Konica Minolta 2025, 3825, 3225 User Manual

QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System Administrators Guide
Proprietary Statement
The digitally encoded software included with your QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System is Copyrighted 1995 by QMS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thi s softwa re may not be reproduce d, modified, displayed, transferred, or copied in any form or in any manner or on any media, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of QMS, Inc.
Copyright Notice
This manual is Copyrighted 1995 by QMS, Inc., One Magnum Pass, Mobile, AL 36618. All Rights Reserved. This manual may not be copied in whole or in part, nor transferred to any other media or language , witho ut the expre s s writt en perm is sion of QMS, Inc.
Manual Notice
QMS, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to this manual and to the equipment describe d herein without notice. Considerable effort has been made to ensure that this manual is free of inaccuracies and omissions. However, QMS, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind including,
but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with regard to this manual. QMS, Inc. assumes no responsibility for, or liability for,
errors contained in this manual or for incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of the furnishing of this manual, or the use of this manual in operating the equipment, or in connection with the performance of the equipment when so operated.


1 Introduction
How to Use this Manua l . ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....1-2
Typographic Conventions 1-3
Shipment Contents ..................... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ..... ....1-4
QMS Product Registration ..........................................................1-5
Configuring the QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System .................1-5
Methods of Confi gu ratio n ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....1-5
Configuration for Individual Jobs 1-6 Configuration for Departmental Use 1-7
Before You Begin ........................... ......... ............ ............ ............ .1-8
Printing a Status Page 1-8
The Configuration Menus ............................................................1-9
Changing Defa ult Config ur atio n Se tting s .... ....... ......... ....... .....1 -1 1
Selection of Choices 1-11 Alphanumeric Values 1-13
Saving Printer Con fig urati on Changes . . ......... ....... ....... ......... . 1-1 4
Upgrading Pr int System So ftware ... .............. ............ ....... ....... 1-1 5
Using the Printer’s Floppy Disk Drive 1-16 Using the Parallel Port 1-19
2 Installation Menu
Introduction . . .... ... ..... ...... . ....... .... ... ..... ...... . ....... ..... .. ..... ...... ... ..... .. 2 -2
Keypad Language . .......... ....... ............ ......... .......... ........... .......... .. 2-2
Passwords .... ....... ..... .............. ....... ............ ....... ............ ....... ......... 2 -3
Setting Passwords 2-3 Using Passwords 2-3
3 Operator Con trol Menu
Introduction . . .... ... ..... ...... . ....... .... ... ..... ...... . ....... ..... .. ..... ...... ... ..... .. 3 -2
Copies ............... .............. .............. .......... .............. ....... .............. ... 3-2
Duplex ............... .............. .............. .......... .............. ....... .............. ... 3-3
Tumble Duplex ............................................................................. 3-3
Collation ....................................................................................... 3-4
Orientation ................................................................................... 3-4
Inputbin ........................................................................................ 3-5
Outputbin ..................................................................................... 3-6
Chain Inputbi ns . ... ... ....... .... ... ...... ... ..... ..... .... ... ..... ...... ... ..... ...... ... 3-7
Crown Accounting .......... ........................................................... .. 3-7
Accounting Menu 3-8 Job Accounting Files 3-11 Accounting File Format Description 3-12 Accounting Files Description of Fields 3-13
QMS 3825/3225/2025 System Administrators Guideii
Copying the Accounting Files 3-21 Processing Accounting Information on the Host 3-23
4 Administration/
Commu nications Submenu
The Communications Submenu ............................ .....................4-2
Timeouts ......................................................................................4-3
PS Wait Timeout 4-3 Emul Timeout 4-4 Job Timeout 4-4 ESP Timeout 4-4
Serial Commu nicati on . ..... ....... ....... ......... ...... ....... ....... ....... ..... ....4-5
Mode 4-6 Emulation 4-6 Min K Spool 4-6 Spool Timeout 4-6 End Job Mode 4-7 Def Job Prio 4-7 Baud Rate 4-7 Parity 4-7 Ignore Parity 4-8 Rcv Sw Flow Ctl 4-8 Xmit Sw Flow Ctl 4-8 Data Bits 4-8 Stop Bits 4-8 Hdwe Flow Ctl 4-9 PS Protocol 4-9
Parallel Communication ............................................................4-11
Mode 4-11 Emulation 4-11 Min K Spool 4-12 Spool Timeout 4-12 Data Bits 4-12 End Job Mode 4-12 Def Job Prio 4-13 PS Protocol 4-13
AppleTalk Communication .. ............................................. ........ 4-15
Mode 4-15 Connection 4-16 Min K Spool 4-16 Def Job Prio 4-16
Optional Interface ...................................................................... 4-16
5 Emulations Submenu
The Emulations Submenu .......................................................... 5-2
ESP Default Opti on ................ .. ..... ..... .... ... ....... .... . ....... .... ... ....... .. 5 -3
PCL 5 .... . ........... .............. . ........... ..................... . .... . ........... ............ 5- 4
Default Font 5-5 Symbol Set 5-5 Lines/Inch X100 5-5 Line Termination 5-6 Point Size X100 5-6 Retain Temporary 5-6 Scalable Fonts 5-6 Default Font Idx 5-7 Monochrome GL/2 5-7 Downld Location 5-7
LN03 Plus ......................................... ............ ............ ......... ........... 5-8
Product ID 5-8 Autowrap 5-8 Paper Size 5-9 Paper Override 5-9 X-Origin Inset 5-9 Y-Origin Inset 5-9 Reset Override 5-9 Orientation 5-10
PostScript .. ......... ........ ......... .......... ......... ......... ........ ......... .......... 5 -10
Lineprinter .... .......................... ............................... ..................... 5-11
Font 5-12 Point Sz 100ths 5-12 Character Map 5-12 Line Numbering 5-12
QMS 3825/3225/2025 System Administrators Guideiv
Tab Stops 5-12 LF IS CRLF 5-12 CR IS CRLF 5-13 FF IS CRFF 5-13 Orientation 5-13 Autowrap 5-13 Lines Per Page 5-13 Margins 5-13
HP-GL ..........................................................................................5-14
Plotter 5-14 Scaling Percent 5-15 Origin 5-15 Reverse Image 5-15 Enhanced Mode 5-15 Expand Mode 5-16 Paper Type 5-16 Pens 1-8 5-16
CCITT Groups 3 and 4 ................ ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ..... ..5 -17
CCITT Commands 5-17 Command Syntax 5-17
imP RE SS .... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .... ... .. ... .. ... .. .... . .... .. ... ... .. .... . .... .. ... .. ... .... . ..5 -2 4
Optional Emulations ..................................................................5-24
6 Special Pages and Startup
Options Subm enus
The Special Pages Sub m enu ..... ......... ....... ....... ......... ....... ...... ....6-2
Calibration Page 6-2 Header Page 6-3 Header Inputbin 6-3 Trailer Page 6-3 Trailer Inputbin 6-4 Status Page Type 6-4
The Startup Options Submenu ..................... ..............................6-5
Do Start Page 6-5 Do Sys Start 6-5
Do Error Handler 6-6
7 Memory Submenu
Introduction . . .... ... ..... ...... . ....... .... ... ..... ...... . ....... ..... .. ..... ...... ... ..... .. 7 -2
QMS Memory Management 7-2
QMS Memory Definitions ............................................................7-3
Evaluation of Y our Printing Env ironm en t ................ ..... ... ....... .. 7-5
Printer Features and Memory Clients 7-6
Memory Sub menu ... ....... ...... ..... ... ..... ....... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... .. 7 -8
Memory Clien ts .. ... ..... ..... .... ... ....... .... ... ..... ...... ... ... ...... ... ..... ...... ... 7-8
Spool Buffers 7-9 PS Heap 7-10 PostScript F ont Cache 7-10 Emulation 7-11 Temporary Emulation 7-12 Display List 7-12 Disk Cache 7-13 Frame Buffer 7-14 MB Printer Mem 7-14 System Memory 7-14
8 Engine, Miscellaneous,
and Disk Operations Submenus
Eng in e Su bm e n u ... .. ........ ...... ........ ..... ......... ..... ......... ..... ......... .... 8-2
Image Alignment 8-3 Default Paper 8-5 Input Bin and Output Bin Names 8-5 Toner Low Action 8-5 Offset Stacking 8-5 Gamma Correction 8-6 Letterhead 8-6
QMS 3825/3225/2025 System Administrators Guidevi
Rotate Duplex 8-7 Resolution 8-8 Print Mode 8-8 Powersave Mode 8-8 Maintenance Due 8-8
Miscellaneo us Op tio ns ............ ..... ..... ....... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....8-9
Restore Defaults 8-9 Clock Operations 8-10 Printer Name 8-10 Printer Type 8-10
The Disk Operations Submenu .................................................8-11
Identifying Hard Disks 8-11 Installing Optional Fonts and Emulations 8-12 Removing Fonts and Emulations 8-15 Formatting a Disk 8- 16 Backing Up the Hard Disk 8-17 Restoring the Hard Disk 8-18
A QMS Customer Support
Sources of Supp ort ........ ..... ... ..... ....... ....... ..... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... ... A-2
Your QMS Vendor A-2 Your Application Vendor or Manufacturer A-2 Q-FAX A-2 QMS Corporate Bulletin Board System A-3 CompuServe A-3 Internet A-3 QMS Customer Technical Assurance (CTA) A-4 QMS National Service Telephone Numbers A-4
QMS World-wide Offices ............................................................ A-5
B Cable Pinouts
Loc a lTal k ........... . .... .. ....... . .... .. .......... .............. . ........... .............. . ... B-2
Serial ............................................................................................ B-2
IBM PC/XT, PC/ AT, and Compatibl e Com puters ...... . ...... . ..... .. . B-3
Centronics Parallel ....................... ....... ............ ......... .......... .........B -3
Notes to the Centronics Parallel Cable


Pinouts Table B-4
QMS 3825/3225/2025 System Administrators Guideviii


In This Chapter . . .
How to use this manual
Configuring the printer
Methods of configu ra tio n
Printing a status page
The configuration m enus
The control panel keys
Changing default settin gs
Installing syst em software up g rad es
How to Use this Manual

How to Use this Manual

This manual is designed to help you, the system administrator, cus­tomize printer configurati on with as little trial and error as possible.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
This chapter introduces the printer and the confi guration me nu structure and explains how to upgrade system software.
Chapter 2 - The Installatio n Menu
This chapter explains how to use the Installation m enu to estab­lish password protection for the Operator Cont rol and Administ ra ­tion menus, and how to set the message window language.
Chapter 3 - The Operator Con trol Menu
This chapter explains the set-up opti ons in the Operator Cont rol menu, which control the printer’s paper handling features, such as the number of copies and whether collation is enabled. This chapter also describes t he printer-based accounting features.
Chapter 4 - Administrati on /Co mm unica tion s Su bme nu
This chapter explains the host-print er communication configura­tion options i n the Administration menu.
Chapter 5 - Administrati on /Em ulati on s Subm en u
This chapter explains the configurat ion opti ons in the Emulat ion s submenu of the Administration me n u.
Chapter 6 - Administrati on /Spe cia l Pages an d Startup Sub menu s
This chapter covers options in the Special Pages and Startup Options submenus of the Administrat ion menu, which control the printing of special-purpose pages and printer start-up option s.
Chapter 7 - Administrati on/M emo ry Subm enu
This chapter explains memory confi gurat ion. Read this chapter for instructions on customizing mem ory to achieve the most pro­ductive use of the printer in your printing environment.
QMS 3825/3225/2025 System Administrators Guide1-2
How to Use this Manual
Chapter 8 - Administration /Eng in e, Miscel lan eou s, and
Operations Submenus
This chapter explains the configu ration optio ns in the Engine, Miscellaneous, and Disk Operations submenus of the Administra­tion menu. These options control the printer’s image alignment and input and output bin names, specialized dupl exing opt ions, and the use of optional printer hard disk(s).
The appendixes to this manual cover QMS Customer Supp ort and cable pinouts.

Typographic Conve ntions

The following typographic conve ntions are used in this manual:
Mixed-Case Cour ier
Mixed-Case Italic Courier
Mixed-Case bold QMS Document Option Commands (DOC)
lowercase italic
UPPERCASE File and utility names
Text you type, and messages and information displayed on the computer monitor
Variable text you type; replace the italicized word(s) with information specific to your printer or workstation
Information displayed in the printer message window
Variable information in text
» Note: Notes co ntain tips, extra inform ation, or im po rtant infor mation
that deserves emp hasis or reiteration.
Cautions present information that you need to know to avoid
equipment damage or extreme annoyance.
Warnin gs in dicate the possibility of personal in jur y if a specific pro cedu r e is not per for m ed exactly as described in the manual.
Bitte halten Sie sich exakt an die im Handbuch besc h rieben e
Vorgehensweise, da so nst Verletzungsgefahr besteh en könnte.
Shipment Contents

Shipment Contents

Your shipment contains the following:
The QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System
The PS Executive Series Utilities on d isk
Two binders
Two paper cassettes (8.5" x 11" and 11" x 17", or A4 and A3)
A toner cartridge
An OPC drum
A cleaning unit
System software disks
A power cord
A warranty card
If you find any part of the shipment missing or damaged, contact the shipping company or your vendor immediatel y. Do not return any merchandise to QMS witho ut authorizat ion.
QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System User’s Guide QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System Administrator’s Guide
QMS Crown Do cu men t Option Com m an ds
LN03 Plus Emulation for QMS Printe rs
QMS Crown Network Note s QMS imPRES S Programm ing Langua g e
on disk
guide on disk
QMS 3825/3225/2025 System Administrators Guide1-4
QMS Product Registratio n

QMS Product Registration

QMS is committed to develop ing print systems tha t offer you flexible, efficient solutions, so we’re interested in knowing how you plan to use your printer. Register it now, and we’ll send you a special gift.
To register by mail, fill out and send in your warranty card. To register by telephone, in the US call QMS toll-free at (800) 637-8049. In other countries, refer to appendi x A, “QM S Customer Support,” for the appropriate telephone number.

Configuring the QMS 3825/ 3225/2025 Print System

This manual guides you through the process of configuring the printer options to meet your unique printin g requirem ent s. As with any net­work printer, one setting for any particular printer option may not meet the needs of every user. As you are configuring the printe r, try to pick the setting that meets the needs of most of the users.

Methods of Configuration

There are five major ways to configure your printer for your needs — some appropriate for users and some only for system administrators .
Users configure options one job at a time using these methods:
An application
PS Executive Series Util it ies
QMS Docum ent Option Commands
System administrators configure the printer to meet the needs of an entire department through these m eth ods:
Methods of Configuration
The printer control panel
A remote console, for network users only

Configuration for Individual Jobs

Using an Application
Using an application is the best way for individual users to get the results they want from the department al printe r. This helps prevent confusion in network environments and saves unnecessary changes at the printer control panel. Your application documentat ion explains how to control printer settings: probably by choosing opt ions from a printing menu.
Applications use printer drivers to send the appropriate commands to the printer. If your application doesn’t have a QMS 3825/3225/ 2025 Print System driver, you can select a comparable PostScript driver, such as another QMS driver or a LaserWriter driver. However, com­parable drivers may not allow access to all of your printer’s features. For best results, use the driver that accompanied your new printer.
Using PS Executive Series Utilities
You can also use the PS Executive Series Utilities (shipped with your printer) to control the printer from your host. See the README file on the utilities disk for inform ati on on install ing th e utiliti es, and see the utilities’ on-line help for det ails on using the softwa re .
Using QMS Document Option Commands
The QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System provides a powerful feature that can accommodate your requests (and the requests of any other user on the network) without affecting the printer confi gurati on for other print jobs. This feature is the set of QMS Docum ent Opti on Commands or QMS DOC.
With QMS DOC, you can add commands to the beginnin g of your files that, when interpreted by the printer, turn on specific file process­ing or document handling feature s available on the printer. Use QMS DOC to specify an emulation, select a specific input bin or paper size,
QMS 3825/3225/2025 System Administrators Guide1-6
Methods of Configu ra tion
select duplex (double-sided) or simplex (single-sided) printing, select page orientation and backgrounds, use number-up and booklet print­ing, and more. The features you select and the QMS DOC you use at the beginning of your file take effect only for the current print job. After your file prints, the QMS DOC comma nds added to the beginni ng of the next file take effect for it. If no QMS DOC appears on the next file, the printer’s default values resume.
QMS DOC is the key to making th e Q MS 3825/ 3225/2025 Print Sys­tem a true departmental printer. The
mation on using the commands. Appendix C in your user’s guide, “Document Option Commands, ” lists all the QMS DOC your printer supports, plus instructions for using new and revised command s.
manual, included with your printer, gives complete infor-
QMS Crown Document Option
Using Other Printer Commands
PostScript operators and HP-GL and HP PCL commands can enable job-specific features your applicat ion or page description language can’t access. See the (Adobe Systems, Inc., Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1990, ISBN 0-201-18127-4) and the
Reference Manual
further information .
PostScript Languag e Re ference Manual
PCL 5 Printer Language Technical
(Hewlett-Packard part number 5961-050 9) for

Configuration for Departmental Use

Using the Control Panel
QMS printers are configured at the factory for the most typical printing environments, so most users don’t have to use the contro l panel often. However, if you do need to change a printer setting for all print jobs (not just on a per-job basis), you can do so through the control panel. In a shared printing environment, only the system administra ­tor should make changes though the printe r’s control panel.
Using a Remote Console
Most of the configuration choices that can be made at the control panel can also be made through a remote console in many network

Before You Beg in

environments. To avoid confusion in a shared printing environm ent, only the system administrator should make config uration ch anges.
Before You Begin
Before you start configuring the printer, you should have the following:
A security disk. This disk allows you to set passwords for the printer set-up menus, and to set the messag e window langu age (English, French, German, or Spanish).
A status page. The status page list s the current default setti ngs for many of the printer options. Factory defa ult s are listed in appendix D, “Factory Default Settings,” of the user’s guide, but a status page shows current settings and serves as a reference so you can always reset your printer to its most recent settin gs.

Printing a Status Page

There are two types of status page, standard and advanced. The standard status page includes the followi ng items on one page:
Printer identification (the printer’s name, release information, number of sheets printed)
Printer settings (printer set-up opt ions for paper hand ling)
Current memory configuration (printer mem ory settings)
Timeouts (printer timeout settin gs)
Communications settings and input buffer sizes (settings for
printer-host communicati on, including spool ing me mory siz es)
Hard disk status (list of installed hard disks currently on line)
Angle bracket, one-half inch from the bottom-lef t corner of the
page, for use in image a lignm ent.
QMS 3825/3225/2025 System Administrators Guide1-8
The Co n figu r ation Menus
The advanced status page prints multiple pages with the current menu configurati on sett ings and font informat ion in additi on to the standard status page information.
To select which type of status page to print, see “Status Page Type” in the Special Pages submenu in chapter 6. After setting which type of status page to print, press the Status Page key to print a status page.

The Configuration Menus

The Configuration menu is divided into three main menus: Installa­tion, Operator Control, and Admini strat ion.
The Installation menu, which appears only when the security disk
is inserted in the printer’s disk drive, is used to establish pass­words for the Operator Control and Administration menus, and to set the message window language.
The Operator Control me nu con trols the defau lt setting s of most
printer features.
The Administration menu is the largest of the three menus. It con-
trols the default settings of printer-ho st co mm uni ca tions, emula­tions, and other document-processing features.
Menus are arranged in a hierarchy as shown on the next page. To access the configuration menu:
Press the Online/O ffline key to take the printer off line.
Press the Menu key to access the menu.
The top line of the message window displays the current menu level, and the second line displays the first available option. Move down one level by pressing the Select key. The Next and Previous keys change the displayed option in the message window for the current menu level. The options in each level are arranged in a loop, so repeatedly pressing either the Next or Previous key returns you to the option starting poin t.
The Configuration Menus
QMS 3825/3225/2025 System Administrators Guide1-10
Changing Default Configu ra tion Settings

Changing Default Configuration Settings

There are two types of printer menu options: those that require you to choose from a selection of possible choices and those that require you to enter an alphanumeric value. Many default settings may never need changing.

Selection of Choices

If an option has choices, the second line of the message window dis­plays each choice one at a time. To view all the possible choices for that option, press the Next key repeatedly. The menu cycles through all the choices for that option. Th e Admini strat ion/ Com mun icati ons/ Serial/Baud Rate menu is an example of an option with a selection of choices. The following example shows how to change the baud rate for serial communicati on:
1 Press the Online/Offl in e key to take the printer off line. 2 Press the Menu key. The message wi nd ow displays
3 Press the Next key until ADMINISTRATION displays on the
second line of the message window:
4 Press the Select key. This opens the Admi nistrati on men u.
ADMINISTRATION now displays on the first line of the mes­sage window:
Changing Default Configur ation Settings
5 Press the Select key again. This opens the Communications
menu. COMMUNICATIONS now disp lays on the first line of the message window:
6 Press the Next key until SERIAL displays on the second line:
7 Press the Select key to open the Serial subm en u:
8 Press the Next key until BAUD RATE displ a y s :
9 Press the Select key. The first choice in the set of baud rate
values displays on the bottom line. This value is also the cur­rent default setting:
10 P ress the Next key un til the value you wan t (for exampl e,
2400) displays:
11 Press the S elec t key. Th e message window displ ays a con-
firmation message for three seconds:
12 Th en, the messag e win do w displays the op tio n’s name:
You have now changed the baud rate to 2400. The change does not
QMS 3825/3225/2025 System Administrators Guide1-12
Changing Default Configu ra tion Settings
take effect until you save the changes and place the printer ba c k on line. Review “Saving Printer Conf igurat ion Chan ges” later in this chapter.

Alphanumeric Values

When an option requires a value, you enter the value one digit or character at a time. You use the Next and Previous keys to increase or decrease the displayed character or digit value. Spaces can also be used when a value, such as a password, must be an exact number of characters. The Copies option in the Operator Control menu is an example of an option that requires a value. The following instructions show how to change a value:
1 Press the Online/Offl in e key to take the printer off line. 2 Press the Menu key. The follo wing messa ge displays i n the
message window:
3 Press the Select key to open the Operator Con trol menu.
OPERATOR CONTROL now displays on the first line of the message window:
4 Press the Select key again to displ ay the curre nt valu e:
5 Notice that the first digit is flashing . (The defaul t copy co unt
is 1.) You may select any number o f copi es up to 999. For this example, we are setting the copy count to 159.
Saving Printer Configur ation Changes
6 Press the Next key once. The first digi t chan ges from 0 to 1.
Press the Select key.
7 The second digit is now flashing. Press the Next key until the
second digit changes to 5. Press the Select key.
8 The third digit is now flashi ng . Press the P revi ou s key until
the last digit changes to 9.
9 Press the Select key. The message window momentarily con-
firms the chang e you have made:
Then the message window displays the option’s name again.
You have now changed the copy count to 159 copies per print job. The change does not take effect until you save the change and pl ace the printer back on line. Review the next section, “Saving Printer Con­figuration Changes.”

Saving Printer Configuration Changes

Whenever you change a printer menu option, the printer prompts you to save the change before you place the printer back on line. Saving a menu change means that the new value of the option is recorded and stored in the printer’s memor y. Once stored in memory, the value takes effect automaticall y whenever the print er is turned on. Follow these steps to save your configuration changes:
QMS 3825/3225/2025 System Administrators Guide1-14
Upgrading P rint System Softw a re
1 Press the Online/Offl ine key. The following message dis-
plays in the message window:
2 If you want to save all the configura tion chan ges yo u have
made, press the Next key (the message window displays YES on the second line), and then press the Select key. You r changes take effect when you press the Online/O ffli ne key again.
3 If you do not want to save your changes, ju st press the
Select key to select NO. Press the Onli ne/ Offl ine key agai n.
If you ever save a menu change that you did not want to save, you can always go back into the configuration menu and change it back to the previous setting. There is also an option fo r resettin g all menu options to their factor y default settings ( see “Rest ore Defaults” in chapter 8, “Engine, Miscellaneous, and Disk Operations.”).
» Note: So me Administration menu chang es do not take effect until the
printer is restarted. Some chan ges cause the printer to reboot automatically. Other s cause the m essag e
» Note:to a ppear in the message window. Press the Select key to reboot
the printer, or the Next and S elec t k eys to choose your c o nfigu r a tion c h a n ges until the p rinter is restarted.
and postpone

Upgrading Print System Software

Print system software upgrades for the QMS 3825/3225/ 2025 Print System are supplied on 3.5" 1.44 MB di sks. Installin g system soft­ware upgrades requires copying the contents of the disks to the printer ’s internal hard disk from the printer’s floppy disk drive or
Upgrad ing Print System Software
through the parallel port. (To install through the parallel port you must have the QMS system software loaded on your host com put er ). Both procedures are explained in this section.
Using the Printers Floppy Disk Drive
To install system software upgrades via the printer’s floppy disk drive, follow these instructions:
1 Turn the printer off and the n on again . The fol lowi ng mes-
sage displays in the message window :
2 Once this message appears , you have 10 second s to press
the Select key. When you press the Select key, the following message appears in the messag e window:
» Note: If more than 10 seconds pass before you press the Select
key, the IDLE message appears. You m u st r etur n to step 1.
3 Press the Next key until INSTALL TO DISK appears on the
second line of the message window:
4 Press the Select key to enter the Insta ll to Disk subm enu .
The following messag e appears in the messag e windo w:
5 Press the Select key to load the software from the printer’s
floppy disk dr ive. The followi ng mes sage ap pears in the win­dow:
QMS 3825/3225/2025 System Administrators Guide1-16
Upgrading P rint System Softw a re
6 Disk 6 is the printer ’s internal hard disk. Press the S ele ct
key. The following message displays:
7 Pull the control panel assemb ly away from the fron t of the
printer. The floppy disk drive is located inside the prin ter as shown below.
8 Insert the first disk into the floppy disk drive, and then press
the Select key.
The message window reads INSTALL TO DISK/INSTALL­ING; then INSTALL TO DISK/DSK 6: before switching back to INSTALL TO DISK/INSERT DISK when it is ready for the next
disk. Each disk takes several minutes to load. This process con­tinues until all the disks have been loaded.
9 Press the Select key after inserti ng each disk. 10 Rem ov e the last disk and close the contro l panel assem bl y.
You have now completed installing the new system software and are ready to boot the system.
Upgrad ing Print System Software
11 Press the Me nu key. The message window displays the fol-
lowing message:
12 P ress the Next key un til the message wi nd ow displays the
following message:
13 Press the Select key to enter the Boot System submenu. The
following message ap pears in the message wind ow:
14 P ress the S elec t key and the follo wing mess age ap pear s:
15 Hard disk 6 is the internal hard disk. If you have any external
hard disks connected , you can cycle through them by press­ing the Next key. For this example we are using the internal hard disk. Press the Select ke y. The system begi ns load in g, and the following message displays:
16 At this po int, DO NOT TOUCH ANY KEYS until the system
has completed load ing. The system m ay go throu gh many cycles of rebooti ng , which may take several minu tes. When the system rebooting is comple te, the message wi ndo w dis­plays:
» Note: If you do touch some keys dur ing this step, you m u st go
back to step 12 and start from there again.
QMS 3825/3225/2025 System Administrators Guide1-18
Upgrading P rint System Softw a re

Using the Parallel Port

To install system software up grades via the parallel port, follow these instructions:
1 Turn the printer off and the n on again . The fol lowi ng mes-
sage displays in the window:
2 Once this message appears , you have 10 second s to press
the Select key. When you press the Select key, the following message appears in the messag e window:
» Note: If 10 seconds pass before y ou press the S elect key, the IDLE
message appears. You must r etur n to step 1.
3 Press the Next key until INSTALL TO DISK appears on the
second line of the message window:
4 Press the Select key to enter the Insta ll to Disk subm enu .
Then press the Next key until the following message appears in the message window:
5 Press the Select key to load the software from the host
system parallel port. The following message appears in the window:
Upgrad ing Print System Software
6 Disk 6 is the printer ’s internal hard disk. Press the S ele ct
key. The following message displays:
7 Go to your host computer and send the syste m software.
The software is installed when the following messag e appears:
8 Once you have completed installin g the system so ftware,
you are ready to boot the system. Return to your printer and press the Menu key. The message windo w displ ays the fol­lowing message:
9 Press the Next key until the message wind ow displ ays the
following message:
10 Press the Select key to enter the Boot System submenu. The
following message ap pears in the message wind ow:
11 Press the S elec t key and the fol lowi ng message ap pear s:
12 Hard disk 6 is the internal hard disk. If you have any external
hard disks connected you can cycle throu gh them by press­ing the Next key. For this example we are using the internal
QMS 3825/3225/2025 System Administrators Guide1-20
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