SACD Standard
Super Audio
Compact Disc Player
Developer’s Reference
RS-232 Port: Sending Commands
and Interpreting Data
RC-6 Remote: Commands

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SACD Standard
Super Audio Compact Disc Player
Developer’s Reference
v 03.0

This document is designed for application developers who want
to control the SACD Standard using an external computer-based
device. The document contains five sections:
1 Connecting to the RS-232 Port, including the
RS-232 connector diagram, and RS-232 Port
Protocols, on page 4
2 RS-232 Commands, on page 5
3 RS-232 Status Feedback Description, on page 6
4 RS-232 Status Block Descriptions, showing how
the SACD Standard reports operational status,
on pages 6-7
5 RC-6 Commands, describing the codes used for
controlling the SACD Standard via IR, on page 8
Krell SACD Standard Developer’s Reference 3