The following are tradema rks or registered trademarks of their respective ow ners.
Other product names m entioned in this m anual may a lso be trade marks or reg istered
trademarks of their resp ective owners. Re gistered trademar ks are register ed in the
United States Patent and Trademark Office; some trademarks ma y also be re gistered in
other countries. QMS and the QMS logo are r egistered tradema rks of QMS, Inc.
LocalTalk/Apple Computer, Inc. The ENERGY S TAR™ logo/United States
Environmental Protection Agency. The ENERGY STAR emblem does not represent EPA
endorsement of any produ ct or servic e. Ethernet/Xerox C orporation .
Proprietary Statement
The digitally encoded software included w ith your QMS 172 5E Print System is
Copyrighted © 1994 by QM S, Inc. All Rights R eserved. This software may not be
reproduced, modified, d isplay ed, tr ans ferred, or cop ied in any form or in any manner or
on any media, in whole or in par t, without the express written permiss ion of QMS, Inc.
Copyright Notice
This addendum is Copy righted © 19 94 by QMS, Inc ., One Magnum Pass, Mobile, A L
36618. All Rights Reserve d. This addendum may not be c opied in whole or in part, nor
transferred to any other me dia or language, w ithout the express written permiss ion of
QMS, Inc.
electrostatic damage while performing this task.
strap is provided
wrist and the other end to any convenient electrical ground (for example, the
bare metal chassis of equipment, as on the back of a computer, that is
plugged in
equipment with an electrical current present.
first. Plastic, rubber, wood, painted metal surfaces, and telephones are not
acceptable grounding points. The printer isn't an acceptable grounding point
either because it must be unplugged before you perform this task.
It's very important to protect the printer controller board from
If an anti-static wrist
in your printer option kit, attach one end of it to your
but turned off).Never attach the wrist strap to any piece of
Turnoff all power switches
If you don't have an anti-static wrist strap
, discharge your body's static
electric charge by touching a grounded surface before you handle any printer
boards or components and before removing the controller board cover.
Redischarge your body each time after walking around and before touching
the printer controller board again. Handle the tray carefully, and try to
handle it by the edges only.
With the Energy Star option insta lled in your printe r, you need to be
aware of some differences between your printer and models without
this option. The following inf ormat ion explains what t he Ene rgy Sta r
program is and how Energy Star-compliant printer s operate. You will
also find important informat ion regarding special disassem bly and
assembly instructions pertaining to your printer.
Energy Conservation
Your printer is compliant with US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Energy Star regulations. The EPA Energy Star
Computers program promotes the use of
energy-efficient personal computers,
monitors, and printers and the reduction of air
pollution caused by power generation.
After a user-specified period of inactivity, the printer changes to a lowpower state (the engine remai ns on, but the fuser turns off). When a
print job is received, the printer returns to normal power within 90 seconds.
» Note: The addition of some optional interfaces, in some combinations, may
cause the product to become non-compliant.
The Energy Saver option specifies if and when the printer changes to
a low-power state. When an idle time is selected, t he printe r must