Konica Minolta DI251F, DI351F User Manual

5 (1)
User Manual
The essentials of imaging


1 Introduction
1.1 We Want You to Be a Satisfied Customer ..................................1-1
1.2 Preserving the Environment . . . ..................................................1-2
Takeback and Reutilisation.............................................................1-2
What is E ne r g y Sta r®? ............ ......................................... ..............1 -2
Use of Recycled Paper......................... .......... .......... .......... ............1-2
Dispose of Ni-MH batteries in an environmentall y fr iendly manner.1-3
1.3 G u i d e to th is M a nua l....... ..............................................................1 -4
How Is this Manual Structured?......................................................1-4
A Brief Explanation of the Conventions used in this Manu al........ .. .1-6
A Brief Explanation of Important Concepts and Symbols...............1-8
2 Getting to Know Your System
2.1 System overview...........................................................................2-1
Di251f/Di351f (external). .................................................................2-1
Di251f/Di351f (internal) ...................................................................2-4
2.2 O p t io n a l E qu i p me n t................................................... ...................2-5
Origin a l C o ver OC-3....... ............ ................................................... ..2-5
Automatic Document Feeder AF-9...... .......... .. .......... .. .......... .. ........2-6
Duplexing Document Feeder AFR-17...... .. .......... .. .. .......... ............ .2-7
Finisher FN-109/FN-110.................................................................2-8
Option Tray JS-100.........................................................................2-9
Mailbin Finisher FN-504 ............. .................... .. .......... .. .......... .. ....2-10
Internal Finisher for Offset Tray OT-102.......................................2-11
Sorte r JS-201.................................................................. ..............2 -1 1
Duplex Unit AD-15 ........................................................................2-12
Paper Drawer PF-118/PF-119. .....................................................2-13
Large Cap a c ity C as s e tt e P F -1 1 7..................................................2-14
Copy Table....................................................................................2-15
Paper Feed Cabinet......................................................................2-15
Extended memory.............. .. .......... .......... .......... ..................... ......2-15
Printer Controller Pi3502...............................................................2-15
2.3 The Safe Use of Your System....................................................2-16
Laser Safety..................................................................................2-21
Intern a l La s e r R a di a tio n. ... .. ..........................................................2-21
Noise Emission.............................................................................2-22
Safet y L a bel ............................................................... ...................2-23
Data on th e M anu fa c tu rer's Name P la te ..... ..................................2 -2 6
Di251f/Di351f IVZ-1
2.4 Tr a ns p o r tin g th e Sys te m ....... .. ................................ .................. 2-27
2.5 Se t tin g up th e Sys te m................................................................ 2-2 7
Environmental Requirements.......................... .......... ...................2-27
Instal la tion Site ............ ................................................................. 2-2 7
Space Requirements for the System............................................ 2-28
Storing Supplies ........................................................................... 2-28
2.6 Connecting the power cord and phone cable..........................2-29
Connecting the phone cab le.............................. .......... .......... .......2-29
Connecting the power cord..... .................... .. .......... .. .......... .. ........2-29
2.7 Switching the system on and off ..............................................2-30
Switching the System On .............................................................2-30
Switching the System Off .............................................................2-31
2.8 Control Panel Keys and Indicators.............. .............................2-32
Overvi ew .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... ... .... ..... ... ..... .... ..... ... ..... .... ... ..... . 2 -32
The Touch Screen........................................................................2-34
Impo rta n t Ic o n s in th e D is p la y ......... .. ...........................................2-35
2.9 The Touch Screen ................. .. .......... .. .. .......... .. .................... .. ...2-36
Operating the Touch Screen ........................................................ 2-36
The "Auto" Priority Screen............................................................ 2-37
The "Copier" Priority Screen......................................................... 2-39
The "Fax " P rio rity Screen ...... ... .. ......................................... ......... 2-41
2.10 Adding P ap e r ......... .. ......................................... .......................... 2-4 4
Filling the 1st Drawer.................................................................... 2-45
Filling the 2nd Drawer...................................................................2-47
Filling the PF-119 Paper Drawer (Optional) ............. ....................2-49
Filling the PF-118 Paper Drawer (Optional) ............. ....................2-51
Filling the PF-117 Large Capacity Cassette (Optional)................2-54
Placing Paper onto the Single Feed Tray.....................................2-56
2.11 Replacing the Toner Bottle........................................................ 2-57
2.12 Replacing the Imaging Unit ....................................................... 2-60
2.13 Replacing the Staple Cartridge................................................. 2-63
Finish e r F N -1 0 9.. .. ... ............................................................ ......... 2-64
Finish e r F N -1 1 0.. .. ... ............................................................ ......... 2-66
Mailbin Finisher FN-504 ...............................................................2-68
2.14 Changing the Stamping Unit (Optional)................................... 2-70
2.15 Shutt in g Down the Syst em .... .................................................... 2-71
2.16 Please Observe these Precautions...........................................2-72
2.17 Proper Use of Your System....................................................... 2-72
3 Initial Steps . . .
IVZ-2 Di251f/Di351f
3.1 Step-by-step Instructions on Creating a Copy...........................3-1
3.2 Step-by-step instructions on sending a fax ...............................3-4
3.3 Entering the Access Number.......................................................3-6
3.4 Checking the Current System Settings.......................................3-7
3.5 Entering the Number of Copies ...................................................3-8
3.6 Starting a copy or fax job.............................................................3-8
3.7 Interrupting the Copy Cycle.........................................................3-9
3.8 Stopping/deleting the current job..............................................3-10
Stoppi n g / D el e tin g th e Co py C yc le ....... .. ... ....................................3-10
Deleting a Fax Cycle.....................................................................3-11
3.9 Resetting the System to its Default Settings................. ...........3-12
3.10 Usi ng th e Doc u me n t F e ed e r s ......... ............ ...............................3-1 3
Copying Originals using the Automatic Document Feeder...........3-14
Processing Originals using the Duplexing Document Feeder.......3-16
Feeding Originals of Different Sizes......... .. .......... .. .......... .......... .. .3-19
Loading 2in1 Originals for Page Separation................................ .3-21
3.11 Pla ci n g Or ig in a ls o n the G la s s .... ... ......................................... ..3-2 2
Paper Originals and Transparent Originals3-22
Books and Bound Originals...........................................................3-24
3.12 Usi ng Me m o r y Re ca l l..................................................................3-2 5
3.13 Oth e r Fu n c t io n s ......... .. ................................................... ............3-2 6
Automatic Drawer Switching.........................................................3-26
Automatic Reset of System Settings.............................................3-26
Energy Save Mode........................................................................3-26
Auto Shut Off (Sleep Mode) ..........................................................3-26
Automatic Shut- o ff fo r th e Background LCD Light....... .................3-26
Auto Co py S ta rt....... .. ....................................................................3-27
4 Customizing Your Copy
4.1 B a s ic S et ti n g s ......... ...................... ................................................4-1
Enabling Auto Paper Select Mode..................................................4-2
Selecting a Paper Drawer Manual ly.... .. .......... .. .................... .. .. ......4-3
Specifying the Paper Type for the 1st Drawer ................................4-4
Defining a Custom Paper Size for the 1st Drawer..........................4-6
Storing Custom Paper Sizes for the 1st Drawer .............................4-8
Loading a Saved Paper Size for the 1s t Drawer................ ...........4-11
Specifying the Paper Type for the Single Feed Tray................. ...4-13
Specifying the Paper Siz e for the Single Feed Tray................. ....4-13
Storing a Custom Paper Size for the Si ngle Feed Tray............. .. .4-15
Loading a Saved Paper Size for the Single Feed Tray.... .......... .. .4-17
Di251f/Di351f IVZ-3
Enabling Auto Size ....................................................................... 4-18
Selecting a Fixed Zoom Factor..................................................... 4-19
Selecting a Zoom Factor using the Arrow Keys ...........................4-20
Specifying a Proportional Zoom Factor....................... .................4-21
Specifying an Unproportional Zoom Factor..................................4-23
Saving Proportional Zoom Factors.................. .......... ...................4-25
Loading Saved Zoom Factors......................................................4-27
Non-sorted Copies........................................................................4-28
Sort/Group Cop ie s... .. ................................ ................................... 4-2 9
Stapling Copies ............................................................................ 4-31
Punc hi n g Co p ie s ..... ................................................... .................. 4-40
4.2 Or ig i n al > C o py F un c t io n s.... ............ ........................................... 4-42
Selec ti ng a Cop y Mo d e .... ............................................................ 4-45
Specifying the Alignment of the Original....................................... 4-47
Copying Originals with File Margins .............................................4-48
Copying Books ............................................................................. 4-50
Copying 2in1 Originals .................................................................4-55
4.3 Density Settings ......................................................................... 4-57
Toggling Auto Exposure ............................................................... 4-58
Making Copies Lighter or Darker..................................................4-59
Changing the Density Mode............. .......... .. .......... .......... .. ..........4-60
4.4 Auxiliary Functions....................................................................4-61
Inser tin g a Cov e r S h ee t.. .. ............................................................ 4-62
Inserting Separator Pages.... .. .......... .. .......... .......... .. .......... .. ........4-65
OHP Inte r le a ving ..... .. ................................................... ................ 4-6 8
Adding a Margin to Your Copy .....................................................4-71
Erasing a Margin or Frame around Your Copy.............................4-73
Duplicating Images onto a Copy................................................... 4-75
Printing Background Record Numbers.........................................4-79
Separate Scan..............................................................................4-81
5 Combining Copy Functions
5.1 Or ig i n al : 1 -s id e d , C o py: 1-sided .... ... ............................... ........... 5-3
5.2 Or ig i n al : 1 -s id e d , C o py: 2-sided .... ... ............................... ........... 5-7
5.3 Or ig i n al : 2 -s id e d (F ile M a rg in le ft ), Copy: 1-s ided. .. .......... .. ... . 5-11
5.4 Or ig i n al : 2 -s id e d (F ile M a rg in le ft ), Copy: 2-s ided. .. .......... .. ... . 5-15
5.5 Or ig i n al : 2 -s id e d (F ile M a rg in a bo v e ), Cop y : 1 -s id e d... ........... 5-19
5.6 Or ig i n al : 2 -s id e d (F ile M a rg in a bo v e ), Cop y : 2 -s id e d... ........... 5-23
6 Instructions for the Fax Unit
6.1 Fax Document Size....................................................................... 6-1
IVZ-4 Di251f/Di351f
Sending Fax Documents using a Document Feeder.......... ........... .6-2
6.2 E n t er in g D at a...... ... ................................................... .....................6-3
Conventions for Data Entry.............................................................6-3
Entering Text...................................................................................6-3
6.3 Ways of Sending Documents.......................................................6-4
6.4 Send a Fax Document from Memory...........................................6-5
. . . if loading the fax document onto the original glass ...................6-5
. . . if loading the fax document into the document feeder..............6-7
6.5 Activity Report – Status................................................................6-8
Viewi n g the St a tu s o f th e Current Trans mis sion... .. ............. ...........6-8
Delet e the Cur re n t S ca n , D ia l o r Tr a nsfer. ...................... ................6 -9
6.6 Activity Report – Bulletin Board................................................6-10
View the Polling List......................................................................6-10
Printing the Content s of a Document on the Polling List...............6-12
Deleting a Document from the Polling List....................................6-13
6.7 Activity Report – Transmissions ...............................................6-14
Viewing a List of Send Jobs....................... .......... .......... ...............6-14
Resending a Failed Send Job................................ .. .......... .......... .6-15
Printing a Progress Repor t f or a Curr ent Send Job........... ...........6-16
Changing the Destina ti on of a Send Job...... .......... .. .......... ...........6-17
Deleting a Send Job.................. .. .......... .. .......... .......... .. .......... .. ....6-18
6.8 Activity Report – Receive................... .. .......... .......... .. .......... .. ....6-19
Viewing a List of Receive Jobs .....................................................6-19
Deleting a Receive Job.................................................................6-20
Rerequesting a Receive Job............ .......... .......... .......... .. .......... ...6-21
6.9 Activity Report – Box..................................................................6-22
Viewing a List of Documents Stored in the Mailbox......................6-22
Printing the Contents of a Document in the Mailbox.....................6-23
Delete a Document from the Mailbox............................................6-24
Send a Document from the Mailbox...... .......... .......... .......... .. ........6-25
6.10 Failed Send Jobs ........................................................................6-26
6.11 What is the F CODE? ..................................................................6-27
7 Operating the fax unit
7.1 O n e Tou c h ..... ............................................................. ...................7-1
Dialling indiv idual destinations using OneTouch..................... .. ......7-1
Broadcast Faxing using OneTouch.................................................7-3
Calling up the Fax Program ............................................................7-4
Combine Call Num be r s with Chain Dial........................................ ..7-6
Dialling individual destinati ons using on-hook dial....................... .. .7-8
Starting relay bro adcasting using one-touch.................... ...............7-9
Di251f/Di351f IVZ-5
7.2 Abbreviated dialling ................................................................... 7-11
Dialling individual numbers using speed dialing.......... .......... .......7-11
Broadcast Faxing using Abbreviated Dialling...............................7-13
7.3 10-Key Dialling............................................................................7-15
Dialling individual destinations using the 10-Key Pad................ ..7-15
Broadcast Faxing using the 10-Key Pad ...................................... 7-16
7.4 Qu a l ity an d si z e red u c tion....... ... ............................................... 7 -1 8
Adjusting the Transfer Quality (Resolution).................................. 7-18
Set Con tra s t............................................... ................................... 7-2 0
Switc h in g Auto m a ti c R e d uc ti o n On /O f f ........................................ 7 -2 2
Defining the Scan Area................................................................. 7-24
7.5 Fax Menu Set 1 ........................................................................ 7-2 6
Real- time Transfe r... ...................... ............................................... 7 -2 6
Sending Priority............... .............................................................7-28
Timed Transfer (delayed sending)................................................7-29
Send Reduction.................. .. .......... .. .. .......... ............ .......... .. ........7-31
2-sided Sending......................... .......... .. .......... .......... ...................7-33
Applying Stamps (Optional)..........................................................7-35
7.6 Fax Menu – Set 2 ........................................................................ 7-3 7
Send/do not Send Identification....................................................7-37
Send a Recipient ID..................... .......... .. .......... .. .......... .......... .....7-39
Printing a TX Report.....................................................................7-41
Creating a Remote Copy.............................................................. 7-42
Sending a Password........ .. .......... .......... .. .......... .. .......... ...............7-44
7.7 FAX Menu – Bulletin Board .......................................................7-45
Preparing a Document in a Secure Bul letin Board Box................7-45
Preparing a Document in a Secure Reci pient Bulletin Board Box 7-48 Retrieving a Document from a Secure
Bulletin Board Mailbox.................................................................. 7-49
7.8 Fax Menu – Applica ti o n s .... ...................... ................................. 7-53
Preparing a Document for Free Request......................................7-53
Retrieving a Document .................................................................7-55
8 Specific System Settings
8.1 Input – User's Choice...................................................................8-2
User’s Cho i ce [1 /6 ] ...... .......................................... ......................... 8-4
User’s Cho i ce [2 /6 ] ...... .......................................... ......................... 8-5
User’s Cho i ce [3 /6 ] ...... .......................................... ......................... 8-8
User’s Cho i ce [4 /6 ] ...... .......................................... .......................8-10
User’s Cho i ce [5 /6 ] ...... .......................................... .......................8-12
User’s Cho i ce [6 /6 ] ...... .......................................... .......................8-14
8.2 Input – Fax Input......................................................................... 8-15
IVZ-6 Di251f/Di351f
Abbrev ia ted Dial.................. ................................................... .......8 -1 7
OneTouch .....................................................................................8-25
Index .............................................................................................8-36
Setting up fax programs and groups........................... .. .......... ......8-38
Relay groups.................................................................................8-51
Self abbr.#............................ .. .......... .......... .. .......... .. .......... .......... .8-54
Bulle tin B oard..... ...................... .....................................................8 -5 6
Account Input........ .......... .................. ........... .......... .. .................. ...8-59
8.3 Count............................................................................................8-63
8.4 Job Recall............. .. .......... .. .......... .. .......... .. .................... .. .......... .8-65
Saving a Copy Job Program.........................................................8-65
Checking the Settin g s of a Copy Job Pro g ra m ... .. ............ ............8-6 7
Recalling a Stored C o py Job Pr o gr a m...... .. ...................... ............8-6 9
Deleting a Stored Copy Job Program ...........................................8-71
8.5 User Management .......................................................................8-73
Confirmation Beep ........................................................................8-74
Alarm Bee p ..... ... ...................................................................... .....8-7 5
Line Mo ni to r V o lu m e .... .. ...............................................................8 -7 5
Panel Cleaning....... .......... ..................... .. .......... .......... .. .......... ......8-76
Toner Replenisher.........................................................................8-77
8.6 A d min. Manage m e n t.. ......................................... ........................8 -7 8
Administrator Set...........................................................................8-82
Copy Track....................................................................................8-83
Account Input........ .......... .................. ........... .......... .. .................. ...8-95
Initial Setting................................................................................8-100
Receive Setting...........................................................................8-102
Fax Transmission Settings..........................................................8-105
Account Counter......................... .......... .......... .......... .. .......... ......8-107
Report Settings............... .................... .. .. .......... .................... .. ....8-108
Report Print............................ .....................................................8-109
8.7 Report.........................................................................................8-110
Report 1...................... .. .......... .. .......... .. .......... .. .......... .. .......... .. ..8-112
Report 2...................... .. .......... .. .......... .. .......... .. .......... .. .......... .. ..8-113
9 Troubleshooting
9.1 If You are not Sa ti s fie d w it h Yo u r C op y . . . . ...............................9-1
9.2 If a Message Appears on the Touch Screen. . ...........................9-4
9.3 Error during a fax transmission ..................................................9-5
9.4 If a Malfunction Code Appears . . . ..............................................9-7
9.5 If a paper jam is in dic a ted . . . ..... ... ............................................. 9 -8
Di251f/Di351f IVZ-7
Main Un it ......................... ............................................................ 9-10
Singl e F eed Tr a y ......... ...................... ...........................................9-14
Duplex Unit................................................................................... 9-16
Duplexing Document Feede r AFR-9.......... .. .............................. ..9-18
Automatic Document Feede r AFR-7.......... .. ............ ....................9-20
Finish e r F N -1 0 9.. .. ... ................................................... .................. 9-22
Finish e r F N -1 1 0.. .. ... ................................................... .................. 9-26
Mailbin Finisher FN-504 ...............................................................9-30
Finisher for Offset Tray/Sorter JS-201.......................................... 9-34
9.6 Ho w to R el e as e a Sta p le Ja m .................................................... 9-37
Finish e r F N -1 0 9............................................................................ 9-3 8
Finish e r F N -1 1 0............................................................................ 9-4 0
Mailbin Finisher FN-504 ...............................................................9-42
9.7 These Functions Cannot Be Combined!.......................... ........9-45
Basic Settings............................................................................... 9-46
Orig.>Copy Settings .....................................................................9-49
Density.......................................................................................... 9-53
Auxiliary Functions ....................................................................... 9-54
Other............................................................................................. 9-56
10 Appendix
10.1 Care of the Unit...........................................................................10-1
Cleaning .......................................................................................10-1
Cleaning the Touch Screen.......................................................... 10-3
Cleaning the Automatic Document Feeder................................... 10-5
10.2 System M a in t e nan c e .............. .................................................... 10-6
10.3 Specifications .............................................................................10-7
Duplexing Document Feeder AFR-17 .................. .. .......... .. .. ........10-9
Automatic Document Feeder AF-9............. .......... .. .......... ..........10-10
Large Capacity Cassette PF-117 ...............................................10-10
Paper Tray PF-118/PF-119........................................................10-11
Duplex Unit AD-15...................................................................... 10-11
Finish e r F N -1 0 9..........................................................................10-12
Finish e r F N -1 1 0..........................................................................10-14
Option Tray JS-100 ....................................................................10-15
Mailbin Finisher FN-504 .............................................................10-16
Sorte r JS-201 ............................................................................. 10-18
Finisher for Offse t Tra y OT-100 (only Di251f)............... .............10-19
10.4 Paper S iz e Ta b le s .... .. .......................................... ..................... 10-20
IVZ-8 Di251f/Di351f
10.5 Zoom Factor Tables..................................................................10-21
Inch .............................................................................................10-22
10.6 CE L abe l (Declara ti o n of C on f o rmity) ........ .............................10-2 3
10.7 Certifications on the Manufacturer’s Name Plate ..................10-24
Certifications for Devices with the CE Label...............................10-25
10.8 Directory of Abbreviations.......................................................10-26
10.9 Index...........................................................................................10-27
Di251f/Di351f IVZ-9
IVZ-10 Di251f/Di351f

1 Introduction

1.1 We Want You to Be a Satisfied Customer

Thank you for choosing a Minolta multi-purpose system. To ensure the best perfo rmance and effective use of your system, this
manual provides information on the following topics:
G Getting to Know Your System G Initial Step s . . . G Customizing Your Copy G Combining Functions G Setting up the Fax Unit G Using Utility G Troubleshooting.
Please read this manual carefully before using your system and keep it handy at all times.
For further infor ma ti on and assistance, please contact:
G your Minolta Technical Representative; G the Minolta Hotline, Tel.: 0800/ 64665 82 (free of charge) and G our Web site, http://www.minolta.com.
Please keep the serial number (l ocated on the system’s rating plate) a nd the system’s date of pur chase handy to ensure fast, accurat e assistance in the event of difficulties.
. . . because we want you to be a satisfied customer.
Di251f/Di351f 1-1

1.2 Preserving the Environment . . .

Minolta support s the challenge of preserving t he environment and does all that it can to active ly par ticipate in prev enting and resolving ecological problems. Our production is certified under ISO 9000 (q uality management) and ISO14001 (environment management).

Takeback and Reutilisa ti on

Used systems, empty toner and drum units and used toner and drum units are taken back by a local MINOLTA partner and processed for recycling and reutilisation of materi als. For more information, call 0800/6 4665 82 (toll free).
What is Energy Star
After long periods of idl eness, Energy Star
Saver Mode or turn themsel ves off. This function can reduce the annual energy costs for the unit by up to 60%.
Systems with a high copying speed automatical ly switch to 2-sided copying mode. This red uces the paper costs and th e volume of paper consumed.
Did you know that manufacturing a sheet of paper requi res 10 times as much energy as making a copy ?
The conservation of paper thus also has a direct global effect on the conservation of energy.
This system complies with the Energy Star

Use of Recycled Paper

This system is suited for processing recycled paper that meets the requirements o f ENV 12281 or DIN 193 09. For details, consult your local MINOLTA partner.
systems switch to Energy
energy efficiency criteria.
1-2 Di251f/Di351f

Dispose of Ni-MH batteries in an environmentally friendly manner.

This system is equipped wit h Ni- M H batt eri es to maintain memory. Dispose of used batteri es according to local or dinance.
Di251f/Di351f 1-3

1.3 Guide to this Manual

How Is this Manual Structured?

If you are not sure where to l ocate the i nformation you need, please refer to this section. The following table will help you. For detailed information on specific issues, refer to the index at the end of the manual.
No. Chapter Description
1 Introdu cti on This c hapt er cont a in s i ntr od uc tor y i nfor m atio n
2 Getting to Know Your
3 Initial Steps . . . This chapter prov ides you with the knowledge
4 Customiz in g Your Copy This chapt er e xpl ai ns the ef fect i ve use of yo ur
5 Combining copy
6 Instructions for the Fax
7 Operating the fax unit This chapter explains the effective use of the
pertaining to the effective use of this manual. This chapter is provided to familiarize you with
your syst em an d its featu res. I t desc ribes such subjects as:
Syste m ov erview
Safe and re lia bl e us e of t he sy ste m
Setting up the system
Switc hi ng the sy s t e m on and off
Filling the paper drawers
Changing the toner cartridge
needed for using your system, such as:
Step-by-step Instructions on Copying Your Documents
Step-by-step instructions on sending a fax
Starting a copy or fax job
Stopping a copy or fax job
Loading origi nals
system 's copy fu nctions, for example:
Basic settings
Original>Copy settings
Image de nsity settings
Auxiliary function s
This chapter includes tables that help you achie ve the copy result s yo u aim for.
This chapter provides some basic information on using the fax unit, such as:
Size of the fax submittal
Entering da ta
Monitoring fax jobs (Activity Report)
fax unit's featu res , for ex amp le :
One-to uch dial
Abbreviated dial (Ab br.#)
Manual dial
1-4 Di251f/Di351f
No. Chapter Description
8 Specific system setti ngs This chapter shows you how to configure the
system to meet your requir ements. It describes such subjects as:
Changing the User's Choice settings
Setting up one-touch dialling
Setting up abbreviated dialling
Setting up fax programs
Checking the me ter count
Carrying out administ rative tasks
9 Troubleshooting This chapter contains instructions to help you
recogn iz e err o r s and res ol ve them:
If you are not satisfied with your copy
Error codes
Clear ing a paper misfe ed
Clearin g a sta pl e jam
10 Appendix The appendix co ntains a collection of useful
supplementary information such as:
Care of the unit
Paper size tables
Zoom factor tables
Di251f/Di351f 1-5

A Brief Explanation of the Convention s used in this Manual

A variety of conventions and types of illustr ations are used for special emphasis in this manual. The following examples show the most important conventions and how to respond to t hem .
DANGER This is a danger warning!
The danger warning poin ts out a danger of potentially serious injury or death. Neglect ing the danger warning can lead to serio us personal i njury.
The arrow marks the precautionary measure requ ired to avoid the
WARNING This is a warning!
The warning poi nts out a hazardous s ituatio n for per sons and/or products. Neglecting the war ning can lead to persona l injur y and/or ser ious damage to the system.
The arrow marks the precautionary measure requ ired to avoid the
CAUTION This is a caution!
The caution poi nts out a po tential and d angerous situation. Neglecti ng the caution can lead to personal injury and/or system damage.
The arrow marks the precautionary measure requ ired to avoid the
1-6 Di251f/Di351f
[START] Such as the [START] button on the control panel
ERROR Touch screen message with the text ERROR
Single action to be performed
A list begins:
G These bullets indicate a list. G Lists with bullets do not have any specific order. Where a li st with white bu llets follows a list with bl ack bullet s, the white
G This is the end of the list.
1 2
or the [START] key on touch sc reen
(followed by no other st eps)
bullets are ranked bel ow the bl ack bullets.
Step 1 of a sequence of actions
Step 2 of a sequence of actions
This is additional assistance.
The action describ ed here is
sure to achieve the results you want.
This illustra tes what needs
to be done.
Step 3 of a sequence of actions
This bullet indicates a list within
a sequence of actions.
This is a helpful hint
Texts highlighted in this manner provid e useful tips.
Di251f/Di351f 1-7

A Brief Explanation of Important Conce pts and Symbols

Terms such as original, copy, lengthwise and crosswise, which are used to describe var ious items, h ave their own, c learly defined meanings. The most important of these terms are defined below.
Original and copy
The original is the document being duplicat ed by the copy cycle.
(document to be copied)
Copy cycle enlarge,
shrink, sort, staple, punch
Feeding direction
The feeding dir ection is the path the paper takes through the co pier. The feeding direction is shown by the arrows in the fol lowing illustr ation.
(copy of the ori ginal document)
1-8 Di251f/Di351f
Width and length
When paper sizes are giv en, the first value is al ways the width of the paper (side A). The second value i s the l ength of the paper (side B).
21 x 29.7 cm
Width of the paper (side A)
Lengthwise and crosswise
If side A of the paper format is shor ter than side B, this is referr ed to as lengthwise.
If side A of the paper format is longer than side B, this is referred to as crosswise.
Length of the paper (side B)
21 x 29.7 cm 29.7 x 21 cm
Lengthwise Crosswise
Abbreviation s are f requently placed after the paper sizes to indicate lengthwise or crosswise more accurately:
G Lengthwise: L such asA4 L G Crosswise: C such asA4 C.
Di251f/Di351f 1-9
1-10 Di251f/Di351f
Getting to Know Your System

2 Getting to Know Your System

2.1 System Overview

Di251f/Di351f (external)

10 11
6 7 8 9
1 2
3 4
Item Name Description
1 Control Panel The control p anel has keys and indicators for
operating the system.
2 Standard Output Tray Receives the created copies, faxes and
printouts (max. 100 sheets of plain paper).
3 Power Switch The power switch is located beneath the cover.
Use the po wer swit ch to switch the system on and off.
4 1st Paper Drawer
(Universal drawer)*
. . . continued on next page
* Universal paper drawers are variable in size and the operator can set them to hold different
sizes of paper.
This tray holds up to 250 sh eets of standard paper (80g/m paper.
The LED blinks: The paper drawer is almost empty.
The LED is on, not blinking: The paper drawer is empty.
) or up to 50 sheets of special
Di251f/Di351f 2-1
Getting to Know Your System
Di251f/Di351f (external)
1 2
3 4
Item Name Description
5 2nd Paper Drawe r This pa per drawer holds up to 500 sheet s of
standard paper (80g/m
The LED bl inks: The paper drawer is almost empty.
The LED is on, not blinkin g: The paper drawer is empty.
6 Original Glass Place the original face do wn on the original
7 Contrast Control Knob Use the cont rast control kn ob to change the
contrast on the touch screen.
8 Total Counter The counter shows the number of copies made
by the sy stem.
9 Upper Right Door Open thi s cover to clear a p aper misfeed.
10 Right Door (R1) Open this door t o change the imag ing uni t or
clear a paper jam.
11 La tc h for the Ri gh t
Door (R1)
. . . continued on next page
Pull this latc h t o op en the r ig ht do or (R 1).
6 7 8 9
10 11
2-2 Di251f/Di351f
Getting to Know Your System
Di251f/Di351f (external)
10 11
6 7 8 9
1 2
3 4
Item Name Description
12 Single Feed Tray Use the si ngle feed tray to manually feed
indivi du al sheets, suc h as spec ia l pa pe r (OH P sheets, thick paper, etc.) into the system.
13 Lower Right Doors Open these covers to clear paper misfeeds.
Di251f/Di351f 2-3

Di251f/Di351f (internal)

Item Name Description
1 Opening Button for the
Upper Right Door
Push this button to open the upper right door and remove a pape r jam.
Getting to Know Your System
2 Gree n H oo ks Pull thes e hooks to remo ve the im aging unit
when you need to ch ange it.
CAUTION Improper handling can affect the function of the system.
When the right door is open, the image transfer roller is accessible. If touched, the function of this roller can be i mp aired.
Never touch the image transfer
Image transfer roller
2-4 Di251f/Di351f
Getting to Know Your System

2.2 Optional Equipment

Original Cover OC-3

The original cover holds an original placed on the original glas s.
Item Name Description
1 Original Pad Holds an original placed on the original glass.
Di251f/Di351f 2-5
Getting to Know Your System

Automatic Document Feeder AF-9

The automatic do cument feeder ca n feed up to 70 ori ginal s in su cces sion automatically.
21 3 5 74 6
Item Name Description
1 Status Indica to r Lights gree n w hi le a n ori gi na l is bei ng sc an ne d.
2 Original Misfeed Door Open this cover to cle ar a paper misfeed. 3 Document Feeder Place the originals on the document feeder with
4 Document Guide Plate Set the document guid es to the origina l size. 5 Document Feed Tray
6 Document Exit Unit Receives the originals after they have been
7 Original Stopper Pull up the stopper when processing large-s ize
Lights red if a malfunction has occurred.
the side to be scanned face up.
Pull out this extender when processi ng large­size originals.
2-6 Di251f/Di351f
Getting to Know Your System

Duplexing Document Feeder AFR-17

The automatic do cument feeder can feed up to 50 ori ginal s in su cces sion automatically. If two-sided originals are being copied, the duplexing document feeder can also turn them over.
The single feed tray can be used for automatically feeding very thin or heavy originals.
Item Name Description
1 Document Exit Unit Receives the originals after they have been
2 Original Misfeed Doors Open these covers to clear paper misfeeds. 3 Document Feeder Place the originals on the document feeder with
4 Document Guide Pla te Set the d ocument guides to the original size. 5 Sin gle Feed Tray
21 2 3 4 5
the side to be scanned face up.
The sing le fe ed tra y allo w s yo u to pr o ce s s thinner or thicker originals than with the docume nt feeder . However, the originals must be fed one by one.
Di251f/Di351f 2-7
Getting to Know Your System

Finisher FN-109/FN-110

The finishers ena ble controlled finishing and stacking of printouts. The finishers can sort , group and staple print outs. The FN-109 finisher also permits punching printouts.
CAUTION Damage to the system by improperly estimating the space re quired
The offset trays of a finisher move downward during the print cycle. Objects below the offset trays may seriously damage them.
Do not place any objects below t he offset trays of the fini sher.
1 2
3 4
5 6
Item Name Description
1 Upper Cover Open this cover to clear a paper misfeed. 2 Door for the Option
3 Option Tray (Optional)* This tray receives printouts that were sent to it
. . . continued on next page
* The option tray is an optional unit for the FN-109 and FN-110 finishers. The option tray can
be used only in combination with a printer controller.
Open this door to clear a paper ja m located in the area of t he opti on tr ay .
from a PC.
2-8 Di251f/Di351f
Getting to Know Your System
Finisher FN-109/FN-110
1 2
3 4
5 6
Item Name Description
4 Top Offset Tray Receives pri ntouts m ade on st andard o r heavie r
5 Bottom Offset Tray The printouts sorted with the offset function are
6 Front Door (FN4) Open the front door to clear a pa per misfeed. 7 Recessed Grip Use the recessed grip to pull the finisher away
fed out here.
from the system.

Option Tray JS-100

The option tray is an optional accessory for the FN- 109 and FN-110 finisher. The opti on tr ay can be used only in combination with a printer controller for creating separate printouts.
Di251f/Di351f 2-9
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