300FS Harrows
Flex Drag & Spiral Roller Combi
300 FS

Introduction ..............................................................................................................….........................2
Pre Assembly Tips .............................................................................................…................................3
3 Bar Spike Drag Harrow Sections Assembly ......................................................................................4
Spiral Bar Rota-Harrows Assembly.......................................................................................................8
Adjustments / Precautions ............................................................................................................…..12
Field Settings ...............................................................................................................................…....13
Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................15
OEM Mounting Kit .............................................................................................................................15
Parts List Assembly Diagram ...............................................................................See Separate Booklet
Mounting Pattern Diagrams for Cultivators ........................................................See Separate Booklet
Kongskilde 300FS Combi Harrows have been developed as a levelling attachment for field cultivators.
When properly adjusted the Harrow will help to prepare a level surface for planting in various field
conditions and soil types.
To achieve this, the 300FS Harrow combines a 3-Bar Flex Drag-Spike Harrow with a Single Offset
Spiral Bar Rota Harrow.
This booklet has been developed to assist you in assembling your Combi Harrow Kit for the Kongskilde
Field Cultivator Model VT2800. Harrow mounting patterns for each cultivator size is provided in a
separate booklet.

Prior to assembling the Combi Harrows, the cultivator should be carefully unfolded and lowered to the
ground, (resting on the tines), on a flat level area.
Combi Harrows are really two separate harrow systems that share a common hanger arm and should
therefore be assembled in three stages:
1) Assemble the 3 Bar Drag Harrows and position behind the machine.
2) Mount the hanger arms and attach the drag harrows to them.
3) Assemble the Spiral Bar Rota Harrows and attach to the ends of the hanger arms.
(Refer to the detailed assembly instructions for each of the above stages)
The combi harrows are shipped from the factory in component form. They are packed together and
include: the pre-assembled spike bars; the carrier arms; the rollers, roller frames, and roller arms; and
the assembly hardware bags.
Refer to the parts list booklet for a detailed breakdown and description of the assembled components.
This booklet will help you to identify the items required for proper assembly.
NOTE: Position the harrow mounting bracket holes according to the tine in use VTM or VTH
Use Top Holes On Harrow
Mountin Bracket When
Use Bottom Holes On
Harrow Mountin Bracket
When Using VTM Tines
Harrow mounting Braket
Using VTH Tines

ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS: Working Angle of 3-Bar Drag Harrow
As an added feature, the straight and offset joiner links of the 3 bar drag sections have been double
sheared on one end with two different angle cuts. This gives you the opportunity to set the spikes bars
to run at a shallow angle of about 30° for levelling in heavy residue or lighter soils, or set at a steeper
angle of about 45° for breaking clods and lumps in heavier soils. The harrows come pre-assembled
from the factory on the steep angle setting. However, If you want to change to the shallow angle setting you must flip the offest brackets over on all sections before starting the assembly, as all sections
must be set the same way.
See Diagrams & Notes below.
NOTE 1: Depending on the setting chosen, the harrow bars may be flipped over and offset in the op
posite direction to the diagrams shown in the harrow layout booklets. For example; a right offset joiner
link set in the shallow angle position becomes a left offset link when flipped over into the steep angle
NOTE 2: All offset brackets must be assembled to work at the same angle; either shallow or steep. You
do not have the option to mix one angle setting with another. Therefore, you cannot set the front row
to run at the steep angle and the rear 2 rows to run shallow. All spike bars must work at the same angle
to allow for proper spacing between the spikes.

1. Before starting, be sure you have the correct quantity and size of drag harrow bundles and spiral
bar rollers for the machine that is being assembled. The size combinations and mounting location for
each machine are shown in the harrow layout booklet provided for each model of cultivator.
2. Each harrow section may be assembled separately and then positioned behind the cultivator.
However these harrow sections are very heavy and awkward to move when completely assembled. You
may want to position them behind the cultivator first and then complete the assembly.
3. Lay the 3 bar harrow sections out behind the cultivator and assemble the offset joiner links and
chains according to the layout diagrams below. Start with the Centre Section first, then assemble the
right and left hand wing sections.