Konica Minolta 1060E User Manual


QMS 1060E Print System Operation

The following are tradema rks or registered trademarks of their respective ow ners. Those listed as registered a re register ed in the United S tates Patent and Trademark Office. Some trademarks are also reg istered in other countries. Other pr oduct nam es mentioned in this man ual may be tradem arks o r registered tradem arks of the ir respective owners. QMS and the QMS logo are registered trademarks of QMS, Inc., and Crown, the Crown seal, PS Executive Ser i es, imPRESS, and UltraScript are trademarks of QMS, Inc. Adobe is a register ed trad emark of Ad obe Systems Inc orporated, registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Inco rp orated for a pag e description lang uage and may be re gistered in certain jurisdictions. T hroughout this m anual, “PostSc ript Level 2” is used to refer to a set of capabilities defin ed by Adobe S ystems for its Pos tScript Leve l 2 page description language. Th ese capabilitie s, among other s, are implem ented in this product through a QMS-developed emulation that is compatible with Adobe's PostScript Level 2 language. Intellifont/Ag fa Division, Miles , Inc. Apple, AppleTalk, ImageWriter, LaserWriter, Macintosh, EtherTalk, and LocalTalk/Apple Compu ter, Inc. Centronics/ Centronics Data Computer co rporation. D EC, DECnet, VMS/Digital Equipm ent Corporation. Hewlett-Packard, HP, PCL, HP-GL, LaserJet/Hewlett-Packard Co. IBM PC, AT, PC/XT, Token-Ring/International Business M achines C orporation. ITC Avant Garde Gothic, ITC Zapf Chancery, ITC Bookman and ITC Zapf Dingbats/International Typeface Corporation. Helvetica, Palatino , and Times/Linotype -Hell AG and/or its s ubsidiaries. Intel/Intel Corporation. Microso ft, MS-DOS, Window s/Microso ft Corporation . Gothic Medium BBB and Ryumin Light KL/Morisaw a and Compa ny, Ltd. Novell and NetWare/ Novell, Inc. UNIX/UNIX System s Labor atories, Inc. Ethern et and Xerox/Xe rox Corporation. The ENERGY STAR logo/United States Environmental Protection Agency. The ENERGY STAR emblem does not represen t EPA endorsement of any product or service.
Proprietary Statement
The digitally encoded software included w ith your QMS 106 0E Print System is Copyrighted © 1995 by QM S, Inc. All Rights R eserved. This software may not be reproduced, modified, d isplay ed, tr ans ferred, or cop ied in any form or in any manner or on any media, in whole or in par t, without the express written permiss ion of QMS, Inc.
Copyright Notice
This manual is Copyrighted © 1995 by QM S, Inc., One Mag num Pass, Mob ile, AL
36618. All Rights Reserve d. This manual m ay not be copie d in whole or in pa rt, nor transferred to any other me dia or language, w ithout the express written permiss ion of QMS, Inc.


1 Introduction
Introduction .................................................................................. 1-2
About This Manual .......................................................................1-2
Typographic Conven tions 1-3
2 Consumables
Introduction .................................................................................. 2-2
Preventing Print Media Jams .................................................. ....2-2
Loading the 500-Sheet Cassette .................................................2-3
Loading the Multipurpose Tray .................................................. 2-9
Envelopes: Special Considerations 2-11 Labels: Special Considerations 2-13 Letterhead and Memo Paper: Special Considerations 2-15 Transparencies: Special Considerations 2-16 Thick Paper or Card Stock 2-17
About Toner Cartri dg es . .... ..... ..... ..... ....... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... 2-1 8
Installing and Storing the Toner Cartridge 2-18 Toner Cartridge Life 2-19 Extending Toner Cartridge Life 2-19 Replacing a Toner Cartridge 2-20
3 Advanced Printing Features
Introduction . . .... ... ..... ...... . ....... .... ... ..... ...... . ....... ..... .. ..... ...... ... ..... .. 3-2
Chaining Cassettes ..................................................................... 3-2
How to Chain Cassettes 3-2 Collating Output 3-3 Chunk Collation 3-5 Advantages of Collation 3-5 Collating PCL 5 Files 3-6
Working with S tatus Pa ges .. ....... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... ...... ..... ..... 3- 6
Identifying a Status Page Type 3-6 Printing a Status Page 3-7
Cancelling/Ending Print Jobs ..................................................... 3-7
Cancelling a Print Job 3-8 Ending a Print Job 3-8
4 Printer Maintenance
Introduction . . .... ... ..... ...... . ....... .... ... ..... ...... . ....... ..... .. ..... ...... ... ..... .. 4-2
Handling the Printer .................................................................... 4-2
Cleaning the Printer .......................... .......................................... 4-4
Cleaning Guidelines 4-4 Cleaning the Outside of the Printer 4-4 Cleaning the Inside of the Printer 4-5
QMS 1060E Print System Operat ionii
5 Print Quality
Introduction .................................................................................. 5-2
About Print Density . ..... ......... ...... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... ..5-2
About Gamma Cor recti on ........................ ......... .......... ........... .....5-2
About Halftone Types ............................... ..... .............. ....... .........5-3
High-Resolution Printin g ............ .............. ................... ............ ....5-4
Setting the Resolution 5-4 How Much Memory Do You Need? 5-5
6 Troubleshooting
Introduction .................................................................................. 6-2
Automatic Jam Recovery . ................. ............ ..................... .........6-2
Clearing Media Jams ........ ..... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ... ...... ... .... ... ..... .... . ....6-2
Locating Print Media Jams 6-2 Clearing Inside Upper Unit Area Jams 6-3 Clearing Cassette Area Jams 6-5 Clearing Multipurpose Tray Area Jams 6-6 Clearing Output Tray Jams 6-7
Status Messages ..........................................................................6-7
Service Messages ......................................................................6-10
HP-GL Error Codes and PCL Error Codes 6-11
Printer Problem Checklist .......... ................... .............. ..............6-11
IBM PC and Compatible Computer C hecklist 6-14 Apple Macintosh Checklist 6-14 Control Panel Problems 6-16 Data Indicator Stays Lit 6-16 Paper Jam Message Stays On 6-16
Emulation Probl ems ......... ....... ....... ......... ...... ....... ....... ....... ..... ..6 -1 7
PostScript Level 1 6-17
Contents iii
Output P r o b l ems .. ....... ....... .. ... ....... .. ... .. ... .. .... ...... .. .... . .... ....... ... 6 -17
600x600 dpi Printing Unavailable 6-17 Binary Data Printing Problem 6-17 Ethernet Interface Printing Problem 6-18 Blank Page 6-18 End-of-Document (EOD) Command Probl em s 6 -19 Multiple Pages Problem 6-19 NetWare Banner Page Job Does Not Print 6-20 Not All Pages Print 6- 20 Orientation Problem 6-20 PostScript Error with Error Handler Enabled 6-20
General Printer Problems ......................................................... 6-21
No Start-up Page 6-21 Advanced Status Page Won't Print 6-21 Printer Resets 6-22
Disk Problems ........................... .................................................6-22
IDE Internal Hard Disk Not On Line 6-22 External SCSI Hard Disk Not On Line 6-23
Fon t Pr obl ems . .. ... .. ... ....... .. ... .. .... ...... .. .... . .... ....... . .... ....... ....... ... 6-23
Can'’t Downl oad Fonts 6-23 Can't Access Fonts 6-24 Intellifont Fonts Don't Appear on Status Page 6-24
Print Quality Problems .............................................................. 6-25
General 6-25 Specific 6-25
Placing a Service Call ............................................................... 6-32
QMS 1060E Print System Operat ioniv
A QMS Customer Support
Sources of Supp ort ...... ... ....... ..... ....... ...... ... ..... ..... ....... ....... .... .... A-2
Your QMS Vendor A-2 Your Application Vendor A-2 Q-FAX A-2 The QMS Corporate Bulletin Board System A-3 CompuServe A-3 Internet A-3 QMS Customer Response Center (CRC) A-4 QMS National Service A-5
QMS World-wide Offices ............................................................ A-6


Contents v


In This Chapter . . .
About this manual
Typographic conventions
This manual provides information you may need only once in a while. Use it in conjunction with your other QMS 1060E Print System docu­mentation.
Here is a brief overview of the

About This Manual

The informati on in thi s manual is divided into the foll owing secti on s:


Advanced Printing
Maintenance Print Quality
Provides an overview of the manual.
Describes how to load paper in the 500-sheet cassettes and multipurpose tray, how to load labels and transparencies, and how to replace the toner cartridge.
Explains how to print on both sides of a sheet of paper, chain cassettes, collate output, print a status page, and ca ncel or end print jobs.
Describes how to handle and clean the printer.
Shows how to improve print quality through a discussion of print density, print resolution, and gamma corr ection.
QMS 1060E Print System Operat ion1-2
About This Manual
QMS Customer
Provides media jam prevention tips, explains how to locate and clear media jams, list s printer stat us messages, outlines printer and print quality problems and solutions, and describes how to place a service call.
Provides world-wide product sales and support telephone numbers and describes how to communicate with QMS through the QMS Bulletin Board, CompuServe, the Internet, and Q-FAX.

Typographic Conventions

The following typographic conve ntions are used throughout this manual:
Mixed-Case Courier
Mixed-Case Italic Courier
Text you type, and messages and information displayed on the screen
Variable text you type; replace the italicized word(s) with information specific to your printer or computer
lowercase bold
lowercase italic
UPPERC A SE File and utili ty name s Press the Enter key (PC) or Ret urn key (Macintosh) ^ Press and hold down the Ctrl key (PC)
Information displayed in the printer me ssag e window
PostScript operators and DOS comman ds
Variable information in text and PostScrip t variables
About This Manual
» Note:
Caution :
Notes contain tips, extra informati on, or important inform ation
that deserves emphasis or reiteration.
Cautions present information that you need to know to
avoid equipment damage, proce ss failure, or extreme annoyanc e.
specific procedure is not performed exactly as des cribed in the manual.
beschriebene Vorgehensweise, da sonst Verletzungsgefahr bestehen könnte.
Warnings indicate the possibi lity of personal inju ry if a
Bitte halten Sie sich exakt an die im Handbuch
QMS 1060E Print System Operat ion1-4


In This Chapter . . .
Preventing media jams
Loading and using media in the 500 -she et cassette
Loading and using media in the mult ipurpose t ray
Replacing the toner cartridge


This chapter describes the following:
How to prevent media jams.
How to load the 500-sheet media cassette and the multipurpose tray.
How to load paper, transparencies, envelopes, labels, thick paper, and card stock.
How to replace the toner cartridge in the printer.

Preventing Print Media Jams

Many printer problems are caused by improper handling of media. There are several things you can do to reduce the chance of media jamming in your printer:
Use paper, transparencies, envelopes, cardstock, and labels that meet the guidelines set for the printer. (See the “Consumable Supplies” section of appendix B, “Technical Specifications,” in the
Make sure the media is not folded or wrinkled.
Do not overfill the multipurpose tray or the cassette. The multipur­pose tray holds about 150 sheets of 20 lbs (75 g/m transparencies, 10 envelopes, 50 sheets of letterhead or thick paper, or 50 labels; the standard cassette holds about 500 sheets of 20 lbs (75 g/m sheets of letterhead paper.
If you have problems with multiple sheets of media feeding through the printer, remove the media from the tray or cassette and fan the edges. The sheets may be sticking togeth er.
, for more complete inform at ion. )
) paper, 100 transparencies, 120 labels, or 400
QMS 1060E Print System Operat ion2-2
) paper, 50
Store media away from moisture and hum idit y. They may cause media to turn up at the edges or wrinkles to occur. The recom­mended relative humidit y duri ng operation is 15% -85% .
Load media printing side up. The print ing side of paper is indi­cated on the paper wrapping.

Loading the 500-Sheet Cassette

The QMS 1060E Print System comes standard wit h one 500-sheet letter/A4 cassette. The printer automatically pulls media from the cas­sette, if the cassette is selected. You may purchase an optional cas­sette from your QMS vendor.
Loading the 500-Sheet Cassette
» Note:
size. Otherwise, the printed image will not be correctly placed on the page.
1 Slide the cassette out of the printer.
You should ensure that the media size matches the cassette
Loading the 500-Sheet Cassette
2 Load media in the 500-sheet cassette in increm e nts so that
all 500 sheets fit in the cassette and the media stack is prop­erly leveled out.
» Note:
Paper is packed in reams of 500 sheets. Do not unpack the paper above the printer as this might cause particles to fall into the printer components. Not e the arrows on the wrapper. They show which side of the paper should be on the top when it is loaded in the cassette.
1 Unwrap the media, pull the stack out, and then with one hand
at each end of the stack, lift and hold it in a curved posi tio n as shown in the following illustratio n.
Hold Without Gripping
QMS 1060E Print System Operat ion2-4
Loading the 500-Sheet Cassette
2 Grip each end of the stack firmly.
3 Straighten the stack, and then roll the fanned sheets from side
to side to get air through the sheets and prevent static buildup.
Straighten And Roll From Side To Side
Loading the 500-Sheet Cassette
4 Take off the top and bottom sheets.
5 Position the cassette.
The top and bottom sheets sometimes have residual glue buildup that could cause the printer to jam.
Remove Top Sheet
Remove Bottom Sheet
The cassette has a spring in the bottom that provides some resis­tance when print media is placed on it. Lay the cassette flat on a hard surface and using your left hand push down on the plate in the cassette until it locks.
6 Load the media in the cassette.
Load the media so the edge of the stack comes against the back of the cassette in three steps as follows:
QMS 1060E Print System Operat ion2-6
a Up to the bo tt om limit mark b Halfway to the top limit mark
c Up to the top limit mark.
Top Limit
Bottom Limit
Loading the 500-Sheet Cassette
Retaining Clips
7 Ensure that the media stack lies flat, does not exceed the top
limit mark, and is positi on ed un der the retai ni ng clips.
8 Slide the cassette back into the feeder.
Loading the 500-Sheet Cassette
9 Adjust the med ia stop to fit the media size.
Push the cassette straight into the cassett e slot on the feeder until it’s firmly seated.
The printer delivers your output, print-side down , to the output tray at the top of the printer. The media stop keeps the sheets positioned in the output tray.
Media Stop
QMS 1060E Print System Operat ion2-8
Loading the Multipurpose Tray

Loading the Multipurpose Tray

Use the multipurpose tray to print on paper, thick paper, letterhead, envelopes, card stock, labels, odd-sized paper (such as B5 ISO or executive), recycled paper, or transparencies. The multipurpose tray is especially useful if you want to print on a single sheet of letterhead or colored paper without changing the media in the cassette.
Load media in the multipurpose tray as follows:
1 Lift the multipurpose tray cover to its full upright position.
Multipurpose Tray Cover
Front Door
2 If media size is lon ger than 11.7” (297 mm), open the front
door. Otherwise, continue at step 3.
3 Adjust the med ia width guides to fit the medi a size.
Loading the Multipurpose Tray
» Note:
Remember that all media on your QMS 1060E Print System is inserted short-edge first.
4 Align the media, and insert it print side up between the
media guides sliding it as far as it will go in the printer. Make sure it doesn’t exceed the limit mark and it fits firmly between the media gu ides.
The multipurpose tray holds about 150 sheets of 20 lb (75 g/m paper (plain or recycled), 50 transparencies, 10 envelopes, 50 labels, or 50 sheets of letterhead or thick paper.
Lim it Mark
QMS 1060E Print System Operat ion2-10
Loading the Multipurpose Tray
5 Check the media guides to make sure they touch the sides of
the print media.
Slide the guides in until they ligh tly to uch the right side of the stack.
6 Close the multip urp ose tray cover.
» Note:
Do not load additional media until all the sheets in the multipurpose tray have been fed through the printer. Adjust the media stop to the correct media size.
Media Stop

Envelopes: S pecial Considerations

The QMS 1060E Print System supports envelope print ing in two ways:
From the multipurpose tray (up to 10 envelopes)
From the optional envelope cassette (up to 50 envelopes)
» Note:
n n n
The following envelopes are supported:
Commercial 9 Commercial 10 Monarch International C5
Loading the Multipurpose Tray
n n
Your print er receives the instruct ions to print on envelopes from your application. Use landscape orientation to create the envel ope text in your application short-edge first, set the multipurpose tray or cassette to the correct envelope size, and load the envelope short-edge first. When formatting data for envelopes, leave a 0.6" (15 mm) margin from the edges of the envelope. P rint on the front side onl y. Some parts of the envelope consist of three layers of paper—the front, back, and flap. Print in these layered regions may be lost or faded.
(See your application documenta tion for specific inform atio n on print­ing envelopes and see chapter 4, “Printer Configuration ,” of the
Printing Env elope s from the Multipurpose Tray
International DL Custom A custom-size envelope is acceptable if it is in the following
size range: 3.6" width (92 mm) to 6.65" width (176 mm)
5.86" length (149 mm) to 9.43" lengt h (240 mm) .
for information on how to set the envelope size.)
Load the envelopes in the multipurpose tray the same as specified for other media in the “Loading the Multipurpose Tray” section, earlier in this chapter, with the following exceptions:
Adjust the multipurpose tray guides to fit the envelope size. Make sure the guides are not too tight, so the envelopes will not buckle. Also, make sure the envelope size and type meet th e specifica­tions listed in appendix B, “Tech nical Specif icati ons,” of the
QMS 1060E Print System Operat ion2-12
Loading the Multipurpose Tray
Insert the envelopes into the multipurpose tray as shown below with the short-edge first, the face up, and the flap side toward the left media guide.
Because envelopes pass through hea ted roll er s, the gumm ed area on the flap may seal. Open the flap immedia tel y after the enve lope passes through the printer, before the seal cools. You may then reseal it in the usual manner. The use of envelopes with emulsion­based glue avoids this problem.
Printing Env elope s from the Optiona l E nve lope Cassette
To load up to 50 Com 9, Com 10, Monarch, C5, DL, or custom enve­lopes at a time, use the optional envelope cassette. Instructions for installation and use are in chapte r 6, “Printer Options,” of the
optional envelope cassette.
. See your QMS vendor for information on purchasi ng the

Labels: Special Considerations

Your print er supports label printing in two ways:
From the multipurpose tray (up to 50 sheets)
From a cassette (standard or optional—up to 120 sheets)
Loading the Multipurpose Tray
Adhesive label stock has pressure-sensitive (peel and stick) adhesive backing. A label consists of a face sheet, the adhesive, and t he car­rier sheet. The face sheet printing surface mu st adhere to the plain paper specifications described in appendix B, “Technical Specifica­tions,” of the
The label printing surface must co ver the entire carrier sheet, and no adhesive should come through on the surface. The adhesive and car­rier sheet must withstand the fusing temperature (200
The following label stoc k is qualified for use in this printer:
Avery 5260/5160 (1" x 2 ")
Avery 5261/5161 (1" x 4")
Avery 5262/5162 (1 " x 4")
Avery 5163 (2" x 4")
Avery 5164 (3 "x 4”)
Avery 5165 (uncut sheet)
Format the information that is to print on the label from with in your application. Try printing the formatted inf orm ati on on a plain sh eet of paper first to check placement.
-- ­3
°C/392° F).
-- ­8
-- ­2
(See your application documenta tion for specific inform atio n on print­ing labels.)
Printing Lab els
Load the labels in the multipurpose tray or the cassette the same as specified for other media in the “Loading the 500-sheet Cassette” and “Loading the Multipurpose Tray” sections, earlier in this chapter, with the following exceptions:
Adjust the multipurpose tray guides to fit the label size. Also, make sure the label size and type meet specifications listed in appendix B, “Technical Specifications,” of the
Insert the labels short-edge f irst print ing and surface u p.
QMS 1060E Print System Operat ion2-14
Loading the Multipurpose Tray

Letterhead and Memo Paper: Special Considerations

Your printer supports the printing of letterhead or memo paper in two ways:
From the multipurpose tray (up to 50 sheets)
From a cassette (standard or optional—up to 400 sheets)
The letterhead and memo paper must ad here to the m edia specif ica­tions described in appendix B, “Technical Specifications,” of the
Format the information that is to print on letterhead or memo paper from within your application. Try printing the formatted information on a plain sheet of paper first to check placement.
(See your application documenta tion for specific inform atio n on print­ing.)
Printing a Letter or Memo
Load the letterhead or memo paper in the multipurpose tray or the cassette the same as specified for other media in the “Loading the 500-sheet Cassette” and “Loading the Multipu rpose Tray” sections, earlier in this chapter, with the following exception s:
Adjust the multipurpose tray medi a guides to fit the letterhead or memo size. Also, make sure the media size and type meet the specifications listed in appendix B, “Technical Specificati ons,” of the
Insert the letterhead or memo short-edge first, face up, with the top of the page facing towards the printer.
Loading the Multipurpose Tray

Transparencies: Special Considerations

Your print er supports the printing of transparencies in two ways:
From the multipurpose tray (up to 50 sheets)
From a cassette (standard or optional—up to 100 sheets)
The transparencies must adhere to the media specifications described in appendix B, “Technical Specifications” of the
Format the information that is to print on the transparencies from within your application. Try printing the formatted inf ormat ion on a plain sheet of paper first to check placement.
(See your application documenta tion for specific inform atio n on print­ing.)
Printing Transparen cies
Load the transparencies in the multipurpose tray or cassette the same as specified for other media in the “Loading the 500-sheet Cas­sette” and “Loading the Multipurpose Tray” sections, earlier in this chapter, with the following exceptions:
QMS 1060E Print System Operat ion2-16
Loading the Multipurpose Tray
Use transparencies that can withstand the fusing temperat ure
°C/392° F). We recommend 3M type PP2500 transparen-
(200 cies.
Adjust the multipurpose tray guides to fit the transparency size. Also, make sure the transparency size and type meet specifica­tions listed in appendix B, “Tech nical Specif icati ons,” of the
Slightly fan the stack of transparenci es before load ing them to prevent a jam.
Insert the transparencies short-edge first, print ing side up, wit h the top of the page on the left side of the tray. The correct print side is usually marked on the transparency package.
Load up to 50 transparencies at a time in the multipurpose tray or up to 100 transparencies in the cassette. Loading a larger num­ber of transparencies at a time may cause static buildup.
Keep the paper path clean. Transparencies are especially sensi­tive to a dirty paper path. If there are shadows on either the top or the bottom of the sheets, refer to chapter 4, “Printe r Mainte­nance,” for instructions on how to clean the printer.
Remove each transparency from the output tray before the next sheet is printed to prevent jams or misfeeds.

Thick Pap er o r Card Stock

Your print er supports thick paper or card stock (90 to 157 g/m2) print­ing only from the multipurpose tray (up to 50 sheets).
This media must adhere to the media specif icati ons described in appendix B, “Technical Specifications” of the
Format the information that is to print on the media from within your application. Try printing the formatted inf orm ati on on a plain sh eet of paper first to check placement.
(See your application documenta tion for specific inform atio n on print­ing labels.)
About Toner Cartridge s
Printing on Thick Paper or Card Stock
Load this media in the multipurpose tray the same as specified for other media in the “Loading the 500-sheet Cassette” and “Loading the Multipurpose Tray” sections, earlier in this chapter, with the follow­ing exceptions:
Adjust the multipurpose tray guides to fit the label size. Also, make sure the media size and type meet specificat ions list ed in appendix B, “Technical Specifications,” of the
Insert the media short edge first with the print ing surface face up.

About Toner Cartridges

In your laser printer, characters and images are created through a process that applies toner (made of carbon particles) to the page in the printer’s fusing unit. When an image is formed a positive electrical charge is applied to transfer the image to the page. The toner car­tridge contains the toner and the photosensitive drum neede d to operate the laser printer.

Installing and Storing the Toner Cartridge

The cartridge is sensitive to bright light. Do not remove the toner car­tridge from its protective bag until you’re ready to insta ll it.
To install a new toner cartridge, either follow the instructions writt en on the toner cartridge or the instructions in the “Installing a New Toner Cartridge” section later in this chapter.
The cartridge should be
Kept level during storage. Do not stand or store the cartridge on its en d .
QMS 1060E Print System Operat ion2-18
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