All rights reserved. The contents provided herein must neither be distributed, copied, reproduced, edited or
processed for any other purpose, nor otherwise transmitted, published or made available to a third party without
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Subject to technical modification without prior notice.
6.1Circuit diagram for PT100 resistance thermometer .....................................47
6.2Circuit diagram for mineral-insulated thermocouple .................................. 48
Index ....................................................................................................49
Monitoring Systems
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Manufacturer's product
1 General
This supplementary operating manual accompanies the operating/installation
manual. All information contained in the operating/installation manual must be
Table 1: Relevant operating manuals
Type seriesReference number of the operating/installation
For accessories and/or integrated machinery components observe the relevant
manufacturer's product literature.
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Monitoring Systems
2 Temperature Monitoring Sensors
2Temperature Monitoring Sensors
Temperature monitoring of containment shroud
Eddy currents are induced in the metal containment shroud walls of mag-drive
pumps. This causes the metal containment shroud to heat up. The heat loss
generated is dissipated by a secondary circulation flow. The source of the cooling
flow for the rotor space can be internal or external.
▪ With internal circulation, the cooling flow is bypassed from the main flow. The
main flow passes through the pump's hydraulic system.
▪ With external circulation, the cooling flow is supplied to the rotor space from the
outside via auxiliary connections.
Potentially explosive atmosphere
The cooling flow is sufficiently dimensioned for intended operation. The maximum
permissible surface temperature that is dictated by the temperature class to
EN13463-1 is not exceeded (temperature class and maximum permissible operating
temperature as specified in the data sheet). An impermissible rise in temperature can
occur at the containment shroud when the cooling flow is insufficient or fails
An insufficient cooling flow or failure of the cooling flow can be caused by the
▪ Fluid properties
▪ Pressure too low
▪ Desynchronisation of magnetic coupling
The maximum surface temperature occurs at the containment shroud tube in the
magnetic coupling area. KSB offers the following measuring instruments to detect an
impermissible increase in temperature at the containment shroud:
▪ PT100 resistance thermometer
For design and operational reasons, the PT100 resistance thermometer cannot
detect the maximum surface temperature that occurs at the containment shroud.
It can monitor the operating status of the pump. A distinction is made between
the following operating statuses:
Intended operation: Temperature at containment shroud OK
– Failure: Temperature at containment shroud too high
▪ Mineral-insulated thermocouple
The mineral-insulated thermocouple can be used to monitor the temperature in
this area.
2.1 Temperature monitoring at the containment shroud via the PT100
resistance thermometer
Resistance thermometers are temperature sensors that measure the change in
electrical resistance of metals with changing temperature. Resistance thermometers
use a very thin layer of platinum film on a ceramic substrate. The nominal resistance
of these measuring elements at 0 °C is 100 ohms.
Interpretation of readings
The nominal resistance of the PT100 resistance thermometer at 0 °C is 100 ohms.
Equation for calculating the resistance value at any temperature (T):
Temperature range: T = 0 - 850 °C
R (T) = 100+0.39083×T -5.775×10-5×T
Monitoring Systems
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SW19 (G
T = 80 °C
2 Temperature Monitoring Sensors
Sample calculation:
Measured temperature: T = 80 °C
R (T) = 100+0.39083×80 -5.775×10-5×80
R (T) = 130.8968 Ω
The PT100 resistance thermometer has a resistance of approximately 130.9 ohms at a
temperature of 80 °C.
T = 20 °C
Measured temperature: T = 20 °C
R (T) = 100+0.39083×20 -5.775×10-5×20
R (T) = 107.7935 Ω
The PT100 resistance thermometer has a resistance of approximately 107.8 ohms at a
temperature of 20 °C.
2.1.2Technical data of PT100 resistance thermometer
Table 5: Characteristic values for explosion protection (TR 55)
Explosion protection, intrinsic safetyEx ib IIC T6
CE conformity markingTÜV 10ATEX 555793 X
Maximum supply currentli = 550 mA
Maximum supply powerP
= 1.5 W
Maximum supply voltageUi = 30 V
PT100 (Ksb-4,13,xx,02)
This measuring range only applies when the PT100 resistance thermometer is used for designs with a leakage barrier. A
larger measuring range (-40 to +200 °C) is possible for designs without a leakage barrier. Coordination with KSB required.
Sensor typePT100 resistance thermometer
Permissible measuring range (input
-40 ...+120 °C
Output signal84 to 146 ohm
Head transmitterNone
Sensor toleranceClass B to IEC 60751
Sealing, sensor tip/support tubePressure-proof up to 20 bar at a max.
temperature of 120 °C
Sensor tipSpring-loaded (spring travel < 5 mm)
Process connectionG1/4B clamping ring
Material: spring-loaded support tube1.4541
Permissible ambient temperatureT5: -40 … +80 °C
T6: -40 … +55 °C
Nominal length, depending on size120, 135 and 165 mm
Monitoring Systems
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SW 19 (G
SW 17
2 Temperature Monitoring Sensors
Table 7: Technical data of connection head (Ksb-4,13,xx,02)
Table 8: Characteristic values for explosion protection (Ksb-4,13,xx,02)
Explosion protection, intrinsic safety2G Ex ia II C T5/T6
CE conformity markingBVS 03 ATEX E 292
Maximum supply currentIi max = 500 mA (for short circuit)
Sensor typePT100 resistance thermometer
Output signal4 - 20 mA
Head transmitterT24 WIKA
Permissible measuring range
-40 ... +320 °C
Sensor toleranceClass B to IEC 60751
Sealing, sensor tip/support tubePressure-proof up to 20 bar at a max.
temperature of 120 °C
Sensor tipSpring-loaded (spring travel < 5 mm)
Process connectionG 1/4B clamping ring
Material: spring-loaded support tube1.4541
Cable connectionM20×1.5
Permissible ambient temperatureT4: -40 … +85 °C
T5: -40 … +75 °C
T6: -40 … +60 °C
Nominal length, depending on size120, 135 and 165 mm
Table 10: Technical data of connection head (Ksb-4,13,xx,01)
Design, headBS
Enclosure, headIP65
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On designs with a leakage barrier the PT100 resistance thermometer may only be used for temperatures of -40 to 120 °C. If
required, the measuring range may have to be adjusted.
Monitoring Systems
2 Temperature Monitoring Sensors
Cable connectionM20×1.5
Table 11: Characteristic values for explosion protection (Ksb-4,13,xx,01)
Explosion protection, intrinsic safety2G E Ex ia II C T5/T6
CE conformity markingBVS 03 ATEX E 292
Maximum supply currentIi max = 120 mA (for short circuit)
Maximum supply powerP
= 800 mW
Maximum supply voltageUi = 30 V DC
Table 12: Technical data of head transmitter
DesignHead-mounted version, explosion-proof
OutputAnalog, 4 - 20 mA
Fault detectionBroken wire, short circuit
Explosion protection2II 1G EEx ia/ II C T4/T5/T6
Explosion protection type test certificateDMT 02 ATEX E 025 X
Auxiliary energy supply, U
DC 9 ... 30 V
Ambient/storage temperatureT4: -40 ... +85 °C
T5: -40 ... +75 °C
T6: -40 ... +60 °C
Current-loop circuit (+ and - connections) Ui = 30 V, li = 120 mA, Li = 110 µH
Ci = 6.2 nF, Pi = 800 mW
MaterialPlastic, PBT, glass-fibre reinforced
Enclosure (to IEC 60529/EN 60529)Housing: IP 66/IP 67
Connection terminals: IP 00
2.1.3Installing the PT100 resistance thermometer in the pump
Leaks and/or corrosion damage on monitoring systems
No fault indications!
Leakage of fluid handled!
▷ Never install damaged or corroded monitoring systems in the pump.
▷ Check monitoring systems for damage and correct function prior to installation.
Monitoring Systems
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2 Temperature Monitoring Sensors
Fig. 4: Installation location of the PT100 resistance thermometer
3.Insert the PT100 resistance thermometer into the fitting up to the stop or until
the tip of the resistance thermometer contacts the containment shroud or its
intermediate piece.
4.Turn the connection head of the PT100 resistance thermometer to the required
5.Pull the PT100 resistance thermometer back by approximately 1 to 2 mm.
6.Tighten the compression fitting to prevent the PT100 resistance thermometer
from loosening and rotating.
2.1.4Electrical connection of the PT100 resistance thermometer
Description, measuring chain 2 (potentially explosive atmosphere)
Measuring chain 2 comprises the following elements:
Table 14: Description, measuring chain 2
ElementKSB device
For details, refer to...
PT100 resistance thermometer
(⇨ Section 2.1.2 Page 6)
with head transmitter
(ATEX) transmitter supply unitKFD2-STC4-EX1
Limit switchDGW 1.00 or DWG 4.00
(⇨ Section 5.2 Page 44)
(⇨ Section 5.1 Page 40)
Description, measuring chain 3
Measuring chain 3 comprises the following elements:
Table 15: Description, measuring chain 3
ElementKSB device
PT100 resistance thermometer
without head transmitter
Limit switchCF1M or DGW2.0
Description, measuring chain 4
Non-potentially explosive
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Measuring chain 4 comprises the following elements:
Monitoring Systems
For details, refer to...
(⇨ Section 2.1.2 Page 6)
(⇨ Section 5.1 Page 40)
2 Temperature Monitoring Sensors
Table 16: Description, measuring chain 4
ElementKSB device
For details, refer to...
PT100 resistance thermometer
(⇨ Section 2.1.2 Page 6)
with head transmitter
Limit switchDGW 1.00 or DGW 4.00
2.1.6Analysis of output signals the limit value
(⇨ Section 5.1 Page 40)
In a potentially explosive atmosphere, the maximum permissible surface temperature
is dictated by the temperature class. The maximum permissible operating
temperature of the pump is specified in the data sheet. Observe the following
additional requirements when determining the limit value for the maximum surface
temperature at the containment shroud:
Table 17: Temperature limits
Temperature class to EN13463-1Maximum permissible surface
temperature at containment shroud
T1300 °C
T2290 °C
T3195 °C
T4130 °C
T5On request only
T6On request only
For design and operational reasons, the PT100 resistance thermometer cannot detect
the maximum surface temperature that occurs at the containment shroud in the
magnetic coupling area. To avoid exceeding the maximum permissible surface
temperatures at the containment shroud (see "Temperature limits" table), a safety
margin to the temperature measured of at least 15 K must be observed. Only the
operating status of the pump can be monitored using the PT100 resistance
A distinction can be made between the following operating statuses:
▪ Intended operation
▪ Failure
Determining the initial value
The initial value and the temperature of the containment shroud or its intermediate
piece during intended operation must first be determined.
Observe possible process or rotational speed-related changes in the temperature.
Excessive surface temperatures
Explosion hazard!
▷ The limit value for stopping the pump must never exceed the specified surface
temperature of the respective temperature class.
▷ If the specified surface temperature of the respective temperature class is
exceeded, immediately switch off the pump set and determine the cause.
1.Determine the temperature class of the system to EN 13463-1.
Note the maximum permissible surface temperature of the containment shroud
by referring to the "Temperature limits" table.
Monitoring Systems
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2 Temperature Monitoring Sensors
3.Transition the pump to the steady state under the intended operating
conditions (see data sheet on the duty point of the pump).
Note the value displayed on the limit switch (= initial value) in the steady state.
5.Check initial value.
The initial value must be at least 15 K below the maximum permissible surface
temperature at the containment shroud (see "Temperature limits" table).
Steady state
Steady state is reached when the temperature rise does not exceed 2 K/h (to EN
13463-1: 2009-07).
If the difference is less, implement the following measures:
Consultation with KSB/KSB Service is required if the initial value is unchanged.
Determining limit values for operating statuses
Intended operation
The initial value determined corresponds to the temperature at the containment
shroud during intended operation.
In a failure, an insufficient cooling flow or a failure of the cooling flow can cause the
temperature to rise at the containment shroud. To be able to detect a failure via a
rise in temperature, add a safety margin of 10 K to the initial value determined.
If, during a failure (non-intended operation), the limit value determined is exceeded,
Initial value + 10 K = limit value
the pump is stopped. Depending on the factory setting of the limit switch, the pump
will be started up again after the temperature at the containment shroud has
dropped. The value that is specified as the hysteresis for the output determines the
containment shroud temperature at which the pump is started up again.
A hysteresis of 1 K is factory set for the limit switch CFM1, for example. If the
containment shroud temperature drops 1 K below the limit value here, the pump is
started up again. If the pump must not be re-started after the limit value has been
exceeded, other measures are required on site.
2.2 Temperature monitoring at the containment shroud via a mineralinsulated thermocouple
2.2.1Functionality of the mineral-insulated thermocouple
The temperature of the containment shroud can be monitored by using an IEC 548compliant mineral-insulated thermocouple fixed to the containment shroud. The
mineral-insulated thermocouple measures in the containment shroud area where the
highest surface temperatures occur: at the containment shroud tube in the magnetic
coupling area. The mineral-insulated thermocouple installed functions as a passive
component in the potentially explosive atmosphere and is designed as a "simple
apparatus" to EN 60079-11.
2.2.2Technical data of mineral-insulated thermocouple
Table 18: Technical data of mineral-insulated thermocouple with ceramic terminal
Explosion protectionIntrinsic safety, "simple apparatus" to DIN
EN 60079-11
Sensor typeK, NiCr-Ni
Sensor toleranceIEC 584
Measuring pointInsulated
Diameter0.34 mm
Process connectionG1/4, compression fitting
Sheath materialAustenite steel
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Monitoring Systems
2 Temperature Monitoring Sensors
Sheath lengths, depending on size130 and 230 mm
Connection cable materialPTFE
Connection cable diameter3.5 mm
Connection cable length1 m
Output signalin µV
Table 19: Technical data of head transmitter
DesignHead-mounted version, explosion-proof
ConfigurationPre-configured to type K, NiCr-Ni, IEC 584
ex works
OutputAnalog, 4 - 20 mA
Fault detectionBroken wire, short circuit
Explosion protectionII 2 G Ex ib II B / II C T4/T5/T6
Explosion protection type test certificateDMT 98 ATEX E 008X
Auxiliary energy supply, U
DC 9 ... 30 V
Ambient temperatureT4: -40 °C ... +85 °C
T5: -40 °C ... +75 °C
T6: -40 °C ... +60 °C
Current-loop circuit (+ and - connections) Ui = 30 V, li = 100 mA, Li = 0,65 mH
Ci = 25 nF, Pi = 705 mW
Max. power inputFor UB = 24 V max. 552 mW