Edition: AA, October 2017
Valid for AKD, AKD BASIC HardwareRevision E
Valid for AKD BASIC-I/O Hardware Revision EA
Valid for AKD PDMM Hardware Revision EB
Part Number 903-200003-00
Original Document
Keep allmanuals as a product component during the life span of the product. Passallmanuals to
future users and owners of the product.
Record of Document Revisions
Table with lifecycle information of this document see (➜ # 215)
Techn.Data X7 (Electr.Gearing)updated, LV and EMC Directive version updated, Warning
W, 08/2016
notes updated, chapterHandling moved, 48A motor brake connection corrected, PFH value
Y, 03/2017
AA, 10/2017
Frequency limit EnDat 2.2 changed, Links in Fault chapters to KDN, fault tableupdated (F120,
F124, n179, n180, F471, n495, F631)
Digital output wiring X23/X24 updated, STO reaction time added (03...24A), 24V wiringfor 48A
STO control, AKD48A motor holding brake connection corrected
Hardware Revision (HR)
from 1.3-3A225Start revision, export control
from 1.5-3A225
STO certified, PROFINET RT
released, export control
Control board revision 9, AKD
from 1.6from 2.53A225
PDMM Start revision, AKD
BASIC-IC Start revision,
export control
Hardware revision for export
from 1.13from 2.9-
classification tracebility purposes
AKD is a registered trademark of Kollmorgen Corporation
EnDat is a registered trademark of Dr. Johannes HeidenhainGmbH
EtherCAT is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Ethernet/IP is a registered trademark of ODVA, Inc.
Ethernet/IP Communication Stack: copyright (c) 2009, Rockwell Automation
sercos®is a registered trademark of sercos®international e.V.
HIPERFACE is a registeredtrademark of Max Stegmann GmbH
PROFINET is a registered trademark of PROFIBUS and PROFINET International (PI)
SIMATIC is a registered trademark of SIEMENS AG
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
Current patents
US Patent 8,154,228 (Dynamic Braking For Electric Motors)
US Patent 8,214,063 (Auto-tune of a Control System Based on Frequency Response)
Patents referring to fieldbus functions are listed in the matching fieldbus manual.
Technical changes which improve the performance of the device may be made without prior notice!
This document is the intellectual property of Kollmorgen. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form (by photocopying, microfilm or any other method)or stored, processed, copied or distributed
by electronic means without the written permission of Kollmorgen.
2Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
AKD Installation | Table of Contents
1Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents3
2 General9
2.1 About thisInstallation Manual10
2.2 Using the PDF Format10
2.3 SymbolsUsed11
2.4 AbbreviationsUsed12
2.5 Referred Standards13
3 Safety14
3.1 You should payattention to this15
3.2 Use asDirected17
3.3 Prohibited Use18
3.4 Warning notes placed on the product18
4 Handling19
4.1 Transport20
4.2 Packaging20
4.3 Storage20
4.4 Decommissioning21
4.5 Maintenance and cleaning21
4.6 Disassemble21
4.7 SystemRepair22
4.8 Disposal22
5 Approvals23
5.1 Conformance withUL/cUL24
5.1.1 UL Markings/ Marquages UL24
5.2 Conformance withCE26
5.2.1 European Directivesand Standards for the Machine Builder27
5.2.2 Conformance with RoHS27
5.2.3 Conformance with REACH27
5.3 Safe Torque Off (STO) approval28
5.4 Conformance withEAC28
6 Package29
6.1 PackageSupplied30
6.2 Nameplate30
6.3 Part Number Scheme31
7 Technical description and data32
7.1 The AKD Familyof DigitalDrives33
7.2 Ambient Conditions, Ventilation, and Mounting Position35
7.3 MechanicalData35
7.4 Inputs/Outputs36
7.5 Electrical Data AKD-xzzz0637
7.6 Electrical Data AKD-xzzz0738
7.7 Performance Data39
7.8 Recommended Tightening Torques39
7.9 Grounding System39
7.10 Fusing40
7.10.1 External power supplyfusing40
7.10.2 External 24 V supply fusing40
7.10.3 External regen resistor fusing40
7.10.4 External DC Buslinkfusing40
7.11 Connectors41
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AKD Installation | Table of Contents
7.12 Cable and Wire Requirements42
7.12.1 General42
7.12.2 Cable cross sections and requirements42
7.13 Dynamic Braking43
7.13.1 Regen circuit43
7.13.2 Functional description43
7.13.3 Technicaldata for AKD-xzzz0644
7.13.4 Technicaldata for AKD-xzzz0745
7.14 Switch-On and Switch-Off Behavior46
7.14.1 Switch-on behavior in standard operation47
7.14.2 Switch-off behavior48 Switch-off behavior using the DRV.DIS command48 Switch-off behavior using a digitalinput (controlled stop)49 Switch-off behavior using HW Enableinput (uncontrolled stop)49 Switch-off behavior in the event of a fault50
7.15 Stop / Emergency Stop / Emergency Off53
7.15.1 Stop53
7.15.2 Emergency Stop54
7.15.3 Emergency Off54
7.16 Safe Torque Off (STO)55
7.16.1 Safety characteristicdata55
7.16.2 Safety instructions56
7.16.3 Use as directed57
7.16.4 Prohibited use57
7.16.5 Technicaldata and pinout57
7.16.6 Enclosure, wiring59
7.16.7 OSSD test pulses59
7.16.8 Functional description60 Signal diagram (sequence)61 Wiring examples62 Functional test64
7.17 Shock-hazard Protection66
7.17.1 Leakage current66
7.17.2 Residualcurrent protectivedevice(RCD)66
7.17.3 Isolating transformers66
8 Mechanical Installation67
8.1 Important Notes68
8.2 Guide to MechanicalInstallation68
8.3 MechanicalDrawings Standard Width69
8.3.1 Control cabinetlayout AKD-xzzz06, standard width69
8.3.2 Control cabinetlayout AKD-xzzz07, standard width70
8.3.3 DimensionsAKD-xzzz06,standard width71
8.3.4 DimensionsAKD-xzzz07,standard width72
8.4 MechanicalDrawings Extended Width73
8.4.1 Control cabinetlayout, example withAKD-M0030673
8.4.2 Control cabinetlayout, example withAKD-M0030774 Pulse / Direction Input 5 V to 24 V (X7)142
9.13.4 CW /CCW signal connection143 CW / CCW input 5 V (X9)143 CW / CCW input 24 V (X7)143
9.13.5 Emulated Encoder Output (EEO)144
9.13.6 Master-Slave control145
9.14 I/O Connection146
9.14.1 Overview146 I/O connectors X7 and X8 (allAKD variants)146 I/O connectors X21, X22, X23 and X24(AKD-T with I/O option card only)147 I/O connectors X35 and X36 (AKD-M only)149
9.14.2 Analog Input (X8, X24)150
9.14.3 Analog Output (X8, X23)151
9.14.4 DigitalInputs (X7/X8)152 Digital Inputs 1 and 2153 Digital Inputs 3 to 7154 Digital Input 8(ENABLE)154
9.14.5 DigitalInputs with I/O option (X21, X22)154
9.14.6 DigitalInputs (X35/X36) with AKD-M157
9.14.7 DigitalOutputs (X7/X8)159 Digital Outputs 1 and 2159 FAULT relay contacts160
9.14.8 DigitalOutputs with I/Ooption (X23/X24)161
9.14.9 DigitalOutputs 21 to 24, 26 to 29161
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AKD Installation | Table of Contents
9.14.10 DigitalRelay Outputs 25, 30163
9.14.11 DigitalOutputs (X35/X36) with AKD-M164 Digital Outputs 21 and 22164
9.15 LED display165
9.16 Rotary Switches (S1, S2, RS1)166
9.16.1 Rotary switches S1 and S2 with AKD-B, -P, -T166
9.16.2 Rotary switch RS1 with AKD-M166
9.17 Push-buttons (B1, B2,B3)167
9.17.1 Push-button B1 with AKD-B, -P, -T167
9.17.2 Push-buttons B1,B2, B3 with AKD-M168
9.18 SD Card Slot169
9.18.1 SD Card Slotwith I/O option card169
9.18.2 SD Card Slotwith AKD-M170
9.19 ServiceInterface (X11, X32)171
9.19.1 Pinout X11, X32171
9.19.2 ServiceBus ProtocolsX11, X32171
9.19.3 PossibleNetwork Configurations171
9.19.4 Setting the IP AddressAKD-B, AKD-P, AKD-T172
9.19.5 Setting the IP AddressAKD-M174
9.19.6 Modbus TCP175
9.20 CAN-Bus Interface (X12/X13)175
9.20.1 CAN-Bus activation with AKD-CC models176
9.20.2 Baud rate for CAN-Bus177
9.20.3 Node Address for CAN-Bus178
9.20.4 CAN-Bus Termination178
9.20.5 CAN-Bus Cable178
9.20.6 CAN-Bus Wiring179
9.21 Motion BusInterface (X5/X6/X11)180
9.21.1 Pinout X5, X6, X11180
9.21.2 BusProtocolsX5, X6,X11180
9.21.3 EtherCAT181 EtherCAT activation with AKD-CC models181
9.21.4 SynqNet182
9.21.5 PROFINET182
9.21.6 Ethernet/IP182
9.21.7 sercos® III183
10 Setup184
10.1 Important Notes185
10.2 SetupAKD-B, AKD-P, AKD-T186
10.2.1 Setup software WorkBench186
10.2.2 Use as directed186
10.2.3 Software description187
10.2.4 Hardware requirements187
10.2.5 Operating systems187
10.2.6 Installation under Windows 2000/XP/VISTA/7188
10.2.7 InitialDrive TestAKD-B, AKD-P, AKD-T189 Unpacking, mounting,and wiring the AKD189 Minimum wiring for drivetest without load189 Set IP address190 Confirm connections190 Installand start WorkBench191 Set drive IP address in WorkBench191 Enable the drive using the setup wizard191
10.3 Setup AKD-M192
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AKD Installation | Table of Contents
10.3.1 Setup software KASIDE192
10.3.2 Use as directed192
10.3.3 Software description193
10.3.4 Hardware requirements193
10.3.5 Operating systems193
10.3.6 Installation under Windows XP/7194
10.3.7 InitialDrive Test AKD-M195 Unpacking, mounting,and wiring the AKD PDMM195 Minimum wiring for drivetest without load195 Set IP address196 Confirm connections196 Installand start KASIDE197 Set drive IP address in KASIDE198 Starting new project199
10.4 Fault and Warning Messages202
10.4.1 Fault and warning messagesAKD202
10.4.2 Additionalfault messagesAKD-T207
10.4.3 Additionalerror and alarm messagesAKD-M208 Alarms208 Errors209
10.5 Troubleshooting the AKD210
11 Index211
12 Record of document revisions215
8Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
AKD Installation | 2 General
2.1 About this Installation Manual10
2.2 Using the PDF Format10
2.3 Symbols Used11
2.4 Abbreviations Used12
2.5 Referred Standards13
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 20179
AKD Installation | 2 General
2.1 About this Installation Manual
This manual, AKD Installation Manual ("Instructions Manual" according to EC Machinery Dir-
ective 2006/42/EC), describes theAKD series of digital drives drive and includes information
needed to safely install an AKD. A digital version of this installationmanual (pdf format) is
available on theDVD included with yourdrive. Manual updates can be downloadedfrom the
Kollmorgen website (www.kollmorgen.com).
Additional documents includethe following:
WorkBench Online Help: : describes how to use your drive in common applications. It
also provides tips for maximizing your system performance with the AKD. The OnlineHelp includes the Parameter and Command Reference Guide which provides information
for the parameters and commands used to program the AKD.
CAN-BUS Communication: describes how to use your drive in CANopen applications.
EtherCAT Communication: describes how to use yourdrive in EtherCAT applications.
Ethernet/IP Communication: describes how to use your drive in Ethernet/IP applications.
sercos®III Communication: describes how to use your drive in sercos®applications.
PROFINET RT Communication: describes how to use your drive in PROFINET RT
SynqNet Communication: describes how to use your drive in SynqNet applications.
Accessories Manual.It provides information for accessories like cables and regen res-
istors used with AKD. Regional variants of this manual exist.
2.2 Using the PDF Format
This document includes several features for ease of navigation
Cross ReferencesTable of contents andindex include active cross references.
Table of contents and
Page/chapter numbers
in the text
Lines are active cross references. Click on the line and the appropriate page is accessed.
Page/chapternumbers with cross references areactive links.
10Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
2.3 Symbols Used
Warning Symbols
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result
in death or serious injury.
AKD Installation | 2 General
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates situations which, if not avoided, could result in property damage.
This symbol indicates important notes.
Warning of a danger (general). The type of danger is specified
by the text next to the symbol.
Warning of danger from electricity and its effects.
Warning of danger from hot surface.
Warning of danger from suspended loads.
Warning of danger from automatic start.
Drawing symbols
Signal groundDiode
Chassis groundRelay
Protective earthRelay switch off delayed
ResistorNormally open contact
FuseNormally closed contact
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AKD Installation | 2 General
2.4 Abbreviations Used
(➜ # 53)"see page 53" in this document
AGNDAnalog ground
CECommunité Européenne
COMSerial interface for a personal computer
DCOMxCommunication line for digital inputs (with x=7 or 8)
DiskMagnetic storage(diskette, hard disk)
EEPROMElectrically erasable programmable memory
EMCElectromagnetic compatibility
F-SMAFiber optic cable connector according to IEC 60874-2
KASKollmorgenAutomation Suite
KAS IDESetup software (KollmorgenAutomation Suite IntegratedDevel-
RBextExternal regen resistor
RBintInternal regenresistor
RCDResidual current device
RODIncremental encoder (A quad B)
S1Continuous operation
STOSafe torque off
VACVolts, alternating current
VDCVolts, direct current
12Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
2.5 Referred Standards
ISO 4762Hexagon socket headcap screws
ISO 11898Road vehicles — Controller area network (CAN)
ISO 12100Safety of machinery: Basic concepts, general principles for design
ISO 13849Safety of machinery: Safety-related parts of control systems
IEC 60085Electrical insulation - Thermal evaluation and designation Maintenance
IEC 60204Safety of Machinery: Electrical equipment of machinery
IEC 60364Low-voltage electrical installations
IEC 60439Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Assemblies
IEC 60529International protection rating (IP code)
IEC 60664Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems
IEC 60721Classification of environmental conditions
IEC 61000Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
IEC 61131Programmable controllers
IEC 61491Electrical equipment of industrial machines – Serial data link for real-time com-
IEC 61508Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-
IEC 61800Adjustablespeed electrical power drive systems
IEC 62061Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-
IEC 82079Preparation of instructions for use - Structuring, content and presentation
UL 840UL Standard for Safety for Insulation CoordinationIncluding Clearances and
UL 508CUL Standard forSafety Power ConversionEquipment
AKD Installation | 2 General
munications between controls anddrives.
related systems
related systems
Creepage Distances for Electrical Equipment
IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
ISO - International Organization forStandardization
UL - Underwriters Laboratories
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201713
AKD Installation | 3 Safety
3.1 You should pay attention to this15
3.2 Use as Directed17
3.3 Prohibited Use18
3.4 Warning notes placed on the product18
14Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
3.1 You should pay attention to this
This section helps you to recognize and avoid dangers to people and objects.
Specialist staff required!
Only properly qualified personnel are permitted to perform such tasks as transport,
assembly, setup and maintenance. Qualified specialist staff are persons who are familiar
with the transport, installation, assembly, commissioningand operation of drives andwho
bring theirrelevant minimum qualifications to bear ontheir duties:
Transport: only by personnel with knowledgeof handlingelectrostatically sensitive components.
Unpacking: only by electrically qualified personnel.
Installation: only by electrically qualified personnel.
Basic tests / Setup: only by qualified personnel with knowledge of electrical engineering
anddrive technology
The qualifiedpersonnel must know and observe ISO 12100 / IEC 60364 / IEC 60664 and
national accident prevention regulations.
Read the documentation!
Read the availabledocumentation before installation and commissioning. Improper handling
of the drive can cause harm to peopleor damage to property. The operator of systems using
the AKD must require that all personnel who work with the drive read and understand the
manual beforeusing the drive.
AKD Installation | 3 Safety
Check Hardware Revision!
Check the HardwareRevision Number of the product (see product label). This numberis the
link between your product and the manual, it must match the Hardware Revision Numberon
the cover page of the manual.
Pay attention to the technical data!
Adhere to the technical data and the specifications on connection conditions (rating plate and
documentation). If permissible voltagevalues or current values areexceeded, the drives can
be damaged. Unsuitable motor or wrong wiring will damage the system components. Check
the combination of drive and motor. Compare the rated voltage and current of the units.
Perform a risk assessment!
The manufacturer of the machine must generate a risk assessment for the machine, and take
appropriate measures to ensure that unforeseen movements cannot cause injury or damage
to any person or property. Additional requirements on specialist staff may also result from the
risk assessment.
Automatic Restart!
The drive might restart automatically after power on, voltagedip or interruption of the supply
voltage, depending on the parameter setting. Risk of death or serious injury for humans working in the machine.
If the parameter DRV.ENDEFAULT is set to 1, then place a warning sign to the machine
(Warning: Automatic Restart at Power On) and ensure, that power on is not possible, while
humans are in a dangerous zone of the machine. In case of using an undervoltage protection
device, you must observe EN 60204-1:2006 chapter 7.5 .
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201715
AKD Installation | 3 Safety
Observe electrostatically sensitive components!
The drives contain electrostatically sensitive components which may be damaged by incorrect handling. Electrostatically discharge your body before touching the drive. Avoid contact
with highly insulating materials (artificial fabrics, plastic film etc.). Place the drive on a conductive surface.
Hot surface!
Drives may have hot surfaces during operation. The heat sink can reach temperatures above
80°C. Risk of minor burns! Measure the temperature, and wait until the heat sink has cooled
down below 40 °C before touching it.
It is vital that you ensure that the drive is safely earthed to the PE (protective earth)busbar in
the switch cabinet. Risk of electric shock. Without low-resistance earthing no personal protection can be guaranteed.
Leakage Current!
Since the leakage current to PE is more than 3.5 mA, in compliance with IEC61800-5-1 the
PE connection must eitherbe doubled or a connecting cable with a cross-section >10 mm²
must be used. Deviating measures accordingto regional standards might be possible.
High voltages!
The equipment produces high electric voltages up to 900V. Risk of electric shock. Do not
open or touch the equipment during operation. Keep all covers andcabinet doors closed.
Duringoperation, drives may have uncovered live sections, according to theirlevel of enclosureprotection.
Lethal danger exists at live parts of the device. Built-in protection measures such as insulation orshielding may not be removed. Work on the electrical installationmay only be performed by trained and qualified personnel, in compliance with the regulations for safety at
work, and only with switched off mains supply, and secured against restart.
Never undo any electrical connections to the drive while it is live. There is a danger of electrical arcing with damage to contacts and personal injury. Wait at least 7 minutes after disconnecting the drive from the main supply power before touching potentially live sections of
the equipment (such as contacts) or removing any connections.
Always measure the voltage in the DC bus link and wait until the voltage is below 50 V
before handling components.
Functional Safety!
The STO safety implementation on the AKD is certified. The assessment of the safety functions according to EN13849 or EN 62061 must finally be done by the user.
Reinforced Insulation!
Thermal sensors, motor holdingbrakes and feedback systems built into the connected motor
must have reinforcedinsulation (according to IEC61800-5-1)against system components
with power voltage, accordingto the required applicationtest voltage. All Kollmorgen components meet these requirements.
Never modify the drive!
It is not allowed to modify the drive without permission by the manufacturer. Opening the
housing causes loss of warranty.
16Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
3.2 Use as Directed
The AKD drives are exclusively intended for driving suitablesynchronous servomotors with
closed-loopcontrol of torque, speed, and/or position.
AKDs are components that are built into electrical plants or machines and canonly be operated as integral components of these plants or machines. The manufacturer of the machine
used with a drive must generate a risk assessment for the machine. When the drives are built
into machines or plant, the drive must not be used until it has been established that the
machine or plant fulfills the requirements of the regional directives.
Cabinet and wiring
Drives must only be operated in a closed control cabinet suitable for the ambient conditions
(➜ # 32). Ventilation or cooling may be necessary to keep thetemperature within the cabinet
below 40 °C.
Use only copper conductors for wiring. The conductor cross-sections can be derived from the
standard IEC 60204 (alternatively for AWG cross-sections: NEC Table 310-16, 75 °C
Power supply
The drives can be supplied by 1 or 3 phase industrial supply networks.
Drives in the AKD series can be supplied as follows:
AKD Installation | 3 Safety
AKD-xzzz06: 1 or 3 phase industrial supply networks
(not more than 200 kA symmetrical rated current at 120 V and 240 V).
AKD-xzzz07: 3 phase industrial supply networks
(not more than 200 kA symmetrical rated current at 240 V, 400 V and 480 V).
Connection to other voltage types of supply networks is possible with an additional isolating
transformer(➜ # 103).
AKD-x04807: In case of mains voltage asymmetry >3% a mains choke 3L0,24-50-2must be
Periodic overvoltages between phases (L1, L2, L3) andthe housing of the drive must not
exceed 1000V peak. In accordance with IEC 61800, voltage spikes (< 50 µs) between
phases must not exceed 1000 V. Voltage spikes (<50 µs) between a phase andthe housing
must not exceed 2000 V.
EMC filter measures for AKD-xzzz06 must be implementedby the user.
For the cases of group installations and of DC powered drives
AKD has not been evaluatedby Kollmorgen, UL, or TÜV for group installations nor are ratings defined for DC input voltage.
Group installations must be reviewed and evaluated by the user for branch circuit protection*,
wire size, wire voltage rating, fuse protection, system dielectric requirements, overvoltage
andinput** current rating.
In case of DC supplied drives the built-in EMC filter will not work. The useris responsible to
keep the conducted emissions and the immunity of the drive within the required noise levels.
* Special care must be taken in branch circuit design with mixed rating drives to avoid the
smaller drives becoming the effective ‘fuse’ rather than the circuit protective fuse.
** The power supply system design must ensure inrush current protection by limiting input
current duringpower up. DC supply polarity must be properly wired. Improper polarity of DC
powerwill damage the drive and void warranty.
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201717
AKD Installation | 3 Safety
Motor voltage rating
The rated voltage of the motors must be at least as high as the DC bus link voltage divided by
√2 produced by the drive (U
Safe torque off
Review the section "Use as Directed" in the STO chapter(➜ # 57) before using this safety
function (according to ISO 13849 category 3).
3.3 Prohibited Use
Otheruse thanthat described in chapter “Use as directed” is not intended and can lead to personnel injuries and equipment damage. The drive may not be usedwith a machine that does
not comply with appropriate national directives or standards. The use of the drive in the following environments is also prohibited:
potentially explosive areas
environments with corrosive and/or electrically conductive acids, alkaline solutions, oils,
vapors, dusts
ships or offshoreapplications
3.4 Warning notes placed on the product
AKD-x002407AKD-x00306 ... 02406,
Wait 7 minutes
after removing power
before servicing.
If these signs are damaged, they must be replaced immediately.
00307 ... 01206, 04807
Wait 5 minutes
after removing power
before servicing.
18Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
AKD Installation | 4 Handling
4.1 Transport20
4.2 Packaging20
4.3 Storage20
4.4 Decommissioning21
4.5 Maintenance and cleaning21
4.6 Disassemble21
4.7 System Repair22
4.8 Disposal22
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201719
AKD Installation | 4 Handling
4.1 Transport
Transport the AKD in accordance with IEC 61800-2as follows:
Transport only by qualified personnel in the manufacturer’s original recyclable packaging.
Avoid shocks while transporting.
Store at or below maximum stacking height, details see "Storage" (➜ # 20)
Transport only within specified temperature ranges: -25 to +70 °C, max. rate of change
20K/hour, class 2K3.
Transport only within specified humidity: max. 95% relative humidity, no condensation,
class 2K3.
The drives contain electrostatically sensitive components that can bedamaged by incorrect
handling. Electrostatically discharge yourself before touching the drive. Avoid contact with
highly insulating materials, such as artificial fabrics and plastic films. Place the drive on a
conductive surface.
If the packaging is damaged, check the unit for visible damage. Inform the shipper and the
manufacturer of any damage to the package or product.
4.2 Packaging
The AKD packagingconsists of recyclable cardboardwith inserts and a label on the outside
of the box.
4.3 Storage
(mm) HxWxL
up to AKD-x00606113 x 250 x 2221.71.9
AKD-x01206158x 394 x 2923.43.6
AKD-x02406158x 394 x 29255.2
AKD-x00307 and AKD-x00607 158x 394 x 2924.34.5
AKD-x01207158x 394 x 2924.34.5
AKD-x02407158x 394 x 2926.76.9
AKD-x04807390x 600 x 40015.315.5
Store the AKD in accordance with IEC 61800-2 as follows:
Store only in the manufacturer’s original recyclable packaging.
Store at or below maximum stacking height :
AKD-x00306 to 00606 models: 8 cartons,
AKD-x01206, x02406, x00307 to x02407 models: 6 cartons,
AKD-x04807 models: 3 cartons.
Store only within specified temperatureranges: -25 to +55 °C, max.rate of change
20K/hour, class 1K4.
Storage only within specified humidity: 5 to 95% relative humidity, no condensation, class
Store in accordance with the followingdurationrequirements:
Less than 1 year: without restriction.
More than 1 year: capacitors must be re-formed beforesetting up and operating the
drive. Re-formingprocedures are described in theKollmorgen Developer Network
Total Weight
AKD-B, -P, -T
Total Weight
20Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
4.4 Decommissioning
Only professional staff who are qualified in electrical engineeringare allowedto decommission parts of the system.
DANGER: Lethal Voltages!
There is a dangerof serious personal injury or death by electrical shock or electrical arcing.
Switch off the mainswitch of the switchgearcabinet.
Securethe system against restarting.
Block the mainswitch.
Wait at least 7 minutes after disconnecting.
4.5 Maintenance and cleaning
The device does not require maintenance. Opening the device voids the warranty. The inside
of the unit can only be cleaned by the manufacturer.
Do not immerse orspray the device. Avoid that liquidenters the device.
To clean the device exterior:
1. Decommission the device (see chapter 4.4 "Decommissioning").
2. Casing: Clean with isopropanol or similarcleaning solution.
Caution : Highly Flammable! Risk of injury by explosion and fire.
Observe the safety notes given on the cleaning liquid package.
Wait at least 30 minutes after cleaningbefore putting the device back into operation.
3. Protective grill onfan: Clean with a dry brush.
AKD Installation | 4 Handling
4.6 Disassemble
Only professional staff who are qualified in electrical engineeringare allowedto disassemble
parts of the system.
1. Decommission the device (see chapter 4.4 "Decommissioning").
2. Check temperature.
3. Remove the connectors. Disconnect the potential earth connection last.
4. Demount: loosen the fastening screws. Remove the device.
CAUTION: High Temperature! Risk of minorburns. During operation, the heat sink of
the drive may reach temperatures above 80°C (176°F). Before touching the device,
check the temperature andwait until it has cooled below 40°C (104°F).
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201721
AKD Installation | 4 Handling
4.7 System Repair
Only professional staff who are qualified in electrical engineeringare allowedto exchange
parts of the drive system.
CAUTION: Automatic Start! During replacement work a combination of hazards andmul-
tiple episodes may occur.
Work on the electrical installation may only be performed by trained and qualified per-
sonnel, in compliance with the regulations for safety at work, andonly with use of pre-
scribed personal safety equipment.
Exchange of AKD
Only the manufacturer can repair the device. Opening the device voids the warranty.
1. Decommission the device (see chapter 4.4 "Decommissioning").
2. Demount the device (see chapter 4.6 "Disassemble").
3. Send the device to the manufacturer.
4. Install a new device as describedin this manual.
5. Setup the system as described in this manual.
Exchange of other drive system parts
If parts of the drive system (for example cables) must be replaced, proceed as follows:
4.8 Disposal
1. Decommission the device (see chapter 4.4 "Decommissioning").
2. Exchange the parts.
3. Check all connections for correct fastening.
4. Setup the system as described in this manual.
To dispose the unit properly, contact a certified electronic scrap disposal merchant.
In accordance with the WEEE-2002/96/EC-Guidelines and similar, the manufacturer accepts
returns of old devices andaccessories for professional disposal. Transport costs are the
responsibility of the sender.
Send thedevices in the original packaging to the manufacturer address:
North AmericaSouth America
201West Rock Road
Radford, VA 24141, USA
Pempelfurtstr. 1
40880 Ratingen, Germany
AvenidaTamboré - 1077 Tamboré
Barueri - SP Brasil
CEP:06460-000, Brazil
Room 202, Building 3, Lane 168,
Lin HongRoad, Changning District
Shanghai, China
22Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
AKD Installation | 5 Approvals
5.1 Conformance with UL/cUL24
5.2 Conformance with CE26
5.3 Safe Torque Off (STO) approval28
5.4 Conformance with EAC28
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201723
AKD Installation | 5 Approvals
5.1 Conformance with UL/cUL
This drive is listed underUL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) file number E141084 Vol.3 Sec.5.
USL, CNL – Power conversionequipment (NMMS, NMMS7) – Models AKD followed by B, P, T or M, followed
by 003, 006, 012, 024 and 048, followed by 06 or 07, followed by additional suffixes.
USL (United States Standards - Listed): Indicates Investigated to United States Standardfor Power Conversion Equipment, UL 508C.
CNL (Canadian National Standards - Listed): Indicates investigationto Canadian Standard for Industrial Control Equipment, CAN/CSA - C22.2, No. 14-13.
5.1.1 UL Markings / Marquages UL
Identification of the terminals on the controller
arecoded so they may be identified in the instructions. The instructions shall identify power connections for power supply, load, control, and
Integral solid state short circuit protection does
not provide branch circuit protection. Branch circuit protection must be provided in accordance
with the National Electrical Code andany additional local codes.
This product is suitable for use on a circuit capableof delivering not more than 200,000 rms symmetrical amperes, 240 V (AKD-xzzz06) / 480 V
(AKD-xzzz07)volts maximum, when protected
by fuses.
These drives provide solid state motor overload
protection at 125% of the rated FLA Current.
These devices are intended to be used in a pollution degree 2 environment.
Maximum surrounding airtemperature of 40°C.La température de l'air ambiant doit être de 40°C max-
Use minimum 75°C copper wire.Utilisez un fil en cuivre 75 °C minimum.
These devices do not provide overtemperature
Use fuses only.Utilisez uniquement des fusibles.
CAUTION Risk of Electrical Shock! Capa-
citors can have dangerous voltages present up to
seven minutes after switching off the supply
power. For increased safety, measurethe
voltage in the DC bus link andwait until the
voltage is below 50 V.
Les bornes de l'unité de contrôle sont codées pour faciliter leuridentification dans les instructions. Les instructions doivent identifier les raccordements
d'alimentation, de charge, de commande et de terre.
Une protection de court-circuit à semi-conducteur intégrale ne fournit pas de protection de la dérivation. Il convient de garantir uneprotection de la dérivation
conforme au NEC (National Electrical Code) et aux
réglementations locales en vigueur, ou aux directives
équivalentes applicables.
Ce produit est conçu pourune utilisation sur un circuit
capable defournir 200 000 ampères symétriques (rms)
maximum pour 240 V (AKD-xzzz06) / 480V (AKDxzzz07) maximum, s'il dispose de fusibles ou deprotections équivalentes.
Ces variateurs offrent une protection contre les surcharges de moteur à semi-conducteur à 125 % du courant FLA nominal.
Ces appareils sont prévus pour une utilisation dans un
environnement de pollution de niveau2.
imum ou une valeur équivalente.
Ces variateurs n'offrent pas de capteurs de température excessive.
ATTENTION: Risque de choc électrique! Des tensions dangereuses peuvent persister dans les condensateurs jusqu'à sept minutes après la mise hors
tension. Pour plus de sécurité, mesurez la tension
dans la liaison de bus CC et attendez qu'elle soit
inférieure à 50 V.
24Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
AKD Installation | 5 Approvals
The following fuse types are recommended /
Les types de fusibles suivants sont recommandés :
Max. Fuse Rating/
Niveau maximum
AKD-x00306J600VAC, 200 kA10 A
AKD-x00606J600VAC, 200 kA15 A
AKD-x01206J600VAC, 200 kA15 A
AKD-x02406J600VAC, 200 kA30 A
AKD-x00307J600VAC, 200 kA6 A
AKD-x00607J600VAC, 200 kA10 A
AKD-x01207J600VAC, 200 kA15 A
AKD-x02407J600VAC, 200 kA30 A
AKD-x04807J600VAC, 200 kA60 A
The following table illustrates the torquerequirements for the field wiring connectors /
Le tableausuivant indique les spécifications de couple pour les connecteurs de câblage
sur site:
Conformance with the EC EMC Directive 2014/30/EC and the Low Voltage Directive
2014/35/EC is mandatory for the supply of drives within the European Community.
CE Declarations of Conformity can be foundon the Kollmorgenwebsite.
The drives have been tested by an authorized testing laboratory in a defined configuration,
using the system components that are described in this documentation. Any divergence from
the configuration andinstallationdescribed in this documentationmeans that the user will be
responsiblefor carrying out new measurements to ensure conformance with regulatory
Kollmorgen declares the conformity of the product series AKD with the following directives:
EC Directive 2006/42/EC, Machinery Directive
Used harmonized standard EN61800-5-2 (2007)
EC Directive 2014/35/EC, Low Voltage Directive
Used harmonized standard EN61800-5-1 (2007)
EC Directive 2014/30/EC, EMC Directive
Used harmonized standard EN 61800-3 (2004)
These devices can cause high-frequency interferences in non industrial environments and
may requiremeasures for interference suppression (such as additional external EMC filters).
AKD-xzzz06 drives do not have integrated EMC filters.
With external EMC filters for noise emission the AKD-xzzz06 meet the noise immunity
requirements of the secondenvironmental category (industrial environment) to a product of
the category C2 (motor cable < 10 m).
With a motor cable length of 10 m or longer and external EMC filters, the AKD-xzzz06 meet
the requirement of category C3.
AKD-xzzz07 drives have integrated EMC filters.
The AKD-xzzz07 meet the noise immunity requirements to the 2nd environmental category
(industrial environment). For noise emission the AKD-xzzz07 meet the requirement to a
product of the Category C2 (motor cable < 10 m).
With a motor cable length of 10 m or longer, the AKD-xzzz07 meet the requirement to the Category C3.
AKD-x04807: In case of mains voltage asymmetry >3% a mains choke 3L0,24-50-2must be
26Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
5.2.1 European Directives and Standards for the Machine Builder
Drives are components that are intendedto be incorporated into electrical plant and
machines for industrial use. Whenthe drives are built into machines or plant, the drive must
not be used until it has been established that the machine or equipment fulfills the requirements of the
Standards to be applied for conformance with the EC Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)
IEC 60204-1 (Safety and Electrical Equipment in Machines)
ISO 12100 (Safety of Machines)
The manufacturer of the machine must generate a risk assessment for the machine, and
must implement appropriate measures to ensurethat unforeseen movements cannot cause
injury or damage to any personor property.
Standards to be applied for conformance with the EC Low Voltage Directive(2014/35/EC)
IEC 60204-1 (Safety and Electrical Equipment in Machines)
IEC 60439-1 (Low-voltage switchgear and controlgearassemblies)
AKD Installation | 5 Approvals
Standards to be applied for conformance with the EC EMC Directive (2014/30/EC)
IEC 61000-6-1/2 (Interference Immunity in Residential & Industrial Areas)
IEC 61000-6-3/4 (Interference Generation in Residential & Industrial Areas)
The manufacturer of the machine/plant is responsible for ensuring that it meets the limits
required by the EMC regulations. Advice on the correct installation for EMC (such as shielding, grounding, treatment of connectors and cable layout) is shown in this manual.
The machine/plant manufacturer must check whether other standards or EC Directives
must be applied to the machine/plant.
Kollmorgen only guarantees the conformance of the servosystem with the standards cited in
this chapter if the components (motor, cables, chokes etc.) are those supplied by Kollmorgen.
5.2.2 Conformance with RoHS
Directive 2011/65/EC of the European Union on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) became operative as from
the 3rd of January, 2013. Following substances namely are involved
EU Regulation no. 1907/2006 deals with the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemical substances 1 (abbreviated to "REACH").
AKD does not contain any substances (CMR substances, PBTsubstances, vPvB substances and similar hazardous substances stipulated in individual cases based onscientific
criteria) above 0.1 mass percent per product that are included onthe candidate list.
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201727
AKD Installation | 5 Approvals
5.3 Safe Torque Off (STO) approval
An additional digital input (STO, Safe Torque Off) releases the power output stage of the drive
as long as a 24V signal is applied to this input. If the STO input goes open-circuit, then power
will no longer be suppliedto the motor, and the drive will lose all torque and coast to a stop.
The STO safety implementation on the AKD is certified. The safety circuit implementation for
realizing the safety function "Safe Torque Off" in the drive is suited for SIL2 according to IEC
62061 and PLd, Cat.3 according to ISO 13849-1.
With AKD-x04807 drives SIL3/PLe is possible, if both STO-Enable inputs are used with the
corresponding STO-Status signals.
Safety certificates can be found on the Kollmorgen website.
The subsystems (AKD) are totally described for safety technics with the characteristic data :
5.4 Conformance with EAC
EAC is the abbreviation for EurasianConformity. The mark is used in the states of the Eurasian Customs Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan) similar to the European CE mark.
Kollmorgen declares, that the AKD has passed all required conformity procedures in a memberstate of the Eurasian Customs Union, andthat the AKD meets all technical requirements
requested in the member states of the Eurasian Customs Union:
Low voltage (TP TC 020/2011)
Electromagnetic Compatibility (TP TC 004/2011)
Contact: Intelisys LLC. , Bakuninskaya Str. d 14, Building10, RU-105005 Moskau
dual channel with
periodical testing
PL d, CAT 3SIL 21.50E-0720100
PL d, CAT 2SIL 21.88E-072089
PL d, CAT 3SIL 25.64E-092087
PL e, CAT 4SIL 35.64E-092087
28Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
AKD Installation | 6 Package
6.1 Package Supplied30
6.2 Nameplate30
6.3 Part Number Scheme31
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 201729
AKD Installation | 6 Package
6.1 Package Supplied
When a drive from the AKD series is ordered, the following items are includedin the drive
Printedcopy of AKD Safety Guide
DVD containing the AKD Installation Manual, all fieldbus manuals, the setup software
WorkBench, and more product documentation in digital format.
Mating connectors (if required forthe drive variant): X1, X2, X3, X4, X7, X8, X14, X15,
X16, X21, X22, X23, X24, X35, X36
Grounding plate, with AKD voltagetype 07, with voltage type 06 for EU only
The mating SubD andRJ45 connectors are not included in the package.
Accessories Sold Separately
Accessories must be orderedseparately if required; referto your regional accessories
EMC filters for 24 V and mains supply voltage, categories C2 or C3
External regen resistor
Motor cable. Assembled motor cables are available for all regions.
Feedback cable. Assembledfeedback cables areavailable for all regions.
Motor choke, for motor cables longer than 25 m
CAN termination connector (with CAN drives only)
Service cable to the network
Power cable, control cables, andfieldbus cables (as cutoff lengths)
6.2 Nameplate
The nameplate depicted below is attachedto the side of the drive, sample data entries are for
a 12A type. Picture similar to the nameplate on thedevice.
30Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017
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