Krell Industries Evolution One User Manual

Evolution One Monaural Power Amplifier Owner’s Reference, v05.0
ell Industries, Inc. 45 Connair Road Orange, CT 06477-3650 USA
TEL 203-799-9954 FAX 203-891-2028 E-MAIL WEBSITE
This product complies with the EMC directive (89/336/EEC) and the low-voltage directive (73/23/EEC).
The amplifier must be placed on a firm, level surface where it is not exposed to dripping or splash­ing.
The ventilation grids on the top of the amplifier and the space underneath the amplifier must be unobstr
ucted at all times during operation. Do not place flammable
material above or beneath the
Before making connections to the amplifier, ensure that the back panel power switch is down. Make sur
e all cable ter
minations ar
e of the highest quality
, free from frayed ends, short circuits,
or cold solder joints.
The differential circuitry employed with an Evolution One Monaural Power Amplifier requires special attention when connecting speakers. Do not connect the negative speaker terminals together. Do not connect the negative speaker terminals to ground.
Do not connect an Evolution One Monaural Power Amplifier to a loudspeaker selector device that employs a common gr
ound scheme, as it may short-circuit the amplifier output.
Please contact Krell if you have questions not addressed in this guide.
oduct is manufactur
This pr by Krell Industries, Inc., its subsidiaries, and authorized agents. Evolution Bias based on U.S. Patent No. 5,331,291. CAST trademarks ar
© 2005 by Krell Industries, Inc. All rights reserved P/N 307772
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ed in the United States of America. Kr
ed to their r
espective companies.
™, Evolution CAST™, and Kr
is a r
ed trademark of Kr
is a trademark of Krell Industries, Inc. and is a Krell technology
ell Current Mode
ell Industries, Inc., and is r
e trademarks of Krell Industries, Inc. All other
estricted for use
List of Illustrations, page iv
A Letter from Dan D’Agostino, page 1
SECTION ONE: About Krell, page 3
The Krell Legacy, Revolutionary Krell CAST Technology, Ensuring Maximum Per
SECTION TWO: Unpacking and Placement, page 12
Opening the Evolution One Shipping Cartons
SECTION THREE: Anatomy of an Amplifier, page 15
Features and Benefits of the Evolution One Design
SECTION FOUR: Connecting an Evolution One Amplifier to Your System, page 19
CAST and Voltage Connections, Connection Steps, DC Protection Circuitry, and Remote Control Options
SECTION FIVE: Amplifier Operation, page 22
Powering Up, Adjusting Power Meter Modes, Switching between CAST and Voltage Connections, Amplifier Care
formance, and Definition of Terms
SECTION SIX: Amplifier Troubleshooting, page 26
WARRANTY, page 28
List of Illustrations
Figure 1, page 15
Evolution One Amplifier and Power Supply Chassis Front Panels
Inset Evolution One Amplifier Channel: Front Panel View
Figure 2, page 16
Evolution One Amplifier and Power Supply Chassis Back Panels
Figure 3, page 17
Evolution One Amplifier Chassis Top
Figure 4, page 18
Evolution One Power Supply Chassis Top
A Letter from Dan D’Agostino
Dear Audio Enthusiast,
Thank you for your purchase of the Evolution One.
The Evolution One Monaural Power Amplifier represents a watershed in my design philosophy and in my quest for amplifiers that deliver absolute truth in music reproduction. This new amplifier operates solely in the current domain, with only one voltage gain stage at its output. I have always been fascinated by the artistry inherent in great musical performances, and I believe that no component in an audio system equates more closely to the full range of musical expression than the power amplifier. The Evolution One reproduces real-life dynamics and trans­parency in a manner that I have not experienced prior to this design. It is my pleasure to make it available to you.
Krell amplifiers are best known for their ability to drive any loudspeaker to sound its best, without regard to impedance or efficiency. The Evolution One amplifier joins this awesome current capability with a new, ultra-linear circuit topology. It is a strong belief of mine that linearity, an amplifier’s ability to output an exact dupli­cate of the input signal, is the ultimate measure of that amplifiers worth. I drive Krell amplifier designs toward the common goal of linearity; through the rigorous application of Krell design principles that focus our efforts on four major perform­ance factors: distortion, bandwidth, output impedance and current capability. The Evolution One excels in each of these areas, delivering absolute accuracy from
emely low levels of output, vir
extr inspiring amounts of power.
tually at pr
eamplifier levels, to astounding, awe-
As the foundation of my new Evolution Series, the Evolution One Monaural Power Amplifier is designed to complement the Evolution T
eamplifier per
fectly. Combine the Evolution One and Two with my new LAT-1000
wo Monaural Power
loudspeakers, and experience the extraordinary capabilities of the Evolution System.
(A Letter from Dan D’Agostino continued)
I have some exciting news for you. Work on a new source component for the Evolution Series is ongoing as of this writing. Possessed of the unique Evolution technologies that power the amplifier and preamplifier, this Evolution source will expose the real advantages of the latest recording formats while taking compact disc playback to the next level. I encourage you to audition it as soon as it is released.
Daniel D’Agostino Chief Executive Officer
About Krell
This section describes the Krell Legacy, innovative Krell amplifier design and technol­ogy, and defines key terms used in this reference.
The Krell Legacy
“I design every Krell component to set the standard
for workmanship, style, and performance.”
High-end audio is a demanding pursuit—an ongoing quest for excellence in music reproduction that drives equipment manufacturers to strive for the absolute in design and performance. With a keen understanding of this passionate drive, Krell Industries, Inc., was founded in 1980.
Over the past 2-1/2 decades, Krell has earned a distinguished reputation for engi­neering innovation and product excellence. The company’s history is replete with product introductions that have deeply impacted the high-end audio industry. The most discriminating audiophiles and product reviewers have consistently recognized Krell components for standard-setting performance.
Dan D’Agostino
The Evolution One amplifier brings Krell design to a new level, setting a standard for performance that will not soon be matched. The shear breadth of this amplifier’s dynamic range capabilities conveys a startling realism that transcends previous designs. Seemingly unlimited frequency response, combined with unerring accu­racy and fortitude, extend a tradition that began with the first Krell amplifier — the KSA-100.
The KSA–100 was the first high-power, high-current, true Class A biased stereo power amplifier available to audiophiles. It was the first Krell product, and its resounding success established Krell as an important new technological contrib­utor to high-end audio.
(SECTION ONE: About Krell continued)
From the KSA–100 to the present, Krell C.E.O. Dan D’Agostino has continually “pushed the envelope” of performance in his search for greater amplifier power. His exploration of new technologies, driven by his never-ending quest to elevate the standard of excellence, has resulted in breakthrough audio designs. Over the years, the Krell line of power amplifiers, including benchmark products such as the KRS–100, KRS–200, and the Audio Standard models, has established a legacy of unparalleled sonic performance.
The Krell product line has diversified, but Dan’s fundamental research into amplifier design and performance remains at the core of the company’s achievements. Every Krell component upholds the legacy, incorporating unique technologies that are the direct result of Dan’s discoveries in audio amplification.
The Evolution One amplifiers build on the Krell legacy. They provide unprecedent­ed linearity with the control and accuracy that only comes from superior current capability. The sound is lively and unconstrained, in a manner that evokes live per­formance and the true sound of instruments.
Dan D’Agostino remains committed to the development of new designs and technologies. And the Krell legacy will continue to evolve with products that deliver innovative engineering, perfection in build quality, and outstanding audio performance.
Revolutionary Krell CAST Technology
Current Audio Signal Transmission, termed CAST, is a revolutionary method of con­necting analog audio components for unparalleled sonic performance. Innovative engineering combines the new Krell CAST circuitry with existing Krell Current Mode technology to create entire CAST systems that reproduce music with incredible range, tonality, and precision.
The Voltage Signal Transmission and the Traditional Audio System
Traditionally, signal is transmitted in the voltage domain between two components. In an audio system, each component is a discrete entity with unique characteristics that act upon the musical signal independently. Each component is unaware of the other components in the system. The cables that connect the components also have their own electrical characteristics, which affect the sonic presentation of the entire system. CAST transmission unifies individual components and interconnects into an electrically linked whole. The original signal remains unaltered from source to speaker.
CAST Basics
Here’s how a CAST audio system works. Internally, each CAST source transfers, or amplifies, current using Krell Current Mode circuitry. This current signal is then output using CAST circuitry. When the signal is received by a CAST input,
y again takes over until the signal reaches the loud-
ent Mode cir
ell Cur
Kr speaker to end, an entire CAST system behaves as if it is one component. With CAST, cir nents ar nal are non-existent.
. By maintaining the musical signal in the cur
cuit boar
d pr
e eliminated. Cable impedances and their ef
ties and signal transmission aber
ent domain from beginning
rations between compo
fects on the transmitted sig
How CAST and Krell Current Mode Interact
While CAST is a new method of transferring the musical signal between compo­nents, its origin stems from Krell Current Mode, the technology developed to transfer the musical signal within a component. CAST combined with Krell Current Mode takes circuitry signal transmission to the next evolutionary level. In essence, Krell Current Mode maintains the integrity of the signal within the component and
(SECTION ONE: About Krell continued)
(How CAST and Kr
ell Current Mode Interact continued)
CAST preserves the transmitted signal between components. Together, CAST and Krell Current Mode technologies unify separate Krell components into a
global circuit.
Krell Current Mode technology enjoys bandwidth increases up to an
order of magnitude greater than their voltage based counterparts. This dramatic increase in circuit bandwidth delivers near perfection in the audible band that typi­cally suffers from phase distortions in voltage circuits.
CAST Cable Construction
A CAST system uses cables manufactured by Krell and other manufacturers spe­cially licensed by Krell. Thin and flexible CAST cables are constructed with the same build quality as other Krell components and are aesthetically matched to the components that Krell manufactures. An all-metal body and locking connectors with gold contacts are part of the standard no-compromise specification devel­oped for every CAST cable made.
Evolution CAST
By employing radical current mirror circuitry, the Evolution components elevate the CAST technology to another level. This advanced use of the technology increases the linearity, transient speed, and bandwidth of the Evolution components while reducing the distortion by an order of magnitude.
The Best Musical Performance
When you operate a CAST system, you will hear significant improvements in every performance area: speed, precision, dynamic range, depth and width of the sound stage, transient impact, tonal balance, har
monic distor
tion, and mor CAST is the same company goal used for all Krell products. Krell strives for the delivery of the best performance of a musical event for you, using the full expres­sion of technology to date.
e. The goal for
Ensuring Maximum Performance
“My pursuit of excellence in sound reproduction and
my love of great musical performance has led me to the Evolution One Amplifier, and fuels the ongoing Evolution design effort at Krell.”
Dan D’Agostino
The Krell Evolution One Monaural Power Amplifier, built upon the foundation of huge, regulated power supplies and output stages, is designed to drive any loudspeaker with complete control. The product of breakthrough Krell technolo­gy, this amplifier provides a sound that is supremely dynamic and musical. Indeed, it is the sound of the music itself.
Core Technologies
Class A, Balanced, Current Mode Gain Topologies from Input to Output
Audio signal voltages are converted to currents at the amplifier input, and the audio signal remains in the current domain throughout the entire amplifier until the output stages. All signal gain is realized in the current domain using propri­etary multiple-output current mirrors with extraordinary open loop linearity. The current mirrors in the final gain stages use 36 pairs of high voltage, high speed transistors. Originally developed for demanding, high bandwidth video circuits, these transistors help yield gain stages with superb accuracy and very low dis-
tion. The signal path is fully complementar
tor output. The driver and output stages use 28 pairs of 150 Volt, 14 Amp, 50 megaher sinks.
tz power transistors mounted on Kr
y and fully balanced from input to
ell-designed high ef
ficiency heat
All transistors operate in Class A mode. Independent complementary pre­driver and driver stages for the positive and negative output transistors make the output stages extr Watts into an 8 Ohm load, 900 Watts into 4 Ohms, and 1800 Watts into 2 Ohms. This unique cir the Evolution One amplifier simply drives any loudspeaker with absolute confi dence, achieving the very best possible sonic results.
emely fast and linear
cuit is imper
vious to low-impedance or r
. The output stage develops 450
eactive loads;
+ 24 hidden pages