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(“Software”) and related explanatory written materials (“Documentation”).
1. License Grant
Konica Minolta grants to you a non-exclusive license to use the Software. The term
Use” shall include storing, loading, installing, executing or displaying the Software
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4. Copies
You may not make copies of the Licensed Articles unless Konica Minolta’s prior
written consent is obtained provided that you may make one copy of the Software
solely for backup purposes.
5. Transfer
You may not transfer the Software, any copies or related Documentation or the License granted under this Agreement to a third-party transferee without Konica Minolta’s prior written consent.
6. Limited Warranty
Konica Minolta warrants, for your benefit alone, for a period of 90 days from the
date of commencement of this License Agreement (referred to as the “Warranty
Period”) that the Software shall operate substantially in accordance with the functional specifications in the Documentation. Konica Minolta specifically does not
FAX Address Book User’s Reference Guide
warrant that the Software will operate uninterrupted or error-free. If during the
Warranty Period, a defect in the Software appears, you may contact the Konica Minolta for either a replacement or, if so elected by Konica Minolta, refund of amounts
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liable for any damages, including loss of data, lost profits, or any other incidental,
consequential, or indirect damages arising from the use of, or failure or inability to
use this Software on any theory of liability. This limitation applies even if Konica Minolta have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
7. Export Requirements
You may not export, re-export the Software, any copy or adaptation without Konica’s prior written consent or in violation of any applicable Law or Regulation of the
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8. Termination
Konica Minolta may terminate your license by written notice to you for failure to
comply with any term of this Agreement. This License Agreement will also terminate upon your sale, transfer or disposal of the equipment having the Software embedded therein. Upon termination, you shall immediately destroy the Software and
any copies thereof, delete the Software from the hard drive of any product or computer in which it was installed, together with all Documentation.
9. No Waiver
The failure of any party to enforce any rights granted hereunder or to take action
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52.277-19. The Software is a “commercial item,” as that term is defined at 48
C.F.R. 2.101, consisting of “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation,” as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, all U.S.
Government End Users acquire the Software with only those rights set forth herein.
The manufacturer is: Konica Minolta Business Technologies, Inc., No. 26-2 NishiShinjuku 1-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0512, Japan.
Konica Minolta Business Technologies, Inc. has made every effort to ensure that the
information in this manual is complete and accurate; however, constant efforts are also
being made to improve and update this product. Therefore, Konica Minolta Business
Technologies, Inc. shall not be liable for errors in this manual or for any consequential
damages resulting from the use of this manual. The information contained herein is subject
to change without notice.
FAX Address Book User’s Reference Guide
Section 1: Introduction
This Manual ...........................................................................................9
What is Address Book? .......................................................................9
Forbidden Character ............................................................................9
List registered PC(SMB) settings..............................................................75
Edit a registered PC(SMB) setting............................................................76
Delete a registered PC(SMB) setting........................................................78
Section 10: Import / Export
Exporting Copier's Address Book Data............................................ 81
Editing Data Files................................................................................84
Edit a text file for speed dial numbers.......................................................85
Edit a text file for group dial numbers. ......................................................86
Edit a text file for program keys ................................................................87
Edit a text file for E-mail addresses ..........................................................88
Edit a text file for E-mail subjects..............................................................89
Edit a text file for E-mail body text ............................................................90
Edit a text file for FTPs..............................................................................91
Edit a text file for PC(SMB)s .....................................................................93
Importing PC's Address Book Data ..................................................94
Section 11: Initializing Parameters
Initializing Parameters for Each Function ........................................97
• This Manual
• What is Address Book?
• Forbidden Character
• Operating Environment
• Primary Functions
This Manual
This manual explains the operation of [Address Book], a function of the [Web Utilities]
employed in managing the copier with the web browser.
This manual assumes that the user understands the basic use of Windows and [Web
Refer to the manual for details of use of your operating system (Windows 95/98/Me,
Windows NT4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP).
Refer to the manual supplied with the application for details of use.
This manual consists of the following.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Starting and Terminating Address Book
Chapter 3 Registering and Editing Speed Dial Numbers
Chapter 4 Registering and Editing Group Dial Numbers
Chapter 5 Registering and Editing Programs
Chapter 6 Registering and Editing E-Mail Addresses
Chapter 7 Creating and Editing E-Mail
Chapter 8 Registering and Editing FTP Settings
Chapter 9 Registering and Editing PC(SMB) Settings
Chapter 10 Import/Export
Chapter 11 Initializing Parameters
What is Address Book?
Address Book is a function within [Web Utilities] which employs the web browser on a PC.
Use of Address Book permits registration and setup of copier fax numbers and E-mail
addresses from a PC.
Forbidden Character
You cannot input the following characters:
", &
FAX Address Book User’s Reference Guide
Operating Environment
The PC used must satisfy the following requirements in order to obtain the required
performance from the web utility and address book functions.
• The web browser used must support Java and JavaScript.
• The free space available on the hard disk on the PC used must satisfy the requirements
of the web browser.
• TCP/IP port 8192 must be available when accessing the print system.
• Operating system: Windows 95/98/Me/NT4.0/2000/XP
• Hardware
PC: IBM PC/AT compatible.
CPU: Intel Pentium 233MHz or faster
Memory : 64MB or more (128MB or more recommended)
Monitor : SVGA (800 x 600) 256 or more
• Web browser
Java and JavaScript must be installed when using Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 - 6.x
(compatible with Microsoft JVM4.0 or later).
Java and JavaScript must be installed when using Netscape 4.0 - 6.x (compatible with
Netscape JVM1.1.2 or later).
• Operating system: Mac OS8.x - 10.x
• Hardware
CPU: PowerPC604e 266MHz or faster
Memory: 64MB or more (128MB or more recommended)
Monitor: SVGA (800 x 600) 256 or more
• Web browser
Java and JavaScript must be installed when using Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 - 6.x
(compatible with MRJ2.1.4 or later - MRJ2.2.4 recommended).
Java and JavaScript must be installed when using Netscape 4.5 - 4.7x (compatible with
MRJ2.1.4 or later - MRJ2.2.4 recommended).
Primary Functions
Registration and editing of speed dial numbers
Registration of fax numbers with three-digit speed dial numbers. A maximum of 500 may
be registered.
Registration and editing of group dial numbers
Registration of multiple registered numbers in groups. Convenient when sending the
same fax to multiple numbers.
A maximum of 20 may be registered.
Registration and editing of programs
Store or edit addresses at the touch of a button.
A maximum of 40 may be registered.
Registration and editing E-mail addresses
Registration of E-mail addresses.
A maximum of 400 may be registered.
Creating and editing E-mail
Creation and editing of E-mail subject and text.
A maximum of every 10 may be created and registered.
Registering and editing FTP settings
Registration of FTP settings used in sending and receiving data.
A maximum of 50 may be registered.
Registering and editing PC(SMB) data
Personal computer information is registered when data is saved in the shared folder.
A maximum of 256 may be registered.
Enables exporting the address book data from the copier to the PC for editing.
It also enables importing the address book data to the copier after editing is completed.
Initialization of parameters
The parameters of each function can be initialized.
Starting and Terminat-
ing Address Book
• Accessing Web Utilities
• Starting Address Book
• Terminating Address
Accessing Web Utilities
*Refer to the [Web Utilities Users Manual] for details of operation.
Access the Web Utilities using the network setup utility or the web browser.
Access the Web Utilities using either of the following methods.
Specify the IP address
Specify the IP address of the copier from the web browser to access the copier.
1. Start the web browser.
2. Specify the IP address of the copier to be accessed.
Note: • The printer IP address is normally allocated by the system administrator.
Contact your system administrator for details.
•It may not be possible to access the Web Utilities if a proxy has been setup
for the web browser. Contact your network administrator for details.
Starting and Terminating Address Book
Use the network setup utility
Refer to the [Network Setup Utility Users Manual] for details of operation of the
network setup utility.
FAX Address Book User’s Reference Guide
Starting Address Book
The [Main Page] is displayed when the Web Utilities is accessed.
1. Click the [Address Book] button on the left of the Main Page.
The [Address Book Configuration] screen is displayed.
2. Enter the password.
*Check your password with the system administrator.
Starting and Terminating Address Book
3. Click the [Apply] button.
The top screen of the address book is opened, and the [Function Select Frame] and
[Abbr. Dial registration] screens are displayed.
select frame
Menu frame
Menu frame: Selects the Web Utilities function.
Function select frame: Menus for registration and setup in the Address Book.
Data display frame: Displays the screens for registration and setup selected on
Terminating Address Book
To terminate registration and setup of the Address Book, select another Web Utilities
function from the menu frame on the left hand side of the screen, or click the [x] button on
the upper right corner of the screen.
Data display
the function select frame. [Abbr. Dial registration] is
displayed as the top screen.
Registering and Editing
Speed Dial Numbers
• Registering Speed Dial
• Editing Registered
Speed Dial Numbers
Registering and editing speed dial numbers used for fax numbers. Up to 500 may be
Registering Speed Dial Numbers
Registering a speed dial number.
1. Start Address Book.
The [Abbr. Dial registration] screen is displayed in the Address Book top screen.
(Click the [Abbr. Dial] menu in the Address Book function select frame.)
Registering and Editing Speed Dial Numbers
[Entry] button: Registers the entered speed dial settings.
[Clear] button: Cancels the entered details.
[List] button: Opens the [Abbr. Dial list] screen and displays a list of
speed dial numbers.
2. Enter the registration name.
Enter a maximum of 24 alphanumeric characters.
3. Enter the search character.
Select one alphanumeric character from pull down menu, (eg. the first letter of the
registration name.)
4. Dial the number.
Enter the complete number beginning with the area code (eg. 03-3333-4444).
You can enter a maximum of 38 numbers, including symbols (*, #, T (tone), P (Pause),
E- (extension)). However, "T" can be entered only once and "E-" can be entered only
when a PBX connection is ON.
FAX Address Book User’s Reference Guide
5. Enter the registration number.
Enter any number within 3 digits from 0 to 499.
6. Click the [Entry] button.
The Confirm Registration screen is displayed. Confirm the details to be registered.
Click the [Back] button to return to the [Abbr. Dial registration] screen.
In cases when the speed dial number cannot be registered correctly, when the entered
data is incorrect, or else when initialization process is being executed by another PC,
the pertinent Confirmation screen will be displayed. In this instance, check the data
displayed on the Confirmation screen and click the [Back] button. This returns to the
[Abbr. Dial registration] screen.
Registering and Editing Speed Dial Numbers
Editing Registered Speed Dial Numbers
Edit or delete speed dial numbers.
List registered speed dial numbers
1. Click the [List] button on the [Abbr. Dial registration] screen.
The [Abbr. Dial list] screen is opened and a list of speed dial numbers is displayed.
[Delete] button: Deletes the selected speed dial number.
[Edit] button: Displays the [Abbr. Dial edit] screen.
The [Name], [Character to search] and [Dial No.] for the
selected speed dial number may be changed.
[Clear] button: Cancels the deletion or changes in the selected settings for
the speed dial number.
FAX Address Book User’s Reference Guide
[Search] button: Searches the speed dial number based on the search
character selected with the pull down menu and displays the
searched number.
The search character can be selected from registration
number, or one alphanumeric character from the pull down
menu (eg. the first letter of the registration name).
[Previous] button: Displays the last 20 speed dial numbers.
[Next] button: Displays the next 20 speed dial numbers.
[Back] button: Returns to the [Abbr. Dial registration] screen.
Edit a registered speed dial number
1. Display the [Abbr. Dial list] screen.
2. Click the radio button for the speed dial number to be changed.
3. Click the [Edit] button.
The [Abbr. Dial edit] screen is displayed.
[Entry] button: Registers the settings for the entered speed dial number.
[Clear] button: Cancels the changes to the entered speed dial number.
[Back] button: Returns to the [Abbr. Dial list] screen.
4. Enter the changes.
Registering and Editing Speed Dial Numbers
5. Click the [Entry] button.
The Confirm Changes screen is displayed.
Click the [Back] button to return to the [Abbr. Dial list] screen.
In cases when the speed dial number cannot be registered correctly, when the entered
data is incorrect, or else when initialization process is being executed by another PC,
the pertinent Confirmation screen will be displayed. In this instance, check the data
displayed on the Confirmation screen and click the [Back] button. This returns to the [Abbr. Dial edit] screen.
FAX Address Book User’s Reference Guide
Delete a registered speed dial number
1. Display the [Abbr. Dial list] screen.
2. Click the checkbox(es) of the speed dial number(s) to be deleted.
3. Click the [Delete] button.
The Abbr. Dial Delete screen will be displayed.
[Apply] button: Deletes the specified speed dial number.
[Back] button: Cancels the deletion of the specified speed dial number, and
returns to the [Abbr. Dial list] screen.
4. Click the [Apply] button.
The confirmation screen will appear, push [Back] to return to the [Abbr. Dial list]
When the speed dial number cannot be deleted, or when initialization is being
executed by another PC, the pertinent Confirmation screen will be displayed.
In this instance, check the data displayed on the Confirmation screen and click the
[Back] button. This returns to the [Abbr. Dial list] screen.
Registering and Editing Speed Dial Numbers
Registering and Editing
Group Dial Numbers
• Registering Group Dial
• Editing Registered
Group Dial Numbers
Registration and editing of group dial numbers used when sending the same fax to multiple
numbers. A maximum of 20 group dial numbers may be registered.
Registering Group Dial Numbers
Registering a group dial number.
1. Start the Address Book.
The [Abbr. Dial registration] screen is displayed in the Address Book top screen.
2. Click the [Group Dial] menu in the Address Book function select
The [Group registration] screen is displayed.
Registering and Editing Group Dial Numbers
[Entry] button: Registers the entered and selected group dial setting.
[Clear] button: Cancels the entered data.
[Abbr. Dial list] button : Opens the [Abbr. Dial list] screen and temporarily registers
a speed dial number as a group dial number.
[i-FAX list] button: Opens the [i-FAX list] screen and temporarily registers an
i-FAX address as a group dial number.
[List] button: Opens the [Group list] screen and displays a list of the
currently registered group dial numbers.
3. Enter the registration name.
Enter a maximum of 24 alphanumeric characters.
FAX Address Book User’s Reference Guide
4. Click the [Abbr. Dial list] button.
The [Abbr. Dial list] screen opens and the list of currently registered speed dial
numbers is displayed.
[Search] button: Searches the speed dial number based on the search
character selected with the pull down menu and displays the
searched item.
The search character can be selected from registration
number, or one alphanumeric character from pull down
menu (eg. the first letter of the registration name).
[Previous] button: Displays the last 15 speed dial numbers.
[Next] button: Displays the next 15 speed dial numbers.
[Apply] button: Registers the selected speed dial number temporarily. If you
click the [Search], [Previous], [Next] or [Back] button
without temporarily registering the speed dial number, the
selected speed dial number is canceled.
[Clear] button: Cancels the entered data. Clicking this button after clicking
the [Search], [Previous] or [Next] button returns the display
to the previous state.
[Back] button: Returns to the [Group registration] screen.
5. Click the checkbox for the speed dial number to be registered as a
group dial number.
6. Click the [Apply] button.
The registration number of the selected speed dial number is temporarily registered
as the Abbr. No. and is displayed.
Registering and Editing Group Dial Numbers
7. Click the [Back] button.
Returns to the [Group registration] screen and the registration number of the
temporarily registered speed dial number is displayed in Abbr. No..
8. Click the [i-FAX list] button.
Opens the [i-FAX list] screen and displays a list of the currently registered i-FAX
[Search] button: Searches the i-FAX address based on the search character
selected with the pull down menu and displays the searched
The search character can be selected from registration
number, or one alphanumeric character from pull down
menu (eg. the first letter of the registration name).
[Previous] button: Displays the last 15 i-FAX addresses.
[Next] button: Displays the next 15 i-FAX addresses.
[Apply] button: Registers the selected i-FAX address temporarily. If you
click the [Search], [Previous], [Next] or [Back] button
without temporarily registering the i-FAX address, the
selected i-FAX address is canceled.
[Clear] button: Cancels the entered data. Clicking this button after clicking
the [Search], [Previous] or [Next] button returns the display
to the previous state.
[Back] button: Returns to the [Group registration] screen.
FAX Address Book User’s Reference Guide
9. Click the checkbox for the i-FAX address to be registered as a group
dial number.
10.Click the [Apply] button.
The registration number of the selected i-FAX number is temporarily registered as the
i-FAX No. and is displayed.
11.Click the [Back] button.
Returns to the [Group registration] screen and the i-FAX address registration number
temporarily registered is displayed in i-FAX No..
12.Enter the registration number
Enter the registration number in a maximum of two digits using a number from 0 to 20.
13.Click the [Entry] button.
The Confirm Registration screen is displayed. Confirm the details of the data to be
Clicking the [Back] button at this point returns to the [Group registration] screen.
In cases when a group dial number cannot be registered correctly, when the entered
data is incorrect or else when initialization process is being executed by another PC,
the pertinent Confirmation screen will be displayed. In this instance, check the data
displayed on the Confirmation screen and click the [Back] button. This returns to the
[Group registration] screen.
Registering and Editing Group Dial Numbers
Editing Registered Group Dial Numbers
Change or delete group dial numbers.
List registered group dial numbers
1. Click the [List] button on the [Group registration] screen.
The [Group list] screen is opened and a list of currently registered group dial numbers
is displayed.
[Delete] button: Deletes the selected group dial number.
[Edit] button: Displays the [Group edit] screen.
The [Name], [No.] and allocated [Abbr. No.] and [i-FAX] for
the selected group dial number may be changed.
[Clear] button: Cancels the deletion or changes in the selected settings for
the group dial number.
[Back] button: Returns to the [Group registration] screen.
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