Krell Evolution One Brochure

203-799-9954 • FAX 203-891-2028 • •
WCES 2005 - New Product Announcement
Krell ® is a registered trademark of Krell Industries, Inc., and is restricted for use by Krell Industries, Inc., and authorized agents. Evolution Plateau Bias SystemTM is a trademark of Krell Industries, Inc. and is a Krell technology based on
and Krell Current ModeTM are trademarks of Krell Industires, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are registered to their respective companies. © 2004 by Krell Industries, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Evolution Series
Expressed through a combination of breakthrough technologies and inspired vision, the Evolution Two Preamplifier and Evolution One Power Amplifier culminate more than 25 years of industry lead­ing audio design. The relentless pursuit of the most realistic music reproduction is at the heart of Krell design, and this
heart beats strongest in the Evolution. The Krell trademark is synonymous with music reproduction that fills a room with in-
toxicating detail and startling dynamics. Like live music, this effortless power and
instant response elicit a visceral response that engages all the senses. Yielding phe­nomenal power in the most refined man­ner imaginable, the Evolution system is a
synthesis of almost impossible contradicions; a unique blend of beauty, grace, and power.
a totally new
listening experience...
Krell Industries, Inc. • 45 Connair Road, Orange, CT 06477-3650
Newly redesigned Evolution
Plateau Bias System fea­tures 12 individual bias levels for optimum per­formance and efficiency.
A proprietary bias monitor
continuously measures and adjusts the output stage bias, insuring a lifetime of accuracy.
Housed in a separate chassis,
the power supply makes use of extensive electrical and mag- netic shielding to keep radiated interference out of critical aplifier circuits.
Internal high current line condi-
tioning circuitry filters RF noise on the AC mains, as well as compensating for asymmetric power waveforms and DC on the mains.
Advanced microprocessor con-
trol monitors critical operational parameters.
Bias, load impedance, regulator
output voltages and operating temperature are all continu­ously monitored.
All signal gain is realized in
the current domain using pro­prietary multiple-output current mirrors with extraordinary open loop linearity.
The signal path is fully com-
plementary and fully balanced from input to output, featuring
Krell Current Mode and CAST circuitry.
The amplifier employs no global
negative feedback, and the final gain stages use only 8 dB of local, nested, negative feedback.
This is one five-hundredth the amount used in most solid-state power amplifiers. The result is an extraordinarily open, liquid, effortless sound.
The rails powering the ampli-
fierís low level and gain stages are regulated twice for total
immunity from fluctuations in the AC mains and virtually noise-free output.
All the regulators are located in
the amplifier chassis to provide ultra low impedance supply rails for the audio circuitry.
Offered in diamond-cut silver or
luxurious black finish.
The Evolution One
Power Amplifier