Kyocera KMnet Admin 2.0 User Manual

KMnet Admin 2.0 User Guide
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Unauthorized reproduction of all or part of this guide is prohibited.
The information in this guide is subject to change for improvement without notice.
We cannot be held liable for any problems arising from the use of this product, regardless of the information herein.
• Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
• All other brand and product names herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
Copyright © 2009 KYOCERA MITA Corporation All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Installation
System Requirements ................................................................................................................... 1-1
Host Agent for Print Job Manager ................................................................................................. 1-3
Installing the Host Agent for Print Job Manager ...................................................................... 1-3
Maintaining Host Agent Features ............................................................................................ 1-3
Job Release for Print Job Manager .............................................................................................. 1-4
Installing the Job Release for Print Job Manager .................................................................... 1-4
Maintaining Job Release Features .......................................................................................... 1-4
Chapter 2 Administration
Roles and Users ............................................................................................................................ 2-1
Adding a Role .......................................................................................................................... 2-1
Deleting a Role ........................................................................................................................ 2-2
Adding a User .......................................................................................................................... 2-2
Deleting a User ........................................................................................................................ 2-2
Properties View ............................................................................................................................. 2-3
Changing the Password .......................................................................................................... 2-3
Subscription View ......................................................................................................................... 2-3
Subscriptions ................................................................................................................................ 2-3
Subscriptions, Groups, and Inheritance .................................................................................. 2-4
Adding an Alert Subscription ................................................................................................... 2-4
Adding a Report Subscription .................................................................................................. 2-4
Editing a Subscription .............................................................................................................. 2-5
Deleting a Subscription ............................................................................................................ 2-5
Copying or Moving a Subscription ........................................................................................... 2-6
Networks and Discovery ............................................................................................................... 2-6
Adding an IPv4 Network .......................................................................................................... 2-6
Deleting a Network .................................................................................................................. 2-7
Network Properties .................................................................................................................. 2-7
Start/Stop Discovery ................................................................................................................ 2-8
Mail Server .................................................................................................................................... 2-8
Selecting E-mail Settings ......................................................................................................... 2-8
Device Communication ................................................................................................................. 2-9
Database ....................................................................................................................................... 2-9
Backing Up a Database ........................................................................................................... 2-9
Restoring a Database .............................................................................................................. 2-9
Web Server ................................................................................................................................. 2-10
Consoles ..................................................................................................................................... 2-10
Choosing a Console .............................................................................................................. 2-10
Changing the Default Console ............................................................................................... 2-11
Disabling a Console ............................................................................................................... 2-11
Enabling a Disabled Console ................................................................................................ 2-12
Log Off ........................................................................................................................................ 2-12
Chapter 3 Device Manager
KMnet Admin 2.0
List View ........................................................................................................................................ 3-1
User Preferences .................................................................................................................... 3-1
Global Characteristics ............................................................................................................. 3-1
Saving Changes ...................................................................................................................... 3-2
Tab Scrolling ........................................................................................................................... 3-2
Set Rows per Page .................................................................................................................. 3-2
32 Tab Maximum ..................................................................................................................... 3-2
Edit Default List Views ............................................................................................................. 3-2
Add Tab ................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Import Default Tab ................................................................................................................... 3-4
Edit Tab ................................................................................................................................... 3-4
Deleting a Tab ......................................................................................................................... 3-6
Set Rows per Page .................................................................................................................. 3-6
Managing Devices ........................................................................................................................ 3-6
Add Group ............................................................................................................................... 3-7
Manual Groups ........................................................................................................................ 3-7
Dynamic Groups ...................................................................................................................... 3-8
Map View ...................................................................................................................................... 3-9
Map View Toolbar .................................................................................................................... 3-9
Map Background ................................................................................................................... 3-10
Selecting Icon Properties ....................................................................................................... 3-11
Links ...................................................................................................................................... 3-12
Saving Map Settings .............................................................................................................. 3-12
Subscription View ....................................................................................................................... 3-13
Adding Devices ........................................................................................................................... 3-13
Refresh ....................................................................................................................................... 3-14
Select All ..................................................................................................................................... 3-14
Open Device Home Page ........................................................................................................... 3-14
Status Filter ................................................................................................................................. 3-14
Setting a Status Filter ............................................................................................................ 3-15
Show or Hide Unmanaged Devices ............................................................................................ 3-15
Multi-Set ...................................................................................................................................... 3-15
Wizard Detail ......................................................................................................................... 3-15
Configuring a Device Group .................................................................................................. 3-16
Configuring Selected Devices ............................................................................................... 3-16
Log File .................................................................................................................................. 3-17
Firmware Upgrade ...................................................................................................................... 3-17
Firmware Upgrade Risks ....................................................................................................... 3-17
Performing a Firmware Upgrade ........................................................................................... 3-19
Acknowledgement of Risks ................................................................................................... 3-19
Select Firmware File .............................................................................................................. 3-19
Upgrade Firmware with the Latest Firmware Files ................................................................ 3-21
Setting Communication Options ............................................................................................ 3-21
Authorizing a Firmware Upgrade ........................................................................................... 3-22
Confirm Upgrade Settings ..................................................................................................... 3-23
Begin the Firmware Upgrade ................................................................................................. 3-23
Cancelling a Firmware Upgrade ............................................................................................ 3-24
Firmware Upgrade Log File ................................................................................................... 3-24
Device Properties ........................................................................................................................ 3-24
Displaying Device Properties ................................................................................................. 3-25
Polling Defaults ..................................................................................................................... 3-30
Alert Configuration ................................................................................................................. 3-30
Custom Properties ................................................................................................................. 3-31
Device Manager Report .............................................................................................................. 3-32
Creating a Device Manager Report ....................................................................................... 3-32
Editing Device IDs and Device Properties ............................................................................. 3-32
Selecting a Report Template ................................................................................................. 3-33
User Guide
Create Report Subscriptions ................................................................................................. 3-34
Search ......................................................................................................................................... 3-34
Searching for Printing Devices .............................................................................................. 3-34
Chapter 4 Accounting Manager
Console Settings ........................................................................................................................... 4-1
Selecting Device and Account IDs ........................................................................................... 4-1
View Devices and Accounts .......................................................................................................... 4-2
List View .................................................................................................................................. 4-2
Form View ............................................................................................................................... 4-2
Diagram View .......................................................................................................................... 4-3
Subscription View .................................................................................................................... 4-3
Manage Views .............................................................................................................................. 4-3
Managing the List View ........................................................................................................... 4-3
Managing the Diagram View ................................................................................................... 4-4
Groups .......................................................................................................................................... 4-4
Adding or Editing a Printing Device Group .............................................................................. 4-4
Adding or Editing an Account Group ....................................................................................... 4-5
Deleting a Group ..................................................................................................................... 4-5
Copying a Group ..................................................................................................................... 4-5
Adding or Editing an Account .................................................................................................. 4-6
Deleting an Account ................................................................................................................ 4-7
Editing a Printing Device ......................................................................................................... 4-7
Multi-Set ........................................................................................................................................ 4-8
Changing Accounting Settings on Multiple Devices ................................................................ 4-8
Set Polling Schedule ..................................................................................................................... 4-8
Selecting the Polling Schedule ................................................................................................ 4-9
Edit Device Accounting Settings ................................................................................................... 4-9
Setting a Renewal Schedule ................................................................................................. 4-11
Viewing a Device's Counters ................................................................................................. 4-11
Viewing a Device's Account List ............................................................................................ 4-12
Adding an Account to a Printing Device ................................................................................. 4-12
Adding a New Account .......................................................................................................... 4-12
Deleting an Account from a Printing Device .......................................................................... 4-13
Clone Accounts ........................................................................................................................... 4-13
Cloning Accounts .................................................................................................................. 4-13
Reports ....................................................................................................................................... 4-14
Generating a Report .............................................................................................................. 4-14
Export Accounting Data .............................................................................................................. 4-15
Exporting the Accounting Data .............................................................................................. 4-15
Quick Filter .................................................................................................................................. 4-15
Filtering with Quick Filter ....................................................................................................... 4-15
Choosing a Console .................................................................................................................... 4-16
Changing the Default Console ............................................................................................... 4-16
Log Off ........................................................................................................................................ 4-16
Chapter 5 Print Job Manager
Opening Print Job Manager .......................................................................................................... 5-1
Print Job Manager Console ........................................................................................................... 5-2
Navigation Area ............................................................................................................................ 5-2
Navigation Area Shortcut Menus ............................................................................................. 5-3
Navigation Area Toolbar .......................................................................................................... 5-3
List View ........................................................................................................................................ 5-3
List View Shortcut Menus ........................................................................................................ 5-4
List View Toolbar ..................................................................................................................... 5-4
Authentication and Purge Policy Configuration ............................................................................. 5-4
KMnet Admin 2.0
Configuring Authentication ...................................................................................................... 5-4
Configuring Purge Policy ......................................................................................................... 5-5
Reports ......................................................................................................................................... 5-5
Creating a Report .................................................................................................................... 5-6
Report Layout .......................................................................................................................... 5-6
Queues ......................................................................................................................................... 5-7
All Queue Groups .................................................................................................................... 5-7
All Queues ............................................................................................................................... 5-7
User-defined queue groups ..................................................................................................... 5-8
Users ........................................................................................................................................... 5-10
All User Groups ..................................................................................................................... 5-10
All Users ................................................................................................................................ 5-10
User-defined user groups ...................................................................................................... 5-10
Hosts ........................................................................................................................................... 5-12
All Hosts ................................................................................................................................ 5-12
Host (Print Server) ................................................................................................................. 5-12
Host Agent .................................................................................................................................. 5-12
KM Service Manager ............................................................................................................. 5-13
Configure Queues ................................................................................................................. 5-14
Consoles ..................................................................................................................................... 5-14
Choosing a Console .............................................................................................................. 5-14
Changing the Default Console ............................................................................................... 5-15
Log Off ........................................................................................................................................ 5-15
Chapter 6 My Print Jobs
Logging on .................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Authentication ............................................................................................................................... 6-1
Queues ......................................................................................................................................... 6-2
Viewing Print Jobs in a Queue ................................................................................................. 6-2
Active Jobs .................................................................................................................................... 6-2
Completed Jobs ............................................................................................................................ 6-3
Completed Jobs Toolbar ......................................................................................................... 6-4
KM Service Manager ..................................................................................................................... 6-5
Queue Management ................................................................................................................ 6-5
Configure Queues ................................................................................................................... 6-6
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................................... v
User Guide
1 Installation
This guide has installation information for KMnet Admin, its related components, and required third-party software:
Java 2 SDK 5.0
A collection of Java programming language APIs useful to many Java platform programs.
PostgreSQL 8.3
The database in which the application stores printer data.
Host Agent
Software that redirects the TCP/IP port and helps manage print queues.
Job Release
An application that lets user print jobs from the printer’s operation panel.
The installer installs the required third party software, such as Java 2 SDK 5.0, and PostgreSQL.
During installation, a password for the new Windows User account which runs the Postgres database must be entered into a page that displays the following instructions: Please enter a PostgreSQL service account password. The
password must comply with any password constraints you may have in your domain.
The KMnet Admin installer by default installs the two main software components (consoles) of KMnet Admin: Administration and Device Manager. Two other consoles, Accounting Manager and the Print Job Manager console are optional and can be installed along with Administration and Device Manager consoles or installed later using the same installer, or from Add or Remove
A console for managing user accounts/roles, user subscriptions, network discovery, and system settings.
Device Manager
A console for managing device data, reports, polling, alerts, and preferences.
Print Job Manager
A console for print queue management and job control.
Accounting Manager
A console for monitoring all counters in your network printing devices.
System Requirements
Supported Server Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows® 2000 with Service Pack 3 or newer
KMnet Admin 2.0
Microsoft Windows® 2000 Server with Service Pack 3 or newer
Microsoft Windows® Server 2003/2008
Microsoft Windows® XP Professional 32 bit
Microsoft Windows® XP Professional 64 bit with Service Pack 2 or newer
Windows Vista™ 32 bit
Windows Vista™ 64 bit with Service Pack 1 or newer
CPU and Memory Requirements
Memory and CPU requirements vary depending on the number of managed devices and the installed KMnet Admin consoles (plug-ins). Insufficient CPU or available memory may cause the application to be very slow or to stop responding.
The following examples provide rough estimates for minimum system requirements for various environments.
Medium to Large
Devices: Up to 400
Consoles: Administration, Device Manager, Print Job Manager, Accounting Manager
System Requirements: CPU: 2.0 GHz, Available Memory: 800 MB
Medium to Large
Medium to Large (Accounting Intensive)
Devices: Up to 400
Consoles: Administration, Device Manager, Accounting Manager
Device Accounts: Up to 500
Other: Detailed Accounting Manager reports
System Requirements: CPU: 2.0 GHz, Available Memory: 1.4 GB
Large to Enterprise
Devices: Up to 2000
Consoles: Administration, Device Manager, Print Job Manager, Accounting Manager
Device Accounts: Up to 2000
Other: Detailed Print Job Manager and Accounting Manager reports
System Requirements: CPU: 2.8 GHz multi-processor, Available Memory:
4.0 GB
Supported Client Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows® 98/ME
Microsoft Windows® 2000
Microsoft Windows® Server 2003/2008
Microsoft Windows® XP Professional 32 bit
Microsoft Windows® XP Professional 64 bit with Service Pack 2 or newer
Windows Vista™ 32 bit
Windows Vista™ 64 bit with Service Pack 1 or newer
User Guide
Supported Browsers
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (with SP1) or 7. Cookies must be enabled.
Supported Printers
Kyocera network printers and most third party network printers that support the standard printer MIB
Maximum Validated Configuration
Device Manager
Up to 2000 managed devices, 45 managed networks, 100 device groups, and 10 simultaneous client connections
Accounting Manager
Up to 2000 managed accounts, and 10 simultaneous client connections
Print Job Manager
Up to 2000 print jobs per day and 10 simultaneous user connections
My Print Jobs
Up to 100 simultaneous user connections
Supported Languages
English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish
Host Agent for Print Job Manager
The Host Agent redirects the standard TCP/IP port to a managed KMSTLMON port on the print server. The Host Agent also includes supporting software for managing and unmanaging print queues. The Host Agent must be installed on each print server.
Installing the Host Agent for Print Job Manager
You can install Host Agent from the application directory.
Run the Host Agent installer from C:\KMnet Admin\hostagent\Host Agent Setup.exe.
On the Welcome page, click Next.
Continue until the installation wizard completes.
Select Configure Print Queues Now if you want to assign managed and unmanaged queues. A managed queue is tracked in Print Job Manager and My Print Jobs. Selecting this option launches the Host Agent after you exit the installer. For more information about configuring queues, see the Print Job Manager User Guide. To configure queues later, clear the check box.
To exit the installer, click Finish.
Maintaining Host Agent Features
If the Host Agent is already installed, and you run the Host Agent installation program, a maintenance page appears letting you repair or remove Host Agent features. Select one of the following options:
KMnet Admin 2.0
The Host Agent is completely reinstalled as it was installed in the previous setup. To exit the installer, click Finish.
The Host Agent is completely uninstalled. To exit the uninstaller, click Finish.
Job Release for Print Job Manager
Installation of Job Release software is only necessary if you plan to use the Secure Job Release feature of Print Job Manager and My Print Jobs.
Installing the Job Release for Print Job Manager
You can install Job Release from the application directory.
Run the Job Release installer from C:\KMnetAdmin\host-agent\Job Release Setup.exe.
On the Welcome page, click Next.
Continue until the installation wizard completes, and click Finish.
Maintaining Job Release Features
If Job Release is already installed, and you run the Job Release installation program, a maintenance page appears letting you repair or remove Job
release features. Select one of the following options:
Repair Job Release
Job Release is completely reinstalled as it was installed in the previous setup. To exit the installer, click Finish.
Remove Job Release
Job Release is completely uninstalled. To exit the uninstaller, click Finish.
User Guide
2 Administration
The Administration console lets you manage roles and users, set properties and subscription views, and change network and discovery options. In this console e-mail settings and the device communication mode can be selected. A database backup schedule can be set, as well as the protocol settings for the web server. You can also disable or enable any optional consoles that were installed.
The Administration toolbar lets you perform all administration functions. Move the pointer over each button to view the button name. The toolbar changes when the navigation area selection changes.
Roles and Users
Roles and Users lists all roles and the users that belong to each role. There are
several default roles and users created when the application is first installed. These default roles are Administrators, Assistant Administrator, Help Desk,
Accounting User, Subscribers only, and Viewers only. The properties for the Administrators and Accounting Admin roles are unavailable and cannot be edited. All default roles can be renamed except for Subscribers Only, Accounting Admin, and Accounting User. Privileges define what activities
each role is permitted. Privileges for all roles can be edited, except for the
Administrators and Accounting Admin roles. The default users are Administrator and Guest.
There are different sets of privileges for each default role. The Administrators role is assigned all privileges by default. These privileges include options to edit
Administration, Device Manager, Print Job Manager, and full access to Accounting Manager console.
Adding a Role
You can add new roles to the existing default roles.
In the navigation area, select a role or user.
Click the Add Role icon.
In the Add Role dialog box for Role name, enter a name for the new role. Do not use invisible Unicode or extended ASCII characters. The name has to be unique. You cannot enter a name that already exists.
For Based on, you can select a default to base this new role on or select None. Selecting an existing role populates the Privileges section with the ones already established for the default role you have selected. This is useful because if you already know some of the options you want based on a default role, you do not have to select them all.
Select the Privileges to assign to the new role, and click OK.
KMnet Admin 2.0
Deleting a Role
You can delete any role except Administrator, Subscribers Only, Accounting Admin, and Accounting User. You can create a new role with
administrator privileges, then later delete the role, but you can never delete the default Administrator role.
In the navigation area, select the role to delete.
Click the Delete Role icon, and click OK in the confirmation message.
Adding a User
You can add a new user to the existing default users.
In the navigation area, select a role or user.
Click the Add User icon.
In the Add User dialog box, under Select User Type, select Login user or Subscribers Only.
Login users can log on to the application and edit settings in different ways,
depending on their privilege levels.
Subscribers Only users cannot log on to the application and can only receive alerts and reports.
Enter information under Required Properties: User login name, Password, Confirm password, Role (privilege level), and E-mail address 1. Do not use
invisible Unicode or extended ASCII characters.
Enter desired information under Optional Properties.
Click OK.
Any user with a role that does not have the roles, full control privilege, cannot assign any role that does have this privilege. A role must include the Login users, full control privilege to be able to change a user's (or their own) assigned role.
Once new users are added, they appear under the role you have assigned them to. You can then view and edit properties for those users. To make changes, edit the user properties, then click Submit to apply the changes. You can also click Reset to go back to the original data that was in the dialog when you first opened it.
In User Properties, you can select Disable account to restrict access to specific users.
Once a user is selected, you can click the Change Password icon to change the password.
Deleting a User
You can delete any user.
In the navigation area, select the user to delete.
User Guide
Click the Delete User icon, and click OK in the confirmation message.
Properties View
Use Properties View to display and set user properties. Properties View is available when an administrator or user is selected in the navigation area.
This information can be used in subscriptions, accounting, and reports.
Changing the Password
An administrator or user can change the password used to log on to the application.
Select an administrator or user in the navigation area.
If necessary, select Properties View.
Click Change Password.
Type the new password, and type again to confirm.
Click OK.
Subscription View
Subscription View lets you add alert subscriptions and report subscriptions for
the selected administrator or user. Subscription View is available when an administrator or user is selected in the navigation area.
Click the tabs to view subscriptions for Device Manager or Accounting
Manager (if installed).
Printing systems are polled for information that can be sent out in e-mail alerts based on this status information. Reports can also be generated, and users can subscribe to receive these reports on a regular schedule.
Example: You can set up a subscription to notify a user when toner or paper is low in a particular printer.
Alert e-mails can be sent to any user. In addition to Administrators, Help Desk users, and Accounting Users, the application allows Subscribers Only users. Subscribers Only users do not have access to the application, but can receive e-mail alerts. For more information on types of users, see Users.
Reports are created in the Device Manager console. Subscriptions to reports can be created in the Administration or Device Manager console.
Alerts can be created for all the different types of users. Login users can log on to the application and edit settings. Subscribers Only users cannot log on and can only receive alerts and reports from devices.
A user must have at least one e-mail address listed to subscribe to alerts or reports.
KMnet Admin 2.0
Note: If pop-up blockers are enabled, Add Alert Subscription, Add Report Subscription, Device Manager Report, the About page, and Help will not
Subscriptions, Groups, and Inheritance
Subscriptions can be created for groups, and child groups inherit subscriptions
from parent groups. Inheritance is only available for dynamic groups, and not for manual groups. A dynamic group is a device group established by user defined device filters which select and add relevant devices to the dynamic group.
In the Alert Sets area inherited subscriptions are shown in grey, and the parent group from which the subscription is inherited is shown in parenthesis.
Adding an Alert Subscription
You can add an alert subscription for Device Manager or Accounting Manager.
Expand the Roles and Users node of the navigation area, and select a user. To create a new user, see Users.
Select the Subscription View icon in the toolbar.
Click on the tab for the type of alert: Device Manager or Accounting Manager.
Click the Add Alert Subscription icon. The Create Alert Subscription dialog box opens.
In the Groups area, select a group of devices.
Under Alert Sets, select the alerts for this user.
In the Destinations area, select at least one e-mail address. Alerts can be sent to up to two e-mail addresses per user.
Click OK.
Adding a Report Subscription
You can add a report subscription for Device Manager or Accounting Manager.
Expand the Roles and Users node of the navigation area, and select a user. To create a new user, see Users.
Select the Subscription View icon in the toolbar.
Click on the tab for the type of alert: Device Manager or Accounting Manager.
Click the Add Report Subscription icon. The Create Report Subscription dialog box opens.
User Guide
In the Devices area, select a group of devices.
Under Reports, select the reports for this user.
To the right of the report name, select a format for the report. PDF, HTML, and CSV are the current available formats.
In the Destinations area, select at least one e-mail address. Reports can be sent to up to two e-mail addresses per user.
Under Schedule, select an interval for sending out the report subscription e-mail: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly. The fields change depending on the schedule chosen.
Click OK.
The alert is created and can be edited by selecting it in the right pane and then clicking Edit Subscriptions.
Editing a Subscription
You can edit a subscription in Subscription View.
Expand the Roles and Users node of the navigation area, and select a user. To create a new user, see Users.
Select the Subscription View icon in the toolbar.
Click on the tab for the type of alert: Device Manager or Accounting Manager.
Expand the desired subscription to display the device group.
Select a device group and click Edit Subscription.
In the Edit Alert Subscriptions or Edit Report Subscriptions dialog box, edit the available options.
Click OK.
Deleting a Subscription
You can delete a subscription in Subscription View.
Expand the Roles and Users node of the navigation area, and select a user.
Select the Subscription View icon in the toolbar.
Click on the tab for the type of alert: Device Manager or Accounting Manager.
Select a subscription to delete:
KMnet Admin 2.0
To delete all subscriptions, select Alert Subscription or Report Subscriptions to remove all subscriptions.
To delete a selected subscription, expand Alert Subscription or Report Subscriptions and select a subscription or device group.
Click Delete Subscription, then Yes, to delete the subscription.
Copying or Moving a Subscription
Subscriptions can be copied or moved from one user to another. This is useful, for example, when responsibilities are shifted from one person to another. Copied or moved subscriptions are added to the recipient's list of subscriptions.
Expand the Roles and Users node of the navigation area, and select a user. To create a new user, see Users.
Select the Subscription View icon in the toolbar.
Under Alerts or Reports, select the subscription, and then click the Copy Subscription or Move Subscription icon.
In the Copy Subscription or Move Subscription dialog box, select the user to copy or move the subscription to, then click OK.
Networks and Discovery
Networks and Discovery let you create printing system networks for both IPv4
and IPv6. Properties can be displayed for the selected network, and discovery of printing devices can be started or stopped for one or more networks. Once multiple networks have been added, the Select All button lets you remove or change the discovery mode for all networks at once.
Adding an IPv4 Network
IPv4 and IPv6 are similar in terms of their basic framework, but there are also many differences. One obvious difference is in the addresses. An IPv4 address is composed of 32 bits, whereas an IPv6 address has 128 bits. IPv6 is has a greater capacity for addresses and is newer technology.
Type the IPv4 network Starting Address. You can edit this field for all networks except the local network, or local networks if the server is multihomed.
Select the Subnet Mask from the list. Devices belong to a network based on the network range, not on the subnet of the device. For example, if the network address is, then will contain any device with an IP address from through, regardless of the actual device subnet mask. If you add a network address of and a subnet mask of, then devices from through will exist in both networks.
Note: Editing either the network address or the subnet mask may create an orphan device that no longer belongs to this network or to any network.
User Guide
Type the Domain. This text box is available only if the Device Communication option in the Administration console is set to Device IP addresses are volatile and may change. The network domain is applied to a device's domain field when the device is first discovered. For more information, see Device
Communication. Click Next.
Deleting a Network
Deleting a network does not delete the devices on that network.
In the navigation area, select Networks and Discovery.
Select a network.
Click Delete Network.
Select Unmanage all devices on the selected network(s) if you wish to suspend all polling of these devices by all consoles.
Devices that do not belong to any registered network will appear in the All Devices\Networks\Orphans folder.
Whether or not the network or networks include any devices, click OK in the confirmation message.
Network Properties
You can view properties for the selected network by clicking Network Properties.
General Tab
On the General tab, you can modify all properties for the selected managed network except the network address and the subnet mask. If you clear the
Managed check box, click OK to confirm This will unmanage all devices on this network, thus suspending all polling of these devices by all consoles. Are you sure you want to do this?
When a network is unmanaged:
Discovery is disabled.
You cannot modify any network property except for the alias.
You may create orphan devices.
Note: Devices that do not belong to any registered network will appear in the All Devices\Networks\Orphans folder.
SNMP v1/v2c v3 Tab
Select the SNMP v1/v2c v3 tab to view and modify the SNMP options for the selected network.
Discovery Tab
Select the Discovery tab to view and modify the device discovery schedules for the selected network.
KMnet Admin 2.0
Start/Stop Discovery
The Discovery button is available on the General or the Discovery tab when you select a single or multiple managed networks. Discovery is a process for scanning a network for IP addresses of network printers to identify what devices are currently on the network. This function is independent from the discovery enabled or disabled setting and takes place immediately. It can run on any managed network even if discovery is disabled.
Stop Discovery is available whenever discovery is in progress on any of the selected networks.
Start Discovery is available when discovery is not in progress on any of the selected networks.
Mail Server
KMnet Admin communicates with a mail server to send e-mail alerts and
information to system administrators and subscribers. Currently mail can only be sent to an SMTP server.
SMTP Server
Defines an SMTP server for sending notifications. This information must be complete and correct for e-mail notification to work. If alert e-mail fails to arrive, your antivirus software may be preventing the alert email. Adding port 25 or netadmin.exe to the exception list in your antivirus software may resolve the issue.
Specifies the User name and Password, if SMTP authentication is required.
E-mail setup
When alerts and status e-mails are sent out, the address entered in Sender address will appear in the e-mail address line.
Selecting E-mail Settings
You can select settings for e-mail alerts and information to system administrators and subscribers.
In the navigation area, select Mail Server.
Under SMTP Server, enter the server name and port number.
Setting for the end of Under Authentication, enter the User name and Password, if your SMTP server connection requires authentication.
Under E-mail setup, enter the sender's e-mail address.
Click Test Email to make sure the e-mail feature works. In the Test Email dialog box, enter the recipient's e-mail address, and click OK. The recipient will receive a test email.
Click Submit to save the e-mail settings, or click Reset to clear the settings.
User Guide
Device Communication
Device communications use Host Name, and Domain name if entered. Choose from a static or volatile IP address.
For DHCP, select Device IP addresses are volatile and may change. If this option is chosen, communication with the devices is done using the host name rather than the IP address. (Name resolution is handled by underlying modules such as SNMP).
A change to these settings takes effect after the next discovery.
Note: After this setting is changed, KMnet Admin will not work properly until the next discovery. We strongly recommend changing Device Communication mode only at a time when the network is not in use (for example, at night).
KMnet Admin backs up information in a database. The system administrator
must schedule regular backups. Immediate or one-time backups can also be performed from this page of the Administration console.
Database backup compresses files into a zip file and saves it to a folder called
Backing Up a Database
You can back up KMnet Admin information in a database.
In the navigation area, select Database.
Select the time and interval for the backup:
Backs up the database immediately after clicking the Submit button.
Single backup in
Select the interval in minutes or hours.
Select Monthly, Weekly, or Daily, and select the day and time.
Click Submit.
Once the backup schedule is set, you can select Cancel Backup, then click Submit to cancel the backup schedule. A backup currently running is not cancelled.
Restoring a Database
You can restore the database from one of the .zip files that you have created during the backup process. If you installed to the default location, backup files are located in C:\KMNetAdmin\backup; otherwise they are in a folder called
backup in the KMnet directory.
In Control Panel, open Administrative Tools, then open Services.
KMnet Admin 2.0
Select KMnetAdmin Service, then click Stop the service.
When KMnetAdmin Service is stopped, KMnet Admin Report Service will stop also.
On the Start menu select Run. Type cmd.
At the command prompt, type cd C:\KMnetAdmin\bin.
Note: Path may differ if you did not install KMnet Admin to the default
Type restore C:\KMnetAdmin\backup\
In Control Panel, open Administrative Tools, then open Services.
Select KMnetAdmin Service, then click Start the service.
Select KMnetAdmin Report Service, then click Start the service.
Web Server
You can choose the server protocol setting. The selection is applied the next time the application is started.
Faster. A client/server Internet protocol used by Web browsers to transfer hypertext requests, which control the formatting and transmission of messages over the Web.
More secure, is encrypted, and uses a different port. A variant of HTTP used to access secure Web servers.
Consoles lets you disable or enable selected consoles. When a console is
disabled, you cannot use it to retrieve information from network printing devices. All information received previously is saved in the database. Once disabled, you can enable the console again from the Administration console. The Administration and Device Manager consoles cannot be disabled.
To disable or enable consoles, select the Administration console and click Consoles in the navigation area. The Disable Console and About buttons appear at the top of the right pane. The Disable Console button is unavailable until you select a console that can be disabled.
Choosing a Console
You can choose a console when logging on to KMnet Admin, and you can change to a different console at any time.
If you select Choose a console to open when logging on, you must then select a console from the list. The console you chose is displayed. You must select a console from the list each time you log on this way.
User Guide
If you installed all of the consoles, the available choices are:
A console for managing user accounts/roles, network discovery, and system settings.
Device Manager
A console for managing device data, polling, alerts, and preferences.
Accounting Manager
A console for monitoring the various counters on your network printing devices.
Print Job Manager
A console for print queue management and job control.
To choose a console:
In any console, click Switch Consoles.
Select the desired console from the list.
Changing the Default Console
If you select Open the default console and log on to KMnet Admin, your preferred console is displayed. By default, the preferred console is set to Device Manager.
To change the default console:
Log on to KMnet Admin.
In the navigation area, click Switch Console, then select a default console.
Click Switch Console, then click Set As Default Console.
Your new preferred console is displayed each time you log on.
Disabling a Console
Disabling consoles you do not plan to use will simplify the KMnet Admin appearance. The Administration and Device Manager consoles cannot be disabled.
In the navigation area, select Consoles.
Select the console to disable from the list in the right pane.
Click Disable Console.
Click OK in the warning message.
Your new preferred console is displayed automatically each time you log on.
KMnet Admin 2.0
Enabling a Disabled Console
You can enable a console that has been disabled.
In the navigation area, select Consoles.
Select the disabled console to enable from the list in the right pane.
Click Enable Console.
The console status changes to Enabled. The console is available in all Switch
Console lists.
Log Off
To log off from the application, in the navigation area, click Switch Console, then select log off.
A user is automatically logged off if the software is not used for 30 minutes.
User Guide
3 Device Manager
Device Manager lets you access local print system settings and monitor the
status of multiple printing driver systems connected locally or through a network. These features include creating groups of devices, manually adding a device to a list of devices, installing the most current firmware on a device or group of devices, displaying printing devices and properties in a list or printing devices on an office map, sending configuration parameters to multiple devices. You can also create reports for all printing activities in the network and export a list of devices and their properties to a file or spreadsheets.
Device Manager lets you perform all device functions through the use of a feature toolbar. Move the pointer over each icon in the toolbar to view its function. The toolbar changes when the navigation area selection changes.
List View
To display printing devices in a list, use List View. List View consists of named tabs containing sets of properties presented as sets of ordered columns on the tabs. You can add, modify, and delete List View tabs. Changes to the default
List View can be made by any KMnet Admin user with the Full Control, Default List Views privilege.
Manage List Views menu contains the following choices:
Add Tab
Add a tab of your own design to List View or import a system default tab.
Edit Tab
Edit an existing List View tab. You change the tab name or position or columns to be included.
Delete Tab
Delete a tab from List View.
Set Rows per Page
Set the number of rows shown per page.
User Preferences
The first time you log on, the administrator-defined default tabs are automatically displayed. For all subsequent logons, List View uses your saved tabs and settings. When a guest user logs on, the default list views are displayed. Guest users can not edit the default views.
Global Characteristics
The following characteristics of List View apply to all device groups and are not saved on an individual group basis:
tab names
tab order
tab columns
KMnet Admin 2.0
Device Manager
order of tab columns
column sizing
rows per page
List View maintains the settings on the last viewed tab for each available device group. This is done to minimize the amount of user preference data transferred during login. List View preferences are saved for all users except Guest users.
Saving Changes
KMnet Admin automatically saves changes made outside the Add Tab and Edit Tab dialog boxes (column widths, column order, tab order, and rows per
page). The settings are always saved on the last viewed tab for each device group. Changes will not be saved for users of the guest account. Guest users can make these types of changes during a session, but the default list view preferences will be displayed the next time the user logs on under the guest account. This makes it easier for multiple users to regularly use the guest account.
Tab Scrolling
If there are too many tabs to fit on a single screen, the tabs are divided into "pages." Use the left and right arrows below the toolbar to change between pages of tabs. When you move to a new page, the tab on the left of that page becomes selected.
You can change the number of tabs displayed on each page by changing the size of the viewing area. You can change the size of the viewing area in one of three ways:
Drag the navigation area/List View separator bar to the left or to the right.
Resize the window.
Change the display resolution when the browser is in full-screen mode.
If you change the size of the viewing area, the currently selected tab remains selected, but its position on the screen may change.
Set Rows per Page
Use this dialog box to set the number of rows (that is, printing systems) displayed on each page. The number of rows per page is a global characteristic, so it applies to all device groups. Guest users can change Set Rows per Page, but the new setting is not saved for the next session.
32 Tab Maximum
List View supports a maximum of 32 tabs. An error message will be generated
if the maximum is exceeded.
Edit Default List Views
The Edit Default List Views Mode check box lets administrators view and edit the default List View tabs, which are used in the following ways:
When you log on for the first time, List View displays the default tabs.
Any time you log on under the guest account, List View displays the default tabs.
When you want to add a new tab, you can save time by importing one of the default tabs.
User Guide
Device Manager
When you select Reset all tabs to system defaults in the Edit Tab dialog box, List View loads the default List View tabs.
Users with the Full Control, Default List Views privilege can modify the default tabs.
Note: Once a user has logged on for the first time, changes to the Default List Views do not affect that user's saved preferences. If that user chooses to
reset all tabs to system defaults, List View displays the new default tabs.
When you select the Edit Default List Views Mode check box, any activity in
List View constitutes a change to the default List View tabs.
Editing Default List View Tabs
You can edit default List View tabs:
Select Device Manager from the Switch Console list.
In the navigation area, select Preferences > Edit Default List Views.
In the right pane, select the Edit Default List Views Mode check box, and then click Submit.
In the navigation area, select All Devices.
If you are not already in List View, click the List View icon on the toolbar.
You are now viewing the default List View tabs.
Make changes to the default List View tabs as needed.
In the navigation area, select Preferences > Edit Default List Views.
Clear the Edit Default List Views Mode check box, and then click Submit to terminate Edit Default List Views Mode. You can also terminate Edit Default
List Views Mode by logging off.
Add Tab
You can perform the following tasks using the Add Tab dialog box:
Create a new tab by entering a column name, a tab position, or changing the column tabs and their order.
Import and edit one of the system default tabs.
There is a maximum of 32 tabs.
Creating a Tab
You can create a new tab.
Select Add Tab from the Manage List Views list on the toolbar.
In the Add Tab dialog box, select the Tab Name text box and type a name for your tab. Do not use invisible Unicode or extended ASCII characters.
KMnet Admin 2.0
Device Manager
Click the up and down arrows to the right of the Tab Position table to position the new tab.
Under Available Columns, select the items you want to include in the tab and click the right arrow. Use the Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple items.
To remove a column from the tab, select it under Selected Columns, and click the left arrow.
Click the up and down arrows to the right of Selected Columns to change the order of the columns in your tab. Use the Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple items.
Click OK to add the tab.
Import Default Tab
Each user has a personal list of tabs and tab properties that is not affected by changes to the Default List Views. For this reason, existing users do not have immediate access to new tabs created by the administrator in default List Views mode. Rather than manually creating this new tab, each existing user can import it.
Importing a Default Tab
You can import a system default tab.
Select Add Tab from the Manage List Views list on the tool bar.
In the Add Tab dialog box, click Import.
Select one of the default tabs from the list.
Click OK to return to the Add Tab dialog box.
You can edit the name and contents of the imported tab.
Click OK.
Edit Tab
You can perform the following tasks using Manage List Views > Edit Tab:
Change the name of a tab.
Change the columns on a tab and their order.
Change the order of the tabs.
Reset the Device Manager console to the system default tabs.
Renaming a Tab
You can rename a tab.
Select the tab you want to edit.
User Guide
Device Manager
From the Manage List Views list on the toolbar, select Edit Tab.
In the Edit Tab dialog box, type the new name in the Tab Name text box.
Click OK.
Changing the Column Content and Order
You can change the content and the order of a column.
Select the tab you want to edit.
From the Manage List Views list on the toolbar, select Edit Tab.
Under Available Columns, select any items you want to add to the tab and click the right arrow button, or double-click an item to move it to the other column. Use the Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple items.
To remove a column from the tab, highlight it under Selected Columns and click the left arrow button, or double-click an item to move it to the other column. Use the Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple items.
To change the order of a column, highlight it from Selected Columns and use the up and down arrows to move the column to another position.
Click OK.
Changing the Tab Order
You can change the order in which tabs appear.
Select the tab you want to move.
From the Manage List Views list on the toolbar, select Edit Tab.
Use the arrows to the right of the Tab Position to move the selected tab.
Moving the highlighted tab up moves it to the left.
Moving the highlighted tab down moves it to the right.
Click OK.
Resetting System Defaults
You can eliminate all tab customizations and revert to the system default tabs.
From the Manage List Views list on the toolbar, select Edit Tab.
In the Edit Tab dialog box, select the Reset all tabs to system defaults check box.
KMnet Admin 2.0
Device Manager
Click OK, and then click Yes in the confirmation box.
Deleting a Tab
You can delete a tab.
Select the tab you want to remove.
From the Manage List Views list on the toolbar, select Delete Tab.
Click OK.
After the selected tab has been deleted, the tab directly to its left becomes selected. If there was no tab to the left of the deleted one, then the tab directly to its right becomes selected.
Set Rows per Page
Use this dialog box to set the number of rows (that is, printing systems) displayed on each page. The number of rows per page is a global characteristic, so it applies to all device groups. Guest users can change Set Rows per Page, but the new setting is not saved for the next session.
Setting Rows per Page
You can set the number of rows that you can view per page.
From the Manage List Views list on the toolbar, select Set Rows per Page.
In the Set Rows per Page list box, select a number.
Click OK.
If there are more devices than there are rows on a page, click the scroll arrows to see additional pages.
Managing Devices
You can change consoles and create device groups using the icon buttons in the navigation area. The icon names and their functions are:
Switch Console
Allows you to change between enabled consoles.
Add Group
Adds a device group to the tree. You can create either a dynamic group or a manual group.
Edit Group
For a dynamic group, you can change the group name and the filter criteria which determine the device group members.
delete group
Deletes the selected device group (but not the devices).
Convert Group
Converts the selected dynamic group to a manual group.
User Guide
Device Manager
Add Group
Use Add Group to add a device group to the Device Manager console. Add Group is located in the navigation area toolbar within the Device Manager
console. From the Add Group dialog box, you can create either a manual group or a dynamic group. You must add devices to a manual group yourself, whereas devices are added automatically to a dynamic group.
Add Group responds in different ways depending on what is selected in the navigation area:
If All Devices is selected when you click Add Group, the Add Group dialog box opens.
If any subnode of Networks is selected, Add Group is unavailable.
If a manual group is selected when you click Add Group, the Add Group dialog box opens.
If a dynamic group is selected when you click Add Group , the Add Dynamic Group dialog box opens. A dynamic group cannot have a manual group as a child.
Manual Groups
A manual group is a device group that has devices manually assigned to it. Devices cannot be added to a manual group by use of the device filters. Devices can be added by drag and drop. To add more than one device, hold down the Ctrl key and select multiple devices.
Creating a Manual Group
You can create a manual group.
Select a group in the navigation area. This is the parent group to the new group.
Click the Add Group button in the navigation area toolbar.
In the Add Group dialog box, select Create a manual group, and then click OK.
In the Manual Group dialog box, name the new group in the Group Name text box, and then click OK.
Drag and drop the devices you would like to include from the parent List View to the target group node in the navigation area.
Note: Dragging a device from one group to another does not remove that device from its original group.
Editing a Manual Group
The Edit Group button is located in the navigation area toolbar. If a manual group is selected, Edit Group is available. You can only change the group name because manual groups do not use filters. To edit an existing manual group:
In the navigation area, select the group you want to edit.
In the navigation area toolbar, click Edit Group.
KMnet Admin 2.0
Device Manager
In the Edit Group dialog box, edit the group name and then click OK.
Dynamic Groups
A dynamic group is a device group established by user defined device filters which select and add relevant devices to the dynamic group. Subscriptions can be inherited and can be created for groups. Child groups inherit subscriptions from parent groups. Inheritance is only available for dynamic groups, and not for manual groups.
Device Filters
Device filters determine the characteristics of a dynamic group. Setting device filters in the Add Dynamic Group dialog box lets you include only those devices that match a particular set of criteria. You can collapse or expand a device filter group at any time by clicking the button to the right of the group heading.
Filter Construction and Syntax
Some device filters are defined by a string entered in the corresponding text box. String operators apply to these entries. Other filters require numeric input. The numeric operators apply to these entries. Various operators are available to you for filter construction. The availability of these options depends on whether you are entering a string value or a numeric value.
Each of the string operators has a particular syntax associated with it. For examples of these operators, click syntax examples in the Add Group >
Create a dynamic group > Add Dynamic Group dialog box.
Adding a Dynamic Group
You can create a dynamic group:
Select a group in the navigation area. This is the parent group to the new group.
In the navigation area toolbar, click the Add Group button.
In the Add Group dialog box, select Create a dynamic group, and then click OK. The Add Dynamic Group dialog box opens.
In the Group Name text box, type a name for the new group.
Define the device filters, and then click OK.
Note: A dynamic group applies its device filters to the member devices of its
parent group. Only member devices of the parent group can be included in the new group.
You cannot add devices to a dynamic group by drag and drop. To add a device to a dynamic group, change the device filters from the Edit Group dialog box.
Editing a Dynamic Group
The Edit Group button is located in the navigation area toolbar. If a dynamic group is selected, Edit Group is available. To edit a dynamic group:
In the navigation area, select the group you want to edit.
User Guide
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