Kongskilde reserves the right to make changes to product designs and specifications without notice or obligation to rework.
See your local Kongskilde representative for current product
specifications, instructions and options.
Please take the time to carefully read and review all instruction booklets provided with your
new Kongskilde product.
These instruction booklets have been developed to assist you in assembling, adjusting and
maintaining your new Kongskilde Product. To obtain optimal performance over the lifetime of
the product read and follow these instructions carefully.
A copy of the Spare Parts List has also been provided in order to identify the components
and hardware needed for each step of the assembly and to help you identify and obtain
replacement parts in the future.
When the assembly of the unit is completed, please refer to the Owners Manual before
attempting to adjust or use the product. The Owners Manual will provide you with further
instructions on the proper Field Settings, Adjustments and Maintenance Procedures for Safe
Operation of the unit.
If optional equipment or attachments have been ordered for your unit, please refer to the
instruction booklets provided for proper installation and adjustment of these accessories.
Please take the time to fill out and return the Owners Registration and Warranty Form provided
in the Owners Manual in order to activate the warranty coverage.
Pre Assembly Instructions:
Assembly of Kongskilde products should only be undertaken by authorized Kongskilde Dealers
or an approved service provider who has the necessary tools, equipment and training for safe
handling and proper assembly of the unit.
Proper handling and assembly of the components is critical in order to validate the warranty
It is important to note that the frame components are heavy and somewhat awkward to handle.
Proper lifting devices such as overhead cranes, boom lifts or mobile lift trucks should be used
at all times when moving or handling the large frame components and must only be operated
by individuals who have had the proper safety training for using such devices. Proper steel
assembly stands or support jacks should also be used to support the frame components and
prevent them from falling during assembly.
Recommended assembly tools include:
A full set of standard open or box end wrenches and sockets; assorted sizes of pin punches;
a heavy hammer and/or sledge hammer; a pry bar; a large adjustable wrench; and pair of
visegrip or similar type pliers.
Optional tools could include an all purpose jack and a good quality air or electric drive impact
tool with heavy drive sockets.
The assembly area should be should be large enough to allow workers and equipment to
move around freely during assembly of the unit.
For example; to fully assemble a 2800-90 with 29' (9m) working width, a minimum area of
30' x 40' (10m x 12m) with 16' (5m) overhead clearance is required to assemble and fold the
If the unit is to be assembled and folded indoors, additional clearance may be needed in the
assembly area.
The ceiling height and the size of the building exit door must also be considered in order to
safely fold and move the cultivator outdoor after assembly.
The floor area should be relatively clean and level.
Proper lighting and ventilation should also be provided to allow the work to be carried out in
a safe and efficient manner.
Sort out the frame sections for the size of cultivator you are assembling. Note that there are 2
different centre frame configurations as shown below: 1) 10' (3m) narrow transport model or
2) 13' (4m) wide transport model.
The main wing frames are the same for both the 3m and 4m models however, some compnents
are different such as the folding hinges, assembly hardware and hydraulic hose kits. Refer to
the spare parts list supplied for a full description of all of the different parts for both models.
Frame assembly with
10' (3m) centre section.
Frame assembly with
13' (4m) centre section.
To ensure the stability of the frames and safety of the workers during assembly, place the
cultivator frames on surdy steel shop stands. Do not use construction blocks, tiles or supports
constructed of wood or other materials that could crush under continuous load. Position the
stands so they do not interfere with the mounting of frame components and tines.
Locate the tine patterns in the back of the
booklet for the model of cultivator you ordered
and begin measuring the tine locations on
each of the toolbar tubes.
Note that there are 2 standard tine patterns:
4" (100mm), and 6" (155mm). Tine quantities
delivered with the unit are based on the model
Cultivator frame.
size of cultivator and the tine spacing chosen
at time of order. Therefore, if you decide to
change the tine spacing after delivery of
Steel support stands.
the unit you may need to order extra tines
depending on the pattern you choose. Other
Tines mounted in the wheel area or near the
hinge points should be left loose until after the
tine spacings are available on request for
various special applications.
wheel arm assemblies and wing fold hinge
plates are installed. This will allow the tine to
move out of the way during assembly of the
wheels and hinge components.
Note: On 3m center, a 4 inch
sweep cannot be placed on
toolbar outside the wheel
(position A). Sweep will
interfere with tire.
Hook a tape measure on the "0" side of the cultivator frame and
put a mark on the front side or top of the toolbar tubes at the
dimensions shown on the tine pattern drawings. Mount the tines so
they are centred at the location marked. The mark will be covered
by the clamp and bolt.
Carefully unpack and lay out all of the fasteners and hardware. (The empty shipping crate
and cardboard makes an excellent temporary work bench.) Assembling the cultivator is more
efficient if you take a few minutes to sort and organize the hardware by type and size instead
of dumping the bag or box in a pile on the floor. Place the assembly instructions and parts list
on the table for quick reference to help identify the parts for each step of the assembly.
When the tines are mounted to the main frame and front extension, move the 2 frame sections
together and assemble the centre section with the bolts, nuts, washers and pins shown in the
parts list.
Take care to insert the front frame bolts from the front and insert the back frame bolts from the
back so that the locknuts are all facing inside the machine. This will keep the frame assembly
looking neat and tidy and make the assembly more efficient.
(Note: The assembly diagrams do not show tines installed for easier viewing. In special
situations where the machine must be partly assembled and shipped to another location, the
tines may be mounted after assembly. But generally you will find it easier to mount the tines
as you assemble each frame section.)
10' (3m) Centre & Front Frame Assemby
Frame assembly can be done while the frames are sitting on the assembly stands, or the
stands may be removed once the tines are mounted. Use a fork lift or overhead hoist to move
the heavy frame components into position for assembly.
Although the 10' (3M) and 13' (4M) centre sections and self levelling wheel lift linkages have
some different components, they both have the same basic function and use the same order
of assembly as shown by the numbers below and opposite.
Sort out the pieces for the centre section self levelling linkages and wheel arms according to
the parts list and the diagram below for 10' (3m) or opposite on page 9 for the 13' (4m).
Important Note:
It is much easier to pre-assemble the right and left wheel arms according to the instructions
on page 10. The entire wheel assembly can then be lifted into the frame and secured with the
wheel axle.
The remaining steps for installing the linkages are outlined in detail beginning on page 11.
10' (3m) Self Levelling Linkage Assembly
After the wheel arm assemblies are installed, the self levelling linkages can be attached starting
with the wheel connection link at the back and work forward to the hitch. The numbers below
show the proper order of assembly. Refer to the detailed instructions beginning on page 10
for proper assembly of the wheel arms and self levelling lift linkages.
13' (4m) Self Levelling Linkage Assembly
Carefully insert the wheel axle pivot bushings into the ends of the wheel arm tubes. Tap the
bushings into the ends of the tubes with a block of wood or rubberized hammer.
Before mounting the tires, install the wheel spindle bolts as shown. The front spindle must be in
the 1st hole or wide position for all centre machines. The rear spindle must be in the 2nd hole
on the 10' (3m) centre. The rear spindle should be in the 1st hole for the 13' (4m) center.
Never use a steel block or hammer
directly on the bushings as they are
from a material which can crack or
burr easily.
Assemble the wheel linkage as shown below with the pivot pins and bushings provided.
Note that the wheel pivot link shown below is a 2 piece adjustable linkage. This linkage can
be lengthened or shortened as necessary to provide proper under frame clearance for 20" or
24" tine options. This adjustable wheel link also provides side to side levelling for the centre
The linkage length from centre to centre
"Dimension A" should be set at:
A = 28" (71cm) for 20" clearance tines.
A = 28.5" (73cm) for 24" clearance tines.
Take care to install the pins from
the outside as shown with the clip
pins on the inside of the wheel
Using a lift truck or overhead hoist equipped with an approved lifting chain or strap, lift the
wheel arm assemblies one at a time into the centre frame as shown below before installing
the Self Levelling Wheel Arm Pivot Linkages.
The wheel arm pivots must be aligned with the holes in the frame and then secured with the
axle pin as shown in the detail below.
The pin can be coated with a light machine oil or grease to ease assembly but otherwise needs
no lubrication as the pivot bushings in the wheel arms are oil impregnated.
Install the axle pin with lock tab
pointing down and secure with the
bolt and locknut. Considerable force
is required to install the axle as the
tolerance is very close.
For the 10' (3m) centre, attach the short Wheel Link Connector to the Wheel Arm Pivot Links
and A-Frame Wheel Links with the bolts provided. Remember to install the spacer bushings
so the upper pivot point will not bind when the bolts are tightened.
10' (3m) Self levelling
Pivot Links
A-Frame Wheel Links
The Wheel Link Conne ctor is
installed between centre wheels
with bu shings and bolt s wi th
Install the linkage with the SMV sign
bracket to the rear then insert the
SMV sign.
Centre Link Spacer Bushing
Must be installed in A-Frame
wheel Link before installing
For the 13' (4m) centre, the assembly is the same only the Wheel Link Connector is longer.
Attach the Wheel Link Connector to the Wheel Arm Pivot Links and A-Frame Wheel Links
with the bolts provided.
Once again, remember to install the spacer bushings so the upper pivot point will not bind
when the bolts are tightened.
13' (4m) Self levelling
Pivot Links
A-Frame Wheel Links
Install the linkage with the SMV sign
bracket to the rear then insert the
SMV sign.
The Wheel Link Conne ctor is
installed between centre wheels
with bu shings and bolt s wi th
Install the 10' (3m) main pivot link with the long pin provided. When the main link is in place
install the 4.5" x 8" master cylinder as shown in the detail below. Do not install the other linkages
until both the main pivot link and cylinder are in place.
Install Main Pivot Link
and Master Cylinder
Attach the master cylin der with the pins
The rod clevis attaches to the lugs on the main
pivot link.
The butt end of the cylinder attaches to the lug
in the centre of the top cross frame.
Take care to turn the cylinder so the front or rod
end port is pointing down and the rear port is
facing to the left side.
Remove the protective port plugs so the cylinder
can be moved in or out during the assembly of
the remaining self levelling linkages.
The 13' (4m) main pivot installs in much the same way as the 10' (3m) except that the 13' main
pivot is larger and requires a central pivot pin and additional mounting bolts to be installed in
the outside pivot mounts. The pivot bolts should not be tightened fully so that the pivot link can
move freely when the cylinder is extended or retracted. When the main link is in place install
the 4.5" x 8" master cylinder as shown in the detail below. Do not install the other linkages
until both the main pivot link and cylinder are in place.
Install Main Pivot Link
and Master Cylinder
Bolts and Pin
for 13' (4m)
Main Pivot Link
Attach the master cylin der with the pins
The rod clevis attaches to the lugs on the main
pivot link.
The butt end of the cylinder attaches to the lug
in the centre of the top cross frame.
Turn the cylinder so the front or rod end port is
pointing down and the rear port is facing to the
left side.
Remove the protective port plugs.
Install the A-frame wheel links on the 10' (3m) centre as shown below. The wheel links are
identical so it does not matter which way you turn them.
Attach the front of the wheel linkages to the main pivot with the 1" (25mm) ID bushings and
insert the pins from the outside to secure both linkages to the main pivot link. It may be
necessary to extend or retract the cylinder rod by hand in order to line up the holes and install
the linkage pins. Take care to insert and lock the clip pins when finished.
Attach the rear of the wheel linkage to the upper hole of the wheel
pivot link with the 3/4" (20mm) ID bushing and secure with the
bolts, washers and locknuts provided.
The A-Frame wheel links are the same for both the 10' and 13' centres, and are installed the
same way as shown below. The only difference is that the links are spaced wider apart on the
13' centre due to the wider frame and wheel spacing.
Attach the front of the wheel linkages to the main pivot with the 1" (25mm) ID bushings and
insert the pins from the outside to secure both linkages to the main pivot link. It may be
necessary to extend or retract the cylinder rod by hand in order to line up the holes and install
the linkage pins. Take care to insert and lock the clip pins when finished.
Attach the rear of the wheel linkage to the upper hole of the wheel
pivot link with the 3/4" (20mm) ID bushing and secure with the
bolts, washers and locknuts provided.
To complete the assembly of the self levelling wheel link system, install the front pivot link to
the lug in the centre of the front frame. Attach the wide end of the large triangular self levelling
link to the main pivot with the long pin provided and attach the narrow end to the front pivot
link with the shorter pin provided. These pieces are the same for both the 10' and 13' centres
and are installed in the same manner.
Check the assembly of the self levelling linkages and make sure all of the clip pins are installed
and locked.
Detail view of front linkages
on 10' (3m) centre
Self levelling link
Front hitch
pivot link
Overview of completed 10'
(3m) self levelling linkage
The diagram below shows the completed 13' (4m) centre frame and self levelling wheel lift
linkage assembly.
Take care to go over the assembly of the centre section and linkage system to make sure that
all nuts and bolts are installed and tighened.
Check all pin connections and make sure the roll pins or clip pins are installed and locked.
If there is lots of room in the assembly area, the hitch can be assembled to the centre section
now. However if space is limited, the draw hitch can be assembled and attached later after
the wings are assembled and attached.
The hitch must be attached prior to installing the hydraulic lines and preparing the cultivator
to be raised and folded for transport.
The draw hitch components are identical for both the 10' and 13' centre sections and follow
the same order of assembly as shown on the numbered diagram below.
Gather the components and begin assembling the hitch with the hardware described in the
spare parts list.
Follow the numbers for the order of assembly on the diagram below and make the connections
with the pins and bolts provided.
The hitch adjuster, pivot link and self levelling link are all connected with the same pivot pin at
position 1 as shown below. To do this you will have to remove the clip pin and slide the pin to one
side to allow the hitch adjuster to be connected.The adjuster can be lengthened or shortened
as necessary to position the hitch at the tractor drawbar height for easier assembly.
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