Krell Industries Audio + Video Standard Surround Preamp/Processor, Standard Surround Preamp/Proce Owner's Reference Manual

Audio + Video Standard
Instructions for Use, v 98.3
Owner’s Reference
Krell® Industries, Inc. 45 Connair Road Orange, CT 06477-3650
TEL 203-799-9954
FAX 203-799-9796 E-MAIL krell @ krellonli ,
3 3 4
29 3O
Back Cover
998 by KRELL® Industries, Inc. All rights reserved
P/N 1960101900389
CE Marking
This ’product complies with the EMC direc­tive (89/336/EEC) and the low-voltage direc­tive (73/23/EEC).
Thank you for your purchase of the Krell
Audio + Video Standard. To obtain the best
performance from your Audio + Video
Standard surround preamp/processor, pay
careful attention to its placement, installa-
tion, and operation. A thorough understand-
ing of these details will help insure satisfac-
tory operation andlong life for the Audio +
Video Standard and related’ system compo-
Please contact your authorized dealer,
distributor, or KrelP, if you have any ques-
tions not addressed in this reference
1. Open the box and remove the top layer of foam. You will see these items:
1 Audio + Video Standard 1 AC power cord
1 Audio + Video remote control 4 AAA batteries 1 T-10 Torx wrench
1 packet containing an introductory
letter from Dan D’Agostino, C.E.O.,
the Owner’s Reference, and the Warranty Registration Card
If any of these items are not included, please contact your authorized Krell® dealer or dis­tributor immediately for assistance.
Carefully remove the unit and acces-
sories from the box. Remove the protec-
tive plastic wrap from the unit.
Save all packing materials, ff you must ship your Audio + Video Standard in the future, repack the unit in its original packaging to prevent transit damage.
KRELL® Audio + Video Standard English Page 3 of 32
The surround preamp/processor must not
be located where it could be exposed to drip­ping or splashin~luids.
The ventilation grids and cooling fan on the top of the Audio + Video Standard need to be unobstructed at all times during opera­tion. Do not place flammable material on top of or beneath the Audio + Video Standard. For installations inside cabinet04, make sure the Audio ÷ Video Standard has adequate air circulation. Contact your dealer, distributor or Krell~ for further information.
Before you install the Audio + Video Standard. into your system, review the
following guidelines to choose the opti-
mum location for placement. This will help ensure a clean, trouble-free installa-
tion. For the dimensions of the Audio +
Video Standard, see Specifications on back cover.
Place the Audio + Video Standard surround preamp/processor on a firm level surface away from dirt or moisture. A minimum spac­ing of three inches must exist between the Audio + Video Standard and surrounding components to ensure proper ventilation.
Do not remove or bypass the ground pin on the end of the AC cord. This may cause
RFI (radio frequency interference) to
induced into your playback system.
The Audio + Video Standard has superb reg­ulation and does not require a dedicated AC circuit. Avoid connections through extension cords or multiple AC adapters. High quality,
15 ampere, grounded AC strips are accept­able. High quality AC line conditioners or fil­ters may be used if they are grounded.
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Front Panel Description
See Figure 1 on page 8
1 Tape
A tape monitor al!~ws you to compare the output from your a~log tape recorder to the
original source while making a recording. After selecting a source for recording (B1, $1-$5), press the tape button to toggle between the tape recorder output (LED illu­minated) and the input source (LED not illu-
2 Analog In
The Analog In button activates the analog
input and cycles .through the six analog audio inputs. B1 is a balanced input via XLR connectors. $1-$5 are single-ended inputs via RCA connectors.
3 Digital In
The Digital In button activates the digital
input and cycles through the six digital audio
inputs (C1, C2, T1, T2, XLR, and RF). The
main display will show RF IN when the RF
input for Dolby Digital (AC-3) is selected.
C1 and C2 are coaxial inputs via RCA connectors.
T1 and T2 are TosLink
XLR is an AES/EBU connection.
RF is available via RCA or BNC connec­tors. There is no front panel LED for this digital input.
4 Main Display ,
The main display provides status.messages for a variety of Audio + Video Standard oper­ations.
5 Composite
The composite video input button cycles
through the four composite video inputs.
6 S-Video
The S-video input button cycles through the four S-video inputs.
7 Volume Control Knob
The volume control knob adjusts the output level for the entire system as well as individ­ual levels for the center speaker, side speak­ers, rear speakers, and subwoofers. The vol­ume control knob normally adjusts the mas-
. ter volume as indicated by the LED illuminat-
ed above the master button (19). The change in volume is indicated in the main
display and also on-screen. Adjustments to the center speaker, side speakers, rear speakers, and subwoofers are made by pressing the corresponding individual chan­nel volume buttons (20) and rotating the vol­ume control knob to the desired setting. The master volume control has a numerical
range from 0 to 152 with 89 being the Dolby reference. The center speaker, side speak­ers, rear speakers, and subwoofer volume trim have a range of __.12 dB.
8 Power Button
The powerbutton toggles the Audio + Video Standard from standby to operate and also switches the 12 VDC output between on and off.
9 Power LED
The power LED illuminates when the. rear
panel main power switch [see Figure 2 (38)
on page 11] is placed in the on position.
During remote control operation, the power
LED will flash, indicating the Audio + Video
Standard is receiving remote control com-
KNELL® Audio + Video Standard English Page 5 of 32
10-16 Audio Mode Buttons
The five buttons (10, 13, 14, 15, and 16) select one of the Audio + Video Standard’s audio modes.
The Audio + Vid~.o Standard automatically selects which di~al decodingformat to use,
based on the input signal it receives. When a silent digital signal .is present, the
Audio+Video Standard will automatically
mute its output until program material resumes and the Audio+Video Standard identifies the correct processing mode. This
occurs while changing laser, DVD or com-
pact discs, and between tracks on a cd. Mute protects your syste ,m by preventing the
Audio + Video ~Standard from playing back
digital data in an incorrect format. If the Audio + Video Standard is going to be used as a digital to analog converter for music play­back, this muting may seem awkward because the beginning of each track may be affected. You can change the format auto-
sensing to eliminate this muting, if you wish. To do so, switch the unit into standby. Press the DTS button (13) on the front panel and
switch the Audio+Video Standard out of
standby to power on (operate). This will dis-
able the automatic muting feature of the
Audio+Video Standard and will alter the way
in which the automatic format sensing oper-
ates. For best results, select DTS prior to lis-
tening to any DTS encoded material and be
careful to select the proper format for each
piece of softWare played through the. digital
To re-engage the automatic muting feature,
switch the Audio+Video Standard into stand-
by and toggle the main power switch (38)
the rear panel to the off position. When. you
restart your Audio + Video Standard, the
automatic muting feature will be active. Be sure to turn all amplifiers off when switching
the main power switch on and off.
10 Dolby Digital engages Dolby Digital (AC-3) processing for use with Dolby Digital (AC-3) encoded source material. The Audio + Video Standard automati­cally switches to Dolby Digital (AC-3) pro­cessing upon receiving a Dolby Digital (AC-3) encoded signal. No user interven­tion is required after the appropriate digi­tal input is selected and connected.
Dolby Pro Logic engages Dolby Pro Logic circuitry for use with all Dolby sur-
round processing encoded material. This includes laser discs, videotapes, televi­sion broadcasts, and compact discs.
11 The Dolby Digital LED is lit and the
Dolby Pro Logic LED (12) is not lit when the Audio+ Video Standard is in the
Dolby Digital (AC-3) decoding mode. When both the Dolby Digital LED and the
Dolby Pro Logic LED are lit, the Audio + Video Standard is decoding a Dolby
Digital (AC-3) encoded Dolby Pro Logic signal.
12 The Dolby Pro Logic LED is lit and the Dolby Digital LED (11) is not lit when
the Audio+ Video Standard is in the
Dolby Pro Logic decoding, mode. When
both the Dolby Digital LED and the Dolby
Pro Logic LED are lit, the Audio + Video
Standard is decoding a Dolby Digital
(AC-3).encoded Dolby Pro Logic Signal.
13 DTS engages DTS digital surround
processing for use with DTS encoded
source material. The Audio + Video
$tandard automatically switches to DTS
processing upon receiving a DTS signal.
No user intervention is required after the
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KRELL® Audio + Video Standard
appropriate digital input is selected and connected.
14 Music engages Krell Music Surround
circuitry for use with stereo recordings.
15 Mono is for use with monophonic recordings. This provides monaural out­put from the ~nter speaker and sub-
woofer(s) only.~lf the system does not
include a center speaker, the monaural signal is split between theleft and right speakers.
16 Preamp disengages all surround
processing circuitry for use with stereo
recordings. When fed an analog source, the Audio + Video Standard functions as
a pure Class Ai~ high resolution, analog
preamplifier. For digita, I sources, the Audio + Vide£ Standard employs 24-bit,
custom KrelP-written, digital-to-analog
conversion software before being sent to the analog preamplifier stage.
17 Recall Button
This button saves and recalls system config-
uration settings..
18 Infrared Sensor
The infrared sensor receives commands from the Audio + Video Standard remote control. For proper remote control operation,
make sure the infrared sensor is clear of any
19-21 Volume Control Buttons
The following six buttons select one of the Audio + Video Standard’s volume chant~els:
19 Master Volume Button
When the LED above this button is illu-
minated, the volume control knob (7)
affects the entire system equally. The vol-
ume adjustment is indicated in the main
display and also on-screen.
20 Individual Channel VolumeTrim
When the LED above any of these but­tons is illuminated, the volume control
knob (7) changes the level of the select-
ed channel. These new changes will clear when a new input mode is selected. The volume control knob reverts back to controlling the default level, Master, after four seconds of inactivity.
21 Balance Button
(Preamp mode only)
When the LEE) above this button is illu-
minated, the volume control knob (7)
affects the left-to-right balance of the sys­tem. The center position is indicated by
CNTR in the main display. Balance may be
adjusted in 1 dB increments up to 9 dB.
The next adjustment mutes either chan-
nel, indicated by ROFF or LOFF for the right
channel and left channel respectively.
The on-screen representation for bal-
ance is graphical:
L ......... : ......... R
The center position is indicated by two
vertical dots, Each dB of adjustment is
represented by one individual dot.
Moving the cursor so that it covers the L indicates a completely muted right chan­nel. Conversely, positioning the cursor so that it covers the R indicates a complete-
ly muted-left channel. The volume control
knob (7) reverts back to controlling the default level, Master, after four seconds
of inactivity.
KRELL® Audio + Video Standard English Page 7 of 32
2 3
4 6 5
1 Tape
Analog ~’~
Digital In 4 Main Display 5
Composite 6 S-Video 7 Volume Control Knob
10 13
15 17
14 16 .. 18 19
8 Power Button
9 Powe~ LED
10 Dolby Audio Mode Button
11 Dolby Digital (AC-3) Audio Mode LED 12 Dolby Pro Logic Audio Mode LED 13 DTS Audio Mode Button 14 Music Audio Mode Button
2O 21
15 Mono Audio Mode Button 16
Preamp Audio Mode Button
17 Recall Button 18 Infrared Sensor
19 Master Volume Button 20 Individual Channel Volume Buttons 21 Balance Button
Back Panel Description
See Figure 2 on page 11
22 Balanced Channel Outputs
The Audio + Vid~p Standard is equipped with nine channel ~utputs. All nine channels
are equipped with balanced outputs via XLR connectors as well as single-ended connec­tors (30). The nine channel outputs are for the center, left, right, left and right side, left and right rear, and two subwoofer outputs
(labeled Sub1, Sub2).
The XLR pin configurations are as follows:
1" Shield (g~round)
Pin2: Non-inverting (0,
3: InvertiNg (180
23 Analog Tape Input
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with one single-ended tape input.
24 Balanced Analog Inputs
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with one balanced input (labeled B1) via XLR connectors.
The XLR pin configurations are as follows:
Pin 1: Shield (ground) Pin2: Non-inverting (0
3: Inverting (180
25 Single-Ended Analog Inputs
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped
with five single-ended in puts (labeled S’1-$5) via RCA connectors.
26 RF Inputs
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with an RF input for use with the Dolby Digital
(AC-3) RF output of a laser disc player.
Connections are via RCA or BNC coaxial digital cable.
27 S-Video Inputs
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with four S-video inputs (labeled 1-4).
28 S-Video Outputs
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with three S-video outputs. The main S-video output (labeled on screen) includes on­screen graphics. For dubbing purposes, the second and third S-video outputs do not
include on-screen graphics.
29 Infrared Remote Sensors
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with an additional infrared sensor and a male
baseband RC-5 remote input for custom installations.
30 Single-Ended Channel Outputs
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with nine channel outputs. All nine channels
are equipped with single-ended outputs via RCA connectors as well as balanced con-
nectors (22). The nine channel outputs are
for the center, left, right, left and right side,
left and right rear, and two subwoofer out­puts (labeled Sub1, Sub2).
31 Digital Audio Outputs
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with two digital audio outputs in the following
One coaxial via RCA connector One TosLink
32 Tape Outputs
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with three analog tape outputs. Two are for
use with video sources (labeled VCR1, VCR2), and.the third is for use with an audio tape deck (labeled tape).
KRELL® Audio + Video Standard English Page 9 of 32
33 Digital Audio Inputs
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with five digital audio inputs in the following formats:
Two coaxial via RCA connectors Two TosLink
One AES/EBU vixen XLR connector
34 Composite Video Inputs
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with four RCA composite video inputs
(labeled 1-4). 35 Composite Video Outputs
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with three RCA composite video outputs. The main composite video output (labeled on screen) includes on-screen;graphics. For dubbing purposes, ~the second and third composite video outputs do not include on­screen graphics.
36 Composite Video (BNC) Input/Output
The Audio + Video Standard includes one composite video input and one composite video output via BNC connectors. These
ports are electrically identical to the RCA composite video inputs (34) and, outputs
You may simultaneously use both RCA and
BNC outputs, but only one of the inputs.
37 IEC Power Connector
The Audio + Video Standard is equipped with a standard female IEC power connec­tor.
38 Main Power Switch
Toggles the Audio + Video Standard between off and standby.
39 12 VDC Output
Activated by the front panel power button (8), the 12 VDC output sends a 12-volt power on/off signal to other Krell® components, as well as to other devices that incorporate a
12-volt power on/off trigger input. This allows
for remote turning on/off of other compo-
nents when the Audio + Video Standard is
dowered on.
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