State of the Art
portable Spectrophotometers
from the leader in
colour measurement
10 reasons that will determine your choice!
1 Perfect handling and positioning on shaped and rounded samples
2 Large back lighted Color Display for color-data & -graphics
3 Wireless bidirectional Data Communication by
Bluetooth® technology
4 Interchangeable apertures 8mm (MAV)
and 3mm (SAV) (CM-700d model only)
5 High energy ash illumination for best
repeatability on dark colours
6 Simultaneous SCI/SCE measurement +
correlated gloss value
7 Unmatched inter-instrument agreement
for best data compatibility
8 Full conformity with CIE and ISO norms
for best absolute accuracy
9 Best inter-model agreement with CM-3600d
bench-top instruments series
Free choice of power sources (Batteries, rechargeable batteries + AC)
= always ready
Global coverage, competent
consultancy and services
from Konica Minolta
10 Companies of world-wide reputation
which already have made their choice!
Konica Minolta Sensing, Inc. Osaka, Japan
Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc. New Jersey, U.S.A. Phone: 888-473-2656 (in USA), 201-236-4300 (outside USA) Fax: 201-785-2480
Konica Minolta Sensing Europe B.V. European Headquarter/BENELUX Nieuwegein, Netherland Phone: +31(0)30 248-1193 Fax: +31(0)30 248-1280
German Ofce München, Germany Phone: +49(0)89 4357 156 0 Fax: +49(0)89 4357 156 99
French Ofce Roissy CDG, France Phone: +33(0)1 493-82519 Fax: +33(0)1 493-84771
UK Ofce Milton Keynes, United Kingdom Phone: +44(0)1908 540-622 Fax: +44(0)1908 540-629
Italian Ofce Milan, Italy Phone: +39 02 39011.425 Fax: +39 02 39011.223
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Austrian Ofce Wien, Austria Phone: +43(0)1 87882-430 Fax: +43(0)1 87882-431
Polish Ofce Wroclaw, Poland Phone: +48(0)71 33050-01 Fax: +48(0)71 734 52 10
Distribuidor para Espa
Konica Minolta (CHINA) Investment Ltd. SE Sales Division Shanghai, China Phone: +86-021-5489 0202 Fax: +86 -021-5489 0005
SE Beijing Ofce Beijing, China Phone: +86-010-8522 1551 Fax: +86-010-8522 1241
SE Guangzhou Ofce Guangzhou, China Phone: +86-020-3826 4220 Fax: +86-020-3826 4223
Konica Minolta Sensing Singapore Pte Ltd. Singapore Phone: +65 6563-5533 Fax: +65 6560-9721
Konica Minolta Sensing, Inc. Seoul Ofce Seoul, Korea Phone: +82(0)2-523-9726 Fax: +82(0)2-523-9729
©2008 Konica Minolta Sensing Europe B.V. www.konicaminolta.eu
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AQUATEKNICA S.A. Valencia, Spain
Phone: +34 963 30 20 13 Fax: +34 963 30 03 96