45 Connair Road
Orange, CT 06477-0533, USA
KRS-IA Preamplifier Serial Number
should be connected to:
KRSP Power Supply Serial Number
KRS~IA Preamplifier Serial Number
should be connected to:
KRSP Power Supply Serial Number
Thank you for purchasing the KRS-IA Preamplifier. The KRS-IA
is the latest evolution in KRELLs’ preamplifier technology
and represents advances is circuitry sophistication and
sonic quality not found in any other preamplifier at any
cost. Two notable design features are its’ completely monophonic operation and the absence of any capacitors in the
signal path. Please read this instruction manual completely
before using the KRS-IA. Its’ installation and operation are
very easy to understand and it will provide many years of
trouble-free performance. Please be sure to return the enclosed warranty card.
While unpacking the KRS-IA please inspect the units for
shipping damage. If any damage is evident contact your
dealer or the factory immediately. If the unit is in proper
condition proceed with installation. In addition to the two
preamplifier chassis and two power supply chassis you will
find two short DC cables for connection between the supplies
and preamps, and one allen driver to be used for removing
the top cover and phono board. The purpose of these operations will be detailed below.
The KRS-IA is designed to be set up with the two preamp
chassis sitting on top of the two power supplies. Before
proceeding with the final installation please read the Phono
Section Set Up and C.D. Section Set Up portions of the
manual as they involve removal of the preamp top covers.
This is much easier to accomplish before the entire preamp
is in place. After completing set up of the Phono and C.D.
sections place the four chassis where they will be permanently. Connect the two DC cables between the eight pin
connectors on the supplies and the preamps. The AC cables
can now be connected between the supplies and the AC mains.
You can now proceed with connection of the various source
components in your system. The rear panel inputs follow,
from left to right as viewed from the front, the assignment
on the "Select" switch from phono to tuner, etc. Typically
the top chassis is used for the left channel, the bottom
one for the right channel.
After the inputs are the Record Outputs.
Last are two sets of Main Outputs. These operate in unison
and are provided as a convenience for routing to two independant systems.