Konica Minolta MF1100 User Manual

User Manual
Minoltafax 1100
The essentials of imaging
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 We want you to be a satisfied customer.....................................1-1
1.2 Guide through the manual ...........................................................1-3
Where can I find what in this manual?............................................1-3
Short description of autography and symbols.................................1-4
1.3 Safe operation of your fax machine............................................1-5
Instructions for personal and operational safety.............................1-5
Approval symbol..............................................................................1-7
2 Unpacking, installation, setup
2.1 Unpacking the fax machine..........................................................2-1
Machine layout................................................................................2-2
Control panel of Minoltafax 1100 ....................................................2-3
2.2 Installing the fax machine............................................................2-5
Ambient requirements.....................................................................2-5
Space requirement..........................................................................2-6
Storage of consumables .................................................................2-6
2.3 Setting up the fax machine..........................................................2-7
Connecting the fax machine............................................................2-7
Installing the ink cartridge...............................................................2-8
Re-aligning the printer...................................................................2-10
Inserting paper..............................................................................2-11
Setting the ringer volume..............................................................2-13
Setting the monitoring volume.......................................................2-13
3 Individual fax machine settings
3.1 Please observe!.............................................................................3-1
List of letters, symbols and digits....................................................3-1
Entering letters and digits................................................................3-2
Correcting an entered character .....................................................3-3
Setting dialling pauses....................................................................3-3
Cancelling a procedure...................................................................3-4
Setting the dialling method (MFV/IWV)...........................................3-4
3.2 Setting sender identification data...............................................3-5
3.3 Setting the date and time .............................................................3-7
3.4 Setting the one-touch keys.................. ...... ..... .............................3-8
Storing a number under a one-touch key.......................................3-9
Altering one-touch key allocation..................................................3-10
Deleting the allocation of a one-touch key....................................3-11
Printing a list of allocated one-touch keys....................................3-12
3.5 Setting up the directory .............................................................3-13
Entering numbers into the directory..............................................3-14
Altering a directory number ..........................................................3-15
Deleting a directory number .........................................................3-16
Scrolling through the directory......................................................3-16
Calling statistics of directory number............................................3-17
Directory entry search..................................................................3-17
Printing list of directory entry........................................................3-18
Transferring a directory entry to a one-touch key.........................3-19
3.6 Switching activity report on/off.................................................3-20
Switching on the activity report.....................................................3-20
Switching off the activity report.....................................................3-21
Manually started print-out of activity report...................................3-21
4 Sending documents by fax
4.1 Please observe the following!.....................................................4-1
Characteristics of documents to be transmitted .............................4-1
Interrupting a procedure.......................................... ...... .................4-2
4.2 Inserting a document...................................................................4-3
4.3 Setting the resolution and contrast............................................4-4
Setting the resolution for present transmission ..............................4-4
Permanently setting the transmission resolution............................4-5
Setting the contrast.........................................................................4-6
4.4 Sending a document....................................................................4-7
Dialling the number via the numerical keys....................................4-7
Dialling a number via redial............................................................4-8
Dialling a number via a one-touch key...........................................4-9
Dialling a number via the directory...............................................4-10
Dialling and number and monitoring a call ...................................4-11
Setting page count function..........................................................4-12
4.5 Delayed document transmission..............................................4-13
Setting delayed document transmission.......................................4-13
Altering transmission delay time...................................................4-14
Deleting transmission delay tim e..................................................4-15
Automatic print-out of delayed transmission report......................4-16
4.6 Sending a document overseas..................................................4-17
Reducing the fax transmission speed...........................................4-17
4.7 Activating redial function...........................................................4-18
Setting the quantity of redial attempts...........................................4-18
Starting manual redial function......................................................4-19
5 Receiving faxes
5.1 Receiving faxes automatically.....................................................5-1
5.2 Receiving faxes manually............................................................5-2
5.3 Combination with an answering machine..................................5-3
5.4 Receiving selected faxes..............................................................5-4
5.5 Memory reception during printer problem.................................5-5
Power cut while data is stored ........................................................5-5
Data overflow with half-tone fax transmission.................................5-5
5.6 Calling a fax transmission (Polling)............................................5-6
5.7 Receiving a fax with size reduction.............................................5-7
5.8 Fax machine with external telephone.........................................5-8
6 Copying a document
6.1 Making a single copy....................................................................6-1
6.2 Copying a document with size reduction...................................6-2
7 Using the telephone
7.1 Making a phone call......................................................................7-1
7.2 Receiving a telephone call...........................................................7-2
7.3 Dialling a number..........................................................................7-3
Dialling a number via the numerical keys........................................7-3
Dialling a number via the redial function.........................................7-3
Dialling a number via a one-touch function.....................................7-3
Dialling a number via the directory..................................................7-4
Searching for a number in the directory..........................................7-4
7.4 Putting a call on hold....................................................................7-5
7.5 Operator call..................................................................................7-6
Making an "operator call" immediately after sending a fax .............7-6
Making an "operator call" immediately after receiving a fax............7-6
8 Setting specific features
8.1 Using software switches..............................................................8-1
Setting the software switches.........................................................8-1
Printing list of software switches.....................................................8-2
List of software switches......................... .................................. ......8-3
8.2 Switching on power save mode..................................................8-5
9 Trouble-shooting
9.1 General problems.........................................................................9-1
9.2 Problems when sending a fax.....................................................9-2
9.3 Problems when receiving a fax...................................................9-2
9.4 Problems with telephone handset..............................................9-3
9.5 Problems with connected telephone apparatus........................9-3
9.6 Problems with print-out quality...................................................9-3
9.7 Rectifying problems.....................................................................9-4
Removing a jammed document......................................................9-4
Removing a paper jam...................................................................9-5
Renewing the ink cartridge.............................................................9-6
Re-aligning the printer............................................. ...... ..... ............9-8
Cleaning the printer head nozzles..................................................9-9
9.8 Error codes in the printed reports............................................9-10
10 Annex
10.1 Features.......................................................................................10-1
10.2 Caring for the machine ..............................................................10-2
Cleaning the housing....................................................................10-2
Cleaning document transport rollers 1 and 2................................10-2
10.3 Technical data.............................................................................10-4
Minoltafax 1100............................................................................10-4
Optional accessory.......................................................................10-5
10.4 CE emblem (conformity declaration)........................................10-6
10.5 Index............................................................................................10-7
1 Introduction
1.1 We want you to be a satisfied customer
Thank you for purchasing a Minolta fax machine. This fax machine is ap prove d for use in pu blic te lephon e netw orks and is
compatible to other fax machines of transmission standard 3. This manual will enable you to achieve maximum results of your
Minoltafax 1100 because it contains detailed information to the following subjects:
l Safe operation of your fax machine. l Setting up your fax machine. l Sending and receiving faxes. l Copying documents. l Trouble-shooting.
Please read this manual thoroughly before starting up your fax machine, and always keep it readily available.
More detailed information can be obtained from:
l Your technical support partner. l Our Internet website http://www.minolta.uk
This website contains the answers to numerous problems.
Always have the serial number and delivery date of your fax machine readily available so that we can offer you fast and sound advice in the event of an enquiry or problem.
. . . because we want you to be a satisfied customer.
Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99 MF 1100 1-1
This documentation must not be reproduced, transferred, copytyped, stored in an archive or translated without the explicit prior permission in writing by Minolta Co. Ltd.
The manufacturer reserves the right to modify this manual.
1-2 MF 1100 Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99
1.2 Guide through the manual
Where can I find what in this manual?
If you don’t know which chapter to consult to fin d the right inform ation, the following table will assist you. Please use the index at the end of this manual to quickly find precise information covering a certain topic.
No. Chapter designation Chapter description
Contents This is where you will find a list of the chapters and
1 Introduction This is where you will find general information
2 Unpacking, installation,
3 Individual fax machine setup This is where you will learn how to:
4 Sending a fax This is where you will learn various methods of
5 Receiving a fax This is where you will learn various methods of
6 Copying a document This is where you will learn how to use your fax
7 Making phone calls This is where you will learn how to use the telephone
8 Specific machine settings This is where you will learn how to "tailor" the settings
9 Trouble-shooting This is where you will learn how to identify and rectify
10 Annex This is where you will find useful information, such as:
sub-chapters contained in this manual.
concerning your personal safety and that of your machine, as well as instructions how to use this manual.
This is where you will become familiar with all features of your Minoltafax 1100, such as:
Machine layout.
Installing the fax machine.
Setting up the fax machine.
Program letters and figures.
Set your station identification.
Set the the date and time.
Program the one-touch keys.
sending a fax.
receiving a fax.
machine as a photocopier.
of your Minoltafax 1100 to suit your own special requirements.
simple problems.
Technical data
Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99 MF 1100 1-3
Short description of autography and symbols
Various autography and symbols are used in this manual to express various situations. The examples below will enable you to identify the various situations and handle them accordingly.
CAUTION This is a warning!
A warning makes you aware of a hazard that can cause death, personal injury or damage to the machine due to incorrect operation.
The arrow indicates certain behaviour to prevent a dangerous situation.
[SET] Key on keypad with the designation “Set
ERROR Message in display showing the text "Error"
Single operation step (further steps not necessary)
1 Step 1 of a procedure 2 Step 2 of a procedure, etc.
This is where you receive help.
Carrying out the described operation will achieve the required results.
A useful tip
Text with this appearance will offer you tips and tricks to make you more familiar with your fax machine.
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This is what has to be done
1.3 Safe operation of your fax machine
Instructions for personal and operational safety
Personal injury, electrical shocks or even fires can result from incorrect operation. Before unp ac ki ng y ou r fax m ac hin e, p lea se rea d th e fo llowing safety precautions to ensure your pe rsonal safety and also the operation al safety of your fax machine.
CAUTION Adhere to the following instructions!
Connect the machine only to an earthed 220-240V/50-60Hz mains socket which complies to VDE standards.
Do not connect the machine to a mains mul tip le ada pte r sock et.
Ensure that the plug is fully inserted in the mains socket and is easily visible and accessible.
Do not pull on the electrical cable to disconnect the plug from the mains socket.
Do not connect the machine to a tel ephone line during a thund erstorm.
Do not use the fax machine / handset near explosive gases.
Do not pull the plug out of the mains socket if y our hands are wet. Ris k of electrical shock!
Only move the machine after pulling the plug out the main socket.
Do not place hea vy o bjects on the main s ca ble, a nd do not p ull, p in ch or nip it.
Pull the plug out the mains sock et if the cable is damaged. Info rm your local service centre.
Only use electrical extension cables that are designed for the power rating of the machine.
Do not carry out any other operations than those described in this operating manual.
Do not place heavy objects on the machine.
Do not open any covers on the machine while it is transmitting or printing.
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Do not interrupt the po wer supp ly w hile th e machi ne is t ransm itting o r printing.
Do not place magnetic objects near the machine.
Do not use inflammable aerosols, liquids or gases near the machine.
Do not remove any safety devices, and do not alter the machine’s design. The machine is equipped with high-voltage components!
Do not insert paper c lips / tack s or sm all m etal o bjects in an y open ing of the machine. I f this shoul d nevertheless happen, pul l the plug ou t of the mains socket immediately and inform your local service centre.
Never place drinking cups, bottles or other vessels containing liquids on the machine. If liquid should nevertheless enter the machine, pull the plug out of the mains socket immediately and inform your local service centre.
If your machine becomes extremely warm, generates smoke or an unusual odour, or makes an unusual noise, pull the plug out of the mains socket immediately and inform your local service centre.
Ensure that the paper outlet is always unobstructed in order to avoid paper jams and possible subsequent damage to the printer head.
Always contact your local service centre in the event of a problem.
1-6 MF 1100 Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99
Approval symbol
The Minoltafax 1100 fulfils the fax requirements accord ing to CT R 21 and DTS.
The machine bears the EMV symbol as proof that it comp lies to requirements of EN 50081-1 and EN 50082-1.
Machines equipped with the "GS" emblem have design approval according t o national and international standards.
The noise level at the place of work is 75 dB (A) or less according to ISO 777.
Machines with CE approval (CTR 21 approval)
These machines fulfil the valid European requirements of the Council Decision 98/482/EC for individual connections to public telephone networks (PSTN)
As there are certai n d iffe ren ces i n the networks of the i ndi vi dua l m em be r states, problems can still occur with main connections (PSTN) despite fulfilment of all requirements. If you should encounter any difficulties, please contact your local service centre.
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1-8 MF 1100 Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99
Unpacking, installation, setup
2 Unpacking, installation, setup
2.1 Unpacking the fax machine
CAUTION Plastic packaging is hazardous for small children!
Please keep the packaging out of reach of small children.
1 Remove the fax machine and its accessories from the carton.
Fax machine
Paper support
Instruction manual
Telephone handset
Telephone cable
Ink cartridge
2 Remove the individual packaging. 3 Remove the transport retainer bands.
Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99 MF 1100 2-1
Unpacking, installation, setup
Machine layout
Paper support
Document support
Document guide
Control panel
Document output
Paper output
Ringer volume
Monitoring volume
Document sensor
Document transport roller 1
Document transport rolle r 2
Document release lever
2-2 MF 1100 Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99
Unpacking, installation, setup
Control panel of Minoltafax 1100
Item Designation Function
1 NUMERIC KEYPAD To enter figures or letters 2 MENU To scroll through the various menus 3 SET To confirm data / selections in the menus 4 MEMORY Will blink when data is stored in the page memory 5 DISPLAY Shows various information:
6 PRINTER RESET To re-align the printer 7 AUTO/TAD/MAN To switch between:
8 RESOLUTION To select the transmission resolution:
9 ONE-TOUCH To directly dial numbers stored under the one-touch
1 234 5 678
Standard display: Date and time
Specific input requi rements
Status message
Automatic fax reception
Answering machine
Manual fax reception
keys 0 to 9.
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Unpacking, installation, setup
Item Designation Function
9 DIRECTORY To scroll through the directory 10 SEARCH To search for a specific directory number 11 START To start a function:
12 COPY To start:
13 STOP To interrupt a function and eject a document 14 REDIAL/P To re-dial the number last dialled, and to insert a pause
15 HOLD To temporarily place a call on hold 16 R To call an outside line within a PBX system 17 MONITORING To acoustically monitor a call / connection
A copy function
A list print-out
between two digits of a number
2-4 MF 1100 Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99
Unpacking, installation, setup
2.2 Installing t h e fax machine
Ambient requirements
Optimum ambient requirements for the printer are: l Temperatures between 5°C and 35°C
(Fluctuations max. 10°C per hour)
l Humidity between 15% and 85%
(Fluctuations max. 20% per hour).
The installation location must fulfil the following requirements:
l Dry and dust-free. l Level and vibration-free surface. l Away from easily inflammable objects, such as curtains. l Free of objects that could block the ventilation slots in the
machine housing.
l Easily accessible mains socket. l Away from explosive gases.
The machine must be protected from the following:
l Splashing liquids. l Organic gases, such as am mo nia c l Direct sunlight. l Excessive temperature fluctuations. l Discharged air from heaters and air-conditioning units.
CAUTION Condensation during temperature fluctuations!
Temperature fluctuations can cause the development of condensation inside the machine.
If condensation has developed, switch on the machine at least 15 minutes before it is to be used.
Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99 MF 1100 2-5
Unpacking, installation, setup
Space requirement
Ensure that the machine has sufficient space so that it can function correctly and be easily accessi ble .
The machine dimensions are:
l Height: 264mm l Width: 360mm l Depth: 300mm.
Does the fax machine have enough space?
Ensure that there is sufficient space in front of the fax machine, otherwise the ejected document or paper could become jammed.
Storage of consumables
Store the consumables
l In their closed original packaging l Protected from direct sunlight or heat. l In a cool, dry and dust-free place. l Our of the reach of small children.
A small box is located inside the Minoltafax 1100 in which a spare ink cartridge can be stored.
2-6 MF 1100 Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99
Unpacking, installation, setup
2.3 Setting up the fa x machine
Connecting the fax machine
1 Slide the plastic noses on the paper
support in the available slots.
2 Connect the handset to the
available connection.
Connection for handset
3 Connect the fax machine to the
telephone connection. Insert the electrical plug in the mains socket.
Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99 MF 1100 2-7
Unpacking, installation, setup
Installing the ink cartridge
CAUTION Damage to ink cartridge!
If handled incorrectly, the printing head on the ink cartridge can be damaged. The ink cartridge can then no longer be used.
Do not touch the printing head on the ink cartridge.
Do not place the ink cartridge on its printing head.
Do not dismantle the ink cartridge.
Do not shake the ink cartridge.
1 Fold the control panel forwards.
The cartridge holder will move to central position.
2 Open the printer unit cover.
The cartridge holder is under the cover.
If the cartridge holder is not
under the cover?
Press the [ PRINTER RESET] key.
3 Remove the protection strips
from the ink cartridge.
2-8 MF 1100 Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99
Unpacking, installation, setup
4 Insert the ink cartridge in the
cartridge holder.
5 Gently pres s the ink cartridge
forwards. The ink cartridge must engage
with an audible click.
6 Close the control panel cover.
The display will show NEW CARTRIDGE.
appear in the display?
Check whether the cartridge has properly engaged in its holder.
7 Confirm by pressing the [SET]
key. The standard display message
will appear.
Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99 MF 1100 2-9
NEW CARTRIDGE ? 08 06. 99 15:32
Unpacking, installation, setup
Re-aligning the printer
Re-align the printer.
1 Press the [MENU] key 7 times.
Confirm your choice by pressing the [SET] key.
2 Press the [MENU] key. Confirm
your choice by pressing the [SET] key.
A test page will be printed out.
3 Determine which line segmen t on
the test print is closest to being a straight line.
4 Enter the code of this line segment
via the numerical keys. Confirm your choice by pressing the [SET] key.
You will hear a beep. The printer is now re-aligned.
5 Press the [STOP] key to return to
the standard display.
2: ALIGN ?
 PRINTING 
ALIGN (00-30) : 1n
08 06. 99 15:32
Always after replacing the ink cartridge!
In order to ensure optimum p rint ing results, the printer should al w ay s be re-aligned after installing a new ink cartridge.
2-10 MF 1100 Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99
Unpacking, installation, setup
Inserting paper
Insert up to 50 sheets of paper (75g/m Use only good quality paper with the following qualities:
Paper formats:
A4 (210×297 mm), Letter (216× 279 mm), Legal size (216×356 mm). The default setting is A4. See page 8-1 for other settings.
Paper thickness: less than 0,2 mm
Paper weight: 64 to 90g/m
1 Fold the paper support forwards.
2 Fan through the paper bundle
before inserting it.
) in the paper feeder.
3 Align the paper at the right edge of
the paper feeder and slide it downwards until it rests on the stopper.
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Unpacking, installation, setup
4 Slide the left paper guide against
the paper.
5 Close the paper support.
2-12 MF 1100 Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99
Unpacking, installation, setup
Setting the ringer volume
Set the ringer volume as required. The volume selector switch is at the left side of the machine.
Select one of the settings: H Ringer loud M Ringer normal OFF Ringer silent
Setting the monitoring volume
Set the monitoring volume as required. The volume selector switch is at the left side of the machine.
Select one of the settings: H Monitoring loud M Monitoring normal L Monitoring quiet
Ringer volume
Monitoring volume
Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99 MF 1100 2-13
Unpacking, installation, setup
2-14 MF 1100 Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99
Individual fax machine settings
3 Individual fax machine settings
3.1 Please observe!
You should read these pages thoroughly and become familiar with your Minoltafax 1100 in order to be able to set the machine to your individual requirements.
List of letters, symbols and digits
Letters, symbols and digits can be entered via the numerical keys. All characters accessible by the numerical keys are listed in three groups. The table below shows how the characters are compiled.
Numerical key Capital letters Small letters Digits
1& ’ ( ) , - . & ’ ( ) , - . 1 2A B Ca b c2 3D E Fd e f3 4G H Ig h i4 5J K Lj k l5 6M N Om n o6 7P Q R Sp q r s7 8T U Vt u v8 9 W X Y Z w x y z 9 0 Space Space 0
The respective character will appear depending on how many times you press the numerical key.
Numerical key to call "capital letters"
Press 1x
Press 2x
Press 3x
Press 4x
Press 5x
Press 6x
Press 7x
Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99 MF 1100 3-1
Individual fax machine settings
Entering letters and digits
When it is possible to freely select a character, a black square containing the letter "A" will appear at the right end of the display.
Enter a name via the numerical keys.
Select the character group via the
[DIRECTORY] arrow key.
A for capital lettersa for small letters1 for digits
Press the re spective control pa nel
key in order to enter the required character; see page 3-1.
Press the one-touch key
[5 - CURSOR RIGHT], to confirm your choice.
The cursor will then move to the next position. Enter the next character.
n A
n a
n A
Mn A
Mn A
Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you
have entered all characters.
One-touch keys [4], [5] and [0] have double functions!
The one-touch keys [4], [5] and [0] have double functions. For some procedures, keys [4] and [5] are used move the cursor in the display, while [0] is used to delete characters: One-touch key [4] = Cursor to left One-touch key [5] = Cursor to right One-touch key [0] = Delete character
3-2 MF 1100 Rev. 1.1.1/07.06.99
Individual fax machine settings
Correcting an entered character
If you enter a wrong character, it can be easily corrected as follows:
Press one-t ouch key [4 - CURSOR
LEFT], to position the cursor on th e character to be corrected.
Select the correct character
press the one-touch key [0 - DELETE] to delete the wrong character.
One-touch keys [4], [5] and [0] have double functions!
The one-touch keys [4], [5] and [0] have double functions. For some procedures, keys [4] and [5] are used move the cursor in the display, while [0] is used to delete characters: One-touch key [4] = Cursor to left One-touch key [5] = Cursor to right One-touch key [0] = Delete character
Setting dialling pauses
When storing numbers under a one-touch key or in the directory, you should include dialling pauses when necessary.
Press the [REDIAL/P] key where
you want to insert a dialling pause. A semicolon (;) will appear in the
display where you have inserted a dialling pause.
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+ 93 hidden pages