Evolution Two Monaural Preamplifier
Owner’s Reference, v05.0
Krell Industries, Inc.
45 Connair Road
Orange, CT 06477-3650 USA
TEL 203-799-9954
FAX 203-891-2028
E-MAIL Krell@krellonline.com
WEBSITE http://www.krellonline.com
This product complies with the EMC directive (89/336/EEC) and the low-voltage directive
The Evolution Two preamplifier must be placed on a firm, level surface where it is not exposed to
dripping or splashing.
The ventilation grids on the top of the Evolution Two preamplifier and the space underneath the
Evolution Two preamplifier must be unobstructed at all times during operation. Do not place flammable material above or beneath the preamplifier.
e making connections to the Evolution Two preamplifier, ensure that the power is off and other
components ar
e in mute or stand-by mode. Make sure all cable terminations are of the highest quali-
ty, free from frayed ends, short circuits, or cold solder joints.
Do not connect an RS-232 cable to the phono power port. Output from the phono power port can
seriously damage your computer. Do not connect the cable from a Krell KPE phono stage to the
RS-232 por
Please contact Krell if you have questions not addressed in this guide.
oduct is manufactur
This pr
by Krell Industries, Inc., its subsidiaries, and authorized agents. Evolution Bias
based on U.S. Patent No. 5,331,291. CAN Link
Inc. All other trademarks ar
™ is a trademark of Krell Industries, Inc. and is a Krell technology
ell Cur
rent Mode
ell Industries, Inc., and is r
e trademarks of Kr
™ ar
estricted for use
ell Industries,
List of Illustrations, page iv
A Letter from Dan D’Agostino, page 1
SECTION ONE: About Krell, page 3
The Kr
Ensuring Maximum Per
ell Legacy, Revolutionary Krell CAST Technology,
formance, Definition of Terms
SECTION THREE: Quick Start, page 13
SECTION FOUR: Anatomy of an Evolution Two, page 15
SECTION FIVE: Connecting the Evolution Two to Your System, page 26
SECTION SIX: Evolution Two Operation, page 29
SECTION SEVEN: Customizing the Evolution Two, page 32
TWO: Unpacking and Placement, page 11
Opening the Evolution Two Shipping Carton
Connecting the Evolution to Your System,
Operating the Evolution Two
Front Panel Description, Remote Control Description,
and Back Panel Description
Input and Output Connections, Connection Steps,
Connections Using CAN Link
On/Off and Stand-by Operation, Play and Record,
Operation Using CAN Link
Navigation Conventions, Menu Functions
SECTION EIGHT: Questions and Answers, page 49
Troubleshooting System Noise
CAN Link and Multiple Evolution Two Preamplifiers, page 51
, page 53
TIONS, page 56
List of Illustrations
Figure 1, page 15
Evolution Two Preamplifier Chassis and
Power Supply Chassis Front Panels
Inset Evolution Two Preamplifier Channel: Front Panel View
Figure 2, page 16
Evolution T
Figure 3, page 22
Evolution Two Preamplifier Chassis and
Power Supply Chassis Back Panels
wo Remote Control
A Letter from Dan D’Agostino
Dear Audio Enthusiast,
Thank you for your purchase of the Evolution Two preamplifier.
My new Evolution products represent a watershed in my design philosophy and in
my quest for audio components that deliver absolute tr
The expanse of the Evolution T
fully the advantages of current mode topologies. The resulting circuit utilizes no
feedback and has a bandwidth of 2 MHz.
I have always been fascinated by the artistry inherent in great musical performances, and my new Evolution Two preamplifier delivers the these performances in
their entirety, unaltered, to the amplifier. At the same time, the Evolution Two preamplifier provides the flexibility and control necessary for the listener to thoroughly
enjoy a high performance audio system. It is my pleasure to make the Evolution
products available to you.
The preamplifier plays a vital role in audio playback. At no other point in the reproduction process is the music so vulnerable to change. The signal level at the preamplifier stage is small, and is particularly susceptible to noise and distortion. In
order to solve this problem, the Evolution Two employs Krell Current Mode gain
stages from input to output, and Current Audio Signal Transmission (CAST)
receivers and transmitters. Unprecedented in Krell design history, these unique
topologies combine in the Evolution Two preamplifier to form a circuit that has no
audible sonic signature.
wo monaural design has allowed me to explore
uth in music reproduction.
The Evolution Series represents a new direction for Krell, where breakthrough circuit topologies also represent the vanguard in convenience and control. Sophisti-
y allows from two to eight preamplifiers to be linked
cated communication cir
to a single master from which all user interface is accomplished. The Evolution
wo Monaural Pr
eamplifier is designed to complement per
Monaural Power Amplifier
. Combine the Evolution One and T
fectly the Evolution One
wo with my new
LAT-1000 loudspeakers, and experience the extraordinary capabilities of an
Evolution System.
(A Letter from Dan D’Agostino continued)
I have some exciting news for you. Work on a new source component for the
Evolution Series is ongoing as of this writing. Possessed of the unique Evolution
technologies that power the amplifier and preamplifier, this Evolution source will
expose the real advantages of the latest recording formats while taking compact
disc playback to the next level. I encourage you to audition it as soon as it is
Daniel D’Agostino
Chief Executive Officer
About Krell
This section describes the Krell Legacy, the innovative features and technology of
the Evolution Two, and defines CAST and other key terms used in this reference.
The Krell Legacy
“I design every Krell component to set the standard
for workmanship, style, and performance.”
High-end audio is a demanding pursuit—an ongoing quest for excellence in music
reproduction that drives equipment manufacturers to strive for the absolute in
design and performance. With a keen understanding of this passionate drive, Krell
Industries, Inc., was founded in 1980.
Over the past 2-1/2 decades, Krell has earned a distinguished reputation for engineering innovation and product excellence. The company’s history is replete with
product introductions that have deeply impacted the high-end audio industry. The
most discriminating audiophiles and product reviewers have consistently recognized Krell components for standard-setting performance.
Dan D’Agostino
From the company’s inception to the present, Krell C.E.O. Dan D’Agostino has
continually “pushed the envelope” of performance in audio. His exploration of new
technologies, driven by his never-ending quest to elevate the standard of excellence, has resulted in breakthrough audio designs. Evolution Two preamplifiers
build on this Krell legacy.
Dan D’Agostino remains committed to the development of new designs and technologies. And the Krell legacy will continue to evolve with products that deliver
innovative engineering, perfection in build quality, and outstanding audio performance.
(SECTION ONE: About Krell continued)
Revolutionary Krell CAST Technology
Current Audio Signal Transmission, termed CAST, is a revolutionary method of
connecting analog audio components for unparalleled sonic performance.
Innovative engineering combines the new Krell CAST circuitry with existing Krell
Current Mode technology to create entire CAST systems that reproduce music
with incredible range, tonality, and precision.
The Voltage Signal Transmission
and the Traditional Audio System
Traditionally, signal is transmitted in the voltage domain between two components.
In an audio system, each component is a discrete entity with unique characteristics that act upon the musical signal independently. Each component is unaware
of the other components in the system. The cables that connect the components
also have their own electrical characteristics, which affect the sonic presentation
of the entire system. CAST transmission unifies individual components and interconnects into an electrically linked whole. The original signal remains unaltered
from source to speaker.
CAST Basics
Here is how a CAST audio system works. Internally, each CAST source transfers,
or amplifies, current using Krell Current Mode circuitry. This current signal is then
output using CAST circuitry. When the signal is received by a CAST input, Krell
ent Mode cir
By maintaining the musical signal in the cur
entire CAST system behaves as if it is one component. With CAST, circuit board
ties and signal transmission aber
ed. Cable impedances and their ef
cuitry again takes over until the signal reaches the loudspeaker.
ent domain fr
rations between components ar
fects on the transmitted signal ar
om beginning to end, an
e eliminat
e non-existent.
How CAST and Krell Current Mode Interact
While CAST is a new method of transferring the musical signal between components, its origin stems from Krell Current Mode, the technology developed to
transfer the musical signal within a component. CAST combined with Kr
y signal transmission to the next evolutionar
Mode takes cir
ell Current Mode maintains the integrity of the signal within the component and
y level. In essence,
ell Cur
CAST preserves the transmitted signal between components. Together, CAST and
Krell Current Mode technologies unify separate Krell components into a
global circuit.
Krell Current Mode technology enjoys bandwidth increases up to an
order of magnitude greater than their voltage based counterparts. This dramatic
increase in circuit bandwidth delivers near perfection in the audible band that typically suffers from phase distortions in voltage circuits.
CAST Cable Construction
A CAST system uses cables manufactured by Krell and other manufacturers specially licensed by Kr
ell. Thin and flexible CAST cables are constructed with the
same build quality as other Krell components and are aesthetically matched to the
components that Krell manufactures. An all-metal body and locking connectors
with gold contacts are part of the standard no-compromise specification developed for every CAST cable made.
Evolution CAST
By employing radical current mirror circuitry, the Evolution components elevate the
CAST technology to another level. This advanced use of the technology increases
the linearity, transient speed, and bandwidth of the Evolution components while
reducing the distortion by an order of magnitude.
The Best Musical Performance
When you operate a CAST system, you will hear significant improvements in every
performance area: speed, precision, dynamic range, depth and width of the sound
stage, transient impact, tonal balance, har
monic distor
CAST is the same company goal used for all Krell products. Krell strives for the
delivery of the best performance of a musical event for you, using the full expression of technology to date.
tion, and more. The goal for
(SECTION ONE: About Krell continued)
Ensuring Maximum Performance
“My pursuit of excellence in sound reproduction and
my love of great musical performance fuels the ongoing
Evolution design effort at Krell.”
Dan D’Agostino
oduct of breakthrough Krell technology, the Evolution Two Monaural
The pr
Preamplifier works in tandem with the Evolution One Monaural Power Amplifier to
provide a sound that is supremely dynamic and musical. Indeed, it is the sound of
the music itself.
Core Technologies
Zero Feedback Balanced Current Mode Design
The signal path is fully complementary and fully balanced from input to output. All
transistors operate in Class A mode. CAST inputs drive a newly designed currentmode balanced input stage, which uses a unique topology able to reject common-mode input noise over an unusually wide bandwidth.
Single-ended and balanced inputs drive a dynamically-cascoded JFET buffer,
which has tremendous open-loop linearity and very high input impedance, to eliminate loading effects. The voltage signals are then converted into balanced current
signals, the form in which they remain through the remainder of the signal path.
The audio signal remains in the current domain throughout the entire preamplifier.
Only at the single-ended and voltage outputs is it converted back to the voltage
All signal gain is realized in the current domain using proprietary multiple-output
current mirrors with nearly 500 times the open loop linearity of other designs.
eamplifier, nor is it
Negative feedback is not used anywher
necessary. Open-loop distortion is typically less than 0.005% (50 parts per million), and the open loop bandwidth extends to two megahertz. The result is an
The signal switching r
contacts for maximum signal integrity. Where needed multiple relays are connected in a “T” configuration to vir
The volume setting can be adjusted and displayed either numerically
151, or in dB, from –inf to +12.0 dB.
dinarily wide and deep image, with an open, ef
elays ar
e hermetically sealed and use gold-plated bifurcated
tually eliminate cr
e in the Evolution T
osstalk fr
wo pr
tless sound.
om unselected inputs.
, from 0 to
Fully Balanced Discrete Volume Control
The volume control is realized with a 16-bit balanced resistor ladder, which uses
low-resistance, high-linearity solid-state switches and discrete precision resistors.
Control signals for the switches are optically coupled for low noise and maximum
signal integrity. The bandwidth and transient response of the preamplifier circuitry
are virtually unaffected by the volume setting. As a result high frequencies sound
especially smooth and extended, and music seems to emerge from “jet black”
silence. The analog and digital signal paths are not interconnected. Where necessary, digital control signals are optically coupled to analog circuits.
The Evolution Two has two buffered tape outputs: one linked to the main signalselection bus, and another with its own independent signal-selection bus. This
allows the option of listening to one source while recording another, or the option
of connecting two tape decks having different input signals. Both tape outputs
have single-ended and voltage outputs. Either the fourth single-ended input or the
third balanced input can be user-configured as a tape monitor input, allowing the
opportunity to use home or professional recording equipment.
Separate Power Supply
Housed in a separate chassis, the power supply makes use of extensive electrical
and magnetic shielding to keep radiated interference out of critical preamplifier circuits. Internal line conditioning circuitry filters RF noise on the AC power, and
compensates for asymmetric power waveforms and DC on the mains.
Power for the analog stages comes from a large 170 VA toroidal transformer. This
transformer drives four 8-amp bridge rectifiers and 39,600 microfarads of filter
capacitance. Each monaural preamplifier has as much power supply capability as
many ster
eo power amplifiers.
The main regulators for the analog stages are scaled-down versions of those used
to power the output stages of the Evolution One amplifier
mode, with fully complementar
y gain stages and output drivers, wide bandwidth,
. Operating in cur
low output impedance, and high current capability, the main regulators easily
ements of the analog stages. The driver and output stages in the
exceed the r
main analog r
egulators use five pairs of 150 V
olt, 8 Amp, 40 megaher
tz power
A dedicated 90 VA toroidal transformer with three independent secondary windings powers the preamplifier's digital control circuitry. The regulators for the con-
(SECTION ONE: About Krell continued)
(Separate Power Supply continued)
trol circuitry team ultra-stable voltage reference chips with the same discrete highcurrent driver and output transistors used in the main analog regulators. These
ample power reserves are brought to the Evolution Two via high reliability 12-pin
connectors with machined, gold plated, three-amp contacts.
Secondary voltage regulators for each analog stage in the Evolution Two provide
ultra-quiet, rock-solid supply rails, as well as complete isolation between all the
analog stages.
When the Evolution Two is placed in stand-by, all the analog circuitry continues to
operate at the same bias current; however, the main analog supply voltages
decrease by 30 percent. The result is a corresponding 30 percent reduction in
power consumption and heat without the need to wait for the electronics to
“warm up” before listening.
Advanced Microprocessor Control
and Custom Software
A user menu allows extensive customization of the preamplifier operation, including (but not limited to) input names, input-specific gain trims, Theater Throughput™, display brightness, and 12-volt triggers. Integration is supported via RS232,12 Volt trigger, and RC-5 inputs, as well as an IR transmitter for programming
a learning remote control.
A built-in digital network allows multiple preamplifiers to be linked together, blending the convenience of a single-chassis stereo preamplifier with the sonic performance obtainable only from individual monaural preamplifiers. Six or more preamplifier channels can be “daisy-chained” together and controlled simultaneously for
multi-zone or home theater applications. The digital link allows the user settings in
one preamplifier channel to be conveniently “cloned” to other linked preamplifier
channels. Similarly, upgraded software in one preamplifier channel can be installed
in other preamplifier channels using the digital link.
In the event that the DC level at any of the preamplifier channel outputs exceeds a
y safely mutes the outputs, traces
nominal level, sophisticated pr
the sour
ce of the excess DC, and displays a diagnostic message on the main dis
otection cir
play. On power-up, the microprocessor verifies that all the circuit boards in the
eamplifier channel ar
of softwar
e installed.
operly connected and ar
e pr
e compatible with the version
Definition of Terms
Following are the definitions of key terms used in this owner’s reference.
CAN Link
The communication system that links multiple Evolution Two preamplifier channels
is a sophisticated system called a controller area network (CAN).
Linked Mode
In linked mode, functions including power, volume, balance, phase, record, mute,
and input selections are instantaneously transmitted between linked preamplifier
channels. Evolution Two preamplifiers use CAN Link to operate in linked mode.
A method of transmitting custom configurations between linked preamplifier channels.
Inputs and Outputs
A symmetrical input or output circuit that has equal impedance from both input
terminals to a common ground reference point. The industry standard for professional and sound recording installations, balanced connections have 6 dB more
gain than single-ended connections and allow the use of long interconnect cables.
Balanced connections are completely immune to induced noise from the system
or the environment.
CAST and Evolution CAST
Krell Current Audio Signal Transmission, or CAST, is a proprietary Krell circuit technology for connecting analog components, transmitting the audio waveform
between components in the current domain rather than in the voltage domain. The
speed and bandwidth provided by Krell CAST and its circuitry update, Evolution
CAST, yield accurate, realistic music reproduction, enabling connected components to perform as if they are all part of a single circuit.
A two-wire input or output circuit. Single-ended connections are not recommended for connections requiring long cable runs. Use care when using single-ended
connections, because the ground connection is made last and broken first. Turn
the system off/on prior to making or breaking single-ended connections.
(SECTION ONE: About Krell continued)
Also termed preamplifier or preamplifier channel. A channel is one Evolution Two,
comprised of one preamplifier chassis and one power supply chassis.
Right-terminated channel
Any right preamplifier channel that is last in a chain of linked Evolution preamplifiers is referred to as right-terminated. There is only one RG-45 link cable connected to a right-terminated channel.
Also termed transmitter preamplifier. The transmitter is a right-terminated preamplifier channel that sends IR, RC-5, and RS-232 data to the other linked preamplifier
channel(s), or receiver(s).
Also termed receiver preamplifier. Receivers are linked preamplifier channels that
receive IR, RC 5, and RS-232 data from a right terminated preamplifier channel, or
When the stand-by/power LEDs and the backlight grid are not illuminated, the preamplifier is off.
A low power consumption status that keeps the audio and regulator circuits at
idle. The stand-by/power LEDs are illuminated in red, when the preamplifier channel is in the stand-by mode. Krell recommends leaving the preamplifier in the
stand-by mode when it is not playing music.
When the backlight is illuminated in blue, the preamplifier is in the operational
mode and ready to play music.
Krell Current Mode
A proprietary Krell circuit topology in which the audio gain stages of a component
ent rather than voltage domain. This unique technology pr
operate in the cur
the component with exceptional speed, and a wide bandwidth.
Unpacking and Placement
This section describes the procedures for safely unpacking and placing your
Evolution Two Monaural Preamplifier. Each Evolution Two preamplifier channel is
shipped in 1 carton consisting of 2 chassis: 1 power supply chassis and 1 preamplifier chassis.
Opening the Evolution Two Shipping Carton
Each Evolution Two shipping carton measures 22.3 in. (56.6 cm) wide by 23.5 in.
(59.7 cm) high by 16.2 in. (41.1 cm) deep.
Preamplifier Chassis. Each preamplifier chassis measures 17.3 in. (43.8 cm) wide
by 3.7 in. (9.5 cm) high by 18.5 in. (47 cm) deep, and weighs 21 lbs. (9.5 kg).
Power Supply Chassis. Each power supply chassis measures 17.3 in. (43.8 cm)
wide by 3.7 in. (9.5 cm) high by 17.3 in. (43.8 cm) deep, and weighs 31 lbs.
(14 kg).
Left/Right Channel Orientation
Evolution Two preamplifier channels are assembled as left or right channels.
Preamplifier RCA connectors (31, 36, 38, 40) are color coded. Left preamplifier
channels are assembled with white RCA connectors, and right preamplifier channels are assembled with red RCA connectors.
To Remove the Preamplifier Channel
from the Shipping Carton
1. Open a shipping car
1 Evolution Two preamplifier chassis
1 Evolution T
AC Power cord
12-pin DC cable
1 RJ-45 control cable
emote control
1 r
2 AAA-size 1.5 Volt batteries for the remote
-10 T
1 T
1 packet containing the owner’s reference and warranty card
wo power supply chassis
x wr
ton and r
ench for the remote control
emove the top layer of foam. Y
ou see these
(SECTION TWO: Unpacking and Placement continued)
To Remove the Preamplifier from the Shipping Box continued)
2. Carefully remove the preamplifier chassis, power supply chassis, and acces-
sories from the box.
3. Place the the preamplifier chassis and power supply chassis in a safe location
and remove the protective plastic wrapping.
4. Place the power supply chassis where you intend to use the assembled pre-
Krell recommends that you place the preamplifier chassis on top of the power
supply chassis. You can make 2 identical preamplifier/power supply stacks, as
individual left and right channels, or one 4-chassis stack, with both channels
combined in one stack.
5. Repeat Steps 1-5 for the remaining preamplifier channel(s).
Before you install an Evolution Two preamplifier into your system, please follow the
guidelines in this section to select a location for your component. This will facilitate a clean, trouble-free installation.
The Evolution Two preamplifier does not require a special rack or cabinet for
installation. Each preamplifier channel measures 17.3 in (43.8 cm) wide by 7.3 in.
(18.5 cm) high by 18.5 in. (47 cm) deep
The Evolution Two preamplifier requires at least 2 inches of clearance on each side
and at least two inches of clearance above the component to provide adequate
ventilation. Installation inside cabinetry may require additional ventilation.
AC Power Guidelines
eamplifier has superb r
The Evolution T
wo pr
cated AC circuit. Avoid connections through extension cords or multiple AC
adapters. High quality 15 amp AC strips are acceptable. The use of AC line conditioning devices is not r
already on board the Evolution Two.
on page 7.
ecommended. The featur
For more information, see Separate Power
egulation and does not require a dedi-
es provided by these devices are
Quick Start
To access the full array of available functions for the Evolution Two Monaural
Preamplifier, please read the entire owner’s reference manual. The abbreviated
routine in this Quick Start section will allow you to connect and operate the
Evolution Two quickly and enjoy its basic functions.
Evolution T
be operated in linked mode, using CAN Link.
wo preamplifier channels may be operated independently, or they may
Connecting the Evolution Two to Your System
Position each power supply and preamplifier chassis where you intend to use
connected channels. Do do not move the chassis after they are connected.
1. Connect the power supply chassis and the preamplifier chassis with the 12-pin
DC cable provided, using the DC power connectors (47) on the back panels
Never connect two power supplies together.
2. In order to operate the Evolution Two preamplifier in linked mode, connect the
preamplifier channels together with the supplied RJ-45 control cable. In linked
mode, functions including power, volume, balance, phase, record, mute, and
input selections are instantaneously transmitted between linked preamplifier
When a system with linked pr
entation is established immediately
mation on linked preamplifiers, see
Evolution T
wo Pr
eamplifier channels is power
, with no user inter
Appendix: CAN Link and Multiple
on page 51.
ed on, left/right ori
For mor
e infor
3. Neatly ar
and all components. Separate AC wires from audio cables to prevent hum or
other unwanted noise fr
range and or
ganize wiring to and fr
om being intr
oduced into the system.
om the Evolution Two preamplifier
4. Connect the outputs of your source equipment to the appropriate CAST (34),
balanced (30), single-ended (31), or tape inputs (32, 33) on the Evolution Two.
5. Connect the appropriate main outputs (35-41) on the Evolution Two to your
(SECTION THREE: Quick Start)
Connecting the Evolution Two To Your System continued)
6. On each preamplifier channel, connect the supplied AC power cord to the IEC
power cord receptacle (48).
7. On each preamplifier channel, plug the AC power cord into AC power. The
front panel display (15) scrolls through
red stand-by LEDs illuminate (4), indicating that the Evolution Two preamplifier
is in stand-by mode. The scrolling stops when the Evolution Two is ready to be
powered on.
Use only the power cord provided with the preamplifier channel to make the connection to AC power. Operation with a power cord other than the one supplied by Krell
could induce noise, limit current, or otherwise impair the ability of the preamplifier channel to perform optimally.
Operating the Evolution Two (Linked Mode)
After the Evolution Two is connected to your system and to AC power, and the
front panel display (15) has stopped scrolling, begin operation:
1. Press the power button on either preamplifier chassis front panel or the pwr
key (3) on the remote control. The blue backlights illuminate, the red stand-by
LEDs (4) turn off, and the front panel displays read
displays show the factory default input:
S-1, and level: -INF. The Evolution Two
INITIALIZING. The front panel
is now in the operational mode.
2. With the Evolution Two preamplifier output muted or the volume fully attenuat-
ed, select a sour
ce manually using the fr
input select keys on the remote control (8, 9, 10, 11). Start playing the source.
Use the level control knob or level keys (16) to set the volume to a comfortable
listening level.
ont panel input select buttons or the
3. To return the Evolution Two preamplifier to the stand-by mode, press the
power button or pwr key.
ecommends leaving the Evolution T
ell r
not playing music.
wo in the stand-by mode when it is
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