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January 9, 2015
Instrument diagnostics ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Interpreting the optical image and diagnostic values ......................................................................................... 4
Typical faults and causes ................................................................................................................................... 7
Preventive maintenance inspection plan ............................................................................................................ 9
K-PATENTS OY • Postal Address: P.O.Box 77, FI-01511 Vantaa, Finland • Street Address: Elannontie 5, FI-01510 Vantaa, Finland • Tel. int.+358 207 291 570
Fax int.+358 207 291 577 • info@kpatents.com • www.kpatents.com • VAT No. FI03035575 • Business ID 0303557-5 • Registered in Helsinki
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Instrument diagnostics
The K-Patents Process Refractometers PR-33-S and PR-33-AC have an internal built-in web server as a
display. The instrument’s webpage can be viewed through a laptop, or a handheld Field Communicator unit
FC-11 can be used to view the same information from its own user interface. FC-11 is specially designed for
service, troubleshooting and configuring of the K-Patents instruments.
Figure 1 Instrument diagnostics can be reached through a laptop or FC-11.
The instrument’s web server can be reached through the IP-address of the instrument. The preset IPaddress for the PR-33 series is The FC-11 automatically connects to the instrument if the
address has not been changed. To obtain connection between sensor and laptop, type the IP-address on the
search/address field of the browser. The webpage opens in all commonly used browsers. Sometimes the IPaddress of the computer needs to be configured prior to establishing the connection, especially if there is no
router used between the instrument and the laptop. Furthermore, the PR-33-S is powered over Ethernet.
Therefore, a PoE switch is required.
IP configuration for Windows 7
The connection to the instrument is established using a router between the laptop and the instrument. In the
event of no router available or other difficulties in connecting to the instrument, follow the instructions below.
The IP-address of the computer can be configured through Windows control panel by selecting Network and
Sharing Centre, adapter settings and choosing LAN connection properties with a right click of the mouse (1).
Then select the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv6) and click properties (2). A window will open that
allows configuring of the IP-address. The first two sets of numbers in the IP-address should be the same as
in the sensor’s IP-address, however, the IP-addresses should not be totally identical (3). The Subnet mask is
K-PATENTS OY • Postal Address: P.O.Box 77, FI-01511 Vantaa, Finland • Street Address: Elannontie 5, FI-01510 Vantaa, Finland • Tel. int.+358 207 291 570
Fax int.+358 207 291 577 • info@kpatents.com • www.kpatents.com • VAT No. FI03035575 • Business ID 0303557-5 • Registered in Helsinki
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given automatically. Make sure the PC’s wireless function is disabled.
Figure 2 Configuring of instrument’s IP-address when connecting without router
Web Browser Display
The instrument’s interface opens in a web browser, where you can find the menu guided verification
procedure, diagnostics, optical image, slope and raw image. Also the mA-output range and chemical curve,
and nD calibrations can be configured and examined through the web page.
Figure 3 The webpage of the instrument contains measurement, diagnostic data, optical images and
K-PATENTS OY • Postal Address: P.O.Box 77, FI-01511 Vantaa, Finland • Street Address: Elannontie 5, FI-01510 Vantaa, Finland • Tel. int.+358 207 291 570
Fax int.+358 207 291 577 • info@kpatents.com • www.kpatents.com • VAT No. FI03035575 • Business ID 0303557-5 • Registered in Helsinki
verification procedure