Kurgo Extended Bench Seat Cover User Manual

1) Clip adjustable straps (A) around your seat head rests so that the cover aligns itself with your vehicle’s seat.
2) OPTIONAL: There is an optional back strap (B) that attaches around the back of your seat, clipping together in the back. This is for extra fitting support in vehicles where the seat folds down.
Installation & Care
3) The under-seat elastic cord (C) simply slips through triangle (D) and attaches through the left and right cord locks (E). Pull straight across, leaving no slack; tuck excess bungee under the edge of the seat.
4) Use the extra storage pockets (F) for anything you like! We suggest lots of fun dog stuff.
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Underside details
are shown as
dashed lines
Figure 1
Push top of Cord Lock (E) down and pull Cord (C) to tighten.
Cleaning Instructions
Our product cleaning instructions will help ensure that your gear has a long, exciting life. In general, washing by hand and hang air-drying is the best way to care for your Kurgo products. However, for the occasions when the mess is too great and time is too tight, we recommend using a washing machine.
Hand Wash Instructions
Note: Recommended for small messes.
1. Brush off loose dirt with a dry brush.
2. Spot clean with a damp sponge, cold water, and mild soap. Avoid harsh detergents.
3. If necessary, rinse larger area to eliminate excess soap residue.
4. Hang to air dry (do not machine dry).
Machine Wash Instructions
Note: Only machine wash gentle in front-loading units (DO NOT use machine with an agitator as it could cause damage not covered under the Kurgo Warranty)
1. Secure all buckles and hardware.
2. Wash with cold water and mild soap. Avoid harsh detergents.
3. Rinse thoroughly to eliminate soap residue.
4. Hang to air dry (do not machine dry).
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