RC-3TB Remote Control Panel
Congratulations on purchasing your Kramer RC-3TB Remote Control Panel.
The RC-3TB is used to remotely replicate buttons of a Master Controller, such as
the SL-14RC.
See the SL-14RC Master Controller User Manual for details regarding the
Defining the RC-3TB Remote Control Panel
Rotary switch description
Connecting multiple RC-3TB Remote Control Panels
Button Labels
The backlit button caps are transparent and can contain the printed labels supplied.
Installing the Button Caps and Button Labels
To install a button cap and button label:
1. Using a screwdriver, remove the two screws holding the faceplate on and
remove the faceplate. Place the faceplate and the screws aside.
2. Extract the required button labels from the sheet of labels supplied (see Figure 2).
3. Insert the labels into the supplied button caps bearing in mind the button cap
orientation (see Figure 1). Note that the button caps must be mounted with the
cap wings across the width of the faceplate, not along its length.
4. Place the button caps containing the new labels onto the button bases taking
care to ensure correct orientation of the button cap wings.
5. Reinstall the faceplate and screw the two faceplate attachment screws in
Figure 1: Faceplate Showing Button Cap Wing Orientation

Figure 2 illustrates a sample button label sheet.
Figure 2: Sample Button Label Sheet
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Kramer Electronics, Ltd.
Web site: www.kramerelectronics.com
E-mail: info@kramerel.com
P/N: 2900-000596 REV 2