CE Marking
This product complies with the EMC directive (89/336/EEC) and the low-voltage
directive (73/23/EEC).
Thank you for your purchase of the Krell
KAV-300cd Front Loading Compact Disc
Player. The KAV-300d’s transport design
eliminates error-producing wobble and delivers exceptional tracking & focus accuracy,
regardless of environment or disc characteristics. Digital circuitry provides ultra-high signal
resolution and directly coupled analog circuitry assures superior low-frequency performance, with low distortion, wide bandwidth,
and minimal negative feedbacks. The
KAV-300cd can be seemlessly into a home
theater or whole-house audio system, and
the hand-held remote control provides convenient operation of the KAV-300cd as well
as other Krell components. This owner’s
reference manual contains important information on placement, installation, and operation of your KAV-300cd. Please read this
information carefully. A thorough understanding of these details will help ensure
satisfactory operation and long life for your
KAV-300cd and related system components.
Please contact your authorized dealer,
distributor, or Krell, if you have any
questions not addressed in this reference manual.
1. Open the box and remove the top layer of
foam. You will see these items:
1 KAV-300cd
1 AC power cord
1 12 VDC remote cable link
1 3 AG 3 AMP 250V fast acting fuse
1 KAV-300c remote control
2 AAA batteries
1 packet containing an introductory
letter from C.E.O. Dan D’Agostino,
the Owner’s Reference, and the
Warranty Registration Card
2. Carefully remove the unit and accessories from the box. Remove the pro-
tective plastic wrap from the unit.
ff any of these items are not included,
please contact your authorized Krell dealer
or distributor immediately for assistance.
Save all packing materials. If you must ship
your KAV-3OOcd in the future, repack the
un# in its original packaging to prevent tran-
sit damage.
1 Krell is the registered trademark of Krell Industries, Inc.
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