Elavo™ White Ceramic
Square Semi-Recessed
Bathroom Sink w/ Overow
www.kraususa.com I toll free: 1.800.775.0703 I © 2016 Kraus USA Inc.

Thank you for your purchase
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing Kraus.
We hope that you are completely satised with your purchase, and enjoy it for years
to come. If you have any questions, or require technical assistance, please contact
us at 800.775.0703 and one of our representatives will be happy to help.
For more information about Kraus products, please visit:
In order to activate your warranty and get faster access to customer support, please
register your new Kraus product at:
Kraus USA Customer Service

Prior to Installation:
Make sure that you have all necessary parts by checking the parts list. If any part is
missing or damaged, please contact Kraus Customer Service at 800-775-0703 for a
• Inspect the sink prior to installation to make sure that it has not been cracked or
chipped during shipping
• Use the cut-out template provided by Kraus to cut the opening in your countertop
• Observe all plumbing and building codes according to your state requirements
• Additional oor and wall preparation may be required to avoid damaging the sink
WARNING: This product is fragile and can break, chip, or cause injury if handled
recklessly. Please consult with a professional when installing
For technical assistance or replacement parts, please contact Kraus
Customer Service and one of our representatives will be happy to help:
Toll-Free: 800-775-0703 or customerservice@kraususa.com
The step-by-step guidelines in the installation instructions are a general reference for installing
a Kraus Sink. Should there be any discrepancies, Kraus cannot be held liable. It is recommended
to install all Kraus products by hiring a licensed professional.

Tools you will need:
Safety Goggles
NOTE: Specialized tools may be necessary to install Kraus Ceramic Semi-Recessed sinks
with countertop materials other than wood, marble, or granite
Putty Knife
Silicone Adhesive Jig Saw
Tape Measure
Parts List (Included)
• Cut-Out Template