User manual
Translation of the original document
Issue 02/2017 Printing 4.2017 Language EN From serial no. RFCSTxx010625 Execution Rigid/Folding Reference. A135368940
Machine identification
For your dealer to help as fast as possible. He needs some information regarding your machine. Please provide this information below.
Width of work
Machine no.
Retailer’s address
Manufacturer’s address
Kverneland Group Les Landes Génusson S.A.S. 9 Rue du Poitou F-85130 LES LANDES GENUSSON, FRANCE
Tel. +33 (0)2 51 64 13 00
Copyright and usage rights are held by the Kverneland Group Les Landes Génusson SAS, France. Copying, transfer to other media, translation or even partial use of this text are unlawful without written authorization from Kverneland. All rights reserved. The content of these operating instructions may be changed wit hout notice. Subject to technical changes
Table of contents
Introduction ............................................... 4
Who should read this user’s manual? 4 Meaning of symbols 4
Table of contents
Unhitching .................................................. 63
Rigid machines 63 Folding machines 63
Safety ......................................................... 5
For your safety 5 The HAZARD, WARNING and CAUTION safety stickers 7 Safety rules 18 Other instructions 25
Presentation of the machine ................... 26
Usage clause 26 General Description 27 Technical specifications 28 Rear accessory variants 31 Roller variants 32 Depth control wheels [+] 33 Other optional equipment [+] 34 Distribution of right and left deflectors 34 Configurations 35
Safety ......................................................... 38
Unhitching 38 Hydraulic system 38 Other instructions 38
Acceptance and assembly ....................... 39
Verifications at the time of acceptance 39 Assembly of the arms 40 Fastening of the rear accessory [+] 40 Attachment of the roller [+] 40 Installing the rear struts 41
Maintenance ............................................... 66
Cleaning 66 Maintenance 66 Storage 66
Maintenance ............................................... 67
Safety instructions 67 General 69 Greasing 70 Wear rings 71 Inspection 73 Wearing of the knife skids on Actipack and Actiring 81 Wearing of the leveling blades on Actiflex 81 Hydraulic diagrams 81 Replacement of the hydraulic system parts 82
Hydraulic diagrams ................................... 83
Warranty ..................................................... 84
Scrapping the machine ............................. 85
Metal parts 85 Tires 85 Hydraulic fluid 85
Index ........................................................... 86
Hitching ..................................................... 43
Rigid machines 43 Folding machines 44
Lighting ..................................................... 45
Electrical connections 45
Transport ................................................... 47
Safety 47 Before traveling on public roads 47
Switching on ............................................. 49
Adjustments - Versatility ......................... 50
Coulter range 50 Deflector range 50
Adjustments .............................................. 51
Adjustment of the working depth 52 Adjustment of the rear accessories 57 Actipack and Actiring rollers 59 Actiflex roller 61 Lighting kit for folding machine 62



Who should read this user’s manual?


Meaning of symbols

This user’s manual is addressed to farmers and individuals trained and certified in agricultural activities and who have received training in the use of this machine.
Safety note for the user
Familiarize yourself with the contents of this user manual before starting to use it or climbing on the machine. Performance and user safety depend on it.
Note for the manager:
All personnel are to be regularly trained in the use of this mach ine. No one without proper training or authorization may use this machine.
The dealer provides the user with instructions relating to the use and maintenance of the machine.
Va rious symbols are used for the sake of clarity. Their meanings are as follows:
A dot is followed by a list.
A triangle precedes operations to be carried out.
An arrow refers back to other passages in the text. Also, pictograms clearly indicate important instructions:
The term “Note” indicates advice and comments on use. A key indicates advice on fitting or adjustment work.
 A star indicates examples to assist with comprehension.
A plus sign in square brackets indicates optional equipment.
Proposition 65 from the State of California
Exhaust gases from the motor, some of its components, some of this machine’s components and fluids contain or emit chemical compounds known in the State of California to be carcinogens, or the cause of congenital deformities and other reproductive disorders.



For your safety

This section contains general safe ty information. The various chapters in this user’s manual include specific safety instructions. Be sure to comply with all safety guidelines
in the interest of your own safety,
in the interest of the safety of others,
to ensure the safety of the machine.
When handling agricultural machines, failure to follow instructions can result in multiple hazards. Therefore, always work with special care and never under pressure.
Note for the manager:
As required by law, you should regularly inform those working on the machine of the existence of safety instruction s.
The “Safety priority” symbol is used in this manual and on the pictograms placed on the machine in order to warn the user of th e presence of a risk of bodily injury. Read these instructions closely. It is essential that you read these instructions and the safety guidelines before assembling or using the machine.
The warning term HAZARD warning indicates an extremely hazardous situation, which if not avoided will lead to death or serious injury.
The warning term WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided could lead to death or serious injury . The hazards identified by the term WARNING present a lower risk of death or injury than those associat ed wit h the te rm HAZA R D .
The warning term CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided could lead to more minor or moderate injuries. The term CAUTION may also be used as a means of notification against hazardous practices, which in cert ain situations can cause injury.
This symbol indicates the presence of technical and operational information regarding personal safety around the machine.
Rigid machines

The HAZARD, WARNING and CAUTION safety stickers

Safety pictograms on the machine
To ensure user safety, stickers are placed on the machine. Do not remove these stickers. When the stickers become illegible or when they lose their adhesion, order new ones and place them in the corresponding places.
Folding machines
Meaning of safety symbols
Pivoting or folding moving parts may cause serious injuries or death. Stand away from the range of movement of all pivoting parts.
Rotating parts can cause serious injuries or death. Stand away from the range of movement of all rotating parts.
Hazardous zone Risk of cuts/feet getting tangled in the rotating parts. In order to avoid all serious or fatal injuries: Maintain a safe distance between you and the machine until all rotating parts have been immobilized.
Risk of crushing There is a danger of hands being crushed in an area where there are likely to be moving parts. In order to avoid all serious or fatal injuries: keep your hands away from these areas.
Hazardous zone Risk of serious or fatal injury during machine hitching, unhitching or operations. In order to avoid all serious or fat al injuries: Remain out side th is zone.
Hazardous zone Risk of crushed toes/fingers by a force applied from above. In order to avoid all serious or fatal injuries: maintain a safe distance between you and the machine.
Risk of cuts / crushing Freely-rotating rollers Before beginning adjustments, ensure that the rollers have been immobilized. In order to avoid all serious or fatal injuries: keep your legs and hands outside the roller rotation zone.
Risk of falling Risk of falling to the ground or onto cutting or blunt-edged parts of the machine while it is operating. In order to avoid all serious or fatal injuries: n ever climb onto a moving machine.
Read the maintenance manual The machine must not be used prior to having read and understood the user’s manual. To avoid serious or even fatal injuries: First read the user’s manual.
Risk of collision Risk of collision due to excessive width. To avoid any collision: Make sure that all the retractable or folding elements are blocked in transport position.
Risk of cuts or crushing Presence of cutting and contusive edges. Before you start to make any adjustments, make sure that all the parts of the machine are immobile. In order to avoid an y ser ious injury: be care ful not to bump against sharp or blunt edges.
Risk of projected debris Metal fragments may be projected if you h it the coulters directly with a hammer. To avoid any serious injury: systematically use the Knock-On tool (A133147030) and always be sure to wear protective safety glasses.
Maximum hydraulic pressure The tractor’s hydraulic pressure must not exceed 210 bar (3,045 psi). To avoid damage to the machine and injuries: check the hydraulic pressure.
Meaning of symbols specific to the Knock-on accessory
Never directly hit the coulters with a hammer.
The coulters are made of treated steel. During assembly or disassembly operations, never directly hit the coulters with a hammer. Such a hit could produce fragments, break parts and cause serious injuries. Therefore, to avoid contact between two hard parts, use the specific Knock-on tool.
Wearing a visor or safety glasses is mandatory in order to avoid any injury.
It is compulsory to wear gloves.
The following safety equipment is highly recommended.
Safety shoes,
Covering clothes,
Hard hat,
Risk of projections in the event of hitting the coulter with a hammer.
CLC Evo rigid - Front view - as an option on the 2.50-m machines (6’6”)
CLC Evo rigid - Rear view
Signaling systems for North America
Signaling systems, panels and stickers are installed o n the machine in order to ensure complete road safety. The signaling systems must always be functional. Under no circumstances are you to remove the panels and stickers, but instead you must replace them if they are missing or illegible. You can order new stickers just like a spare part from your specialist dealer.
The user must ensure that the tractor/machine unit is compliant with current prescriptions regarding machine transport on the road network.
Signaling systems
Marking Dimensions
A 3.00m (9’10”) - 3.50m (11’6”) - 4.00m (13’1”) B Max. 80 mm (approx. 3”)
Marking Dimensions
A 3.00m (9’10”) - 3.50m (11’6”) - 4.00m (13’1”) B Max. 130 mm (approx. 5”)
CLC Evo foldable - Front view - as an option
Marking Dimensions
A 2.75m (9’) B Max. 80 mm (approx. 3”)
CLC Pro foldable - Rear view
Marking Dimensions
A 2.75m (9’) B Max. 270 mm (approx. 11”)
The working depth of rollers must be set at its minimum level.
In some states of the United States and some Canadian provinces, additional signaling is mandatory for road transport:
Slow vehicle indicator
This triangle-shaped panel is placed so as to always remain visible in back of the machine while in the transport position. This signaling device is necessary:
at a road speed of less than 50 km/h (30 mph)
if the hitched machine conceals the slow vehicle panel of the
tractor when in transport position.
Maximum speed indicator
Circular panel bearing the indication 50 km/h or 30 miles per hour. This panel needs to be placed on the tractor when not already pr esent and when the certified tractor speed exceeds 50 km/h (30 mph).

Safety rules

General recommen­dations
Before starting up, check that the machine is not endangering any persons and that the protection and safety devices (e.g. guards, hoods, warning labels, etc.) are in place and functional.
Before you start work, familiarize yourself with all the equipment, controls and functions on your machine. Once you have started, it is too late.
If an operating incident occurs:
Shut down the machine immediately. Identify the cause of the incident. Carry out repairs out before starting up the machine again.
No work should be attempted on the machine delivered unless:
all measures have been taken to prevent unintentional start-up
(uncouple the power take-off and/or hydr au lic ho se s, tr act or engine switched off, for example).
chocks have been placed under the frame to prevent it falling,
the vehicle has been immobilized using the appropriate systems.
Before leaving the tractor:
Put the machine on the ground. Activate the hand brake.Remove the ignition key.
No one should stand between the tractor and the machine unless the vehicle is immobilized (hand brake, chocks, etc.), the engine is switched off and the ignition key removed.
Never stand between the machine and the tractor during maneuvers.
No one should stand between the tractor and the machine when maneuvering the tractor or during lifting operations. This could cause serious injury or even death.
Follow instructions for hitching to the letter:
when maneuvering, select the tractor’s lowest possible forward
the type of tractor hitch should be adapted to suit the machine’s
when coupling, position the tractor’s hydraulic controls such that
the hitch does not move during handling,
the hitch must be locked and should not come detached by itself in
the lower position.
The weight distribution is altered when the machine is hitched. The maximum load per vehicle axle (see manufacturer’s notice) should not be exceeded. If there is insufficient loading on the front axle, extra weights must be installed, so that control over the vehicle’s steering is retained.
When hitching or unhitching the tool, put any support equipment provided in place to prevent the machine from be coming unbalanced .
Machine movement
On a curved road section, beware of ma chine mo vemen t s as well as a shifting of the load. Adjust your forward speed accordingly.
Respect the driving code at all times when on the road
on the road network.
Check that your hitch meets local road safety requirements. If
necessary, you are responsible for fitting and testing transport equipment (e.g. lighting, signals, guards, etc.) corresponding to the characteristics of your tractor-machine assembly and the applicable statutory requirements.
Ensure that the machine’s dimensions are compatible with the
highway code.
Passenger transportation
Carrying passengers on the working tool or during transport is prohibited.
For all movements, brakes must be coupled (no single wheel braking).
Trips off the farm field
No movement should be made outside an agricultural field or close to people, until folding extensions or folding or tipping accessories (where they exist) have been locked in the transport p osition.
In transit, the hydraulic hoses of the folding jacks must be disconnected to prevent acciden tal unfoldin g.
During transport, lock the lower lift arms to prevent any sideways
During travel, the lift control must be positioned, so as to prevent
the tool from being accidentally lowered.
For machines with a transport axle, secure the locking system in place prior to traveling on the road.
Locking of hydraulic jacks
On the machines fitted with locking devices, verify that the foldable parts of the machine have been correctly locked and moreover that the hydraulic safety equipment is well locked.
Avoid all contact of the machine with electrical voltage lin es.
Any contact with electrical voltage lines can cau se serious or even fatal injuries. T ake all necessary precautions in order to avoid any cont act while handling the machine adjacent to electrical voltage lines.
Be mindful of the return to the initial position of locked tine.
Any tine that is abnormally blocked in the raised position may suddenly return to its position and is therefore a source of serious danger.
Keep away from the tine and never stand in its return path.Raise the machine to eliminate any blockages.When the tine is returned to low position, check that it is fully
tightened and does not lock up.
If the tine remains locked, do not try to release it. Call a
Stay outside the zone where the machine’s foldable part s are in motion.
No one should enter the folding extension s area or fold ing or tipping (where present) accessories movement area, until they have been locked by the system provided for this purpose. The system may be chain, a pin, a rigid connecting rod or a double control valve.
Do not take actions on a moving machine.
Any work on the machine is prohibited while the tractor is in motion. Keep a safety distance of at least 5.00 m ( machine in motion (forward movement, movement of any part of the machine, movement of the tractor hitch).
Verify the peripheral areas of both the machine and tractor before starting up.
Before starting up: Ensure that there is no one in the immediate vicinity (children,
Ensure that you have sufficient visibility.
Wear safety shoes and maintain a safe distance when adjusting machines fitted with discs.
For machines fitted with covering discs, border discs, folding tines, leveling boards, track erasers or any other accessory that can be vertically adjusted, it is advisable to respect a safety distance, as the equipment could accidentally fall when being adjusted. Wearing safety shoes is recommended.
16’4”) from the
Safety for children
Do not assume that children will rema in calmly in place wh ere you last saw them. Remain vigilant and turn off the motor if children are present in your work space.
Never let children play on the machine or use it.
Adapt your speed when the ground is sloped.
In the event of use on uneven terrain, the tra ctor can deviate from its path if it encounters a hole, ditch or other irregularity. To remedy this problem, be sure to always drive at a speed adapted to the uneven ground.
Just one person is allowed on the tractor while it is running.
Only allow one person, the operator , on the tractor when it and the tool are in operation.
Apply the brakes or immobilization system prior to any actions taken on the tractor-tool assembly.
Be sure to always apply the brakes or the vehicle immobilization system prior to any action taken within the radius of the tractor-tool assembly. Failing to do so may cause serious or even fatal injuries.
Beware of sharp edges and corners.
When changing parts on the machin e, you should p ay attention to all parts with sharp edges or corners. We recommend that you wear safety equipment (hard hat, safety shoes, gloves, etc.) in order to avoid any injury.
Beware of the return path of the high-pressure cleaning jet.
While cleaning the machine, beware of the retu rn path of th e high­pressure cleaning jet on some of the surfaces. This might cause bruises and contusions.
It is strictly forbidden to disassemble springs used as safety devices for working parts: This operation must only be performed by specialists.
For machines fitted with foldable extensions: Strictly follow the instruc­tions in this user’s manual for the assembly, disassembly and adjustment.
Before carrying out any welding works:
Disconnect the electrical boxes (if present). Disconnect the tractor alternator and battery if it is hitched.
Regularly check that bolts are tight, tire pressure s ar e correct a nd the hydraulic circuit is in good condition.
Be sure to never direct the high-pressure cleaning jet directly onto the following components, so as to prevent their deterioration:
hydraulic hoses,
electrical boxes
any sensitive machine component.
Never stand between the tractor and the machine during unhitching.
Before unhitching the machine, be sure that no one is positioned between the machine and the tractor. Individuals may get pinned between the tractor and machine, thereby leading to serious or even fatal injuries.
In order to avoid any hazard during unhitching:
Immobilize the tractor,lower the machine,engage the parking brake,make sure that the machine is on flat and sufficiently stable
operate the tractor’s hydraulic lift slowly and carefully,Connect or disconnect hydraulic tubes, only if there is no pressure
in the tractor’s and machine’s hydraulic system .
Hydraulic installation
Any action taken on the hydraulic system must always be performed by a trained and certified technician.
For further information, refer to Chapter "Replacement of the hydraulic system parts" page 82.

Other instructions

Follow instructions
In addition to the instructions listed above, always follow:
Accident prevention regulations
generally recognized safety regulations, occupational health
requirements and road traffic regulations,
the notes that can be found in the user manual,
instructions for use, maintenance and servicing.

Presentation of the machine

Presentation of the ma chine

Field of application

Usage clause

This machine is considered to be interchangeable equipment within the meaning of European directive 2006/42/EC and is considered to be agricultural equipment within the meaning of directive ASABE S390.
This chapter contains general information about your machine as well as information concerning the following points:
Usage clause.
Description of machine components.
Technical data.
This machine has been designed solely for norm al agricultural use, i.e. for cultivating farmland. Any other use or misuse, for example, transport, land clearing or transmission of power to another machine is considered to be contrary to the intended use. The manufacturer and specialist dealer decline any responsibility for damage caused by use other than normal use. The user assumes all risks.
Compliance with the conditions of use includes compliance with the manufacturer’s user instr uc tio ns.
The safety instructions (detailed above) and rules regarding general safety, occupational health and road traffic must also be followed.
Modifications to the tool made by the customer or the use of spare parts or accessories that are not original parts will void the manufac­turer’s liability for all damage resulting from the modification.
The manufacturer cannot be held liable for damage resulting from incorrect settings, choice of equipment, seed, fertilizer, treatments or farming strategy or for any other damage not directly related to the machine.
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