Kuppersbusch EMWG 8605.0 Instruction Manual

EMWG8605.0 OM
mit Montageanweisungen
Instructions for use and installation instructions Instructions d’utilisation e avis de montage
Gebruiksaanwijzing en montagehandleiding
Dear Client, First, we would like to thank you for choosing our product. We are sure that this modern, functional and
practical microwave oven, manufactured from the best materials, will satisfy your requirements. You are advised to read our operation manual carefully and the enclosed pamphlet to enable you to get
the best results from your microwave oven.
Installation Instruction...............................................................................................................................22
Important Information................................................................................................................................23
Description of the Microwave Oven...........................................................................................................24
The Advantages of a Microwave Oven: ...................................................................................................24
How the Microwave Oven Works?...........................................................................................................24
Why does the Food Heat Up?..................................................................................................................25
Operating Instructions ................................................................................................................................26
Microwave Function.................................................................................................................................26
Grill Function............................................................................................................................................26
Microwave + Grill Function......................................................................................................................26
Defrosting by Weight (Automatic)............................................................................................................27
Thawing by time (Manual).......................................................................................................................28
General Thawing Instructions..................................................................................................................29
Special Function: LIQUIDS / POTATOES..................................................................................................30
Special Function: MASHED POTATO / SOUFFLÉ......................................................................................30
Special Function: THAW AND HEAT.........................................................................................................30
Programming the Microwave Oven .........................................................................................................31
During Operation... ..................................................................................................................................32
Interrupting Oven Operation....................................................................................................................32
Energy Saving..........................................................................................................................................32
Adjusting the Clock..................................................................................................................................33
Safety Block.............................................................................................................................................33
Advice for Good Usage of the Microwave Oven........................................................................................34
Working with Microwaves........................................................................................................................34
Functioning of the Grill ............................................................................................................................34
Advice on the use of Cookware .................................................................................................................35
Glazed Ceramic Dishes............................................................................................................................35
Recipient Test..........................................................................................................................................36
Lids ..........................................................................................................................................................36
Microwave Oven Maintenance ..................................................................................................................37
Official Technical Assistance Service (T.A.S.)...........................................................................................38
Solving Problems.....................................................................................................................................38
Cord Replacement...................................................................................................................................38
Light Replacement...................................................................................................................................38
Installation Instruction
Remove the microwave oven from packing. Remove all packing materials and accessories from the microwave oven cavity. Check whether the following parts are in good condition:
- Door and hinges;
- Front of the microwave oven;
- Inside and outside of microwave oven.
Should you find any faults DO NOT USE THE MICROWAVE OVEN, and contact your dealer. Place the microwave oven on a flat stable surface able to support its weight.
To allow efficient cooling of the microwave oven its installation is recommended in a unit with an opening in the upper part (refer to the installation instructions leaflet enclosed).
Warning: The microwave oven plug shall be accessible after installation. When installing the microwave oven great care should be taken to ensure that the mains power cable
cannot come into contact with the rear since the high temperatures involved could cause damage. When the microwave oven is installed in a column with a conventional oven, the microwave oven must
not be located underneath the conventional oven because of the possibility of condensation forming inside the latter.
The microwave oven has been supplied with a mono-phase power supply cord. The appliance must be earthed.
The manufacturers and dealers are not liable for any breakdowns or personal accidents should these installation instructions not be observed by the purchaser.
Important Information
WARNING: If the door or the door hinges are damaged, the oven should not be switched on until repaired by a qualified technician.
WARNING: It is dangerous for anyone, except a qualified technician, to tamper with the apparatus or try to repair it in any way by removing any lid or covering which assures protection against the exposure to microwave energy.
WARNING: Liquids and other food should not be heated in airtight recipients as these can explode. WARNING: Children should only be allowed to use the oven without adult supervision if they have been
given the appropriate instructions so that they can use the oven safely and understand the dangers of its incorrect use.
WARNING: When the microwave oven is operated in the Combination mode (Microwaves + Grill), children should only be allowed to use the unit under adult supervision due to the high temperatures generated.
WARNING: The microwave oven should be cleaned regularly and any food deposits removed (please see the chapter on Oven Maintenance for details). Failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition could lead to deterioration of the surface that could adversely affect the life of the appliance and possibly result in a hazardous situation.
When heating food in plastic or paper recipients, check the oven frequently in case they ignite. If any smoke is detected, then switch off the oven or disconnect it and keep the door closed in order for
any flame to die out. After warming up baby bottles or baby food jars, stir or shake its contents and check the temperature
before feeding, to avoid burns. Warming up drinks in the microwave oven may result in a delayed eruptive boiling, therefore one should
be careful when handling the recipient. Eggs with their shell and whole boiled eggs shouldn’t be warmed up in microwave ovens as they may
explode, even after microwave heating has ended. Only use utensils that are suitable for use in microwave ovens. Do not use any metal utensils inside the
oven unless they were supplied with the oven and for that purpose. Do not warm up liquids or other food in closed recipients as they may explode. Do not warm up pure alcohol or alcoholic drinks. FIRE DANGER. When in doubt, choose short periods to cook, heat or defrost food with microwaves. With long cooking
periods the food may become dry and even begin to burn. Do not use the microwave oven for anything other than warming, cooking or defrosting food. Do not operate the microwave oven without its tray nor when empty. Keep the microwave oven ventilation holes open. Never cover any air vents or openings.
Description of the Microwave Oven
The Advantages of a Microwave Oven:
In a conventional oven the heat radiated by the resistances or gas burners, slowly penetrates the food from the outside to the inside. There is, therefore, a great loss of energy in the heating of the air, oven components and recipients.
On the other hand, in microwave ovens the heat is generated in the interior of the food itself, heating it from the inside outwards. There is therefore no loss of energy as the air, interior walls of the oven and recipients (when adequate) do not heat up with microwaves.
In short, microwave ovens have the following advantages:
1. Save on cooking time: in general there is a 3/4 reduction of the cooking time than with conventional methods.
2. Ultra-quick defrosting that prevents bacteria development.
3. Electricity saving.
4. Maintaining the nutritive value of the food due to the cooking time reduction.
5. Easy cleaning.
How the Microwave Oven Works?
In the microwave oven there is a high voltage valve called "Magnetron" that converts electric energy to Microwave energy. These electromagnetic waves are conducted to the inside of the oven cavity by means of wave-guide and spread by a mode stirrer or by a turntable.
Inside the oven, the Microwaves spread out in all directions and are reflected by the metallic walls, penetrating the food evenly.
Why does the Food Heat Up?
Most food contains water, whose molecules vibrate with Microwaves. The friction between the molecules generates heat, which causes a temperature rise in the food,
defrosting it, cooking it or keeping it warm. As the heat is formed inside the food:
- It may be cooked with little or no liquid or fat;
- Defrosting, heating or cooking in the microwave oven is quicker than in a conventional oven;
- Vitamins, minerals and nutritive substances are preserved;
- There is no change in the natural colour and smell of the food.
The Microwaves pass through porcelain, glass, cardboard and plastic but not through metal. Therefore, recipients made of or containing metal should not be used in the microwave oven.
The Microwaves are reflected by the metal…
…they pass through Glass and Porcelain…
…and they are absorbed by the food.
tes), by turning the ROTATING
). If these
tes), by turning the ROTATING
tes), by turning the ROTATING
). If these
Operating Instructions
Consult the figure in the appendix leaflet and then proceed in the following manner:
1. Connect the oven to a suitable power source (see the Installation Instructions).
2. Open the door by pressing the “open” button (10). In the models without this button, it is only necessary to pull on the door. The microwave oven light should switch on.
3. Place the container with the food on the tray or grille.
4. Select the desired function and cooking time in accordance with the description provided in the following chapters.
5.Close the door and press the START key (15).
6. The microwave oven starts working. The Display (1) shows the functioning time decreasing.
The control panel keys illuminate to facilitate the programming of the microwave oven. By default, the keys that can be operated are illuminated in red. When one is selected it changes to green.
Microwave Function
How to proceed Display (1)
1. Press the MICROWAVE key (6). This key is illuminated in green.
2. Enter the operating time (for example 10 minu KNOB (9) in both directions.
3. To alter the Microwave oven power level, press keys + (13) and - (12
keys are not pressed, the microwave oven work as default at maximum power.
4. Press the START key (15). The oven starts working.
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Grill Function
How to proceed Display (1)
1. Press the GRILL key (7). This key is illuminated in green.
2. Enter the operating time (for example 10 minu
KNOB (9) in both directions.
3. Press the START key (15). The oven starts working.
Microwave + Grill Function
How to proceed Display (1)
1. Press the MICROWAVE + GRILL (8). This key is illuminated in green.
2. Enter the operating time (for example 10 minu
KNOB (9) in both directions.
3. To alter the Microwave oven power level, press keys + (12) and - (12 keys are not pressed, the microwave oven work as default at maximum power.
4. Press the START key (15). The oven starts working.
P 05
) keys. If these keys are
When the oven switches itself off and beeps, open the door and stir the food.
) in order to continue the
Defrosting by Weight (Automatic)
How to Proceed Display (1)
1. Press the DEFROST key (5). This key is illuminated in green.
2. Enter the type of food, by pressing the + (13) and - (12
not pressed, the oven select food type 1 by default.
3. Enter the food weight (for example, 1.2 kg) by turning the ROTATING KNOB (9 in both directions.
4. Press the START key (15). The oven starts working.
Close the door again and press the START key (15 defrost process.
The following table shows the various thawing programs by weight, the respective weight ranges and the waiting time ranges (to permit better temperature uniformity).
Code Food Item Weight Thawing Time Waiting Time
Meat 0.1 – 1.5 kg 4 – 45 min 20 – 30 min
Poultry 0.1 – 1.5 kg 4 – 50 min 20 – 30 min
Fish 0.1 – 1.5 kg 4 – 45 min 20 – 30 min
Fruit 0.2 – 0.5 kg 2 – 13 min 5 – 10 min
Bread 0.1 – 0.8 kg 2 – 19 min 5 – 10 min
F 0 1
tes), by turning the ROTATING
switches itself off and beeps, open the door and stir the food.
) in order to continue the
Thawing by time (Manual)
How to Proceed Display (1)
1. Press the DEFROST key (5) twice. This key is illuminated in green.
2. Enter the defrost time (for example, 12 minu
KNOB (9) in both directions.
3. Press the START key (15). The oven starts working.
4. When the oven
Close the door again and press the START key (15 defrost process.
The following table shows the various recommended thawing times and waiting times (to permit better temperature uniformity) according to the type and weight of the food items.
Food Item Weight Thawing Time Waiting time Remarks
Pork, Beef, Veal
Minced Meat
Sausages and Cold Cuts
Chicken, Turkey
100 gm 3-4 min 5-10 min Turn once 200 gm 6-7 min 5-10 min Turn once 500 gm 14-15 min 10-15 min Turn twice
700 gm 20-21 min 20-25 min Turn twice 1000 gm 29-30 min 25-30 min Turn three times 1500 gm 42-45 min 30-35 min Turn three times
500 gm 12-14 min 10-15 min Turn twice Chopped Meat 1000 gm 24-25 min 25-30 min Turn three times
100 gm 4-5 min 5-6 min Turn once
300 gm 8-9 min 8-10 min Turn twice
500 gm 12-14 min 15-20 min Turn twice
125 gm 3-4 min 5-10 min Turn once
250 gm 8-9 min 5-10 min Turn once
500 gm 15-16 min 10-15 min Turn once
200 gm 7-8 min 5-10 min Turn once Poultry, and Poultry Pieces
500 gm 17-18 min 10-15 min Turn twice 1000 gm 34-35 min 15-20 min Turn twice 1200 gm 39-40 min 15-20 min Turn twice 1500 gm 48-50 min 15-20 min Turn twice
100 gm 3-4 min 5-10 min Turn once Fish
200 gm 6-7 min 5-10 min Turn once
Food Item Weight Thawing Time Waiting time Remarks
Trout 200 gm 6-7 min 5-10 min Turn once
100 gm 3-4 min 5-10 min Turn once Shellfish
500 gm 12-15 min 10-15 min Turn twice
Butter 250 gm 8-10 min 10-15 min Turn once, keep covered Cottage cheese 250 gm 6-8 min 5-10 min Turn once, keep covered Cream 250 gm 7-8 min 10-15 min Remove the top
200 gm 4-5 min 5-8 min Turn once
300 gm 8-9 min 10-15 min Turn twice
500 gm 12-14 min 15-20 min Turn three times
100 gm 2-3 min 2-3 min Turn once
200 gm 4-5 min 5-6 min Turn once
500 gm 10-12 min 8-10 min Turn twice
800 gm 15-18 min 15-20 min Turn twice
General Thawing Instructions
1. Use suitable containers when thawing (porcelain, glass or other material that is suitable for using with microwave ovens).
2. The Thawing by Weight and Thawing by time tables refer to raw food items and the weights given do not include the containers.
3. The thawing time will vary depending on the amount and height of the food items. Small amounts will thaw more easily than large ones.
4. In the case of more delicate food items or those with an irregular shape, it is recommended that the smaller parts, such as the legs and wings of poultry of fish fins be covered. Aluminium foil should be used for this and removed after half the thawing time has elapsed. The aluminium foil should be at least two centimetres from the microwave oven wall, otherwise it will cause sparking.
5. Thick food items should be turned several times.
6. The frozen food items should be evenly distributed inside the microwave oven. Flat food items will thaw more easily.
7. Food items containing a lot of fat, such as butter or cottage cheese (a dairy product, which is quite thick), together with cream, should not be completely thawed. Only a few minutes of waiting time are required so that these are ready to be served and consumed. Cream that was frozen should be whipped if there are still a few frozen pieces remaining.
8. Poultry should be placed on a small plate upside down so that they are able to drain better.
9. Bread should be wrapped in a serviette to prevent it from drying out.
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