Krohn-Hite 7600, 7602, 7600M, 7602M Operating And Maintenance Manual

Model 7600(M)/7602(M)
Wideband Power Am pli fier DC to 1MHz 141V/282V rms 17/34 Watts
Op er at ing and Main te nance Man ual
Ser vice and War ranty
DO NOT re turn the in stru ment with out our writ ten or ver bal au tho ri za tion to do so. Af ter con tact ing us, we will is sue a Re turn Au tho ri za tion Num ber which should be ref er enced on the pack ing slip and pur ­chase or der. In most cases, we will be able to sup ply you with the in for ma tion nec es sary to re pair the in ­stru ment, avoid ing any trans por ta tion prob lems and costs. When it be comes nec es sary to re turn the in stru ­ment to the fac tory, kindly pack it care fully and ship it to us pre paid.
All Krohn-Hite prod ucts are war ranted against de fec tive ma te ri als and work man ship. This war ranty ap ­plies for a pe riod of one year from the date of de liv ery to the Orig i nal Pur chaser. Any in stru ment that is found within the one year war ranty pe riod not to meet these stan dards, will be re paired or re p laced. This war ranty does not ap ply to elec tron tubes, fuses or bat ter ies. No other war ranty is ex pressed or im plied.
Krohn-Hite Cor po ra tion re serves the right to make de sign changes at any time with out in cur ring any ob li ­ga tion to in cor po rate these changes in in stru ments pre vi ously pur chased.
Mod i fi ca tions to this in stru ment must not be made with out the writ ten con sent of an au tho rized em ployee of Krohn-Hite Cor po ra tion.
Model 7600(M) and 7602(M)
Wideband Power Am pli fier
DC to 1MHz, 17W and 34W
Se rial No. ___________________________
Op er at ing and Main te nance Man ual
Copy right 2004 Krohn-Hite Cor po ra tion. All rights re served. Con tents of this pub li ca tion may not be re pro duced in any form
with out the writ ten perrmission of Krohn-Hite Cor po ra tion.
15 Jon a than Drive, Unit 4
Brockton, MA 02301-5566 U.S.A.
Tel: (508) 580-1660; Fax: (508) 583-8989
Ser vice: ser
Printed 5-04, Rev 3.1
Model 7600
Model 7602
Model 7600M ("M" is the Me ter Op tion Pack age)
Model 7602M ("M" is the Me ter Op tion Pack age)
Ta ble of Con tents
1.0 GEN ERAL DE SCRIP TION ···························1-1
1.1 IN TRO DUC TION···································1-1
1.1.1 Ship ping to Krohn-Hite for Re pair or Cal i bra tion..........1-1
1.2 SPEC I FI CA TIONS ··································1-1
1.2.1 OUT PUT (All rms val ues are for sinewave sig nals).........1-1
1.3 IN PUT··········································1-3
1.4 GEN ERAL ·······································1-3
1.5 OP TIONS········································1-4
2.0 OP ER A TION ····································2-1
2.1 IN TRO DUC TION···································2-1
2.2 POWER RE QUIRE MENTS·····························2-1
2.3 TURN-ON PRO CE DURE ······························2-1
2.4 OP ER A TION······································2-3
2.4.1 Front Panel ..................................2-3 Power Switch·······························2-3 Mode ···································2-3 AC/DC Cou pling·····························2-3 Gain dB··································2-4 Vari able Gain dB Con trol·························2-4 DC Off set·································2-4 Vari able DC Off set Con trol························2-4 Me ter Se lect Switch (Me ter Op tion) ···················2-4 Con nec tors ································2-5 Out put Dis con nect/ Con nect Switch···················2-5 LED In di ca tors ·····························2-5
2.4.2 Rear Panel ...................................2-5 Op tion 002 Con nec tors··························2-5 Chas sis/Float ing Ground Switch ·····················2-5 Fuse Re cep ta cle ·····························2-6 AC Power Re cep ta cle ··························2-6 Line Switches ······························2-6
3.0 IN COM ING AC CEP TANCE···························3-1
3.1 IN TRO DUC TION···································3-1
3.2 TEST EQUIP MENT RE QUIRED ·························3-1
3.3 IN COM ING PRO CE DURE ·····························3-1
3.3.1 DC Off set and Peak Volts Me ter Cal i bra tion Check.........3-1
3.3.2 Squarewave Broad Band ing Check ...................3-2
3.3.3 Squarewave Rise And Fall Time Check.................3-3
3.3.4 Slew Rate Check ...............................3-3
3.3.5 Gain Cal i bra tion Check ..........................3-4
3.3.6 Fre quency Re sponse Check ........................3-4
3.3.7 1K Load Max i mum Power .........................3-5
3.3.8 Dis tor tion Check...............................3-6
Model 7600/7602 Section 1 - General Description
The Model 7600 and 7602 are 17 watt and 34 watt wideband power am pli fi ers that of fer ex tended out put power and volt age ca pa bil i ties, low dis tor tion, ver sa til ity and the lat est in hy brid CMOS power op er a ­tional am pli fier tech nol ogy, with per for mance fea tures not avail able in other power am pli fi ers.
The unit pro vides 17 watts of con tin u ous power (34 watts at dc) and 141V rms from dc to 500kHz. The fre ­quency re sponse is ±0.1dB to 10kHz, and the dis tor tion con trib uted by the am pli fier is <0.01% to 5kHz and <0.3% to 100kHz. The volt age gain can be ei ther in vert ing or non-in vert ing and has selectable ranges from 0dB to 14dB, 14dB to 28dB and 28dB to 42dB (a volt age gain step of 5), and is con tin u ously vari able be tween the ranges.
Other fea tures in clude: modes of A, A–B and –B; com mon mode re jec tion of 80dB; in put cou pling of ac or dc; a me ter that is selectable to dis play heat sink tem per a tures in °C, out put peak volt age and av er age out ­put cur rent. A dc off set con trol is also pro vided that is vari able from 0V to ±200V.
The Model 7602 pro vides the same ca pa bil i ties as the Model 7600 but also pro vides a bal anced out put and is able to de liver 34 watts of con tin u ous power (68 watts at dc), and 282V rms (800V p-p). It can also pro ­vide plus and mi nus volt ages si mul ta neously.
Claim for Dam age in Ship ment to Pur chaser The Model 7600 and 7602 are care fully in spected, tested and aged be fore ship ment to en sure that it is
work ing prop erly. The unit should be thor oughly in spected im me di ately upon ar rival to pur c haser. All items shipped should be checked against the en closed pack ing list. Krohn-Hite will not be re spon si ble for short ages against the pack ing list un less no ti fied im me di ately. If for some rea son the in stru ment is not work ing prop erly, or ap pears to have been dam aged in ship ment, in form the freight car rier and file a claim for the dam age, then no tify Krohn-Hite or its near est sales of fice im me di ately (to ob tain a quo ta tion to re ­pair the ship ment dam age). The fi nal claim and ne go ti a tions with the car rier must be com pleted by the cus ­tomer.
1.1.1 Ship ping to Krohn-Hite for Re pair or Cal i bra tion
All ship ments of Krohn-Hite in stru ments should be made via United Par cel Ser vice or “Best Way” pre ­paid. The in stru ment should be shipped in the orig i nal ship ping con tainer; or if not avail able, use any suit ­able con tainer that is rigid and of ad e quate size. If a sub sti tute con tainer is used, the unit should be wrapped in pa per and sur rounded with at least four inches of shock-ab sorb ing ma te rial.
Section 1 - General Description Model 7600/7602
1.2.1 OUT PUT (All rms val ues are for sinewave sig nals)
For the Model 7602, spec i fi ca tions ap ply to each out put to ground.
Fre quency Range: dc to 1MHz. Power
1k Ohm Load: 17W rms, 34W dc and peak, dc to 500kHz; 5W rms to 1MHz. 600 Ohm Load: 10W rms, 100Hz to 1MHz; 5W rms, 10W dc and peak, dc to 100Hz.
Volt age
No Load: ±200V dc and peak, 141V rms. 1k Ohm Load: ±184V dc and peak, 130V rms, dc to 500kHz; ±113V peak, 80V rms at 1MHz.
600 Ohm Load: ±113V peak, 80V rms, 100Hz to 1MHz; ±78V dc and peak, 55V rms, dc to 100Hz. Cur rent: 910 ohm load, ±200mA peak, 141mA rms, dc to 500kHz. Fre quency Re sponse: ±0.1dB, dc to 10kHz; ±0.25dB to 200kHz; ±0.5dB to 500kHz, 0-130V rms;
±0.5dB to 1MHz 0-80V rms.
Har monic Dis tor tion: <0.01% to 5kHz and 175V peak out put; <0.05% to 200V peak; <0.3% to 100kHz. Volt age Gain: 0dB to 42dB in three ranges; 0dB to 14dB, 0dB to 28dB, 0dB to 42dB; con tin u ously vari -
able be tween ranges.
Step Ac cu racy: ±0.1dB plus fre quency re sponse spec i fi ca tion. Gain steps are 14dB at max vari able
gain con trol set ting or a volt age gain of 5.
Sta bil ity: <0.001dB change for a 10% change in line volt age. Dy namic Range: >80dB. Hum and Noise (2MHz band width): re ferred to out put, <10mV rms; <20mV rms on the 0dB to 42dB
gain range. Phase Shift: A in put 0° ±1°, B in put, 180° ±1° dc to 10kHz in creas ing lin early 60° lag ging at 1MHz.
Model 7602: (In verted out put rel a tive to non-in verted) 180°, –0.3° at 10kHz; 180°, –3° at 100kHz; 180°, –20° at 1MHz.
Squarewave Re sponse
Rise/Fall Times: 120ns to 50Vp-p.
Slew Rate: >600V/ms, 400Vp-p.
Ab er ra tions: <5%.
+ 18 hidden pages