KSB Rio-Eco N 65-90, Rio-Eco N 25-100, Rio-Eco N 30-100, Rio-Eco Therm N Series, Rio-Eco Therm N 30-100 Installation & Operating Manual

High-efficiency Circulator / Drinking Water Pump
Rio-Eco N / Rio-Eco Z N / Rio­Eco Therm N
Rio-Eco N 25-100, 30-100 to 80-120 Rio-Eco Z N Rio-Eco Therm N 30-100 to 65-120
Installation/Operating Manual
Legal information/Copyright
Installation/Operating Manual Rio-Eco N / Rio-Eco Z N / Rio-Eco Therm N
Original operating manual
All rights reserved. The contents provided herein must neither be distributed, copied, reproduced, edited or processed for any other purpose, nor otherwise transmitted, published or made available to a third party without the manufacturer's express written consent.
Subject to technical modification without prior notice.
© KSB Aktiengesellschaft, Frankenthal 22.08.2016
Glossary ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Principles .........................................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Target group ...................................................................................................................................................6
1.3 Symbols ...........................................................................................................................................................6
2 Safety ............................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Key to safety symbols/markings .....................................................................................................................7
2.2 General ............................................................................................................................................................7
2.3 Intended use ...................................................................................................................................................7
2.4 Personnel qualification and training .............................................................................................................8
2.5 Consequences and risks caused by non-compliance with this manual .......................................................8
2.6 Safety awareness ............................................................................................................................................8
2.7 Safety information for the operator/user .....................................................................................................8
2.8 Safety information for maintenance, inspection and installation .............................................................. 9
2.9 Unauthorised modes of operation ................................................................................................................9
3 Transport/Temporary Storage/Disposal ..................................................................................... 10
3.1 Checking the condition upon delivery ........................................................................................................10
3.2 Transport .......................................................................................................................................................10
3.3 Storage/preservation ....................................................................................................................................10
3.4 Return to supplier .........................................................................................................................................10
3.5 Disposal .........................................................................................................................................................11
4 Description of the Pump (Set) .................................................................................................... 12
4.1 General ..........................................................................................................................................................12
4.2 Designation ...................................................................................................................................................12
4.3 Name plate ....................................................................................................................................................12
4.4 Design details ................................................................................................................................................13
4.5 Configuration and function .........................................................................................................................14
4.6 Noise characteristics .....................................................................................................................................14
4.7 Scope of supply .............................................................................................................................................14
4.8 Dimensions and weight ................................................................................................................................15
5 Installation at Site ....................................................................................................................... 16
5.1 Safety regulations .........................................................................................................................................16
5.2 Checks to be carried out prior to installation .............................................................................................16
5.3 Installing the pump set ................................................................................................................................16
5.4 Connecting the piping .................................................................................................................................18
5.5 Casing/insulation ..........................................................................................................................................18
5.6 Electrical connection ....................................................................................................................................19
6 Commissioning/Start-up/Shutdown ........................................................................................... 20
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6.1 Commissioning/start-up ...............................................................................................................................20
6.2 Shutdown ......................................................................................................................................................27
6.3 Operating limits ............................................................................................................................................28
6.4 Shutdown/storage/preservation ..................................................................................................................28
6.5 Returning to service .....................................................................................................................................29
7 Servicing/Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 30
7.1 Servicing/inspection ......................................................................................................................................30
7.2 Drainage/cleaning ........................................................................................................................................30
7.3 Removing the pump set from the piping ...................................................................................................30
8 Trouble-shooting ........................................................................................................................ 32
9 Related Documents .................................................................................................................... 33
9.1 Sectional drawing with list of components ................................................................................................ 33
9.2 Electrical connection, overview of settings, LED displays .......................................................................... 33
10 EU Declaration of Conformity ................................................................................................... 34
Index ............................................................................................................................................ 35
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Discharge line
The pipeline which is connected to the discharge nozzle
Noise characteristics
The noise emission to be expected, indicated as sound pressure level LpA in dB(A)
Machine without drive, additional components or accessories
Pump set
Complete pump set consisting of pump, drive, additional components and accessories
Suction lift line/suction head line
The pipeline which is connected to the suction nozzle
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1 General

1 General

1.1 Principles
This operating manual is supplied as an integral part of the type series and variants indicated on the front cover. The manual describes the proper and safe use of this equipment in all phases of operation.
The name plate indicates the type series/size and main operating data. They uniquely identify the pump (set) and serve as identification for all further business processes.
In the event of damage, immediately contact your nearest KSB service centre to maintain the right to claim under warranty.
Noise characteristics see (Section 4.6 Page 14)
1.2 Target group
This operating manual is aimed at the target group of trained and qualified specialist technical personnel. (Section 2.4 Page 8)
1.3 Symbols
Table 1: Symbols used in this manual
Symbol Description
Conditions which need to be fulfilled before proceeding with the
step-by-step instructions
Safety instructions Result of an action Cross-references
Step-by-step instructions
Note Recommendations and important information on how to handle the product
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2 Safety

2 Safety

All the information contained in this section refers to hazardous situations.
2.1 Key to safety symbols/markings
Table 2: Definition of safety symbols/markings
Symbol Description
DANGER This signal word indicates a high-risk hazard which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. WARNING This signal word indicates a medium-risk hazard which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. CAUTION This signal word indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, could result in damage to the machine and its functions. General hazard In conjunction with one of the signal words this symbol indicates a hazard which will or could result in death or serious injury.
Electrical hazard In conjunction with one of the signal words this symbol indicates a hazard involving electrical voltage and identifies information about protection against electrical voltage. Machine damage In conjunction with the signal word CAUTION this symbol indicates a hazard for the machine and its functions.
2.2 General
This manual contains general installation, operating and maintenance instructions that must be observed to ensure safe pump operation and prevent personal injury and damage to property.
The safety information in all sections of this manual must be complied with.
This manual must be read and completely understood by the specialist personnel/ operators responsible prior to installation and commissioning.
The contents of this manual must be available to the specialist personnel at the site at all times.
Information attached directly to the pump must always be complied with and be kept in a perfectly legible condition at all times. This applies to, for example:
Arrow indicating the direction of rotation
Markings for connections
Name plate
The operator is responsible for ensuring compliance with all local regulations not taken into account in this manual.
2.3 Intended use
The pump (set) must only be operated within the operating limits described in
the other applicable documents.
Only operate pumps/pump sets which are in perfect technical condition.
Do not operate the pump (set) in partially assembled condition.
Only use the pump to handle the fluids described in the data sheet or product
literature of the pump model or variant.
Never operate the pump without the fluid to be handled.
Observe the minimum flow rates indicated in the data sheet or product literature
(to prevent overheating, bearing damage, etc).
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2 Safety
Observe the maximum flow rates indicated in the data sheet or product
literature (to prevent overheating, mechanical seal damage, cavitation damage, bearing damage, etc).
Do not throttle the flow rate on the suction side of the pump (to prevent
cavitation damage).
Consult the manufacturer about any use or mode of operation not described in
the data sheet or product literature.
Prevention of foreseeable misuse
Never exceed the permissible operating limits specified in the data sheet or
product literature regarding pressure, temperature, etc.
Observe all safety information and instructions in this manual.
2.4 Personnel qualification and training
All personnel involved must be fully qualified to transport, install, operate, maintain and inspect the machinery this manual refers to.
The responsibilities, competence and supervision of all personnel involved in transport, installation, operation, maintenance and inspection must be clearly defined by the operator.
Deficits in knowledge must be rectified by means of training and instruction provided by sufficiently trained specialist personnel. If required, the operator can commission the manufacturer/supplier to train the personnel.
Training on the pump (set) must always be supervised by technical specialist personnel.
2.5 Consequences and risks caused by non-compliance with this manual
Non-compliance with this operating manual will lead to forfeiture of warranty
cover and of any and all rights to claims for damages.
Non-compliance can, for example, have the following consequences:
– Hazards to persons due to electrical, thermal, mechanical and chemical
effects and explosions
– Failure of important product functions
– Failure of prescribed maintenance and servicing practices
– Hazard to the environment due to leakage of hazardous substances
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2.6 Safety awareness
In addition to the safety information contained in this manual and the intended use, the following safety regulations shall be complied with:
Accident prevention, health and safety regulations
Explosion protection regulations
Safety regulations for handling hazardous substances
Applicable standards, directives and laws
2.7 Safety information for the operator/user
The operator shall fit contact guards for hot, cold and moving parts and check
that the guards function properly.
Do not remove any contact guards during operation.
Contain leakages (e.g. at the shaft seal) of hazardous fluids handled (e.g.
explosive, toxic, hot) so as to avoid any danger to persons and the environment. Adhere to all relevant laws.
Eliminate all electrical hazards. (In this respect refer to the applicable national
safety regulations and/or regulations issued by the local energy supply companies.)
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2 Safety
If shutting down the pump does not increase potential risk, fit an emergency-
stop control device in the immediate vicinity of the pump (set) during pump set installation.
2.8 Safety information for maintenance, inspection and installation
Modifications or alterations of the pump are only permitted with the
manufacturer's prior consent.
Use only original spare parts or parts authorised by the manufacturer. The use of
other parts can invalidate any liability of the manufacturer for resulting damage.
The operator ensures that maintenance, inspection and installation is performed
by authorised, qualified specialist personnel who are thoroughly familiar with the manual.
Only carry out work on the pump (set) during standstill of the pump.
Any work on the pump set shall only be performed when it has been
disconnected from the power supply (de-energised).
The pump casing must have cooled down to ambient temperature.
Pump pressure must have been released and the pump must have been drained.
When taking the pump set out of service always adhere to the procedure
described in the manual. (Section 6.4 Page 28)
Decontaminate pumps which handle fluids posing a health hazard.
As soon as the work has been completed, re-install and/or re-activate any safety-
relevant and protective devices. Before returning the product to service, observe all instructions on commissioning. (Section 6.1 Page 20)
2.9 Unauthorised modes of operation
Never operate the pump (set) outside the limits stated in the data sheet and in this manual.
The warranty relating to the operating reliability and safety of the supplied pump (set) is only valid if the equipment is used in accordance with its intended use.
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3 Transport/Temporary Storage/Disposal

3 Transport/Temporary Storage/Disposal

3.1 Checking the condition upon delivery
1. On transfer of goods, check each packaging unit for damage.
In the event of in-transit damage, assess the exact damage, document it and notify KSB or the supplying dealer (as applicable) and the insurer about the damage in writing immediately.
3.2 Transport
Improper pump transport Damage to the pump!
Never suspend the pump/pump set from the power cable.
Prevent the pump (set) from getting knocked or dropped.
3.3 Storage/preservation
If commissioning is to take place some time after delivery, we recommend that the following measures be taken for pump (set) storage.
Damage during storage by humidity, dirt, or vermin Corrosion/contamination of the pump (set)!
For outdoor storage cover the packed or unpacked pump (set) and accessories
with waterproof material.
Wet, contaminated or damaged openings and connections Leakage or damage to the pump!
Clean and cover pump openings and connections as required prior to putting
the pump into storage.
Store the pump (set) in a dry, protected room where the atmospheric humidity is as constant as possible.
If properly stored indoors, the pump set is protected for a maximum of 12 months.
For storing a pump (set) which has already been operated, observe the instructions in (Section 6.4.1 Page 28)
3.4 Return to supplier
1. Drain the pump as per operating instructions. (Section 7.2 Page 30)
Always flush and clean the pump, particularly if it has been used for handling noxious, explosive, hot or other hazardous fluids.
3. If the pump set has handled fluids whose residues could lead to corrosion damage in the presence of atmospheric humidity or could ignite upon contact with oxygen, the pump set must also be neutralised, and anhydrous inert gas must be blown through the pump to ensure drying.
4. Always complete and enclose a certificate of decontamination when returning the pump (set). Always indicate any safety and decontamination measures taken.
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3 Transport/Temporary Storage/Disposal
3.5 Disposal
Fluids, consumables and supplies which are hot and/or pose a health hazard Hazard to persons and the environment!
Collect and properly dispose of flushing fluid and any residues of the fluid
Wear safety clothing and a protective mask, if required.
Observe all legal regulations on the disposal of fluids posing a health hazard.
1. Dismantle the pump (set). Collect greases and other lubricants during dismantling.
Separate and sort the pump materials, e.g. by:
- Metals
- Plastics
- Electronic waste
- Greases and other lubricants
3. Dispose of materials in accordance with local regulations or in another controlled manner.
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+ 25 hidden pages