M, 09/2016Supported cyclical actual values (3470) updated, object 6077 updated, chapter "Important Para-
meters" updated. Added objects 35B8h, 35BDh, and 6087h.
N, 03/2017Setting up Ethernet over EtherCAT (EoE) (➜ p. 18) added.
P, 10/2017Added 0x1725 and 0x1B26 to Fixed PDO Mappings (➜ p. 42). Corrections to Objects 1C12h
and 1C13h.
l AKD is a registered trademark of Kollmorgen Corporation
l SynqNet is a registered trademark of Motion Engineering Inc.
l EnDat is a registered trademark of Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH
l EtherCAT is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH
l Ethernet/IP is a registered trademark of ODVA, Inc.
l Ethernet/IP Communication Stack: copyright (c) 2009, Rockwell Automation
l sercos
l HIPERFACE is a registered trademark of Max Stegmann GmbH
l PROFINET is a registered trademark of PROFIBUS and PROFINET International (PI)
l SIMATIC is a registered trademark of SIEMENS AG
l Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
is a registered trademark of sercos®international e.V.
Current patents
l US Patent 8,154,228 (Dynamic Braking For Electric Motors)
l US Patent 8,214,063 (Auto-tune of a Control System Based on Frequency Response)
Technical changes which improve the performance of the device may be made without prior notice!
Printed in the United States of America
This document is the intellectual property of Kollmorgen. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form (by photocopying, microfilm or any other method) or stored, processed, copied or distributed
by electronic means without the written permission of Kollmorgen.
2Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
AKD EtherCAT | Table of Contents
1Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents3
2 General7
2.1 About this Manual8
2.2 Target Group8
2.3 Symbols Used9
2.4 Abbreviations Used10
3 Installation and Setup11
3.1 Important Instructions12
3.2 EtherCAT Onboard13
3.2.1 LED functions13
3.2.2 Connection technology13
3.2.3 Network Connection Example13
3.3 EtherCAT activation with AKD-CC models14
3.4 Guide to Setup15
3.5 Important Configuration Parameters16
3.6 Setting up Ethernet over EtherCAT (EoE)18
3.6.1 EtherCATDevice Settings18
3.6.2 Drive Settings18
3.6.3 Connecting to the Drive19
3.6.4 Performance Concerns19
3.6.5 Restrictions20
3.7 Setup via TwinCAT NC/PTP System Manager21
3.7.1 Scan devices22
3.7.2 Select the device22
3.7.3 Scan for boxes23
3.7.4 Add Slaves to NC tasks23
3.7.5 Enable the network configuration23
3.7.6 Enable the axis and move the axis24
3.8 Setup WorkBench over TwinCAT25
3.8.1 TwinCAT and WorkBench configuration26
3.8.2 Connecting to a drive using WorkBench27
3.8.3 Configuring and enabling a drive30
3.8.4 Download a parameterfile over TwinCAT31
3.9 Setup via KAS IDE32
4 EtherCAT Profile33
4.1 Slave Register34
4.2 AL Event (Interrupt Event) and Interrupt Enable35
This manual, AKD EtherCAT Communication, describes the installation, setup, range of func-
tions, and software protocol for the EtherCAT AKD product series. All AKD EtherCAT drives
have built-in EtherCAT functionality; therefore an additional option card is not required.
A digital version of this manual (pdf format) is available on the DVD included with your drive.
Manual updates can be downloaded from the Kollmorgen website.
Related documents for the AKD series include:
l AKD Installation ManualThis manual provides instructions for installation and drive setup.
l AKD User Guide. This manual describes how to use your drive in common applications. It
also provides tips for maximizing your system performance with the AKD. The User
Guide includes the Parameter and Command Reference Guide which provides doc-
umentation for the parameters and commands used to program the AKD.
l AKD CAN-BUS Communication. This manual describes the CAN communication and
delivers a lot of information for CAN over EtherCAT communication.
l Accessories Manual. This manual provides documentation for accessories like cables
and regen resistors used with AKD. Regional versions of this manual exist.
Additionally, an EtherCAT XML file, entitled AKD EtherCAT Device Description, describes
the drive SDO and PDO. This file is available on the Kollmorgen website (part of the firmware
zip archive).
2.2 Target Group
This manual addresses personnel with the following qualifications:
l Installation: only by electrically qualified personnel.
l Setup : only by qualified personnel with extensive knowledge of electrical engineering
l Programming: software developers, project-planners.
The qualified personnel must know and observe the following standards:
l ISO 12100, IEC 60364 and IEC 60664
l National accident prevention regulations
and drive technology.
8Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
2.3 Symbols Used
AKD EtherCAT | 2 General
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates situations which, if not avoided, could result in property damage.
This symbol indicates important notes.
Warning of a danger (general). The type of danger is specified
by the text next to the symbol.
Warning of danger from electricity and its effects.
Warning of danger from suspended loads.
Warning of danger from high temperature.
Warning of danger from automatic start.
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 20179
AKD EtherCAT | 2 General
2.4 Abbreviations Used
Abbreviation Meaning
ALApplication Layer: the protocol that directly used by the process entities.
CatCategory – classification for cables that is also used in Ethernet.
DCDistributed Clocks Mechanism to synchronize EtherCAT slaves and master
will be assign to companies or organizations and can be used for protocoll identifiers as well (e.g. LLDP)
cess side.
instance of transparent data to a subordinate level
optical signals.
10Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
3Installation and Setup
3.1 Important Instructions12
3.2 EtherCAT Onboard13
3.3 EtherCAT activation with AKD-CC models14
3.4 Guide to Setup15
3.5 Important Configuration Parameters16
3.6 Setting up Ethernet over EtherCAT (EoE)18
3.7 Setup via TwinCAT NC/PTP System Manager21
3.8 Setup WorkBench over TwinCAT25
3.9 Setup via KAS IDE32
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AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
3.1 Important Instructions
High Voltage up to 900 V.
There is a danger of serious personal injury or death by electrical shock
or electrical arcing. Capacitors can still have dangerous voltages present
up to 7 minutes after switching off the supply power. Control and power
connections can still be live, even if the motor is not rotating.
l Never remove electrical connections to the drive while it is live.
l Wait at least seven minutes after disconnecting the drive from the
main supply power before touching potentially live sections of the
equipment (e.g. contacts) or undoing any connections.
l To be sure, measure the voltage in the DC bus link and wait until it
has fallen below 50 V.
Automatic Restart
Risk of death or serious injury for humans working in the machine. Drives
with EtherCAT are remote-controlled machines. They can start to move at
any time without previous warning. The drive might restart automatically
after power on, voltage dip or interruption of the supply voltage, depending on the parameter setting.
l Place a warning sign ("WARNING: Possible Automatic Start" or
similar) to the machine.
l Ensure, that power on is not possible, while humans are in a
dangerous zone of the machine.
Install the drive as described in the Installation Manual. The wiring for the analog setpoint
input and the positioning interface, as shown in the wiring diagram in the Installation Manual,
is not required. Never break any of the electrical connections to the drive while it is live. This
action can result in destruction of the electronics.
The drive's status must be monitored by the PLC to acknowledge critical situations. Wire the
FAULT contact in series into the emergency stop circuit of the installation. The emergency
stop circuit must operate the supply contactor.
It is permissible to use the setup software to alter the settings of the drive. Any other alterations will invalidate the warranty. Because of the internal representation of the position-control parameters, the position controller can only be operated if the final limit speed of the drive
does not exceed:
at sinusoidal² commutation: 7500 rpmat sinusoidal² commutation: 4 m/s
at trapezoidal commutation: 12000 rpm. at trapezoidal commutation: 6.25 m/s
All the data on resolution, step size, positioning accuracy etc. refer to calculatory values.
Non-linearities in the mechanism (backlash, flexing, etc.) are not taken into account. If the
final limit speed of the motor must be altered, then all the parameters that were previously
entered for position control and motion blocks must be adapted.
12Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
3.2 EtherCAT Onboard
Connection to the EtherCAT Network via X5 (in port) and X6 (out port).
3.2.1 LED functions
The communication status is indicated by the built-in LEDs.
Connector LED# NameFunction
X5LED1 IN port LinkON = active
X6LED3 OUT port LinkON = active
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
OFF= not active
LED2 RUNON = running
OFF = not running
OFF = not active
LED4 --
3.2.2 Connection technology
You can connect to the EtherCAT network using RJ-45 connectors.
3.2.3 Network Connection Example
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201713
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
3.3 EtherCAT activation with AKD-CC models
AKD-CC drive models are Drives, which support EtherCAT and CAN fieldbus types within
one common software. CC drive models are delivered with EtherCAT set active. If you must
change a drive from CANopen to EtherCAT, the DRV.TYPE parameter must be changed
1. by software: connect the PC to the AKD and change the parameter DRV.TYPE in the
WorkBench terminal screen (see DRV.TYPE parameter documentation) or
2. by hardware: with the rotary switches S1 & S2 at the front and the button B1 on the top
side of the Drive.
The following steps are needed for changing the fieldbus type from CAN to EtherCAT with
the rotary switches.
1. Set the rotary switches on the front side of the AKD to the value of 89.
Set S1 to 8 and S2 to 9
2. Press the button B1 for about 3 seconds (starts DRV.NVSAVE).
The display shows En during the process of changing DRV.TYPE to EtherCAT.
Do not switch off the 24[V] power supply while the seven segment shows En!
3. Wait until the display returns to the original state.
4. Power cycle the drive by switching the 24 V power supply off and then on again.
The seven segment display shows Er (Error) in case that the DRV.TYPE instruction failed. In
this case please power cycle the drive and contact the Kollmorgen customer support for further help.
14Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
3.4 Guide to Setup
Only professional personnel with extensive knowledge of control and drive technology are
allowed to setup the drive.
Automatic Restart
Risk of death or serious injury for humans working in the machine. Drives
with EtherCAT are remote-controlled machines. They can start to move at
any time without previous warning. The drive might restart automatically
after power on, voltage dip or interruption of the supply voltage, depending on the parameter setting.
Refer to chapter "Important Configuration Parameters" (➜ p. 16) for fieldbus parameter setting (FBUS.PARAMx).
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
l Place a warning sign ("WARNING: Possible Automatic Start" or
similar) to the machine.
l Ensure, that power on is not possible, while humans are in a
dangerous zone of the machine.
1. Check assembly/installation. Check that all the safety instructions in the product manual
for the drive and this manual have been observed and implemented. Check the setting for
the station address and baud rate.
2. Connect PC,start WorkBench. Use the setup software WorkBench to set the parameters
for the drive.
3. Setup basic functions. Start up the basic functions of the drive and optimize the current,
speed and position controllers. This section of the setup is described in the in the online
help of the setup software.
4. Save parameters. When the parameters have been optimized, save them in the drive.
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201715
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
3.5 Important Configuration Parameters
The AKD holds several fieldbus-specific, general purpose parameters. Some of them contain
the following relevant data:
Sets the baud rate for the CANbus. Supported baud rates are 125, 250, 500 and 1000 kBaud.
On AKD-C, FBUS.PARAM01 sets and stores the EtherCAT station alias for the ESC (EtherCAT slave controller) of string 2.
This parameter activates the synchronization feature of the AKD. The DC feature must be
activated in order to allow the AKD to get synchronized with the master. Only works when
FBUS.TYPE= 3 (CANopen).
Drive internal PLL (phase locked loop) functionality: enabled (1),
Drive internal PLL functionality: disabled (0).
This parameter contains the Configured Station Alias address of the AKD. An EEPROM emulation write access to the Configured Station Alias address forces the AKD to store the drive
parameters automatically using the DRV.NVSAVE command. On AKD-C, FBUS.PARAM03
sets and stores the EtherCAT station alias for the ESC (EtherCAT slave controller) of string
This parameter enables (1) or disables (0) the synchronization supervision of the CANOpen
or EtherCAT fieldbus.
Default values for this parameter are as follows:
CANopen drive: disabled (0)
EtherCAT drive: enabled (1)
Synchronization supervision is active when FBUS.PARAM 04 = 1 and the first CANOpen
Sync message or first EtherCAT frame is received. When more than three CANOpen sync
messages or seven EtherCAT frames have not been received and the drive is enabled, fault
F125 (“Synchronization lost“), occurs.
Bit 0 1 Faults can only be reset using DS402 control word bit 7.
0 The reset can also be done via telnet or digital input and the DS402 state
machine reflects this condition.
Bit 1 1 The state of the hardware enable does not change the state machine state
Operation Enable.
0 If the state Operation Enable or Switched on is active it falls back to the
state switched On Disabled, if the Hardware enable goes to 0.
Bit 2 1 WorkBench/Telnet can not software enable the drive, when
CANopen/EtherCAT are Operational.
0 WorkBench/Telnet can software enable the drive.
NOTE: During commissioning this bit should be set to 1 to avoid
influences to DS402 power stage state machine. The field bus
should not be in operation as well to avoid influence to test functions of Workbench.
Bit 3 1 DS402-state machine is not influenced, if the software-enable is taken
away via Telnet.
0 DS402-state machine is influenced, if the software-enable is taken away
via Telnet.
16Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
Bit 4 1 Scaling is done via special DS402 - objects (independent on units)
Bit 5
Bit 6 1 Bit 0 of parameter MT.CNTL (object 35B9 sub 0) can be accessed.
Bit 7 1 All capture objects (0x20A0-0x20A3, 0x20A6, 0x20A7, 0x60BA to
Bit 8 1 DS402-state SWITCHED ON means power stage disabled.
Bit 9 1 SDO content of object 0x6063 is the same as PDO content.
Bit 10
(Bit 10 is active only,
if Bit 8 is set)
Bit 11 1 No emergency messages over CANopen are triggered when a drive warn-
Bit 12reserved
Bit 13
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
0 Scaling for position, velocity and acceleration objects is done via UNIT
1 FBUS.PARAM03 defines the station alias address if not 0. If
FBUS.PARAM03 set to 0, the address will be taken from rotary switches
instead, if they are not 0. The EtherCAT master has the ability to use the
alias address, selected by the drive, or issue its own.
0 The rotary switches define the station alias address if not 0. If the rotary
switches are set to 0, the address will be taken from FBUS.PARAM03
instead, if it is not 0.
0 Bit 0 of parameter MT.CNTL (object 35B9 sub 0) is exclusively used for
DS402 controlword.
0x60BD) are scaled like object 0x6063.
0 All capture objects (0x20A0-0x20A3, 0x20A6, 0x20A7, 0x60BA to
0x60BD) are scaled like object 0x6064.
0 DS402-state SWITCHED ON means power stage enabled.
0 SDO content of object 0x6063 depends on AKD unit parameters.
1 State “Switch On” can be reached without the high-level voltage being act-
0 State “Switch On” can only be reached when the high-level voltage is act-
ive; otherwise the drive will stay in “Ready to Switch On”.
ing occurs.
0 Emergency messages over CANopen are triggered when a drive warning
1 Downloaded parameter file is stored automatically to nonvolatile memory.
0 Downloaded parameter file is not stored automatically to nonvolatile
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201717
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
3.6 Setting up Ethernet over EtherCAT (EoE)
If you are using firmware version 1.16 or later and your EtherCATmaster supports Ethernet
over EtherCAT (EoE), a WorkBench connection to your drive can be established without connecting to the drive’s service port.
If the service port and EoE network interface are used in parallel, the service port network
interface shall be configured to be in a different subnet than the EoE network interface. Running both network interface in the same subnet is NOT supported.
The master will use the EtherCAT mailbox to forward the Ethernet traffic from your PC to the
drive, allowing you to access the drive as if it was connected over Ethernet.
The following walk through uses a TwinCAT master as an example.
3.6.1 EtherCATDevice Settings
The first step is to make sure your EtherCAT device has EoE enabled. TwinCAT has a dedicated “EoE Support” page inside the EtherCAT device’s settings.
Enable "Virtual Ethernet Switch." Check the box "Connect to TCP/IP Stack."
3.6.2 Drive Settings
After setting up the EtherCAT device, you must enable EoE for the drive. In TwinCAT there
is an EoE page within the Drive’s Mailbox settings. If the EoE page is not displayed, add the
drive to the EtherCAT network again, using the latest device description.
18Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
To enable EoE on your drive, check the “Virtual Ethernet Port” box, select “IP Port” and “IP
Address and enter at least a valid IP address and subnet mask.
3.6.3 Connecting to the Drive
You should now be able to access your drive over WorkBench using EoE.
Open WorkBench and make sure the discovery protocol is enabled for the network interface
that is in the subnet configured for your drive in the previous step. You can now connect to
your drive as if it were connected over the service port.
3.6.4 Performance Concerns
Since EoE is very demanding on EtherCAT Mailbox communication, all measures to improve
Mailbox performance should be taken.
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201719
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
When releasing the EoE feature, the biggest allowed mailbox size has been increased from
512 to 1024 byte. A larger mailbox means fewer Mailbox transfers, resulting in a performance
Furthermore an additional Fieldbus Memory Management Unit (FMMU) has been added. This
allows the master to be notified of new data in the mailbox input without the need to poll the
mailbox, leading to a decrease in reaction time, thus improving performance. If your master
does not support this, you should at least try to decrease the period in which the master polls
the drive’s mailbox.
3.6.5 Restrictions
l Since a firmware download restarts the drive in the resident firmware, which does not sup-
port Ethernet over EtherCAT, downloading firmware via EoE is not possible. To update
your drive’s firmware use FoE instead.
l If your EtherCAT master uses the device description provided in the esi-file and you want
to automatically detect your drives, set the keyword ECAT.LEGACYREV to 0. The drive
will then report a different revision number and will be recognized by the master as a
device capable of Ethernet over Ethercat.
20Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
3.7 Setup via TwinCAT NC/PTP System Manager
Before you set up the drive, make sure the following have been completed:
l The AKD is configured with WorkBench and the servomotor is able to move
l A correctly configured EtherCAT card is present in the master.
l TwinCAT software from Beckhoff (NC/PTP-Mode setup) is installed. Install first the
TwinCAT System Manager, restart your PC, then install the option package NC/PTPMode.
l The XML description of the drive is available (the XML file on the DVD or on the Koll-
morgen website).
l An AKD EtherCAT slave is connected to the EtherCAT master PC.
l The TwinCAT system manager resides in Config-Mode. The current mode of the system
manager is displayed of the bottom right side of the TwinCAT main-screen window.
Copy the XML description of the drive to the TwinCAT system (usually to the folder
c:\TwinCAT\IO\EtherCAT) and restart the TwinCAT system since TwinCAT analyzes all
device description files during start-up.
The following example explains the automatic EtherCAT network setup. The network setup
can also be done manually; please refer to the TwinCAT manual for more details.
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201721
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
3.7.1 Scan devices
First ensure that the EtherCAT master is physically connected to the EtherCAT AKD. Create
a new (empty) project. Right click I/O-Devices and scan for the devices. An example is
included in the EtherCAT network card, which is plugged into the PC.
A pop-up window informs you that not all devices can be detected by the TwinCAT software.
Click OK to continue.
3.7.2 Select the device
TwinCAT must be able to find the EtherCAT network card. An EtherCAT slave must be connected to the network card; otherwise TwinCAT will find a real-time EtherNET card instead of
the EtherCAT card. Press the OK button.
22Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
3.7.3 Scan for boxes
Click Yes to allow TwinCat to scan for boxes. A box is an alias for a slave device and is
always used in Beckhoff software products.
3.7.4 Add Slaves to NC tasks
TwinCAT should now have identified the AKD according to the Device Description file.
TwinCAT next asks if the slaves should be connected to NC tasks. Click Yes to continue.
An NC task can, for example, contain a PLC program, which can be programmed by the
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
3.7.5 Enable the network configuration
Confirm that the AKD appears in the device tree. Next, enable the network configuration.
First press thebutton in order to generate the mappings, then press thebutton in
order to let TwinCAT check the configuration and use finally thebutton in order to step
into run-mode. Confirm afterwards that TwinCAT is allowed to jump into run-mode.
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201723
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
3.7.6 Enable the axis and move the axis
The Axis can be enabled by a mouse-click on the Set button within the Online window inside
of each Axis, see also the next picture.
Afterwards a pop-up window appears.
The following setting enables the drive and allows command values in both directions.
Afterwards the motor should move in positive or negative direction as soon as the clicks on
the following yellow buttons within the Online window:
24Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
3.8 Setup WorkBench over TwinCAT
This chapter describes a quick start guide for a user to be able to setup a WorkBench over
TwinCAT system and be able to make a motor spin under that system.
This chapter does not give any specific details on TwinCAT system or WorkBench alone but
is giving guidelines and information on how TwinCAT master and WorkBench works
Main steps in configuring a WorkBench over TwinCAT system are:
l TwinCAT and WorkBench configuration
l Connecting to a drive using WorkBench
l Configuring and enabling a drive
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201725
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
3.8.1 TwinCAT and WorkBench configuration
The EtherCAT network must be setup and managed using TwinCAT System Manager. To be
able to connect to a drive and enable it, the drive must be loaded under the I/O Devices node
in TwinCAT System Manager and axis must be added to NC - Configuration as shown ➜ p.
21 "Setup via TwinCATNC/PTPSystem Manager " in the EtherCATManual.
In order to connect to the drives using WorkBench, the drives must be either in Pre-Op, SafeOp or Op state. State machine for a drive can be accessed from the Online tab for the corresponding drive under the I/O Configuration → I/O Devices → Device [x] → Drive [x] node
(see screenshot below).
Installation process for WorkBench is the same process as normal, except that it must be
installed on the same machine as TwinCAT. Communication to the drive is done thru
TwinCAT master and it's not possible to connect WorkBench to the master remotely.
26Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
3.8.2 Connecting to a drive using WorkBench
In order to connect to a drive, a TwinCAT device must be added in WorkBench. The start
page of WorkBench can be used to do this. First, the type of drive (Online - TwinCAT) must
be specified. Then, a list of available drives will be provided.
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
The information provided for a drive are it's name, status, Net ID and Port number. After
selecting a drive from the list, clicking on the "Connect" button will create a device in the left
frame of WorkBenchand connect the device.
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201727
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
The name, Net ID and port number are information comming from the TwinCAT master configuration file (the name may be different than the drive name returned by the DRV.NAME
command). While the status is an indicator that tells if there is already a device created within
WorkBench which is already connected to that particular drive.
Using TwinCAT System Manager, the drive name and port number can be found in the General and EtherCAT tab respectively for the corresponding drive under the I/O Configuration →
I/O Devices → Device [x] → Drive [x] node.
28Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
The Net ID can be found in the EtherCAT tab in the I/O Configuration → I/O Devices →
Device [x] node.
It is important to understand that these information are comming from the TwinCAT master
and it's configuration file but not from the drive itself. Thus, if the TwinCAT configuration is
not reflecting the actual network configuration,you may have a drive listed in WorkBench
which is not be powered up or even connected in the EtherCAT network, or you have a drive
powered up and connected to the TwinCAT network but not shown in the WorkBench list.
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201729
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
3.8.3 Configuring and enabling a drive
Once connected with WorkBench, a drive can be configured using all normal functionnalities
of WorkBench.
The only operation that is not possible to do using WorkBench over TwinCAT is the download
of a new firmware in the drive. Downloading a new firmware in the drive must be performed
using File over EtherCAT (FoE) feature of TwinCAT server.
If the cyclic communication of the TwinCAT master is enabled, it is possible that some commands sent by WorkBench using the ASCII channel are overwirtten by the TwinCAT master.
Typically, the drive enable command will have no effect if sent from WorkBench because the
control word is usually mapped.
Using TwinCAT, enabling the drive can be done with the following procedure:
1. Under NC Configuration → Axes → Axis [x] node, choose the Online tab.
2. Press the Set button within the Enabling section.
3. In the pop-up dialog box, check the Controller checkbox to enable the drive (or un-check
to disable the drive) and press on the OK button.
30Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
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