removed or edited. Display Name, IP Address and
Host Name are included in all views except Map View and
Accounts View.
In any view except Map View, you can add or remove columns from
the table temporarily. Right-click on the column heading and select or
clear the desired item or items. The modified views are not saved
when you switch to a different view.
KMnet Viewer 5.2 8
The following default Device views are available:
General View
Displays general information, such as display name, IP address,
host name, toner level, description, location, and model name.
Capability View
Displays support for various device capabilities, such as color or
black & white, print speed, duplex, total memory, hard disk, scan,
FAX, staple, punch, address book, document box, user list, and
job log.
Counter View
Displays the device counters for total printed pages, copier
printed pages, printer printed pages, FAX/i-FAX printed pages,
black & white printed pages, single color printed pages, full color
printed pages, total scanned pages, copier scanned pages, FAX
scanned pages, and other scanned pages.
Firmware View
Displays firmware information, including system firmware, engine
firmware, scanner firmware, FAX firmware (Ports 1 and 2), panel
firmware, and NIC firmware version.
Asset View
Displays asset information, including MAC address, serial
number, and asset number.
Map View
Displays printing devices on a background map of your office.
The following default Account views are available:
Accounting Devices View
Displays general information and counters for devices that
support accounting.
Accounts View
Displays account information for managed devices, such as
counter totals for print, copy, FAX, and scan.
KMnet Viewer 5.2 9
Map View
Use Map View to display printing devices on a background map of
your office. Printing device properties can be viewed and managed
from Map View. The use of an office map helps to visualize the
location of devices throughout an office.
Under Default Views, click Map View. The initial map view displays
all devices as icons against a white background. You can import an
image of your office layout to appear in the background, then click
and drag each device icon to its office location. The map is shared by
all map views in the current workspace.
Information about a device can be viewed by moving the pointer over
the icon.
Importing a Map Background
You can import an image of your office layout to appear in the map
view background. After an image is imported, you can replace it with
another image by following the same procedure.
1. Under Default Views, select Map View.
2. Click Device > Import Map Background.
3. Click Browse to select an image file (.BMP or .JPG).
4. Click OK in the Import Map Background dialog box.
Adjusting the Map Size
You can change the size of the map image within the view window.
Use any of the following methods to change the image size:
Click Zoom In to increase the size of the image one step.
Click Zoom Out to decrease the size of the image one step.
Click Zoom to Fit to place the entire image within the screen. If
you change the screen size, click Zoom to Fit again.
Type a percentage between 50% and 300% in the Zoom box
and press Enter.
Clearing a Map Background
You can remove the background image from the map view. All
device icons will retain their position after the map image is removed.
In the Device menu, click Clear Map Background.
KMnet Viewer 5.2 10
My Views
You can set up custom views in addition to the default views. Custom
views appear on the left side of the screen under My Views.
Dynamic or manual views can be created or deleted. If desired,
views can be placed in folders.
My Views lets you customize the devices or accounts being
displayed, as well as column order, number of columns, and other
view settings. To save the view, click Update View.
Adding a New Folder to My Views
You can create folders under My Views so that custom views can be
placed in folders.
1. In the menu bar at the top left of the screen, click File > New Folder. A folder with the temporary name of New Folder is
created in the My Views pane for the active workspace.
2. Click in the text box, and type a name for the folder. The
name cannot be the same as that of an already existing
3. To save the new folder name, click outside the text box, or
press Enter.
Renaming a Folder or View
You can change the name of a folder or view in My Views.
In the My Views pane at the left of the screen, click to highlight the
view or folder you want to rename.
1. In the menu bar at the top left of the screen, click Edit >
2. Type the new name, replacing the old name in the text box.
3. To save the new name, click outside the text box, or press
Removing a Device or Account from View
You can remove a device or account so that it does not appear in a
custom view under My Views. This does not delete the item from the
database. Only devices or accounts in a manual view can be
removed from view.
1. Select a custom view under My Views.
2. Select a device or account to be removed from view. Multiple
items can be selected by pressing Ctrl or Shift + click.
KMnet Viewer 5.2 11
3. In the menu bar at the top of the screen, click Edit >
Remove From View.
Note: There is no confirmation dialog box after you click Remove
From View.
Two types of searches are available for finding devices and accounts
with particular characteristics. Search searches data in the currently
displayed view. Search entries are not saved when you move from
view to view, or change to Advanced Search. Advanced Search
searches all devices or accounts in the database for the values
selected in the search dialog box.
The Search feature is located in the upper right of the screen. The
Search Text box accepts input in all supporting languages. The
search can find exact matches for full or partial terms in the following
columns in the Map View.
Device search: Display name, IP Address, Host name, Model name
Account search: Account ID
The data is searched even if columns have been removed from view.
Note: Search does not search the text in the expanded information
areas of the devices. Search results are not saved when you move
from view to view, or perform an Advanced Search.
1. Type an alphanumeric search term (64 character maximum)
in the text box. As you type, the search examines the data of
all the devices or accounts in the original view.
2. To clear the search term, click the icon next to the Search Text box. This removes any text in the text box, and restores
the view to the original list of devices or accounts before the
Advanced Searching
The Advanced Search feature is available for Default Views. It
finds all printing devices or accounts in the database that match the
selected criteria. Up to six properties can be defined for the search.
The search results are displayed until you change to another view, or
perform another Advanced Search.
KMnet Viewer 5.2 12
1. Select a default view.
2. Click Edit > Advanced Search, or click the Advanced Search icon in the application toolbar above the device list.
The Advanced Search dialog box opens.
3. Select a search logic:
Match all criteria
This option searches for devices or accounts that meet all
the search terms specified under Criteria.
Match any criteria
This option searches for devices that meet at least one of
the search terms specified under Criteria.
4. Under Criteria, select device features or properties to find in
5. Click OK. The application searches through all devices or
Dynamic View
the search.
Left column
Select one device property per property list. There are six
property lists available. Properties vary by device model.
Middle column
Available conditions depend on the selected property.
Right column
Type a value in the box.
accounts, and displays those that match the selected
Criteria. In Map View, the search result devices appear in
their saved position in the office map.
A dynamic view is a copy of a default or custom view that you create
under My Views. A dynamic view will match the current display in the
right pane:
Once created, you can name and modify the dynamic view as
A dynamic view cannot be created when a manual view is selected
under My Views.
Adding a Dynamic View
You can modify an existing view and save it as a custom view under
My Views.
1. Select a view under Default Views or My Views, except a
manual view.
Manual View
A manual view is a custom view that includes devices or accounts
selected from an existing view. A manual view will match the current
view in the right pane:
Once created, you can name and modify the manual view as desired.
Advanced Search is unavailable for a manual view. A device or
account can be added to a manual view by selecting it in another
view and dragging it to the manual view.
2. Modify the view as desired, then click View > Add Dynamic View.
3. Type the name of the new view, up to 64 characters.
You can create a view of selected devices or accounts and save it
under My Views.
1. With any view displayed, select one or more devices or
accounts from the list or map. Press Ctrl or Shift + click to
KMnet Viewer 5.2 14
2. Click View > Add Manual View Using Selection.
3. Type the name of the new view, up to 64 characters.
4. If desired, modify the view, then click Update View.
Folder Reports
Folder reports provide detailed information about accounts or
accounting devices for all views in a custom folder. The folder must
contain custom views created from Accounting Devices View or
Accounts View. Once a folder report is created, it can be exported
and saved in .CSV or .XML format.
select multiple devices.
An accounts report can be created if the folder contains at least
one accounts view. Only the accounts selected in the Accounts Folder Report dialog box are included in the exported report.
An accounting devices report can be created if the folder
contains at least one accounting devices view. Only the devices
selected in the Accounting Devices Folder Report dialog box
are included in the exported report.
Creating and Exporting a Folder Report
After creating a folder under My Views and adding custom views
from Accounting Devices View or Accounts View, you can create
and export an accounts or accounting devices report.
1. Right-click on the desired folder and select Folder Report,
then select Accounts or Accounting Devices.
2. In the Accounts Folder Report or Accounting Devices Folder Report dialog box, select one or more accounts or
devices to include in the report.
3. Click Export to open the Export View to CSV / XML dialog
4. Select the format type, name the report, and click Save to
save the file.
KMnet Viewer 5.2 15
Updating a View
When any view under My Views is changed, an asterisk appears
after its name in the title bar until it is saved. You can save the
updated view by clicking View > Update View. Use this feature after
any of the following:
Modifying the displayed devices or accounts with Search or
Advanced Search.
Changing the column width or column order, adding or removing
Using View > View As to change the view type.
Sorting the information in list columns.
Duplicating a View
You can create a copy of a view in My Views. This is useful if you
want to create a new view that is only slightly different from an
existing view.
1. Under My Views, select the view to be copied.
2. Click the arrow button next to My Views, and click
3. Type the new name, up to 64 characters, replacing the old
name in the text box.
4. To save the new name, click outside the text box, or press
5. Modify the new view as needed.
Renaming a View
You can change the name of a view in My Views. Default views
cannot be renamed.
1. Under My Views, select the view to be renamed.
2. Click Edit > Rename.
KMnet Viewer 5.2 16
3. Type the new name, up to 64 characters, replacing the old
4. To save the new name, click outside the text box, or press
Deleting a View
You can delete a custom view from My Views. A deleted view cannot
be restored. Default views cannot be deleted.
1. Under My Views, select the view to be deleted.
2. Click Edit > Delete View. There is no confirmation dialog
name in the text box.
box after you click Delete View.
Resizing the View Areas
If many views have been saved under My Views, or if your views
have long names, you can see the view list more easily by changing
the size of the viewing area in the left pane.
To change the width of the left pane, click the border between
the left and right panes and drag it right or left.
To change the height of the My Views area, click the top of the
Default Views border and drag it up or down.
Printing device information, such as counters and toner levels, is
automatically updated according to the polling schedule. At any time,
you can manually update this information for one or more devices.
The following Refresh options are available:
Refresh Device
Select one or more devices and click View > Refresh Device to
update the selected devices.
Refresh All
Click View > Refresh All to update all displayed devices.
KMnet Viewer 5.2 17
3 Device
The Device menu is used for finding devices and managing device
Device Properties
The Properties dialog box displays settings and status information
about the selected device. To open device properties, select a
device, and click the Properties icon. Alternatively, right-click on the
device, and then in the context menu click Properties. Settings may
differ depending on your selected device. The settings can include:
Basic device settings
This area shows the Display name, Model, Status, IP address,
Host name, Location, and Description of the printing device. The
Panel message box shows the information currently displayed on
the device operation panel. Display name, Location, and
Description can be edited.
Device alert
This area describes alerts that are currently occurring, and any
troubleshooting measures that can be taken.
Media input
This area shows the trays and cassettes that are currently installed,
their capacity, and roughly how much paper they currently contain.
This area shows some of the key specifications of the currently
selected device.
This area shows a variety of counters for different types of paper or
media and output.
Firmware versions
This area lists the versions of firmware for various parts of the
KMnet Viewer 5.2 18
This area shows the space available on the hard disk, memory card,
optional ROM, and in the RAM disk.
This area shows the MAC address of the network adapter in the
device, the Serial number of the device itself, and the Asset
number which may be assigned by your organization.
Displaying Device Properties
1. You can view the properties of a printing device.
2. Select a device in the view pane.
3. Click the Properties icon to display information about the
selected device. Alternatively, right-click on the device, and
then in the context menus click Properties.
4. Click Refresh to update any settings that might have been
changed on the device while this dialog box was open.
Displaying Device Home Page
Printing devices that contain web servers can display a web page
containing information about the device's current status and settings.
The layout and information shown on this page differs by printing
device model. Click Device > Device Home Page to display this web
page. Alternatively, click the Device Home Page icon, or right-click
on the device, and then in the context menu click Device Home
Administrator Login
For some models, administrator authentication is required to access
selected features in the Device and Account menus. Available
features vary by model. When you select the feature from a menu or
context menu, you are prompted to type one of the following in the
Administrator Login dialog box:
Command Center password
Administrator Login and Administrator Password (with optional Use local authentication)
Accounting administrator code
KMnet Viewer 5.2 19
Operations on multiple devices do not prompt for the administrator
login. Login options must be selected in the Login section of the
Communication Settings dialog box.
Address Book
The Address Book is a list of individuals and their contact
information that is stored on the device. Each entry for an individual
is called a Contact, and Contacts can be organized into Groups. This
contact and Group information is stored on the device, and is used
for faxing and scanning operations.
To open the address book, select a device in the device list, and
select Device > Address Book.
Note: If authentication is set, accessing the address book requires
the correct Login user name and Password in the Communication Settings for the device. If authentication on the device is not set, the
login dialog box does not appear so a user name and password is
not needed.
The information that can be stored for each includes:
Name (and furigana, if applicable)
Cover page (recipient, company, department). This information is
transmitted on a Network FAX.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
SMB (Server Message Block)
FAX Number
Internet FAX Address
Adding Contacts
You can add individuals to the address book stored on a device.
1. In the menu bar at the top left of the Address Book, click
Add Contact. The Contact Settings dialog box appears.
2. Enter the name of the contact in the Name box. This
information is required.
3. Enter other information that is needed.
KMnet Viewer 5.2 20
+ 65 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.