Kromschroder E8.5064 V1 Operating Instructions Manual

E8.5064 V1
System Manager
Operating instructions
Please observe the safety instructions and read through this manual carefully before commissioning the equipment.
Safety information General information
General information
Safety information
Power connection regulations
Please note the connection conditions specified by your local electrical power supply company and the VDE regulations. Your heating control system may only be installed and serviced by appropriately authorised specialists.
E If the system is not installed properly, persons using it
are at put at risk of fatal or serious injury.
Warranty conditions
If the system is not installed, commissioned, serviced and repaired properly, it will render the manufacturer's warranty null and void.
Important text passages
! Important information is highlighted by an
exclamation mark.
E This attention symbol indicates dangerous situations.
! The operating manual describes the maximum
version of the controller, meaning that not all statements are relevant for your device.
Declaration of conformity
This device corresponds to the requirements
of the relevant guidelines and standards, if the
corresponding regulations and the manufacturer's
instructions are complied with.
The device contains a number of functions and must be set in accordance with use. The following functions are mapped in the System Manager:
Cascade modulating HS
Cascade modulating HS
Control of 2 HS or 2-stage HS via relay
Water heating, 2 mixed heating circuits, as well as 2
extra functions
Demand-related circulation pump control
Automatic toggle between summer and winter time
Activation of a timer is possible
General information Contents
General information 2
Safety information 2
Power connection regulations 2 Warranty conditions 2 Important text passages 2 Note 2
Description 2
Declaration of conformity 2 Function 2
Contents 3
Part 2: Overview of display values and settings 14
Installation 13 Hot water 13 Heating circuit I / II 13 Solar/MF 13
General area 14
Date/Time/Holiday 14 Service 16
Code number Entry 16 RELAY TEST 16 SENSOR TEST 17
Part 1: Operation 8
Operation in normal mode 8
Operating elements 8 Ç Operating mode selection 8
Effect of the operating mode 9 Display in normal operation 10
Changing the settings 11
Operating elements 11 Operating level 12 Areas 13
General 13 Display 13 User 13 Time programs 13 Expert 13 Expert FA (only for FA via BUS) 13
Levels 13
Display Range 20
T-OUTSIDE 20 EXT SETPOINT 20 T-HEADER DES (Heat requirement) 20 T-HS 1 (and T-HS 2 – 8 where cascades apply) 20 BUFFER-T/M/B 20 MOD DEPTH (only in the case of HS via BUS connection) 20
Hot water 21
Contents General information
T-DHW L (storage tank lower temperature) 21 T-ROOM DES A (current value for set room temperature) 21 T-ROOM (room temperature) 21
Solar/MF 22
Solar integration 22 T-MF(1-4) 22
User Area 23
Hot water 24
1X DHW (1x Hot water) 24 T-DHW 1-3 DES (Hot water temperature setting) 24 BOB-VALUE (Operation Without Burner) 24 CIRCL-P-DHW (Circulation with hot water) 24 ANTILEGION (Hot water short time heating function) 24
Heating circuit I / II 25
MODE 25 T-ROOM DES 1-3 25 T-REDUCED 25 T-ABSENCE 25 T-LIMIT DAY/T-LIMIT N (Day/Night) 26 HEATSLOPE 26 ADAPTION (Heat slope adaptation) 27
ROOM INFL (Room sensor influence) 27 T-ROOM ADJ (room sensor adaptation) 27 OPT HEAT UP (Heating optimisation) 28 MAX OPT-TIME (Maximum bring-forward) 28 OPT REDUCED (Reduction optimisation) 28 PC-ENABLE 28 RETURN 28
Timer Program Area 29
List of available time programs 29 Selecting a timer program 29 Timer/heating program adjustment 30
Expert area 33
CODE-NO 33 BUS-ID HS (- - - -) 33 BUS ID 1 / 2 (Heat circuit number) 33 AF SUPPLY (Outdoor sensor power supply) 33 BUS TERMIN (Bus terminating resistor) 33 EBUS SUPPLY (supply for eBUS) 34 TIME MASTER 34 MAX T-HS1/2 (Max. temperature HS) 34 MIN T-HS1/2 (min temperature HS) 34 MAX/MIN T-HEADER (only for cascades) 34 0-10 V Function 35 V-CURVE (only for 0-10V input/output) 35 CURVE 11-xx 35 T-WARM UP (Warm-up relief) 36 MIN DELIMI (minimum delimiter HS) 36
General information Contents
HYSTERESIS (Dyn. switching hysteresis stage 1) 36 with HYST TIME (Hysteresis time) 36 DETECTED HSS (number of heat generators) 37 CAP/STAGE (boiler output for each stage) 37 NEW CONFIG (new BUS configuration) 38 MIN MOD CASC (min. modulation cascade) 38 HW-BOILER (number of stages for HW operation) 38 CONTROL DEV (header control variance) 38 DES OUTPUT (required system output [in %]) 38 SWITCH VALUE (-99 – +99) 38 BLOCK TIME (currently remaining value) 38 RESET TIME (resetting time for I-Controller) 39 MODULAT MAX 39 MODULAT MIN 39 MIN MOD HS 39 MODULAT DHW (only for HW-boiler) 40 SEQUENCE 1 (boiler sequence 1) 40 SEQUENCE 2 (boiler sequence 2) 40 SEQU CHANGE (sequence change mode) 40 SEQ SW TIME(time to sequence change) 41 BLOCK-TIME (delay time for next stage) 41 HYST BURNER2 (for solid fuel / 2. burner) 41 HS COOL-FCT (cooling function for boiler) 41 with T-HS COOL (starting temperature for cooling) 41
Switching pattern for 2-stage burners 42
HS 1 TYPE (primary heat generator type) 43 HS1 BUS (connection for HS) 43
HS 2 TYPE (secondary heat generator type HS => A7) 43 STORAGE HS2 (heat accumulator for HS2) 43 BUFFER (heater buffer storage type) 44
Screed program 45
SCREED (activation of screed drying process) 45
Hot water 46
DHW RELIEF (Charge pump blocking) 46 PARALLEL DHW (Pump parallel running) 46 T-HS DHW (increase during HW operation) 47 HYST DHW (hot water hysteresis) 47 DHW FOLLOWUP (pump run-down time) 47 THERM INPUT (storage tank with thermostat) 47 WALL HUNG (for modulating HS) 47 LOAD THROUGH (only with F12 = T-DHW­LOWER) 47
Heating circuit I / II 48
HC FUNCTION (heating circuit function selection) 48 PUMP MODE (pump operating mode) 49 MIXER OPEN (open mixer dynamic) 49 MIXER CLOSE (close mixer dynamic) 50 MAX T-FLOW (max. flow temperature) 50 MIN T-FLOW (min. flow temperature) 50 T-FROST PROT (frost protection temperature) 50 T-OUT DELAY (outside temperature delay) 50 SLOPE OFFSET (heating slope distance) 51 B-HEAT SINK (circuit enable) 51
Contents General information
Auxiliary relay functions 52
FUNC RELAY 1 (function selection relay MF1) 52 T-MF1 SETP (switching temperature relay MF1) 52 MF 1 HYST (hysteresis relay MF1) 52 F15 FUNCTION (sensor function F15) 55
Part 3: General function description 56
Heat circuit control 56
Weather-dependent control 56
Room sensor influence 56 Hot water generation 56 OwB => operation without burner 56 Frost protection function 56 eBUS burner controls 57 EEPROM check 57 Circulation pump control 58
Switched according to heating requirement 58
Switched according to heating limits 58 Delayed pump switch-off 58 Pump blocking protection 58 Mixer motor blocking protection 58
Part 4:Appendix 59
Remote controls 59
Operation-control module Merlin BM, BM 8, Lago FB 59 Remote control FBR2 59 DCF receiver 60 PC 60 Telephone switch 60
System bus 61
The heating system 61 Error messages 62
Troubleshooting 63 Technical data 64
General information Contents
Operation in normal mode Part 1: Operation
Part 1: Operation
Part 1: Operation
For initial start-up or the "level Installation" please read the installation manual.
Operation in normal mode
Operation in normal mode
Ç Operating mode selection
Turn the knob to select the operating mode required. The operating mode selected is indicated by a symbol at the bottom of the display. It takes effect when the setting is not changed for 5 s.
The following operating modes are available for selection:
(operating flap closed)
Operating elements
Ç Change the set operating mode
i Standby / OFF
(Heating OFF and hot water preparation OFF, only frost protection mode)
F1 Automatic mode 1
(Heating according to timer program 1; HW according to HW program)
F2 Automatic mode 2
(Heating according to timer program 2; HW according to HW program)
h Day mode
(24 h heating with comfort temperature 1; HW according to HW program)
C Night mode
(24 h heating with reduced temperature; HW according to program)
F Summer mode
(Heating OFF, HW according to HW program)
Part 1: Operation Operation in normal mode
W Service (automatic reset after 15 min)
Boiler regulated at Boiler temperature = max. boiler temperature= see page 34 ; when the boiler temperature has reached 65°C, the consumers are regulated to their flow temperature to dissipate heat (cooling function).
! The cooling function must be explicitly enabled in
the consumer circuits by means of a set value.
Effect of the operating mode
The operating mode set here affects the boiler regulation and the integrated heating circuits of the controller.
Each heating circuit can be assigned a separate operating mode from the one set by means of the "operating mode" parameter in the user level of the corresponding heating circuit.
When the "i = Standby/OFF", and "F = Summer mode" operating modes are set, they have a reducing effect on system controllers with respect to all heating circuits and consumer circuits in the entire system.
! For mixer controllers the reduction of operating
mode is only effective for internal heating circuits.
Operation in normal mode Part 1: Operation
Display in normal operation
! Due to the tolerances of sensors, deviations of
+/- 2K (2°C) are normal between various temperature displays. Temperatures which change rapidly can have higher deviations for short periods due to the different time-related behaviour of various sensors.
! The display of the current heating program applies
to the device's first heating circuit. In case of having two heating circuits the display can be set to the 2nd circuit
A Current time
B Freely selectable display (refer to "DISPLAY SEL" parameter)
C DCF reception OK (only if receiver is connected via eBUS)
D Bus icon (if this icon does not appear, check data line to connected CAN controllers => check eBUS via DISPLAY level)
E Display of the active heating program for the first heating circuit (here: 6:00 to 08:00 hrs and 16:00 to 22:00 hrs)
F Status display: H internal burner 1 relay ON;
D heating mode; F hot water preparation
G Mode selector switch, the display applies to all
internal heating circuits for which a separate operating mode has been selected via the "MODE" set value (here: F
=> Heating according to timer
program 2).
H Display of current temperature of HS 1 or header
temperature in the case cascades
I Display of numbers of active heat generators
(only applies to cascades)
! With HS1 BUS = 5 is indicated firmly here 0
Part 1: Operation Changing the settings
Changing the settings
The operating flap must be opened first in order to change
Operating elements
or request set values.
=> Controller switches to Operation mode
Ç A => Shaft encoder
Search for value/level or adjust value
Ä B => Programming key
Select a value level
Select a value level to change
Save a new value
C => Change display LED ON => The value in the display can be changed by actuating the shaft encoder (A).
a Display indicating the current level
b Holes to unlock the controller fixation.
Insert a thin screwdriver deep into the holes and then lift up the controller.
In Manual mode, all the pumps and first burner stage are switched on. The mixers are not changed / accessed (“DISPLAY EMERGENCY OPERATION”).
Limitation (switch-of with 5K hysteresis):
Burner => MAX T-MODULE (expert)
Heating circuit pumps => MAX T-FLOW (expert)
Cylinder charging pump => T-DHW I (user)
E Caution, overheating, e.g. with floor or wall heating! =>
E => PC connection via optical adapter
D => Manual-Automatic switch.
Set mixer by hand!
Changing the settings Part 1: Operation
Operating level
Open operating flap
Ç Turn anticlockwise
Ç Turn clockwise
Time programs
HTG-PROG ID 1 etc...
Operation is divided into different areas:
General - Display - User - Time programs – Expert ­Expert FA.
Opening the hinged control panel cover automatically takes you to the display and indicator area.
The current area "DISPLAY" appears in the display for
a short time (1 clock circuit).
After the clock circuit the display switches to the
current operating level "INSTALLATION".
This is displayed for a short time (1 clock circuit) when
you switch to a new area.
Ç Select the level in which the value to be adjusted or
displayed can be found using the rotary knob.
Ä Press Prog button! =>
Open / select level
Ç Search for value using rotary knob Ä Press Prog button! => Select value
LED lights up => adjustment can now be made
Ç Modify value using rotary knob Ä Press Prog button! => Store value - LED goes off
When the operating flap is first opened after voltage is applied, the level SETUP is displayed once only the values grouped here have been set the controller is operable.
. Once
Part 1: Operation Changing the settings
Value selection summary Service => for service engineers Date/Time/Holiday => for users
System value display (e.g. sensor values and setpoints). No adjustments can be made. Operating errors are therefore excluded in this area.
Summary of settings that can be made by the operator.
The settings in the different areas are sorted into operating levels
All display values and settings that relate to the heat generator or the entire system and cannot be assigned to a consumer circuit.
Hot water
Time programs
Summary of time programs for heating circuits, the hot water circuit and extra functions where applicable
Summary of values for which expert knowledge is required to make settings (installation technician).
E Values in the expert level are protected by a code no.
(damage/malfunction possible).
Expert FA (only for FA via BUS)
Summary of values transmitted by the automatic firing device.
All display values and settings that affect central hot water preparation and circulation.
Heating circuit I / II
All indicator and set values that relate to the corresponding consumer circuit (also, for example, as decentral hot-water circuit).
All indicator and set values that relate to solar energy recovery and settings for the multifunction relay.
! An overview of all settings can be found on the
following pages.
General area Part 2: Overview of display values and settings
Part 2: Overview of display values and settings
Part 2: Overview of display values and settings
General area
(Select main level using Ç and open with Ä)
This area contains a series of different values in order to provide rapid access.
(Select values/value group using Ç and open with
Date/time => Value group (General -> Date/Time/Holiday level) All the values in this group are set in sequence => adjust using Ç => continue with Ä
TIME (Minutes)
TIME (Hours)
Current minutes blink and can be adjusted
Current hours blink and can be adjusted (seconds are set to "00" when stored)
YEAR Adjust current year
MONTH Adjust current month
DAY Adjust current day (date)
~ Hinged cover OPEN Î search for level to the left with Ç,
open with
! If a heating system controller has been set to be the
TIME MASTER (time setting for all controllers, see EXPERT/INSTALLATION) or a DCF (Radio time receiver) has been installed in the system, the time is blanked out on all the other controllers in the system.
! There may be a time difference of up to 2 minutes
per month (correct time if necessary). If a DCF receiver is connected the correct time is always displayed.
The current weekday is calculated automatically. Checking can take place using the selectable additional display in the standard display => set to "Day"
It is possible to change from summer to winter time by entering the date.
Part 2: Overview of display values and settings General area
Holiday => Value group (General -> Date/Time/Holiday level) All the values in this level are set in sequence => adjust using Ç => continue with Ä
YEAR START Set current holiday start year
MONTH START Set current holiday start month
DAY START Set current holiday start day
YEAR STOP Set current holiday end year
MONTH STOP Set current holiday end month
DAY STOP Set current holiday end day
Summer time => Value group (General -> Date/Time/Holiday level) All the values in this level are set in sequence => adjust using Ç => continue with Ä
MONTH START Set month for start of summer time
DAY START Set earliest day for start of summer
MONTH STOP Set month for start of winter time
DAY STOP Set earliest day for start of winter time
! Please do not enter the day of travel as the start
date, but the first day of the holiday (no more heating from this day).
! Please do not enter the day of travel as the end
date, but the last day on which there is to be no heating. When you arrive home the house should be warm and there should be hot water.
! Stop holiday function => e.g. for early return by
pressing the program switch.
! Not with Time Master or DCF ! The default setting is valid for Central European time
zones. A modification is only required if the date for the time change is changed by political decree.
! The earliest date on which the change will occur
must be set. The controller performs the time change on the Sunday following this date at 2.00 am or 3.00 am.
! If no time change is required, please set
MONTH STOP to the same value as MONTH START and DAY STOP to the same value as DAY START.
General area Part 2: Overview of display values and settings
This area contains values for the customer service engineers in order to provide rapid access.
(Select operating level using Ç and open with Ä)
Relay test => Value group (code no. required) (General -> Service level) Select relay using Ç => relay switches
00 No relay
01 A1: Pump, heating circuit 1
02 A2: Pump, heating circuit 2
03 A3: Hot water charging pump
04 A4: Mixer OPEN, heating circuit 2
05 A5: Mixer CLOSED, heating circuit 2
06 A6: HS 1 ON
07 A7: HS2 ON [2-stage:HS 1+2 (after 10s) ON]
08 A8: Mixer OPEN heating circuit 1 / Multifunction 1
09 A9: Mixer CLOSED heating circuit 1 / Multifunction 2
10 A10: Multifunction 3
11 A11: Collector pump / Multifunction 4
~ Hinged cover OPEN Î search for level to the left with Ç,
open with
A code number must be entered for this function.
Ä Select Relay Test => "Code number" level
Code number Entry
Ä Start code number entry => [LED] Ç Select 1st digit Ä Confirm entry Ç Select 2nd digit Ä Confirm entry Ç Select 3rd digit Ä Confirm entry Ç Select 4th digit Ä Confirm entry
=> "Relay Test"
Ä Start relay test Ç Select relay => Relay switches Ç Select next relay or use Ä to stop relay test
Part 2: Overview of display values and settings General area
Start sensor test with Ä, use Ç to select sensor => temperature is displayed; Use Ä to stop sensor test
Sensor test => Value group (General -> Service level) Select sensor using Ç => value is displayed
F1 Buffer storage temperature Lower F2 Buffer storage temperature middle or
room temperature heating circuit 1 F3 Upper buffer storage temperature F5 Flow temperature, heating circuit 2 F6 Upper hot water temperature F8 Heat generator /header temperature F9 Outside temperature F11 Flow temperature heating circuit 1
or temperature multifunction 1 F12 Hot water temperature lower or temperature
multifunction 2 F13 Solid fuel boiler temperature or collector 2
or temperature multifunction 3 F14 Collector 1 temperature or
temperature 4 F15;
Light; 0-10V I
Room temperature heating circuit 2 or
measured value of the light sensor or
voltage value 0-10V input
General area Part 2: Overview of display values and settings
Other entries
(General -> Service level) Select value using Ç => value is displayed
SW NO XXX-XX Software number with index
CASC MANUAL (1-8; only with code no.)
LIMITER TEST (1-8) Safety temperature limiter test
SERVICE (only with code no.)
RESET USER 00 Load user parameter factory
RESET EXPERT 00 (only with code no.)
RESET T-PRG 00 Load time program factory
Starting different burner stages of the cascade
Ä Burner time for all stages Ä Burner start for all stages
with heat generator temperature display
Start with Ä (hold down)!
Input of date or operating hours for service messages
settings (except language)
Load expert parameter factory settings (except sensors)
settings Exit level using Ä
Display software number with index (please specify if you experience problems / have questions about the controller)
CASC MANUAL (only with code no.)
(only for cascades and only in that operating mode “Service“ => see operating mode selection) With Ä open level and select burner stage using Ç.
After the heat generator Ä  has been selected the output for this heat generator can be set.
With respect to multi-stage heat generators, the second stage can be activated by means of presetting an output value > 50%.
After closing the service functions the entries are reset automatically .
Ä => Display of current value ÄReturn Hold down Ä until indicator "RESET" goes out => Reset display
Use Ä to open level and select heat generator with Ç. => Display heat generator temperature. Ä Hold down prog. button until LIMITER activates Burner I ON all pumps OFF all mixers CLOSE The temperature can be observed in the display.
Part 2: Overview of display values and settings General area
Input of values for the yearly service message or operating hours. Delete active maintenance display
Open control panel cover, press prog. button ÄÄ, set repeat value to "00" using Ç and confirm with Ä.
Delete programmed annual message: In the General/Service level, set value for SERVICE=>DAY or SERVICE => OPERATNG HOURS to hyphens.
The three value groups can be reset to the factory setting using the Reset function. Select function using Ä, set to "01" using Ç and confirm with Ä.
Display Range Part 2: Overview of display values and settings
Display Range
! Display only - no adjustment possible. Display only
appears if the sensor is connected and the value is present in the system, otherwise "----" or no display.
(HS => heat generator) use Ç to select parameters
T-OUTSIDE Outside temperature
EXT SETPOINT External set value specification (0-
T-HEADER DES HS / Header set value (cascade)
T-HEADER HS / Header temperature (cascade)
T-SOLID FUEL For HS2 = Solid fuel boiler (A7)
T-RETURN 1 Return flow temperature of HS 1
T-RETURN 2 Return flow temperature of HS 2
T-BUFFER T Buffer storage tank temperature
T-BUFFER M Buffer storage tank temperature
T-BUFFER B Buffer storage tank solar zone
T-STORAGE 3 Temperature of storage tank 3 (e.g.
MOD DEPTH 1-8 Modulation degree of HS (BUS)
Level Ä => Temperature and Status of the HS (HS 1 – HS 8)
charging zone HS
solar pool-heating)
Exit level using Ä
The measured outside temperature is smoothed for control purposes. The smoothed value is displayed here.
The 0-10V input can be used to preset an accumulative set value for the control system (see V-CURVE p. 35).
T-HEADER DES (Heat requirement)
Corresponds to the maximum required temperature of the consumer circuits from the heating system (incl. hot water preparation). The mixer circuits request the temperature + heating curve distance (expert value)
T-HS 1 (and T-HS 2 – 8 where cascades apply)
Measured current temperature of the corresponding heat generator. Additionally it is indicated whether the heat generator is switched on ( H ), in the case of two-stage heat generators the status of the second stage is also displayed ( II H ).
(only if buffer storage is installed) Buffer storage tank temperatures in the discharge area, the charging area and the infeed of alternative energy.
MOD DEPTH (only in the case of HS via BUS connection)
Only if a modulating heat generator is connected via BUS and transmits this value.
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