K-Tec MT2000 User Manual

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Prairieville, Louisiana 70769 USA
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Email: service@ktekcorp.com
Website: www.ktekcorp.com
Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter
Installation and Operational Manual
MT2000-0200-1 Rev f (10-2007)
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 4
2. OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Storage Information ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Ambient Temperature ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Description & Principle of Operation ............................................................................................ 5
2.3.1 Direct Reflect Mode (standard) ..........................................................................................
2.3.2 Ultra Low Dielectric (ULD) Measure Method
3. INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Mounting Requirements ............................................................................................. 7
3.2 Shortening of Probe .................................................................................................. 8
3.3 MT2000 Guided Wave Radar Guidelines ............................................................................ 8
3.4 Wiring
...................................................................................................................... 9
3.5 ATEX Approval Information ........................................................................................ 9
4. COMMISSIONING .............................................................................................................. 9
4.1 Quickstart Procedure ................................................................................................. 9
4.2 Verify Proper Power-Up ........................................................................................... 10
4.3 Setting the 4mA and 20mA Points Using the Pushbutton Menu ................................... 10
4.3.1 LCD Menu Operation ..................................................................................... 11
4.4 Detailed Configuration Parameters ........................................................................... 12
4.4.1 Direct Mode Blanking Parameter (BLK) .............................................................. 12
4.4.2 Threshold Level Parameter (THV) and Gain Setting (GS) ...................................... 12
4.4.3 Advanced Parameter Settings ......................................................................... 13
4.4.4 Ultra Low Dielectric (ULD) Mode Configuration .................................................... 15
4.5 Advanced Output Configuration ................................................................................ 16
4.5.1 DAC Trim .................................................................................................... 16
4.5.2 Setting the DAC Trim ..................................................................................... 16
4.5.3 Displayed Engineering Units (EUN)................................................................... 16
4.5.4 4 - 20 mA Output Damping (DMP) .................................................................... 16
4.5.5 Bench Calibration of the 4mA & 20mA Points ...................................................... 17
4.5.6 4mA & 20mA Calibration Using Actual Level Input ............................................... 17
4.5.7 Reversing the Output Action Using Actual Level Input ........................................... 18
4.5.8 Jumper Switch Settings .................................................................................. 18
5. TROUBLESHOOTING INFORMATION ........................................................................... 19
5.1 Valid Current Loop Outputs ...................................................................................... 19
5.2 Possible Symptoms ................................................................................................. 19
5.3 Electronics Module Replacement .............................................................................. 20
6. HONEYWELL DE OUTPUT OPTION ............................................................................... 20
6.1 Interoperability and Conformance Class .................................................................... 20
6.2 Operating Modes..................................................................................................... 21
7. HART PROTOCOL INTERFACE OPTION ....................................................................... 21
7.1 268 ROSEMOUNT Communicator ............................................................................ 21
7.2 HART AMS ............................................................................................................. 21
7.2.1 Compatibility ................................................................................................ 21
7.2.2 Resource Files ............................................................................................. 21
8. GLOSSARY OF TERMS .................................................................................................. 22
......................................................... 6
2 MT2000-0200-01 Rev f (10-2007)
9. APPENDICES ................................................................................................................ 23
9.1 APPENDIX A: Sensor Trim ............................................................................................. 23
9.2 APPENDIX B: Additional Special Functions in the CFG2 (Hidden) Menu.......................
9.3 APPENDIX C: Linearization ............................................................................................
9.4 APPENDIX D: Interface Applications ..............................................................................
9. 5 APPENDIX E: Oscilloscope Use & Setup for Troubleshooting ....................................... 28
9.5.1 General Setup ............................................................................................. 28
9.5.2 Use and Setup of the Oscilloscope for the MT2000 .............................................. 28
9. 6 APPENDIX F: CE Certification of Conformity .................................................................. 29
9. 7 APPENDIX G: Exida Certificate .....................................................................................
9.8 APPENDIX H: Installation Drawings for Intrinsic Safety & Standard Wiring .................... 31
9.9 APPENDIX I: Mounting Configurations
9.10 APPENDIX J: Warranty Statement ........................................................................ 35
..................................................................... 34
24 26 27
Figure 2.1 Direct Reflect Mode ............................................................................................... 6
Figure 3.1 Mounting Requirements ........................................................................................ 7
Figure 3.2 Factory Default Configuration ................................................................................ 8
Figure 4.1 Quikstart Procedure ............................................................................................. 10
Figure 4.2 Electronics LCD Display ...................................................................................... 10
Figure 4.3 Transmitter Configuration from Model Number ................................................... 12
Figure 4.4 L10 Advanced Parameter Settings ...................................................................... 13
Figure 4.5 Ultra Low Dielectric (ULD) Mode Configuration ................................................... 16
Figure 4.6 Example of Display in Calibration Mode .............................................................. 18
Figure 4.7 Write Project (right jumper) .................................................................................. 18
Figure 9.1 Sensor Trim (Factory Defaults) ........................................................................... 23
Figure 9.2 Configuration 2 (hidden) Menu ............................................................................ 24
Figure 9.3 MT2000 Interface ................................................................................................ 27
Figure 9.4 Oscilloscope Use & Setup for Troubleshooting ................................................... 28
Figure 9.5 Mounting Configurations ...................................................................................... 31
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Thank you for using the K-TEK MT2000 Guided Wave Radar Transmitter. The MT2000 has been designed for ease of use and to offer extensive configuration capabilities. You are urged to review this manual in its entirety prior to use. This will eliminate most installation problems due to improper configuration.
We, the K-TEK Family, sincerely hope you receive many years of reliable use from this transmitter and welcome your feedback to consistently improve our products.
When it comes to measuring the level of bulk solids, liquids, and everything in between, guided wave radar technol­ogy now offers more level-detection capabilities than ever before. For an ever-widening range of previously hard-to­measure products such as molten sulfur, liquid ammonia and petrochemicals, guided wave radar transmitters pro­vide accurate level measurements even under harsh chemical environments, wide variations in operating tempera­tures and pressures, and low dielectric constants. Great strides have also been taken in making these units easier to configure to a variety of process applications coupled with the simplicity of integrating these devices with most digital communication protocols. These improvements come as welcome relief to process engineers within an ex­panded range of level applications across several different industries that seek solutions to measuring the contents of tanks, silos, hoppers, bins, mixing basins, and vessels.
Because radar transmitters have no moving parts, radar has already established a dominant niche in level measur­ing that quickly distances itself from mechanical means, which don't hold up as well in dirty service. Radar achieves its non-mechanical level detection capability by measuring the time of flight of the transmitted signal.
Known more accurately as Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR), the process involves:
1. Sending microwave energy down into a vessel.
2. When the pulse of radar energy reaches the product (indicated by a change in impedance), part of the pulse is reflected back toward the transmitter.
3. A receiver measures the exact duration of time between the transmitted and reflected signal—the "time of flight."
4. The device analyzes this time and ultimately displays the level of the product as a distance in feet, me­ters, or other engineering units.
Through-air technology clearly pioneered the way for radar in terms of level measurement. However, one of the ma­jor problems of non-contact (with the product to be measured) through-air radar is the high probability of false ech­oes. Simply pointing a radar transmitter toward the bottom of a silo allows unguided waves to bounce off the sides of the vessel itself, returning many divergent signals that must be canceled out at the receiving end. Part of the problem stems from the wide dispersion of radar beams, which radiate away from the transmitting antenna in the shape of an ever-widening cone. A similar problem also presents itself in ultrasonic measurements where divergent angles of up to 20 degrees are routine.
These obstacles have now been overcome with the arrival of guided-wave radar transmitters. While fundamentally relying on the same conventional time-of-flight technology used in through-air radars, guided-wave radars go one step further by controlling the spread of radar beams via a "probe" that is introduced directly into the product to be measured. Typically, the wave-guide is a specially designed metal rod or cable. Since the guide concentrates the radar signal within a small-diameter (often less than 12 inches) cylinder along the probe, it doesn't disperse and re­flect off materials that are not representative of product level. This results in a higher level of performance and reli­ability from the guided-wave device. Furthermore, the ease of configuration eliminates wasted time, as the need no longer exists to spend time programming a unit to ignore erroneous readings from the sides o f the tank.
The advantages to guided-wave radar clearly play out when it comes to meeting the real-world challenges faced by engineers in correctly determining product levels within storage and processing containers.
4 MT2000-0200-01 Rev f (10-2007)
2.1 Storage Information
If required, storage prior to installation should be indoors at ambient temperature, not to exceed the following: Temperature range: -40 to 150 degrees F. Humidity: 0 to 100% R.H. non-condensing.
2.2 Ambient Temperature
The MT2000 electronics temperature may not exceed 170°F / 77°C. For higher ambient temperatures, a high tem­perature option extension is required. The probe process temperature shall not exceed the temperature stated in the specifications for the given coupler.
2.3 Description & Principle of Operation
2.3.1 Direct Reflect Mode (standard)
The MT2000 is a 4-20mA loop powered Smart Level Transmitter, which is microprocessor based and is available with HART or Honeywell DE digital output. It uses very low power microwave energy to determine the level of the product being measured. In order to obtain optimum performance, it is important to understand the basic principle of operation. The electronics housing is typically fitted with a special adapter “Coupler” serving as a process connection and seal, and holding a solid rod or a cable. The rod or cable “Probe” hangs into the vessel and acts as a wave­guide, i.e. the microwave energy stays concentrated around the probe and along its length, instead of being dis­persed in a cone, as it would be if there was no probe.
A measurement cycle consists of the following:
1. A very short “pulse” of microwave energy is applied at the coupler, to the Probe.
2. The pulse travels along the length of the probe and when it encounters a discontinuity that is a dielectric con­stant change, such as the product surface, some of the energy is reflected and travels back towards the coupler.
3. When the reflected energy reaches the coupler, it is sensed by the electronics. By measuring the time elapsed between the initial pulse and the reflected one, the electronics can calculate the product level.
4. Since the microwave energy travels at the speed of light, one complete measurement cycle is made up of sev­eral thousands of Pulses. The electronics uses Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR), a sampling technique to re­construct a waveform duplicating the actual real time signal, but at a much lower speed, so that it can be proc­essed by the microprocessor. This process can be compared to using the stroboscope effect as when observing a piece of machinery turning at high speed with a strobe light.
5. The measurement cycles are made 10 times per second and processed by special filtering techniques, before generating a current output proportional to the level of the product.
A simplified signal trace as seen on an oscilloscope (Figure 2-1) can be divided into four identifiable sec­tions:
- Start Pulse.
- Coupler Reflection.
- Signal Reflection
- End of Probe Reflection
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2.3.1 Direct Reflect Mode (standard) (cont’d)
The measurement principle using TDR is based on the fact that a dielectric constant discontinuity or geometric change will yield a negative pulse having certain amplitude below the baseline. The greater the dielectric constant difference, the greater the negative amplitude of the return signal. This means that a signal will show up on the baseline if there is a substantial change from a nozzle diameter to an open tank, for example, as signal plot at the process connection. This fact needs to be taken into account in order to configure the MT2000 properly (Consult section on commissioning).
Displayed in Figure 2.1 is the return signal, as one would see it on an oscilloscope. Refer to troubleshooting section for oscilloscope set up. Abbreviations used are:
GS Gain Setting BLK Blanking THV Threshold Voltage URV Upper Range Value (20 mA) LRV Lower Range Value (4 mA) LL1 Liquid Level 1 L1 Unmeasurable Zone (Top of Probe) L2 Unmeasurable Zone (End of Probe)
Figure 2.1
2.3.2 Ultra Low Dielectric (ULD) Measure Method
To effectively measure the level of very low dielectric products a different methodology is needed due to the poor reflection of the pulse on the surface of the product. This reflection is not strong enough to make a reliable level measurement. To achieve reliable and precise measurement the MT2000 uses the Ultra Low Dielectric (ULD) measurement method. This method requires the use of a flexible cable utilizing a weight / target assembly at the bot­tom end of a precisely known length. The pulse travels through the air at a known velocity and then passes through the product at a reduced velocity depending on the product dielectric constant.
Note: Reference Section 4.4.4 for ULD Mode setup and configuration.
6 MT2000-0200-01 Rev f (10-2007)
3.1 Mounting Requirements
IMPORTANT: To obtain the best return signal from the product level it is recommended to mount the MT2000 cou-
pler directly into the top of the vessel if the vessel material is metal, or into a metal plate if the vessel is non-metallic. A flat metal surface perpendicular to the probe acts as a “launch plate”, minimizing the loss of microwave energy from dispersion (Figure 3-1). When this configuration is not practical the MT2000 can be installed in flanged nozzles, as long as the mounting details are taken into account. Please refer to the recommended mounting information as described in Appendix I “Mounting Configurations”.
1. The housing cover can only be removed when the unit is installed in a non-hazardous area, when in­stalled with intrinsic safety barrier, or when power is removed from the transmitter.
2. Tanks constructed of concrete additionally require probe mountings be:
a. 1 ft. / 0.3 m from wall with up to 20 ft. / 6.1 meter measuring length.
b. 2 ft. / 0.61 m from wall over 20 ft. / 6.1 meter measuring length.
MT2000-0200-1 Rev f (10-2007)
Figure 3.1
Figure 31
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3.2 Shortening of Probe
The MT2000 single probe can be cut to length prior to installation. The MT2000 default factory configuration pro­vides a measurement in engineering units with a zero referenced to the bottom of the sensing probe. The top of the probe yields a measurement equal to the probe length (Figure 3.2).
20 mAdc
0 in / 0 mm
Probe Length
Factory Default Configuration
1. The default factory setup is with the instrument meas­uring “level”; This means that the display will indicate
URV = Probe Length LRV = 0 in. / 0 mm
a number equal to the sensor length when the level is at the top of the vessel. When the vessel is empty it will indicate zero.
2. If readout in “level measurement units” is not desir­able, engineering units can be set to percentage (%). This will provide the readout in percentage of total level, referenced to the 4 mA and 20 mA points (LRV and URV).
3. If percentage (%) tank level readout is not desirable,
4 mAdc
Cable Length
0 in. / 0mm
proceed to Sensor Trim Section (Appendix A).
Figure 3.2
If the probe is shortened, the unit will indicate the distance as if the level was at the place where the probe was cut off as the lowest value, and read the change in EUN correctly FROM THAT POINT— to the URV.
Example: MT2000 was shipped (and trimmed) with a 10ft. probe. The probe was shortened by removing 3ft. leav­ing the total length at 7.0 ft. If the transmitter was installed with no further correction, the transmitter display (LL1) will indicate 3.0 ft. with the level at the end of the probe and 10ft. with the level at the top (a change of 7ft.). To set the transmitter to transmit 4 – 20 mA over the length of the probe, the following settings would need to be entered in the CAL menu:
LRV = 3.0 ft and URV = 10.0 ft.
If this is not desirable, one of the following can be done:
1. Change EUN = %. The level will now be shown (LL1) as 0.0% to 100.0%. (Note: LRV = 3.0 ft.; URV = 10.0 ft. in this example.)
2. Enter L1O = -3.0 ft. The unit will now display 0.0 ft to 7.0 ft for the above 7.0 ft level change. LRV and URV must be set (LRV = 0.0 ft., URV = 7.0 ft.) accounting for the offset, matching the display (0.0 to 7.0 ft).
3. Re–trim the unit to the actual sensor length – see Sensor Trim Section (Appendix A).
3.3 MT2000 Guided Wave Radar Guidelines
These guidelines are not absolute limits but rather limits that will ensure optimum performance and ease of configu­ration:
Cable sensor probe is preferred over rigid rod. Cables in tube or Pipe:
Use P11 (3/16” DIA) cable.
In 3” Pipe: 10 Ft. Max cable without spacers, longer cable with spacer every 10 ft.
In 1.5” or 2” pipe: 7 ft. max cable without spacers, longer cable with spacer every 5 ft.
Three spacer sizes available for 1.5”, 2”, or 3” sch 160 pipe.
Two spacer materials available, Teflon and ceramic (above 400°F).
8 MT2000-0200-01 Rev f (10-2007)
3.3 MT2000 Guided Wave Radar Guidelines (cont’d)
1/4”rod 5 ft. max, minimum 3” Dia. Stilling well if provided with stilling well.
1/2” rod 10 ft. max, minimum 3” Dia. Stilling well if provided with stilling well.
In 2” pipe: 5ft. Max 1/4” or 1/2” rod.
C8 and C9 with rigid rod always fully assembled with sensor well from factory.
3.4 Wiring
Install conduit to ½” NPT port and run 18 gauge twisted, shielded pair to housing. Refer to attached wiring diagram on page 33 for typical loop wiring diagram and pg 31 for instructions applicable to intrinsic safety installation (Appendix H).
Apply loop power to the transmitter as follows:
Terminal Block + 14 Vdc minimum to 36 Vdc Maximum Terminal Block - To control System Input Ground Screw GROUND
Note: The “+Meter” and “-Meter” terminals are available to hook up a mA meter to monitor loop current, without breaking the loop.
3.5 ATEX Approval Information
Special Conditions for Safe Use
Mounting: Installation and cable types used shall be in accordance with EN50-039 and the relevant codes of practice. Wiring:
The supply to the MT 2000 unit must be fed through a suitable Certified barrier/isolating interface mounted in the safe area.
4.1 Quickstart Procedure
An MT2000 from the factory will be set with several default parameters. These parameters have been selected to cover the widest range of dielectric constants (typical water based products) and in some cases no adjustments will be necessary.
Each unit will be trimmed with 0 inches at the end of the probe and a distance equal to the probe length at the face of the coupler. The calibration range will be set with 4mA at the end of the probe and 20 mA at the face of the cou­pler. For instance, In Figure 4-1, a 25-foot cable probe will indicate 300 inches and 20 mA at the top while indicating 0 inches and 4mA at the bottom. With this knowledge in hand, an MT2000 can be installed quickly and easily.
1. Remove all of the pieces of the MT2000 from the packaging and assemble them, if necessary.
2. Install the transmitter into its process connection and proceed with wirin g. (See section 3.3 field wiring).
3. Power up the unit. All of the digits on the display will light up. The output from the transmitter will drop to 4mA, then start to climb to the level of the product.
4. Enter the Calibration menu using the pushbuttons on the faceplate. Select and set values for LRV (4mA) and URV (20mA).
5. When this is complete, the unit should be functioning and ready for normal operation.
If the output does not correspond with the level or does not change with the level movement, proceed to section 4.2.
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4.1 Quickstart Procedure (cont’d)
URV= 20mA
300 in. / 7620 mm
LRV = 4 mA 0 in. / 0 mm
Raw Counts
HTP = 288”
2565 2100
BLK = 210
LTP = 6”
Figure 4.1
4.2 Verify Proper Power-Up
Apply power to the transmitter and verify that the display comes up and is active. The display update rate is approxi­mately 4 seconds. The current draw should under no case exceed 21 mA and, in the event of a problem, refer to trouble-shooting section.
4.3 Setting the 4mA and 20 mA Points Using the Pushbutton Menu
The LCD Display (Figure 4-2) option offers a menu driven setup that uses the UP, DOWN and SELECT pushbut­tons. Refer to the menu diagram (following this section) for navigation and selection instructions. Note: The default factory setup is such that the instrument measures liquid level; i.e. the display will indicate a num­ ber equal to the sensor length when the level is at the top of the vessel, and will indicate a zero when the vessel is empty.
Setting the 4mA point: Under the CAL menu, go to the LRV (Lower Range Value) menu option. Press SELECT to change the value (in En-
gineering Units) for which the 4mA point is to be set. With the default factory setup, LRV is typically set to or near zero engineering units.
Setting the 20mA point: Under the CAL menu, go to the URV (Upper Range Value) menu option. Press SELECT to change the value (in
Engineering Units) for which the 20mA point is to be set. With the default factory setup, URV is typically set to or near the actual probe length. Note: The above steps do not require changing the level in the vessel.
Electronics LCD Display
Engineering Units or Calibration Mode
4 digit Display
UP Button
DOWN Button
Figure 4.2
10 MT2000-0200-01 Rev f (10-2007)
4.3.1 LCD Menu Operation
The LCD display is menu driven, uses the UP, DOWN, and SELECT pushbuttons for navigation.
Press UP or DOWN to scroll through menu options.
Press SELECT to select a menu option.
When changing a variable use SELECT to move between signs or digits. When all digits flash an invalid value
has been entered; press SELECT to continue
Auto-Scroll Mode
Liquid Level 1
L1C1Level 1 Current
(Press SELECT to exit Auto-Sc r o ll Mode)
Enter Setup Menu
Liquid Level 1
Level 1 Current
DE Output %
Enter Calibration Menu
Enter Configuration Men u
Exit Setup Menu
Output Point 1
Output Point 2
Output Point 20
Save Linearization Tabl e
Load Linearization Table
Reset Linearization Table
Exit Linearization Menu
Set Lower Range Value (at 4mA Po int)
Set Upper Range Value (at 20mA point)
Set Damping Value (.1 to 36 Sec)
Exit Calibration Menu
DE Menu (if ordered)
Set Engineering Units (In, ft, mm, cm, m or %)
Set Level 1 Offset
Module Offset
Module Gain
Threshold Voltage
Raw Counts
Blanking Value
Gain Settings
Latching Settings
Downward Restriction Coun t
Alarm Delay
Exit Configuration Menu
Enter DAC Trim Menu
Enter Linearization Menu
DE Menu (optional)
1. Press DOWN & SELECT together for 4mA trim or UP & SELECT together for 20 mA trim
2. Available on DE output models only.
MT2000-0200-1 Rev f (10-2007)
Turn DE output ON
Extended Informati on
Exit DE Menu
To LL1
Range Setting
Lower Trim Point
High Trim Point
Exit Configuration Menu 2
*To access this menu see
"Setting LTP & HTP"
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+ 24 hidden pages