1660E Print
Enhanced Image-
Area Printing
The following are tradema rks or registered trademarks of their respective ow ners.
Other product names m entioned in this m anual may a lso be trade marks or reg istered
trademarks of their resp ective owners. Re gistered trademar ks are register ed in the
United States Patent and Trademark Office; some trademarks ma y also be re gistered in
other countries. QMS and the QMS logo are r egistered tradema rks of QMS, Inc., and
Crown, the Crown sea l, and PS Execu tive are tradem arks of QMS, Inc . All other
trademarks are the prop erty of their respective c ompanies.
Proprietary Statement
The software included with your QMS 1660E Print Syste m is Copyrighted © 19 95 by
QMS, Inc. All Rights Reserv ed. This software may not be reproduc ed, modified,
displayed, transferred, or copied in any form or in any manner or on any me dia, in
whole or in part, without the express written permiss ion of QMS, Inc.
Copyright Notice
This manual is Copyrighted © 1995 by QM S, Inc., One Mag num Pass, Mob ile, AL
36618. All Rights Reserve d. This manual m ay not be copie d in whole or in pa rt, nor
transferred to any other me dia or language, w ithout the express written permiss ion of
QMS, Inc.
This manual was written an d formatted in FrameM aker. Typefaces used are Benguiat,
Courier, Helvetica, Symbol, and ITC Zapf Dingbats.