Kongsberg Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual

Seatex AIS 100
Instruction Manual
Blank page
Document revisions
Document ID Rev. Date Reason for revision
4 2003-03-03 Updated NMEA descriptions
Man_instr_ais100_r5 5 2003-03-31 Minor update after internal revision
Software versions
This Instruction Manual applies to software version 1.06 and newer.
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Table of contents
1 GENERAL INFORMATION ..................................................................1
1.1 Introduction............................................................................... 1
1.2 How to use this manual...............................................................1
1.3 References ................................................................................1
1.4 Abbreviations and acronyms ........................................................2
1.5 AIS – Automatic Identification System .......................................... 3
1.6 System components ...................................................................6
1.7 Electrical specifications................................................................8
2 OPERATION......................................................................................9
2.1 Introduction............................................................................... 9
2.2 Operational modes .....................................................................9
2.2.1 Autonomous and continuous mode................................. 9
2.2.2 Assigned mode ............................................................9
2.2.3 Polled or controlled mode............................................ 10
2.3 Malfunction and fallback arrangements ....................................... 10
2.4 Mobile station initialisation......................................................... 10
2.5 Overview................................................................................. 11
3 DISPLAY PAGES..............................................................................13
3.1 Main menu descriptions............................................................. 13
3.1.1 Navigational status..................................................... 13
3.1.2 Long range history ..................................................... 13
3.1.3 Voyage data .............................................................. 14
3.1.4 Static data ................................................................ 15
3.1.5 Dynamic data ............................................................ 16
3.1.6 Channel management................................................. 17
3.1.7 VHF link.................................................................... 18
3.1.8 Downperiods ............................................................. 18
3.1.9 Network & ports......................................................... 19
3.1.10 Answer modes........................................................... 19
3.1.11 Diagnostics ............................................................... 20
3.1.12 Security.................................................................... 21
3.2 Authorisation code entry ........................................................... 21
3.3 View page ............................................................................... 22
3.4 SMS menu............................................................................... 22
3.5 Alarms.................................................................................... 26
3.6 Adjusting brightness and contrast............................................... 26
4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................27
4.1 Health, environment and safety ................................................. 27
4.2 Restrictions in guarantee...........................................................27
4.3 Physical dimensions.................................................................. 27
5 INSTALLATION...............................................................................33
5.1 General...................................................................................33
5.2 AIS 100 MKD ........................................................................... 34
5.3 AIS 100 mobile station.............................................................. 35
5.4 AIS 100 connection box ............................................................ 37
5.5 External cabling of data signals.................................................. 41
5.6 AIS 100 VHF antenna................................................................ 42
5.7 AIS 100 GPS antenna ............................................................... 44
5.8 Internal alarm system............................................................... 46
6 EXTERNAL INTERFACES..................................................................47
6.1 External interfaces.................................................................... 47
6.2 Presentation interface ............................................................... 47
6.3 Long range interface.................................................................49
6.4 Sensor input............................................................................ 49
6.5 New IEC 61162-1 sentences...................................................... 51
6.6 IEC 61162-1, Ed. 2, sentences................................................... 70
6.7 Proprietary 61162-1 sentences................................................... 81
7 SOFTWARE SETUP PROCEDURE ......................................................85
7.1 Description of installation setup.................................................. 85
8 MAINTENANCE ...............................................................................89
8.1 General...................................................................................89
8.2 Periodic maintenance................................................................ 89
8.3 Repairs and modifications.......................................................... 89
8.3.1 Exchange of antenna cable..........................................90
8.3.2 Exchange of GPS or VHF antennas ............................... 90
8.3.3 Repair of the Seatex AIS 100....................................... 90
8.4 Installation of a spare Seatex AIS 100 ........................................ 91
9 TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................................93
9.1 Hardware problems .................................................................. 93
9.1.1 Power supply failing.................................................... 93
9.1.2 GPS and VHF antenna cable connections.......................93
9.1.3 GPS and VHF antenna malfunction ............................... 93
9.1.4 GPS receiver failing .................................................... 94
9.1.5 VHF transceiver failing ................................................ 94
9.2 External data interface problems ................................................ 94
9.2.1 Data input from main GPS/GNSS source ....................... 94
9.2.2 Heading from vessel heading sensor............................. 95
10 PARTS LIST ....................................................................................97
APPENDIX A – VESSEL TYPES ................................................................99
APPENDIX B – DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY...................................101
INDEX .................................................................................................103
List of illustrations
Figure 1 Elements in an AIS system............................................................4
Figure 2 AIS 100 system components .........................................................6
Figure 3 Front display MKD unit................................................................ 11
Figure 4 MKD unit dimensions .................................................................. 27
Figure 5 Mobile station dimensions ........................................................... 28
Figure 6 Connection box dimensions ......................................................... 29
Figure 7 VHF antenna.............................................................................. 30
Figure 8 GPS antenna and pole dimensions................................................31
Figure 9 Rear side of the MKD unit and interconnection plug........................34
Figure 10 The Amphenol connector...........................................................35
Figure 11 Recommended free space to rear side of mobile station ................ 36
Figure 12 Rear side of mobile station ........................................................ 36
Figure 13 The 9-pin D-sub plug................................................................37
Figure 14 Recommended free space to rear side of connection box...............38
Figure 15 The 50-pin plug........................................................................40
Figure 16 Talker and listener cabling – data/shield...................................... 41
Figure 17 Third wire cabling..................................................................... 41
Figure 18 Recommended VHF antenna installation......................................42
Figure 19 VHF and GPS antenna cable connector termination.......................43
Figure 20 Recommended GPS antenna installation...................................... 44
Figure 21 GPS antenna offset arms...........................................................45
Figure 22 Interfaces to the Seatex AIS 100 mobile station...........................47
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Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 General information
1.1 Introduction
Congratulations on the purchase of your new Seatex AIS 100 and thank you for selecting what is one of the best AIS systems available on the market today.
Kongsberg Seatex AS manufactures several positioning and navigation products for all types of vessels, from fishery and merchant marine vessels to advanced offshore and research vessels. Kongsberg Seatex AS is located in Trondheim in the central part of Norway. The company's involvements in positioning and navigation products began in 1984 with equipment for offshore and research vessels. Professional mariners around the world acknowledge the Seatex brand names as the "leading edge" in advanced, accurate and reliable navi gation and positioning products.
1.2 How to use this manual
This manual is intended as a reference guide fo r operation, installation and maintenance of the Seatex AIS 100 system. Great care h as been taken to simplify the setup and operation of the system.
Please take the time to read this manual to get a thorough understanding of the Seatex AIS 100's components and operation, as well as their relationship to other sensors interfaced to the system.
Before going into details about the Seatex AIS 100 a short introduction to AIS – Automatic Identification system is presented. The mobile station will also be referred to as a transponder.
1.3 References
RADIOCOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS ­Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) Part 2: Class A Shipborne equipment of the Universal Automatic Identification System (AIS) ­Operational and performance requirements, methods of test and required test results. Committee draft for vote 2001-02-16.
Draft Revision.
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 General information
[3] IEC 60945 Maritime navigation and radio communication equipment
and systems -General requirements - Methods of testing and required test results. Third edition.
[4] IEC 60950 Safety of information technology equipment. Edition 3.0,
[5] IEC 61162-1 Ed. 2.0 (2000-07) Maritime navigation and radio
communication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 1: Single talker and multiple listeners.
[6] IEC 61162-2 Ed. 1.0 (1998-09) Maritime navigation and radio
communication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 2: Single talker and multiple listeners, high-speed transmission.
1.4 Abbreviations and acronyms
Addressed and Binary Broadcast Acknowledgement
Addressed Binary and Safety Related Message
AIS Regional Channel Assignment
Automatic Identification System
Built In Integrity Tests
Base Station
Course Over Ground
Differential GPS
Digital Selective Calling
Electronic Chart Display and Information System
Electronic Chart System
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Estimated Time of Arrival
Fixed Allocation TDMA
Global Navigation Satellite System
Global Positioning System
International Association of Lighthouse Authorities
International Electrotechnical Commission
International Maritime Organisation
Local Area Network
Light Emitting Diode
Long Range
Minimum Keyboard Display
Maritime Mobile Service Identity
Not Applicable
National Marine Electronics Association
Presentation Interface
Rate of Turn
Radio Technical Commission of Maritime Service
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 General information
Kongsberg Seatex AS
Speed Over Ground
Self Organising TDMA
Standing Wave Ratio
To Be Defined
Time Division Multiple Access
Text Message
Universal Co-ordinated Time
VHF Data Link
VHF Data Link Message
VHF Data Link Own Vessel Message
Very High Frequency
Vessel Traffic Service
1.5 AIS – Automatic Identification System
AIS is an identification system that uses VHF communication to transmit and receive AIS data. AIS operates primarily on two dedicated VHF channels, AIS 1 – 161,975 MHz and AIS 2 – 162,025 MHz. Where these channels are not avail able regionally, the AIS can be set to alternate designated channels.
The AIS mobile station broadcasts the vessel's position, speed and course over ground as well as static and voyage related information. Short safety related text messages can be sent between vessels or broadcast from shore based AIS stations or Aids to Navigation like buoys and lighthouses. The on-board installed mobile station is designed to operate automaticall y and as a stand-alone unit. When not transmitting, the mobile station listens for position information from other vessels or shore based stations.
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 General information
Figure 1 Elements in an AIS system
The system broadcasts data using the SOTDMA (Self-organised Time Division Multiple Access) data protocol. Each minute is divided into 4500 time slots, enabling simultaneous transmission of up to 500 stations.
The system radio coverage range is similar to other VHF applications and is dependent on the height of the antenna. The propagation differs from that of a radar, due to the longer wavelength, so it is possible to "see" around bends and behind islands if the landmasses are not too high. A typical value to be expected at sea is 20 nautical miles.
AIS Base Station
VTS Centre
GNSS Satellites
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 General information
AIS information content
AIS type of information is exchanged automatically between vessels, vessels and shore based stations and vessel and Aids to Navigation like buoys and lighthouses. The information transmitted by the AIS mobile stations is grouped in four categories:
Static Data
MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity) number
Call sign and name
IMO number
Length and beam
Type of ship
Location of position fixing antennas on the ship
Voyage Related Data
Ship's draught
Hazardous cargo type
Destination and ETA (at Master's discretion)
Dynamic Data
Position with accuracy indication and integrity status
Time in UTC
COG (Course over ground)
SOG (Speed over ground)
Navigational status
Rate of turn
Safety-related Messages
Reading and writing short safety related messages
Data reporting and transmission rates
AIS data as stated above is autonomously sent at different update rates and thus reporting rates are dependent on the ship's navigational mode. Dynamic information is dependent on speed and course alteration while static and voyage related data are transmitted every 6 minutes or on request. Thus fast ferries will report their navigational data at a higher update rate than ships at anchor.
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 General information
Type of Ship Reporting
Ship at anchor 3 min. Ship 0 to 14 knots 12 sec. Ship 0 to 14 knots and changing course 4 sec. Ship 14 to 23 knots 6 sec. Ship 14 to 23 knots and changing course 2 sec. Ship > 23 knots 3 sec. Ship > 23 knots and changing course 2 sec.
All data input to the AIS mobile stations is based on the NMEA 0183 data protocol. Messages sent on VHF are based on the AIS data protocol, which defines several Message Types containing different types of information.
1.6 System components
The Seatex AIS 100 system consists of the following units:
Figure 2 AIS 100 system components
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 General information
AIS 100 Minimum Keyboard and Display (MKD)
The MKD unit provides a simple user interface to the mobile station. The keypads on the MKD can be used to navigate between dedicated menus used for configuration and display of vessel navigation data. Text messages can also be entered into the MKD and transmitted to other vessels or shore based AIS stations providing warnings or other relevant navigation information. Thus the MKD provides basic presentation of configuration data, position data and text messages. If the AIS has been interfaced to the on-board ECDIS s ystem or radar the information displayed on the MKD can also be displayed on an AIS compatible ECDIS or ECS systems.
AIS 100 mobile station
The mobile station incorporates two VHF receivers, configured to operate on the predefined AIS frequencies for the region, one VHF transmitter transmitting on all required frequencies and one DSC receiver. The mobile station also incorporates a GPS receiver and a processor. The internal GPS receiver, which is capable of receiving differential corrections for increased position accuracy, is used for time synchronisation and as a backup position sensor. For AIS data transmission, the Self Organised Time Division Multiple Access (SOTDMA) data protocol is used. SOTDMA enables a large number of vessels to receive and transmit AIS data at the same time.
Front LED indicators
The LED indicators on the front of the mobile station can be used to monitor status as well as data reception and transmission.
Led Colour Description
TX Off
Amber Green Red
Transmitter idle Transmitting on AIS channel B Transmitting on AIS channel A Transmitter turned off
Amber Green
No message/report being received Message/report received on channel B Message/report being received on channel A
GPS Amber
Indirect synchronisation free run Internal GPS OK. GPS synch selected
No alarm Alarm. Alarm relay activated
PWR Green Indicates powered unit
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 General information
AIS 100 connection box
The connection box is used to connect to external sensors main position sensor, heading sensor and rate of turn sensor (when available). These sensors are mandatory while interfaces to electronic hart systems and long range communication systems, are optional. AIS compatible ECDIS/ECS systems are interfaced to the AIS through serial line communication. Power is supplied to the AIS mobile station through the connection box.
AIS 100 VHF antenna
The VHF antenna is used for VHF communication. The antenna is connected to the mobile station using cables with attenuation less than 3 dB.
AIS 100 GPS antenna
The GPS antenna is an L1 antenna receiving signals from all visible satellites. The antenna is hermetically sealed and the cable used to connect the GPS antenna to the mobile station should be of a quality that ensures minimum loss of signal, i.e. less than 20 dB.
1.7 Electrical specifications
Input supply
Supply voltage 18 - 35 V DC Supply current @ 24 V DC
1.0 A (no VHF Tx)
1.2 A ( 2 W) VHF
1.6 A (12 W) VHF
Serial port capability
Mode RS-422 Isolation 1 kV Line tolerant min +/- 15 V DC Line speed 1200 - 57600 bits/s Talker capability max 8 listeners @120 Ohm Listener load requirements 120 Ohm (recommended)
Network speed 10 Mbit/s
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 Operation
2.1 Introduction
The AIS should always be in operation. It is recommended not to switch off the AIS during port stays in order to provide information to port authorities. In areas where piracy occurs, the master may switch of the transmitter. If the transmitter is switched off, static data and voyage related information will be stored.
2.2 Operational modes
After the unit has been installed and configured it operates automatically without any user intervention. The mobile station has three operational modes:
Autonomous and Continuous mode
Assigned mode
Polled or Controlled mode
2.2.1 Autonomous and continuous mode
In the Autonomous and Continuous mode the mobile station automatically defines its own reporting rate in accordance with its navigational mode, speed and course. The unit also selects its own data transmission slots. This is the normal mode for operation in all areas but the mode may be switched to/from Assigned mode or Polled or Controlled mode by a competent authority via a base station on shore.
2.2.2 Assigned mode
A competent authority responsible for traffic monitoring may remotely set transmission intervals and/or time slots for the vessel mobile station. When operating in Assigned mode, the mobile station will transmit position data on a slightly different format, AIS Message Type 2, instead of the transmitted AIS Message Type 1. In Assigned mode the mobile station does not change its reporting rate when changing course and speed. Assignments are limited in time and will be re-issued by the competent authority when needed. Thus, Assigned mode only affects the transmission and not the reception of position reports.
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 Operation
2.2.3 Polled or controlled mode
In this mode the mobile station will automatically respond to interrogation messages from a ship or competent authority. The response is transmitted on the channel where the interrogation message was received. Operation in Polled or Controlled mode does not conflict with operation in the other two modes.
2.3 Malfunction and fallback arrangements
The mobile station has built-in integrity testing to continuously verify own operational status and notify user and external equipment if any malfunction is detected. Part of this test monitors the transmitter and receiver modules. Alarm status will be transmitted to the PI port in addition to triggering the alarm relay.
Malfunction type Malfunction source
Tx malfunction ID 001
Tx frequency is not locked or
Tx power is measured outside setting SWR 3:1 malfunction ID 002
SWR is measured to more than 3:1
ChA malfunction (RX1) ID 003
ChA frequency is not locked
ChB malfunction (RX2) ID 004
ChB frequency is not locked
Rx DSC malfunction ID 005
Ch70 frequency is not locked
2.4 Mobile station initialisation
The mobile station will automatically switch on when power is applied to the unit by connecting the power cable in the connection box. There is no on/off switch and thus power is removed by disconnecting the power cable in the connection box.
After power has been applied, wait for the two-minute
initialisation period.
At completed initialisation all LEDs will go amber.
The mobile station is ready for operation when the GPS LED is
blinking at one-second intervals.
The View page will appear on the MKD.
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 Operation
2.5 Overview
The default view of the display shows vessel own position along with course (degrees) and speed (knots) over ground. Other vessels are shown in ascending order relative to own vessel position.
Figure 3 Front display MKD unit
Buttons [Condition] Action Function
[Always] Pressed once Displays the View page
[Always] Pressed once Displays the Alarms page
[Always] Pressed more than once Displays the Long Range page
[Always] Pressed Displays the SMS Menu page
[Always] Pressed Displays the Main Menu page
[Always] Pressed Displays the previous page
[When present in lower right corner] Pressed
Displays previous subpage
[When writing/editing] Moves highlighting up [When choice is highlighted] Pressed Selects highlighted choice
[When nothing is highlighted] Pressed No action
[When present in lower right corner] Pressed
Displays next subpage
[When writing/editing] Pressed Moves highlighting down [When choice is highlighted] Rotated either
Moves highlighting
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 Operation
Blank page
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 Display pages
The Seatex AIS 100 provides several display pages and menus available for setup and display of information as well as editing of text messages. In this chapter all display windows available are presented and their contents discussed to enable easy operation and use of the AIS mobile station.
3.1 Main menu descriptions
=== Main Menu ======== P1
1. Nav.Status
2. Long Range history
3. Voyage Data
4. Static Data
5. Dynamic Data
6. Chn.Management
7. VHF Link
8. Downperiods
9. Network & Ports a. Answer Mode b. Diagnostics c. Security
This is the Main Menu page. Press the MENU button on the MKD unit to access the main menu. The program version is shown in the lower part of the page, where 1.06 is the version number and zz the revision.
3.1.1 Navigational status
=== Nav Status ====== P11
Own Ship
The Nav Status page enables the operator to change the navigational status from a pre-defined list. Options are AT ANCHOR, UNDER WAY USING ENGINE, UNDER WAY SAILING, ENGAGED IN FISHING, etc.
3.1.2 Long range history
=== Long Range ====== P12
Own Ship
LR INFO REQ. 03Jan 1230 lr info req. 01Jan 1145 lr info req. 01Jan 1134
The Long Range page contains active and resolved Long Range interrogation requests.
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 Display pages
=== Requested Info = P121
Name, Callsign, IMO Position,COG,SOG
=== Choose from list ==== Send Deny
If a new lr info req is selected, the name of the requesting station will be displayed. The actions available are send or deny the interrogation. This page could also be accessed through the Alarm page by selecting the LR alarm.
=== Provided Info = P121
Name, Callsign, IMO Position,COG,SOG
=== Choose from list ==== OK Delete Delete All LR
If a handled lr info req is selected, the provided information will be displayed. OK – keeps the message and exits the page. Delete – deletes the message. Delete All LR – deletes all LR messages.
3.1.3 Voyage data
=== Voyage Data ===== P13
Own Ship
Dest :HAMBURG Eta :05022345 Drght :120 OnBrd :15
The Voyage Data page is used to input information such as:
Dest: Destination of voyage. ETA: Estimated time of arrival is displayed as
month, day, hour and minutes (MMDDHHMM).
Drght: Vessel draught. OnBrd: Total number of people on board
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 Display pages
3.1.4 Static data
Static Data is used to enter static ship data, i.e. ship data that do not change from one voyage to another. Static data should be entered when installing the AIS mobile station.
=== Static Data ===== P14
Own Ship 1/3
Name :ANNE BERIT Call :TA164GH Mmsi :14395769235 Imo :10978974453 Type :51 Keel :12
The Static Data display window shows own vessel static data such as:
Call: This is the vessel call sign. MMSI: This is the vessel Maritime Mobile Signal
Identifier number.
IMO: This is the vessel IMO number. Type: Type of vessel. ( See "Appendix A – Vessel
types") Keel: height over keel. Total height of vessel in metres.
=== Static Data ===== P14
Own Ship 1/3
Name :ANNE BERIT Call :TA164GH Mmsi :14395769235 Imo :10978974453 Type :51 Keel :12
 
  
 
In order to make changes to any static data field, use the WHEEL to select desired line and confirm with the ENTER button. Changing static data could require an authorisation code to be entered before data is entered depending on the security setting
=== Static Data ===== P14
AIS Transceiver 2/3
Length A:30 Length B:10 Length C:7 Length D:7
The AIS transceiver entry specifies the antenna location for the mobile station's internal GPS receiver.
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 Display pages
=== Static Data ===== P14
AIS Transceiver 2/3
Length A:30 Length B:10 Length C:7 Length D:7
===Choose from list ==== Error. Continue Edit? Abort menu page
If some of the static data parameters have been input with a "zero" or "negative" number, you will be prompted with the options: "Error. Continue Edit?" or "Abort menu page". If "Error. Continue Edit?" is selected, new parameters can be input as described above. "Abort menu page" will keep the previous data set.
=== Static Data ===== P14
GPS 2/3
Length A:30 Length B:10 Length C:7 Length D:7
1234567890*< >
As for input of the position for the AIS Mobile station antenna, the Static data GPS page enables input of the vessel's main GPS/GNSS antenna position.
3.1.5 Dynamic data
=== Dynamic Data ==== P15
Own Ship 1/2
SOG :009.31Kn HDG
Dynamic data is the current status of the vessel. These data are updated by the sensors and require no manual data entry.
HDG and ROT requires an external HDG sensor. If no sensor is connected, the default value is ---.-­QUAL denotes the quality of the GPS signal, either a DGPS or a standard GPS.
=== Dynamic Data ==== P15
Sensor Status 2/2
UTC Lost Int. DGPS in use (msg17) Internal SOG/COG in use Heading valid Other ROT source in use
Sensor status gives the current status of external sensors.
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 Display pages
3.1.6 Channel ma nagemen t
=== Chn Management == P15
1. Edit Cur.Reg.
2. View Regions
3. Add Region .
Channel Management is used to configure different radio channels for different chart zones. Maximum 8 zones can be configured by input. A zone is defined by the latitude and longitude of its upper right (UR) corner and lower left (LL) corner. When configured, the dedicated AIS frequencies will automatically be used by the system when the vessel position is inside the geographically defined area. The main menu has three options for channel management, which are described in the following.
=== Edit Cur.Reg. ==== P151
ChnA :143 ChnB :144 RxTxMode :TxA/TxB,RxA/RxB TxPower :High LAT NE
BW A :Hi BW B :Hi Zone :2
The Edit Current Region page enables the operator to change channels for the two AIS radio receivers. The TxPower can only be set to High or Low. If High is selected, the transmission power is set to 12.5 W and if Low is selected, the transmission power is set to 2 W. BW A and BW B is the bandwidth settings for the VHF. The selections are Default or Narrow. Default is the maximum bandwidth allowed for this channel (25 kHz or 12.5 kHz). Narrow denotes 12.5 kHz. The user is only allowed to decrease the bandwidth. Zone denotes the size of the transition area in nautical miles outside of the region.
=== View Regions ==== P152
ChnA :143 ChnB :144 RxTxMode :TxA/TxB,RxA/RxB TxPower :High LAT NE
BW A :Hi BW B :Hi Zone :2
The View Regions page displays all defined regions. This is a read only page and thus no configuration changes can be made. The view regions may consist of up to 8 pages and the ARROW DOWN button can be used to display more regions.
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 Display pages
=== Add Regions ====== P153
ChnA :56 ChnB :58 RxTxMode :TxA,RxA/RxB TxPower :High LAT NE
BW A :Hi BW B :Hi Zone :3
The Add regions page is for creating new regions by manual input.
3.1.7 VHF link
=== VHF Link ======== P17
Ais Transceiver
ChnA :2087 ChnB :2088 TxPower :HIGH BW A :Default BW B :Default Transmitter :TxON
The VHF link page displays the current VHF settings. In addition to the normal VHF settings, the transmitter can be turned off in this menu. This option should only be used in situations where transmission would endanger the ship, e.g. in war­like situations, piracy etc.
3.1.8 Downperiods
=== Downperiods ===== P18
From To
*01:30 20Nov 02:35 20Nov
11:00 19Nov 12:35 19Nov 16:20 16Nov 20:00 16Nov 11:30 15Nov 02:35 15Nov
*08:30 15Nov 02:35 15Nov
15:30 13Nov 02:35 13Nov
01.30 11Nov 02:35 11Nov #11:30 10Nov 12:35 12Nov #09:40 09Oct 10:10 09Oct
19:20 05Oct 15.10 06Oct
The Downperiods page displays when the mobile station has been out of operation. Out of operation is either when the power has been off, the transmitter has been disabled (prefixed with #) or when a TX malfunction has occurred (prefixed with *).
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 Display pages
3.1.9 Network & ports
=== Network & Ports = P19
1. Serial Ports
2. Netw.Settings
The Network and ports page gives access to the configuration settings for external serial ports and network (LAN) settings.
=== Serial Ports === P191
External ports
PILOT :38400 PI :38400 LongRange :4800 RTCM :4800 SENSOR-1 :4800 SENSOR-2 :4800 SENSOR-3 :4800
The Serial ports page displays the baud rate for all serial ports. Only the baud rates can be changed. The sensor interfaces comply with NMEA 0183.
=== Netw.Settings == P192
External ports
IP-adr : SubNet : Gateway : MAC MS :000.005.190 MAC LS :000.000.230
The Network page displays the network settings. A network administrator for a Local Area Network will provide the appropriate settings for this page.
3.1.10 Answer modes
=== Answer Mode ==== P1a
Current Settings
Long Range :Automatic VDL Response :On
====Choose from list === Manual Automatic
The Answer mode page configures the polling operation of the mobile station. The Long Range requires additional external equipment for the carrier system (Inmarsat …). The VDL response configures the behaviour on normal VHF polling. The normal operation is ON.
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 Display pages
3.1.11 Diagnostics
=== Diagnostics ===== P1b
1. Chn.Activity
2. Port Activity
3. SWR Levels
The Diagnostics page gives additional technical and operational information about the system. This is for service purposes by qualified personnel.
=== Chn.Activity === P1b1
Last Activity On Chn
VDL TxA: Msg1 00:25 VDL TxB: Msg1 00:25 VDL RxA: Msg1 00:10 VDL RxB: Msg5 00:30 DSC Tx : Msg4 59:59 DSC Rx : Msg4 59:59
Displays the various messages received and transmitted on VHF. The timestamp gives the elapsed time, in minutes and seconds, since the last event on the channel.
=== Port Activity == P1b2
Last Activity On Port
PI In : VDM 00:05 PI Out: VDO 00:03 LR In : LRI 01:00 LR Out: LR2 00:35 RTCM In : MSG 00:23 RTCM Out: MSG 00:10 SOR1 In : GGA 00:01 SOR2 In : HDT 00:05 SOR3 In : ROT 00:02
Displays the messages on the serial interfaces timestamped as above.
=== SWR Levels ===== P1b3
Radio Measurements
Forward [W] : 2 Reflected [W] : 0.003 SWR : 1.1
This is for service purposes by qualified personnel.
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 Display pages
3.1.12 Security
=== Security ======== P1C
L1 PIN Code :******* L2 PIN Code :******* Nav.Status :0 Voyage Data :0 Static Data :0 Chn.Mgmt :1 VHF Link :1 Serial Ports :1 Netw.Settings :1 Answer Mode :0
The Security page contains authorisation setup for the mobile station. There are two authorisation code levels. On this page the PIN codes can be set and a number of menu pages can be protected against unauthorised change. PIN codes, see chapter 7. The Level 2 PIN code (L2) is valid on all pages requiring L1 authentication1. The possible levels are: 0 No authorisation code 1 Use L1 or L2 PIN code 2 Use L2 PIN code All entries on this page are protected by L2 PIN code.
3.2 Authorisation code entry
This page will appear when modifying data protected by the security page.
======================== Enter authorisation code PIN: ** ======================== ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZ1234
In order to enter the Authorisation code use the WHEEL to select symbols and confirm each input using the ENTER button. When all symbols in the authorisation code have been input, select the ↵↵↵ symbol (confirming to the system that the last symbol within the authorisation code has been entered) and finally press the ENTER button.
Once authenticated with L1 or L2 PIN code, the authentication is valid until the View page has been displa yed for 5 seconds or more. To protect the AIS security systems, the MKD returns to the View page when not used for 15 minutes or more. In high security applications we recommend manually returning to the View page for 5 seconds or more when the change that required authentication is completed.
Seatex AIS 100 Instruction Manual, rev. 5 Display pages
3.3 View page
00.12 123.1 ORION
00.12 123.1 ANDREAS
01.23 134.2 BERIT
03.34 145.3 SANANTONIO
05.45 156.4 HORNET
10.56 230.5 TORGEIR
30.67 023.6 HENNINSVÆR
40.78 302.7 STORFJORD
52.89 010.8 PANFISH
LAT: 63 26’31.20N TXOFF LON:010 24’13.78E ALARM SOG:024 COG:156 SMS
The View page is the default view on the MKD. The View button will display this page. Depending on the number of other vessels within range, the number of pages will change dynamically. The lower part of the screen contains own vessel information in addition to status of alarms and events. Name could be either MMSI number or name. MMSI number is transmitted more frequently than names. Base stations use the MMSI prefixed with *.
90.12 123.1 VIKTOR
98.12 123.1 DALSUND
99.99 134.2 ANKRABAD
99.99 145.3 OTTAR
99.99 156.4 VIKERSUND
LAT: 63 26’31.20N LON:010 24’13.78E ALARM SOG:024 COG:156 SMS
View page continued.
3.4 SMS menu
=== SMS Menu ========= P2
1. Inbox
2. Outbox
3. Predefined
4. Write Msg
5. Write SR Msg
6. Write BrcSR Msg
7. Write Pred. Msg
8. Clear Message Box
The SMS menu system contains the actions related to the Short Messages System in the AIS.
+ 83 hidden pages