1 Introduction 1
2 Getting Started 2
3 Overview 3
4 Defining the SWM-1 Loudspeaker Wall Mount Device 4
4.1 Wall Mount Parts 4
4.2 The Loudspeaker Interface Kit 5
4.3 The Wall Fixing Kit 5
5 Installing the SWM-1 6
5.1 Preparing for Installation 6
5.2 Attach the Ball Interface to the Loudspeaker Rear Panel 6
5.3 Attaching the Ball Clamps 8
5.4 Wall Mounting the SWM-1 9
5.5 Mounting the Loudspeaker on the Wall 10
6 Technical Specifications 11
UFigure 1: SWM-1 Parts per UnitU 4
UFigure 2: Attaching the Ball ClampsU 8
UFigure 3: SWM-1 Assembled KitU 8
UFigure 4: Mounting the Wall Plate on a Concrete WallU 9
UFigure 5: Mounting the Wall Plate on a Wooden WallU 9
UFigure 6: Mounting the LoudspeakerU 10
UFigure 7: Setting the Loudspeaker PositionU 10
SWM-1 – Contents i