Krank Rev Jr. Pro 50W, Rev1+, Krankenstein+, Rev SST, MMV Distortus Maximus User Manual

Thanks for checking out Krank Amps! Our
product line has become one of the most popular brands today and gives players what they need to sound their best every time. From the bedroom to the arena, more and more guitarists continue to turn to Krank Amps to help find their sound. Our amps have been gracing stages of all sizes around the world since 2003, users including music heavyweights such as Dimebag Darrell, Metallica, Fall Out Boy, Toby Keith, Shadows Fall, The Offspring, Blue October, and so many more, all being certifiable Krank Addicts! And have you seen
the Adult Swim show "Metalocalypse" on the Cartoon Network? The uber-popular cartoon has been their highest rated show and spawned a Top 40 album, all featuring walls of Kranks along the way! How about the mega-selling Guitar Hero video games? Yep, we're featured in those too with millions of players having earned their "endorsement" and rocked Krank Amps. Huge tone, quality workmanship and killer looks have made Krank one of the top selling and fastest growing amp companies today. Our products are U.S. made by players for players! If you have any questions w e’re happy to talk tone! Feel free to contact us at 1-888-KRANKIT or email us at: And for more information,
news, video and soundclips visit our website at Krank it up!
New For 2009!
Nineteen80 Head and Cab - Modern meets vintage
tone and style! This 80W head has the midrange bite of
the classic early 80’s amps while having ample gain to
achieve a wide variety of great rock tones. Features
include two footswitchable channels, tube driven active
effects loop, two Sovtek 6550 tubes in the power
section, ohm and world wide voltage selectors. The
matching 16 ohm cab features 13-ply Baltic Birch
construction, removable grill and premium Eminence
Governor speakers.
Dirty Valve 200W All Tube Bass Head and Basszilla
cab - Finally the long-awaited Krank bass amp! This
200W all tube head is powered by eight Sovtek 5881
tubes, producing multiple classic tones for the most
discriminating bassist. Features include 3 band eq,
master, volume, parametric sweep knob, “growl” knob
for extra pure tube dirt, and push button midrange punch
and treble options. Also coming available is the even
bigger 300W version as well as the monsterous class D
powered 1000W hybrid version. Accompanying is the
Basszilla cab, a classic “refrigerator” styled 13-ply baltic
birch shell with Maple baffle board that features a 2x12
top chamber and 4x10 bottom chamber that produces
piano-like top end with gutsy punch.
Krankenstein Jr. 20W and 50W Heads - Continuing
in our popular Jr. line of amps is the much requested
Krankenstein Jr., the mini version of the killer
Krankenstein+ model. Gain o’plenty, this footswicthable
mini monster has all the same features of popular Rev Jr.
Pro and is available in both 20W and 50W versions.
Classic Jr. 20W and 50W Heads and Matching Cab -
For the vintage tone enthusiasts, this Jr. features classic
styling and tone in a sought-after low wattage setting.
Footswitchable with an active effects loop, switchable
ohm and voltage selectors. The matching 1x12 cab
features 13-ply baltic birch construction, removable grill
and Eminence Governor speaker.
The second generation of the flagship Rev Series One amps, the Rev +. Now with upgraded transformers and 6550 tubes in the power section, the Rev + packs a walloping 120W of power to produce an even bigger high gain sound than the original. The "Krank" channel features a 3-band eq, volume, two footswitchable masters, gain, presence and parametric sweep control. The "Kleen" channel features a 3-band eq, volume and a new "boost" button to add sparkle and drive. Other new features are an active effects loop. Also included are ohm and voltage selectors, line out, manual channel switch, and metal grill in both black or chrome.
The amp developed with the legendary Dimebag Darrell, the Krankenstein + is the upgraded version of his original model and now features bigger transformers and 6550 tubes in the power section. This amp has always been known for it's "go for the throat" high gain sound, now it's been taken to the next level, 120W of massive tone! The "Dime" channel features a 3-band eq, volume, two footswitchable masters, gain and parametric sweep control while the "Kleen" channel features a 3-band eq and volume. Also unique to this head is an overall volume control for the entire amp as well as a global presence control. Other features include and active effects loop, ohm and voltage selectors, line out, manual channel switch.
A new concept in making hybrid tube/solid state amps, the Rev SST is comprised of an all tube high gain preamp and Class D mosfet power amp section (the same type of power used in high end car stereo amps). This beast produces an ultra powerful, clean, and very loud 200W of useable power at 4 ohms with great tones at a more affordable price. This footswitchable two channel head has the same killer features Kranks are known for, with the Krank channel containing two master volumes, 3-band eq, sweep and gain and the Kleen featuring a volume and 3-band eq. Additional features include switch mode power supply for worldwide use, active effects loop and manual channel selector.
KKrraannkk CCaabbss
OOvveerrssiizzeedd aanndd bbuuiilltt uussiinngg pprreemmiiuumm wwoo ooddss aanndd ssppeeaakkeerrss,, KKrraannkkss ccaabbiinneettss aarree oo ppttiimmiizzeedd ttoo rreepprroodduuccee tthhee mmaassssiivvee ssoouunndd ooff oouurr aammpp ss!! TThhee RReevv,, KKrraannkkeennsstteeiinn aanndd RReevv JJrr.. ccaabbss aarree bbuuiilltt wwiitthh ssoo lliidd wwoooodd ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn uussiinngg ppooppllaarr wwoooodd wwhhiillee tthhee SSSSTT,, nneeww NNiinnee tteeeenn8800,, CCllaassssiicc JJrr.. aanndd BBaasssszziillllaa ccaabbss ffeeaattuurree 1133--ppllyy bbaallttiicc bbiirrcc hh ww oooodd.. AAllll ccaabbss ccoommee ll ooaaddeedd wwiitthh tthhee hhiigghheesstt qquuaallii ttyy,, UU..SS.. mmaaddee EEmmiinneennccee ssppeeaakkeerrss,, ffeeaattuurr ee rreemmoovvaabbllee mmeettaall ggrriillllss aanndd uussee pprreemmiiuumm hhaarrdd wwaarree.. QQuuaalliittyy ooll dd--sscchhooooll ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn ttoo bbee sstt rreepprroodduuccee yyoouurr ttoonnee!!
Scream for me! The Krankshaft overdrive pedal was designed for those guitarists who like to add that extra gain and compression “bounce” to their amps or simply want a classic overdriven tone for their clean channel. Featuring a heavy-duty chassis and true bypass circuitry, the Krankshaft can help you achieve screaming leads or smooth country rock-blues tones.
High g ai n monster in a box! T he Distortus Maximus is more a hi gh gain p re am p disguised as a pe da l, producing ri ch harmonics an d massive gain n ot typically fo un d in most p ed al distorti on units. F ea tu re s a st ud y metal ch as si s, 3- ba nd e q, true b yp as s circuitry an d 9V a da pt er /b at te ry.
REV Jr. Standard 20W and 50W Mini Stacks One of the most
popular products in the Krank line has been the Jr. series amps and the Rev Jr. Standard started it all! Geared more for the professional practice or small gig environment, the Rev Jr. boasts an all tube dual channel head (2 5881's, 3 12AX7's) with boost switch and active effects loop that produces and array of tones ranging from clean to high gain. The 1x12 cabs, featuring the same solid wood construction and Eminence speakers as the Rev 4x12 and are also capable of handling your favorite higher wattage head for home studio use.
REV Jr. Pro 20W and 50W Mini Stacks Expanding on the
original Rev Jr., the two-channel Pro version is footswitchable and has the added features of treble and bass controls on the Kleen channel. The Rev Jr. Pro’s circuit is very similar to the 120W Rev + in design and offers the same raging high gain sounds it’s big brother delivers! Features include a 3-band eq, parametric mid-sweep, gain, separate volumes for Krank and Kleen channel, “Boost” button for more drive, active effects loop, ohm selector and voltage selector for worldwide use.