ID code i nput (M A IN T . START tra n s mission)
MANUAL 1ST trans mission
MAINT. END tra ns mi ssion
DATA BAC KU P ( sa ve / lo ad ) t ra n sm i ssion
TBL RECO VER/ WAR NIN G RE S trans mi ssion
Various data
User Hel p C od e input
User cl aim (by phone)
(Telephone line)
Time of tra ns mi ssion,
thresholds, remote
action, bac kup data
★DT-103/DT-104 Applicable Copier Models
User information
Inferen ce i nfor mation
Center P ers onal Computer
• Showing va rio us data
• Obtaini ng t rou ble inf ormation
• Obtaining warning information
• Obtaini ng u ser cla im info rm ation
• Showing us er i nf orm ation
• Showing se rvi ce man inf ormation
• Drawing an i nfe rence about
what act io n ca n be taken
• Entering de tai ls o f us er c laims
- 1 -
★Here are the possible benefits the Heart System o ffers:
• The system quickly obtains trouble and user claim information and draws an inference about
what act io n ca n be ta ken and whi ch par t sh oul d be rep lac ed , th ereby shortening service action
time. I t al so e nsu res acc urat e s ervicing.
• For a sim pl e se rvi ce act ion tha t m ay b e ta ke n wi tho ut th e s erv ice ma n ne ed ing to visit the user in
person, th e Cen ter pe rs ona l comp ute r ca n ta ke a re mo te a cti on. Thi s c ontributes to reducing the
number o f ser vice man vis its a s we ll as d own time.
• The system predicts the service timing based on the data sent by the copier, thus reducing the
number of serviceman visits.
• It reduces the number of man-hours required for account settling.
• It is cap abl e of k eepi ng trac k of the posi tio n of su ppl ies a nd replacement parts, permitting
efficient control of inventories, ordering, and delivery.
• It obtain s co pie r dat a on a rea lti me ba sis to k eep t rac k of cha nges in reliability parameters.
• It is als o ca pab le o f pr ovi di ng fe edb ac k in for mat ion on market quality.
• It reduc es th e nu mbe r of user calls.
• It permi ts t he s er vic e of fic e to ta ke ac tio n b efo re a us er claim is received.
• It reduce s d own time.
• It enhan ces cust om er s ati sfaction.
• It maintains stabilized copy image.
- 2 -
★Connecting the Telephone Cord
Line Dedic ate d to t he Modem Unit
Center/Telephone Line
Line Commonly Used for Modem Unit and Telephone
Center/Telephone Line
Line Commonly Used for Modem Unit and Fax Unit
Center/Telephone Line
Modem U nit
Modem U nit
Connec tin g th e lin e of th e Fa x Un it i s e xpla ine d in th e Op era tor ’s M anual of your Fax Unit.
Modem U nit
- 3 -
(ALL Areas)
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
Replace only with the same or equivalent type
(Denmark only)
Lithiumbatteri - Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig håndtering.
Levér det brugte batteri tilbage til leverandøren.
(Norway only)
Eksplosjonsfare ved feilaktig skifte av batteri.
Benytt samme batteritype eller en tilsvarende
Brukte batterier kasseres i henhold til fabrikantens
recommended by the manufacturer.
Dispose of used batteries according
to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Udskiftning må kun ske med batteri
af samme fabrikat og type.
type anbefalt av apparatfabrikanten.
(Sweden only)
(Finland only)
Paristo voi räjähtää, jos se on virheellisesti asennettu.
Vaihda paristo ainoastaan laitevalmistajan suosittelemaan
tyyppiin. Hävitä Käytetty paristo valmistajan ohjeiden
Explosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyte.
Använd samma batterityp eller en ekvivalent
typ som rekommenderas av apparattillverkaren.
Kassera använt batteri enligt fabrikantens
Configuration: Interface Board (Interface circuit to an external modem)
Interface: 26-pin connector on the Clock Board is connected to
Operating Environment: Same as copier
Power Requirements: DC5V±5% (supplied from copier)
Current Consumption: 100 mA (max.)
Dimensions: 80 (W) x 110 (D) x 50 (H) mm
Weight: 200 g (including brackets and harness) ............ DT-103
DC Resistance: 11.2 ohms
Communications Specification s
Transmission Control Protocol: Basic
Code Length: 10 bits
Error Detection: Cyclic redundancy-check code
Redial: 10 times for TBL OCC URR ED, TBL RECOVER,
Modem Specifications
(Select one that meets the following specifications from among those
locally certified.)
Clock Board (Clock and backup circuits) ..... ... .. DT-103
the copier board.
External connection is RS232C (D-SUB 25P).
215 g (including brackets and harness) ......... ... DT-104
WARNING, and WARNING RES; 5 times for ot hers.
(When the prescribed number of times is exceeded,
redial is made on the foll owi ng day. Redial is also
made when power is turned OFF and ON.
Modem Control Command: AT command
Communication Method: Conforming to CCI T T V.22
Communication Speed: 1200 bps
Auto Reception: Selectable on copier control panel
Clock Specifications
Battery Life: 5 years
Output: Line monitor signal of modem
1. Interface Board
2. Clock Board
3. Harness Assy
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